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Study on fuzzy GIS for navigation safety of fishing


Sheng-Long Kao & Ki-Yin Chang

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Published online: 21 Feb 2017.

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VOL. 16, NO. 2, 84–93

Study on fuzzy GIS for navigation safety of fishing boats

Sheng-Long Kao a and Ki-Yin Chang b

a Department of Transportation Science, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan; b Department of Merchant Marine, National
Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan


Maritime ship collisions involving fishing boats have often been reported, and the major factors Received 22 February 2016
have been human error and unpredictable conditions. This paper aims to create a set of collision- Accepted 25 January 2017
avoidance measures for operating fishing boats or a vessel traffic service by way of time and space KEYWORDS
management. It proposes a novel safe collision-avoidance safeguarding ring for navigational safety Danger index; fuzzy theory;
between operating fishing boats and merchant ships with a dummy automatic identification system MGIS; safeguarding ring
(AIS) to enable fishing boats to establish a dynamic state when approaching ships under operation
(fishing). The approach method utilises the maximum relative speed, sea state, and escape time as
three linguistic input variables for fuzzy logic control application. After the radius of the safeguard-
ing ring is obtained and shown on a marine geographic information systems (MGIS) platform, the
danger index of two ships is evaluated based on the area difference calculated through the MGIS.
The software was installed in the dummy AIS receivers of fishing boats for experimentation in a Tai-
wan harbour. It was able to enhance the collision-avoidance ability of the operating fishing boats
effectively and reduce marine disasters involving fishing boats.

merchant ship collision is about to occur, a merchant ship
In order to promote the navigational safety and infor- equipped with an AIS is still unable to transmit navi-
mation transmission ability of maritime transportation, gational information to the fishing boat to prevent the
IMO (International Maritime Organization), ITU (Inter- collision.
national Telecommunications Union), IEC (Interna- When a merchant ship is approaching an operating
tional Electronic Committee), and IALA (International fishing boat, a collision may not be the only accident
Association of Lighthouse Authorities) participated in caused by negligence. The fishing boat could also be
setting up the equipment for the automatic identifica- caused to lose its nets or capsize if the distance between
tion system (AIS). According to Regulation 19 of SOLAS the two ships is small because fishing boats and mer-
Chapter V, this regulation requires AIS to be fitted aboard chant ships differ in many ways. When a merchant ship
all ships of 300 gross tonnages and upwards engaged in approaches an operating fishing boat, the resulting wake
international voyages, cargo ships of 500 gross tonnages can affect the operation and can result in net shedding or
and upwards not engaged in international voyages, and capsizing. Hence, if the on-watch crew of a merchant ship
all passenger ships irrespective of size. The AIS Class-B neglects to keep a good lookout, collisions can occur due
transponder is designed specifically for small commercial to human error. Therefore, it is important to establish a
boats, fishing boats, and yachts. These are not required to safe collision-avoidance safeguarding model for operat-
fit Class-A units, but voluntarily install AIS transponders. ing fishing boats, especially under emergency escape sit-
Generally, fishing boats have not enforced the installation uations. If fishing boats are unable to obtain safeguarding
for navigation safety monitoring and identification. This alert information in time, marine disasters will occur. In
is because fishermen always keep their fishing location particular, no collision-avoidance safeguarding model for
confidential to prevent other fishermen from obtaining operating fishing boats has yet been created successfully.
their experience and secret tactics. This has caused fish- Although many researchers have proposed different
ing boats to inference with navigation safety, and there viewpoints on collision-avoidance for ships, such as
is still no method to solve the problem. Currently, most utilisation of the ECDIS as collision-avoidance system
small fishing boats have no AIS to make them aware of (Pillich & Buttgenbach 2001), proposal of the fuzzy logic-
merchant ships approaching. When a fishing boat and based decision-making for collision-avoidance of ship

