SAP MM Module Process Flow-2020

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SAP MM Module Process Flow

 Determination of Requirements
 Source Determination
 Vendor Selection
 PO Processing
 PO Follow-up
 Goods Receiving and Inventory Management
 Invoice Verification

SAP MM Sub-modules list

See the list of important main application components coming under SAP Material management

• MM-CBP : Consumption-Based Planning

• MM-PUR : Purchasing
• MM-SRV : External Services
• MM-IM : Inventory Management
• MM-IV : Invoice Verification
• MM-IS : Information System
• MM-EDI : Electronic Data Interchange
• MM-FT : Foreign trade

Here is the list of application components (Sub modules) coming under MM module in SAP. List provides
component short form, its purpose and the package it belongs to.
1. MM → Materials Management → Package (HLA0009510)
2. MM-CBP → Consumption-Based Planning (See Also PP-MRP) → Package (HLA0006803)
3. MM-CBP-CBP → Consumption-Based Planning (See Also PP-MRP) → Package (HLA0006804)
4. MM-CBP-POP → Procurement Proposal (See PP-MRP) → Package (HLA0006805)
5. MM-EDI → Electronic Data Interchange → Package (HLA0006042)
6. MM-EDI-IV → Invoice Verification → Package (HLA0006615)
7. MM-EDI-PUR → Purchasing → Package (HLA0006614)
8. MM-FT → Foreign trade → Package (AL00000022)
9. MM-FT-GOV → Messages to Authorities: Import → Package (AL00000023)
10. MM-IM → Inventory Management → Package (HLA0009516)
11. MM-IM-ED → Excise Duty → Package (ALN0000437)
12. MM-IM-GF → Basic Functions → Package (HLA0006049)
13. MM-IM-GF-DTF → Data Transfer → Package (HLA0001539)
14. MM-IM-GF-DTF-RES → Data Transfer: Reservations → Package (HLA0001541)
15. MM-IM-GF-DTF-STK → Data Transfer: Stocks → Package (HLA0001540)
16. MM-IM-GF-ES → Enterprise Services in Inventory Management → Package (E380000043)
17. MM-IM-GF-PHI → Data Transfer: Physical Inventory → Package (HLA0001542)
18. MM-IM-GI → Goods Issue and Return Delivery → Package (HLA0006047)
19. MM-IM-GR → Goods Receipt → Package (HLA0006045)
20. MM-IM-GR-SCR → Subcontracting at Goods Receipt (Repair) → Package (E5K0000001)
21. MM-IM-ML → Material Ledger → Package (HLA0006070)
22. MM-IM-PI → Physical Inventory → Package (HLA0006050)
23. MM-IM-RS → Reservations → Package (HLA0006046)
24. MM-IM-ST → Stock Transfer/Transfer Posting → Package (HLA0006048)
25. MM-IM-VP → Balance Sheet Valuation Procedures → Package (HLA0009514)
26. MM-IS → Information System → Package (HLA0006612)
27. MM-IS-IC → Inventory Controlling → Package (HLA0006051)
28. MM-IS-IC-DTC → Data retrieval → Package (HLA0001552)
29. MM-IS-IC-EWS → Early Warning System → Package (HLA0001554)
30. MM-IS-IC-LIB → Logistics Information Library → Package (HLA0001553)
31. MM-IS-IC-PLN → Planning → Package (HLA0001551)
32. MM-IS-IC-RPT → Reporting → Package (HLA0001550)
33. MM-IS-PU → Purchasing Information System → Package (HLA0009513)
34. MM-IS-PU-DTC → Data retrieval → Package (HLA0001547)
35. MM-IS-PU-EWS → Early Warning System → Package (HLA0001549)
36. MM-IS-PU-LIB → Logistics Information Library → Package (HLA0001548)
37. MM-IS-PU-PLN → Planning → Package (HLA0001546)
38. MM-IS-PU-RPT → Reporting → Package (HLA0001545)
39. MM-IS-VE → Vendor Evaluation → Package (HLA0006613)
40. MM-IV → Invoice Verification → Package (HLA0009517)

MM-IV-ADB → Adobe Document Services in Invoice Verification → Package (AC00000050)

MM-IV-ADB-PRN → Document Output with Adobe Document Services → Package (AC00000051)

MM-IV-CA → G/L Clearing Account Maintenance → Package (HLA0006611)

MM-IV-EM → Empties Management (When Extension EA-CP Is Active) → Package (AEN0000074)

MM-IV-FIV → Vendor Invoice (Until 4.6B) → Package (HLA0100764)

MM-IV-FIV-CAN → Reversal → Package (HLA0100767)

MM-IV-FIV-CRE → Entry → Package (HLA0100765)

MM-IV-FIV-ERS → ERS → Package (HLA0100768)

MM-IV-FIV-PP → Preliminary Posting → Package (HLA0006608)

MM-IV-FIV-REL → Release → Package (HLA0100766)

MM-IV-GF → General Functions → Package (HLA0006604)

MM-IV-GF-ES → Enterprise Services in Invoice Verification → Package (E380000044)

MM-IV-GR → Goods-Receipt-Based Invoice Verification → Package (HLA0006606)

MM-IV-II → Invoice Blocking → Package (HLA0001589)

