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21st century is often considered as the era of technology.

Technology, an important aspect in terms of

convenience, have been applied in many fields including education, as it has become the highway for
transferring knowledge in this modern age. It has totally shaped people’s thinking, works and lives into a
new level due to its integration that changed our society (Grabe, 2017).

Our minds tend to work faster when assisted with the use of modern technology which indicates that
the transfer of knowledge became easier and more convenient and effective

“ One of the most important aspects of technology in education is its ability to level the field of
opportunity for students.” – John King, U.S. Secretary of Education

Latest insights showed that the use of modern technology equipment and tools, increases the learning
and interactivity of the students that’s why students of today prefer using technology and the
integration of it in education has a successful impact (Raja & Nagasubramani, 2018)

Now, technology has always been part of teacher’s toolbox as it has played a huge convenience in
teaching and learning. It has changed dramatically over the past decades and has expanded the
opportunity for people, especially the teachers. Technological devices has changed schools and
classrooms and connects them with each other and the world at higher speeds and quality than before
(Eady & Lockyer, 2013) Traditional blackboards ,chalks and blackboard eraser have level up into
whiteboards and marker up to projectors and televisions. Teachers have maximized their time in
teaching by removing the time allotment for just writing the lessons. Now, presentations is
recommended as it helps the teachers visually and their time would be saved for explaining and
discussions. It will also be beneficial as it helps in a way that the lessons can be seen in all sides of the
classroom. Also, most teachers are now using microphones and lapel. These are very useful equipment
inside the classroom and help teachers ensure that their students can hear them and can help them
avoid getting their vocal chords strained. Another device that really helps teachers is the computer. It is
usually used in computer-related subjects but is not limited to that. It is hard for a computer subject
teacher to teach his/her students anything about computers especially complicated ones.

The important role of technology in education was to give teachers the opportunity to construct
meaningful learning experiences because the advances and accessibility of technology made endless
possibilities (Eady & Lockyer, 2013).

Teachers are at the front line of designing and delivering the learning experience that is why their role
and expertise are critical. There are arguments that just making technology available in schools does not
mean that teachers will make use of them, nor will it necessarily be used effectively (Cuban, 2003).

The barriers of using technology in the classroom includes resource limitations, teacher knowledge and
skills, beliefs and attitude( Hew & Bush, 2017)
Research on multimedia learning have demonstrated more positive outcomes for students who learn
from resources that effectively combined words and pictures, rather than those that includes words
alone(Mayer, 2008).

But, not everything presented in multimedia forms are information that support learning. According to
the Cognitive load theory by John Sweller (1988), learning resources need to be designed to lessen the
weight on our working memory in order for us to construct a schema.

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