CONTACT Ki-Yin Chang

© 2017 Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology

(Perera et al. 2011). However, the literature discussing the navigational safety of fishing boats is proposed, which
collision-avoidance of fishing boats is still limited. This benefits fishing boat operation, and improves the safety
study followed previous researchers who proposed ship of both the lives and property of fishermen, while raising
domain, closest point of approach/time of closest point the navigational safety of operating fishing boats.
of approach (CPA/TCPA), and fuzzy safeguarding ring Several researchers proposed a collision-avoidance
approaches for the collision-avoidance of ships. Good- model by using AIS data (McGillivary et al. 2009; Tijar-
win first proposed the concept of the ship domain, and dovic 2009; Mou et al. 2010). In this proposal, a safe
the portside, starboard side, and stern to define the safe collision-avoidance safeguarding model for operating
region (1975). To avoid the collision of two encounter fishing boats is introduced. First, AISs are employed to set
vessels, Pietrzykowski analysed the ship domain as a cri- safe collision-avoidance safeguarding models for operat-
terion for the assessment of ship navigational safety in an ing fishing boats. After it is stipulated by law, the AIS
encounter situation in the open sea (Pietrzykowski and Class-B receiver can be installed to improve the naviga-
Uriasz 2009). To ensure safe navigation for encounter ves- tional safety of ships. Hence, this paper proposes a fuzzy
sels, Liu et al. employed the prediction model of the grey safe collision-avoidance safeguarding model for operat-
theory and used CPA and TCPA as the prediction vari- ing fishing boats, where the area difference of two semi-
ables to predict the relative direction that a target ship circles represents the danger index of collision between
would move next (2006). The range of the safeguarding an operating fishing boat and a merchant ship. These
ring in this research is determined by fuzzy logic con- two semi-circles are created by extending the heading
trol using several linguistic variables. The concept of a line of the target ship and the safeguarding ring of the
linguistic variable and its application to approximate rea- own ship. The danger index value shows the different
soning was previously presented (Zadeh 1975). Recently, emergency levels for the fishermen of operating fishing
Kao et al. employed vessel traffic service (VTS) as the boats to escape from the collision risk under different
starting point and the ship speed, sea state, and ship size strategies. However, these problems can be solved using
as fuzzy linguistic input variables to obtain the radius integrated AIS/MGIS systems with the proposed fuzzy
of the fuzzy safeguarding ring, in order to finish the logic method. In this paper, the fuzzy safeguarding ring
setup of a VTS collision-avoidance safeguarding system. model is calculated based on AIS data, a questionnaire
Similarly, this study is proposed for small fishing boats, about the escape time, and the results of an MGIS analysis
especially, considering the safeguarding ring for differ- and calculation technique for the space and time param-
ent fishing nets. About installing such a solution on small eters. The radius of the safeguarding ring is determined
fishing boats, this solution has been entity installed into by a fuzzy logic control method with several parameters,
the local electronic chart system (ECS) and still evaluated including the relative speed, escape time, and sea state.
the fuzzy logic control rules and functions data to mod- The proposed collision-avoidance safeguarding model
ify the fuzzy model into the look up table for Sun Moon for operating fishing boats will enhance the safety of
Lake and Fisheries Agency in Taiwan as actual implemen- fishermen operating at sea and reduce marine disasters
tation. The collision possibility between ships is analysed for any ships and fishing boats. In addition, an auto-
through the use of a safeguarding ring, danger index, matic emergency transceiver or dummy receiver switch-
and ship safety value to take the safeguarding action ear- ing mode can be widely applied to avoid marine disasters
lier, in order to provide the reference information for the between fishing boats and merchant ships in the future
collision-avoidance of ships (Kao et al. 2007). by this entity fuzzy collision-avoidance systems.
This proposal considers that the collision of operat-
ing fishing boats is a much more complicated problem,
with factors to consider such as the track intercepting Research method
angle, ship type, ship speed, sea state, ship heading,
Fuzzy theory
crossing time, net hauling time, and different fishing
methods. There are many potential environmental con- In order to solve most of the fuzzy phenomena existing in
siderations and the uncertain nature of human factors the real world, the fuzzy theory was developed from the
to consider. In this paper, the fuzzy theory is proposed foundation of fuzzy sets. It is mainly used to express fuzzy
for determining the fuzzy safeguarding ring and com- concept, which cannot be precisely defined, particularly
bined with the marine geographic information system where there is a better expression to describe the pecu-
(MGIS) to develop a display and calculate the plat- liar fuzzy characteristics of human language. The focal
form of the safeguarding ring, in order to create a point of the fuzzy theory is to create a kind of mathe-
safe collision-avoidance safeguarding model for oper- matical model for a fuzzy concept that cannot be defined
ating fishing boats. A safeguarding mechanism for the by humans, and then draw the characteristics of fuzzy

the defuzzifier is to calculate the inference result as a real

operation amount in order to get a clear output value.
There are no definite defuzzifier methods; these depend
on the characteristics of the problem. Normally, there are
three defuzzifier methods: the centre of area (COA), cen-
tre average defuzzifier, and maximum defuzzifier (Klir &
Yuan 1995). This paper utilises the COA for the following
calculation (Equation (1)):
yi µc (yi )
y0 = i=1 m . (1)
i=1 µc (yi )

