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 hepatic hydatid cysts are due to Echinococcus granulosus from close contact with dogs or sheep
 causes unilocular cystic lesion in any organ
 mostly asymptomatic or compressive symptoms
 hepatomegaly, RUQ pain, N/V
 encapsulated cysts containing fluid & budding cells that become daughter cysts
 CT scan: “egg shell” calcifications
 Rx: surgical resection/aspiration & albendazole
o aspiration  risk of anaphylactic shock
 RUQ pain, nausea, liver USS shows a smooth, round cyst with daughter cells: Echinococcosis
 definitive host: dogs
 intermediate host: sheep
 dead end host: humans
 transmission: dogs living in close proximity to humans are fed viscera of home-slaughtered animals; eggs
excreted by dogs in feces
 Eikenella corrodens: G-negative anaerobe part of normal oral flora
o infective endocarditis due to E. corrodens is seen in poor dentition, periodontal infection, or
manipulative dental procedures
o E. corrodens belongs to the HACEK group
 congenital heart lesions (bicuspid aortic valve, PDA, ToF, VSD) predisposes to risk of IE
 ulcerative colon lesions due to colonic neoplasia or inflammatory bowel disease predisposes to IE due to
Strep gallolyticus (S. bovis type I)
 S. aureus is the MCC of IE among IVDA
 Enterococci (E. faecalis) MC endocarditis a/w nosocomial UTIs

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