Figure 1. Fuzzy control system. In Equation (1), m represents the number of quantisa-
tion outputs, yi represents the ith value, µc (yi ) represents
the yi value in fuzzy set c, and y0 represents the fuzzy
things treated by humans, and describe human experi-
output value.
ence and knowledge, in order to be used by computers
(Zadeh 1975; Klir & Yuan 1995). Generally speaking,
fuzzy logic is employed to design a fuzzy logic control Marine geographic information system
system through the concept of fuzzy theory. The basic
GISs are computer hardware and software systems that
structure of a fuzzy logic control system is shown in
can deal with geographic information. A database can be
Figure 1, which includes four major parts:
created from the geographic information in accordance
with the requirements of the user. The user can retrieve
(1) Fuzzifier: As the external language is expressed in
the information, model, or rule from the database. The
fuzzy concepts, its meaning is transformed into
geographic information can be assembled into meaning-
proper language by the fuzzifier created from the
ful information through the analysis functions and sim-
membership function, in order to be used for the
ulation processes provided by the software. The resulting
fuzzy operation.
data can be used for planning by policy-makers (Jensen &
(2) Fuzzy rule base: A set of linguistic expressions is
Jensen 2012). It is possible to apply the GIS concept to the
mainly used to express the control rule composed
analysis and expression of relevant information concern-
of (if . . . , and . . . , then . . . ). This description rule
ing the oceans. This is called an MGIS (Watt & Eng 1999).
provides four major ways to express the experience,
The MGIS created by this study employs the tools of
knowledge, and control strategy:
collection, management, analysis, simulation, expression,
(a) Through the knowledge and experience of an
and prediction to integrate a variety of relevant spatial
information. The various marine databases and tools are
(b) According to the control behaviour of an oper-
applied to simplify the appearance of the maritime world.
ator to stipulate rules.
After the information is collected and treated, it is anal-
(c) According to the characteristics of a control
ysed and created by a computer as a look-up table. Some
system to stipulate rules.
kind of hardware will need to be fitted by circuit board
(d) By way of self-learning.
design/layout; and the system control algorithms have
(3) Fuzzy inference engine: The fuzzy inference engine
been installed to ECS from MGIS transfer module; there-
is the core of the fuzzy system. It can simulate the way
fore microphones, alarms, etc. have been designed in one
humans think through an approximation inference,
set on AIS/ECS with intelligent control software. Finally,
in order to reach the purpose of problem-solving.
the seamanship training courses should be planned prop-
A fuzzy inference is an inference result generated in
erly for the system operation. The resulting information
accordance with the fuzzy rules. Thus, it is inferred
can assist managers in their decision-making.
from fuzzy Rule 1, Rule 2, Rule 3, . . . , Rule n.
The fuzzy inference process can be understood from
Figure 2, which combined these rightest areas from Research procedure
top to bottom via fuzzy rules.
Membership function
(4) Defuzzifier.
In order to establish a safe collision-avoidance safeguard-
The fuzzy inference of the fuzzifier transforms fuzzy ing model for operating fishing boats, this paper employs
information into clear information. The main purpose of three linguistic variables as input values to create a fuzzy

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of fuzzy inference by fuzzy rules.

Table 1. Fuzzy input values and output values. calculated and input as fuzzy linguistic variables. These
Fuzzy linguistic linguistic variables are transformed into three member-
Linguistic variable Definition value ship functions: slow, middle, and fast. These are defined
Input values as follows, and the linguistic set is shown in Figure 3(a).
Relative speed Danger degree for relative Slow, middle, fast ⎧
speed between operating
fishing boat and merchant

⎨1 x ≤ 12.2,
ship µslow (x) = 17.4 − x (2)
Escape time As the operating fishing boat Short, medium, long ⎪
⎩ 12.2 ≤ x ≤ 17.4,
notices the approach of 5.2
another ship, the shortest ⎧
⎪ x − 12.2
time expected to escape ⎪
⎨ 12.2 ≤ x ≤ 17.4,
from the path of that ship 5.2
safely µmiddle (x) = (3)
Sea state Level of sea surface condition Gentle, medium, rough ⎪
⎪ 22.6 − x
⎩ 17.4 ≤ x ≤ 22.6,
Output value 5.2

Radius of Radius of safeguarding ring of Small, medium, large
⎪ x − 17.4
safeguarding operating fishing boat ⎨ 17.4 ≤ x ≤ 22.6,
ring µfast (x) = 5.2 (4)
Source: This study. ⎪
⎩1 22.6 ≤ x.

safeguarding ring: the relative speed, escape time, and sea

state. The radius of the safeguarding ring is the fuzzy out- (2) Escape time (ET)
put value. The relevant fuzzy linguistic variables, input
values, and output values are described in Table 1. In order to prevent the capsizing of vessels and loss of
The creation of membership functions is described as nets from operating fishing boats, the effects of the track
follows: flow and propeller flow generated by the merchant ship
are defined as the escape time, which is used as the input
(1) Relative speed (RS) value to form the safeguarding ring. A questionnaire was
designed for vessels employing different fishing meth-
In order to establish the relative speed between two ships, ods. The escape times with different fishing gear were
this paper uses an AIS to receive dynamic and static also investigated. The different fishing gear included a
information from those ships. A study of 100 ships in single line, long line, trawl net, purse seine, gill net, lift
Keelung Harbour calculated the average ship speed statis- net, drive-in net, miscellaneous gear, and other coastal
tically. It found that the average speed of merchant ships nets. It is found that the average escape time for vari-
is 12.6 knots, and the standard deviation is 3.1. The aver- ous types of fishing gear is 24 minutes, and the standard
age speed of fishing boats is 4.8 knots, and the standard deviation is 16 minutes. The linguistic variables are trans-
deviation is 2.1. The maximum and minimum relative formed into three membership functions: short, medium,
speeds between the merchant ships and fishing boats are and long. These are defined as follows, and the linguistic

Figure 3. Sets of linguistic variables. (a) RS: slow, middle, and fast. (b) ET: short, medium, and long. (c) SS: gentle, medium, and rough.
(d) GR: small, medium, and large.

set is shown in Figure 3(b). than level 7 for navigation safety. The linguistic variable
⎧ is transformed into three membership functions: gentle,

⎨1 y ≤ 8, medium, and rough. These are defined as follows, and the
µshort (y) = 24 − y (5) linguistic set is shown in Figure 3(c).

⎩ 8 ≤ y ≤ 24,
16 ⎧
⎧ ⎪
⎨1 z ≤ 2,
⎪ y − 8

⎨ 8 ≤ y ≤ 24, ugentle (z) = 4 − z (8)
16 ⎪
⎩ 2 ≤ z ≤ 4,
µmedium (y) = (6)

⎪ 40 −y ⎧
⎩ 24 ≤ y ≤ 40, z−2
16 ⎪
⎪ 2 ≤ z ≤ 4,
⎧ ⎨
⎪ y − 24 3
⎨ 24 ≤ y ≤ 40, µmedium (z) = (9)

⎪ 7−z
µlong (y) = 16 (7) ⎩ 4 ≤ z ≤ 7,

⎩1 3
40 ≤ y. ⎧
⎪ z−4
⎨ 4 ≤ z ≤ 7,
µrough (z) = 3 (10)

(3) Sea state (SS) 7 ≤ z.

In order to express the level of the sea state, this paper

defines the input linguistic variable, sea state, accord- (4) Safeguarding ring (GR)
ing to the international sea state grades stipulated by the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The min- The output radius of the safeguarding ring is created
imum and maximum sea states are laid between level 2 according to the fuzzy logic control method, and its lin-
and level 7. In general, the harbour bureau will forbid guistic variables are transformed into three membership
all vessels from leaving port when the sea state is greater functions: small, medium, and large (Kao et al. 2007).

Figure 4. Calculated result of fuzzy inference.

These are defined as follows, and the linguistic set is Table 2. Fuzzy rules base.
shown in Figure 3(d). Fuzzy Relative speed Escape time Sea state Safeguarding
⎧ meaning rule (RS) (ET) (SS) ring (GR)

⎨1 d ≤ 1, Rule 1 Slow Short Gentle Small
usmall (d) = 1.5 − d (11) Rule 2 Middle Short Gentle Small

⎩ 1 ≤ d ≤ 1.5, Rule 3 Fast Short Gentle Small
0.5 Rule 4 Slow Medium Gentle Small
⎧ Rule 5 Slow Long Gentle Small
⎪ d−1
⎨ 1 ≤ d ≤ 1.5,
Rule 6
Rule 7
µmedium (d) = 2 0.5 (12)
⎩ − d 1.5 ≤ d ≤ 2,
Rule 8 Fast Medium Gentle Large
⎪ Rule 9 Middle Long Gentle Large
0.5 Rule 10 Middle Long Medium Medium
⎧ Rule 11 Middle Short Medium Small
⎨ d − 1.5 1.5 ≤ d ≤ 2,
⎪ Rule 12 Fast Short Medium Small
Rule 13 Slow Medium Medium Small
µlarge (d) = 0.5 (13) Rule 14 Slow Long Medium Large

⎩1 Rule 15 Middle Medium Medium Large
2 ≤ d. Rule 16 Middle Long Medium Large
Rule 17 Fast Medium Medium Large
Rule 18 Slow Short Medium Medium
Fuzzy rule and inference Rule 19 Slow Long Rough Medium
Rule 20 Slow Short Rough Medium
Fishing boat captains use language to express the size Rule 21 Fast Medium Rough Medium
Rule 22 Fast Short Rough Medium
of the safeguarding ring. Previous experience is used to Rule 23 Slow Long Rough Medium
convert the fuzzy object into a clear, controllable rule, in Rule 24 Middle Short Rough Medium
Rule 25 Middle Long Rough Large
order to express conceptual ideas and experience. The Rule 26 Fast Medium Rough Large
fuzzy rule base created by the experience of the fishing Rule 27 Fast Long Rough Large
boat captains is listed in Table 2.
After the fuzzy membership functions and fuzzy rules
are created, the fuzzy inference and COA method are ring (GR) and two linguistic variables is calculated using
used to calculate the radius of the safeguarding ring. the Matlab fuzzy toolbox. The resulting surface diagrams
When the relative speed is 18.7 knots, escape time is 18 of the output values on the MGIS platform are shown in
minutes, and sea state is 3.43 for an operating fishing Figure 5. From the mapping diagrams of the different lin-
boat, based on the experience of these fishing boat cap- guistic variables in Figure 5(a–c), it is apparent that the
tains, when rules 2, 3, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 radius of the safeguarding ring has a relative correlation
are triggered and the centre of gravity method is used, the with the different linguistic variables.
safeguarding radius will be 1.56 nautical miles. The cal-
culated result of the fuzzy inference is shown in Figure 4.
Collision danger analysis
According to the fuzzy safeguarding ring model, the size
of the safeguarding ring is determined by three linguis- This paper uses the fuzzy logic control method to derive
tic variables (relative speed, escape time, and sea state). the radius of a safeguarding ring for operating fishing
The mapping diagram between the fuzzy safeguarding boats. An AIS Class-B or AIS receiver can be used to

Figure 5. Surface diagrams of output values. (a) Escape time and relative speed, (b) sea state and relative speed, and (c) escape time and
sea state.

watch for ships automatically. The MGIS is used as the own ship (OS), areas A1 and A2 will be resulted. The
platform to show the collision safeguarding information danger index (DI) can be calculated by subtracting the
for merchant ships and fishing boats. When an operat- minimum area from the maximum area, and dividing by
ing fishing boat receives a collision signal alert, the most the maximum area, as shown in Equation (14). It has a
important information is the danger level and what the range of 0–1, and we know that each semicircle area will
captain should do first. It is necessary to determine a be a part of the safeguarding ring. Thus, if the course line
mechanism for indicating the danger index (e.g. green of the target ship crosses to the centre of the own ship,
light, yellow light, and red light with different alarms) for the danger index will be 1, whereas if the course line of
captains of operating fishing boats, who have no time to the target ship does not cross the safeguarding ring, then
watch for potential navigation dangers. The MGIS is used the danger index will be 0. The danger index shows the
to calculate and show the area difference (AD) caused by different emergency levels calculated by Equation (14). It
the course line of a merchant ship that crosses to safe- is very clear that 1 is under the most dangerous situation,
guarding ring of a fishing boat. The AD is used to obtain 0 is under the less dangerous situation, and as the course
the danger index relationship between two approaching line of the target ship approaches the centre of the own
ships by calculating the area difference on the left-side ship, the dangerous situation will be increased, as shown
(A1 ) and right-side (A2 ) semi-circles. A collision alert is by this mechanism.
also proposed for the navigational safety of the operating
fishing boats.
Max{ A1 , A2 } − Min{ A1 , A2 }
As shown in Figure 6, when cd expresses the track of DI = 1 − . (14)
the target ship (TS) crossing the safeguarding ring of the Max{ A1 , A2 }

the simulation and analysis of fishing boats with different

operational practices. When target ships are approaching
from different directions, the mechanism of the collision-
avoidance safeguarding ring will be activated.

Safeguarding radius and danger index

Fishing boats normally use nine fishing methods: a sin-
gle line, long line, trawl net, purse seine, gill net, lift net,
drive-in net, miscellaneous gear, and other coastal nets,
which are investigated in this study. When a merchant
ship approaches an operating fishing boat, the safeguard-
Figure 6. Schematic diagram of collision danger. ing radius and danger index will provide a collision-
avoidance mechanism. The fuzzy logic control method is
applied to calculate the safeguarding radius of the oper-
Simulation and analysis
ating fishing boats, and it is transferred into the MGIS
This section will use actual cases to implement the safe platform for simulation and analysis. Table 3 lists the
collision-avoidance safeguarding model for operating encounter situations for operating fishing boats and mer-
fishing boats. The MGIS will be used as the platform for chant ships. Figure 7 shows nine different safeguarding

Figure 7. Safeguarding radius diagram of operating fishing boats. (a) Single line fishing boats, (b) long line fishing boats, (c) trawler, (d)
purse seiner fishing boats, (e) gill net fishing boats, (f) lift net fishing boats, (g) drive-in net fishing boats, (h) miscellaneous fishing gear
and (i) other coastal nets.

Table 3. Safeguarding radius and danger index of operating fishing boat.

Operation model fuzzy value Single line Long line Trawl net Purse seine Gill net Lift net Drive-in net Miscellaneous gear Other coastal nets
Relative speed (knots) 17 20 20 17 22 15 17 18 17
Escape time (minutes) 10 19 36 31 24 30 25 8 14
Sea state (levels) 2 5 5 4 3 6 4 2 5
Safeguarding radius (nautical miles) 1.5 1.56 1.65 1.6 1.56 1.54 1.53 1.5 1.5
Danger index 0.37 1 0.56 0.64 0.39 0.52 0.47 0.21 0.71

Figure 8. Safeguarding diagram for future VTS monitoring of ships. (a) Present VTS monitoring and (b) future VTS simulating and

radii for the MGIS platform calculated in accordance Conclusions and recommendations
with the fuzzy theory.
This research utilised the fuzzy logic control method and
This study uses the MGIS as the interface of the sim-
MGIS to create a set of safe collision-avoidance safe-
ulation platform. The radius of the safeguarding ring of
guarding models for operating fishing boats. The escape
an operating fishing boat is calculated using the fuzzifier,
time of different operating fishing boats, relative speed of
fuzzy rule base, fuzzy inference engine, and defuzzifier,
two ships, and sea state were used to calculate the fuzzy
in accordance with the linguistic values for the required
radius of a safeguarding ring based on the experience of
escape time, sea state, and relative speed of an oper-
captains and fuzzy rules. A new mechanism involving
ating fishing boat in the collision-avoidance safeguard-
automatic safeguarding rings was proposed for operat-
ing model. The MGIS is employed to collect, manage,
ing fishing boats to set up an AIS Class-B or dummy AIS.
analyse, simulate, display, and predict the various pieces
Moreover, the MGIS platform was used to calculate the
of information on the computer platform, in order to
area differences of safeguarding rings as the danger index
demonstrate the radius of the safeguarding ring for the
of each ship to provide safeguards for the navigational
navigational safety of an operating fishing boat. The
safety of operating fishing boats.
mechanism of the safeguarding ring is shown in the
Based on the collision-avoidance safeguarding model
for operating fishing boats presented in this paper,
marine casualties, including the collisions and net shed-
ding of operating fishing boats, can be avoided as a
Monitoring fishing boats on VTS
result of the effect of the track flow and propeller flow
As shown in Figure 8(a), the on-duty VTS staff can generated by merchant ships. When the potential for a
only monitor merchant ships with AIS (Class-A) and are collision exists, a danger index is provided to the oper-
unable to identify the dynamic states of fishing boats ating fishing boats in order to facilitate decision-making
without AIS. If the government requires fishing boats to ensure navigational safety. In addition, this paper
to install AIS (Class-B) in the future, the VTS can be employed the MGIS as the platform to simulate fish-
combined with the safe collision-avoidance safeguarding ing boats equipped with an AIS Class-B or dummy AIS.
model for operating fishing boats, provided by this study, The mechanism for navigational safety on operating fish-
to display fishing boats with their own safeguarding ing boats was simulated at the biggest fishery harbour
rings (shown in red). The simulated results are shown in in northeast Taiwan using real-time fishing boat infor-
Figure 8(b). mation via dummy AIS receivers. This system has been

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