MM-IV-INT → Interfaces → Package (AL00000032)

MM-IV-INT-SRM → Supplier Relationship Management → Package (EBS0000032)

MM-IV-INT-TM → Transportation Management → Package (EBS0000033)

MM-IV-LIV → Logistics Invoice Verification → Package (HLA0001544)

MM-IV-LIV-CAN → Reversal → Package (HLA0100772)

MM-IV-LIV-CRE → Entry → Package (HLA0100769)

MM-IV-LIV-ERS → ERS → Package (HLA0100773)

MM-IV-LIV-IVB → Invoice Verification in Background → Package (HLA0100770)

MM-IV-LIV-PP → Park Document → Package (ALR0008405)

MM-IV-LIV-REL → Release → Package (HLA0100771)

MM-IV-MP → Material Price Changes → Package (HLA0006073)

MM-IV-PO → Purchase-Order-Based Invoice Verification → Package (HLA0006605)

MM-IV-WR → Invoice Verification Without Reference → Package (HLA0006607)

MM-PUR → Purchasing → Package (HLA0009512)

MM-PUR-ADB → Adobe Document Services in Purchasing → Package (AC00000046)

MM-PUR-ADB-PRN → Document Output with Adobe Document Services → Package (AC00000047)

MM-PUR-EM → Empties Management (When Extension EA-CP Is Active) → Package (AEN0000071)

MM-PUR-EM-DIC → Item Calculator → Package (AEN0000072)

MM-PUR-EM-PO → Empties Management in Purchase Orders → Package (AEN0000073)

MM-PUR-FIP → Perishables Procurement → Package (E4A0000032)

MM-PUR-GF → Basic Functions → Package (HLA0006037)

MM-PUR-GF-CE → Customer Enhancements → Package (PL00000012)

MM-PUR-GF-CON → Confirmation Control/Shipping Notification → Package (HLA0001526)

MM-PUR-GF-CPE → CPE in MM → Package (PR00000061)

MM-PUR-GF-EDI → Electronic Data Interchange → Package (PL00000013)

MM-PUR-GF-EIE → Intra-European Import and Export → Package (HLA0001524)

MM-PUR-GF-ES → Enterprise Services in Purchasing → Package (E380000051)

MM-PUR-GF-OC → Message Determination → Package (P450002031)

MM-PUR-GF-REL → Release (Approval) → Package (HLA0001527)

MM-PUR-GF-REL-OAG → Release of Outline Agreements → Package (HLA0001530)

MM-PUR-GF-REL-POR → Release of Purchase Orders → Package (HLA0001531)

MM-PUR-GF-REL-REQ → Release of Requisitions → Package (HLA0001529)

MM-PUR-GF-REL-RFQ → Release of RFQ/Quotation → Package (HLA0001528)

MM-PUR-GF-SCR → Subcontracting in Purchasing (Repair) → Package (E5K0000002)

MM-PUR-GF-SLC → Supplier Lifecycle Management: ERP-Integration → Package (NWC6000001)

MM-PUR-GF-SN → Serial Numbers in Purchasing → Package (E4A0000041)

MM-PUR-GF-TAX → Taxes → Package (HLA0001525)

MM-PUR-OA → Vendor Outline Agreements → Package (HLA0006035)

MM-PUR-OA-CON → Contract → Package (HLA0001537)

MM-PUR-OA-SCH → Scheduling Agreement → Package (HLA0001538)

MM-PUR-OPT → Optimization in Purchasing → Package (E4A0000001)

MM-PUR-OPT-GRC → Goods Receipt Capacity Check → Package (E4A0000005)

MM-PUR-OPT-IB → Investment Buy → Package (E4A0000002)

MM-PUR-OPT-LB → Load Building → Package (E4A0000003)

MM-PUR-OPT-PLW → Planning Workbench → Package (E4A0000004)

MM-PUR-PO → Purchase Orders → Package (HLA0006041)

MM-PUR-REQ → Purchase Requisitions → Package (HLA0006039)

MM-PUR-RFQ → RFQ/Quotation → Package (HLA0006040)

MM-PUR-SQ → Sources of Supply → Package (HLA0006036)

MM-PUR-SQ-QTA → Quota Arrangement → Package (HLA0001535)

MM-PUR-SQ-SLI → Source List → Package (HLA0001536)

MM-PUR-SSP → Self-Service Procurement → Package (/SRMERP/EBS0000022)

MM-PUR-VM → Vendor-Material Relationships and Conditions → Package (HLA0006038)

MM-PUR-VM-CON → Conditions → Package (HLA0001534)

MM-PUR-VM-REC → Info Record → Package (HLA0001532)

MM-PUR-VM-SET → Subsequent Settlement → Package (HLA0001533)

MM-SRV → External Services → Package (HLA0006033)

MM-SRV-ACC → Account Assignment → Package (AL00000031)

MM-SRV-ADB → Adobe Document Services for External Services → Package (AC00000048)

MM-SRV-ADB-PRN → Document Output with Adobe Document Services → Package (AC00000049)

MM-SRV-BPI → BAPIs → Package (AL00000056)

MM-SRV-BW → LIS and BW → Package (AL00000055)

MM-SRV-ES → Enterprise Services in External Services → Package (E380000053)

MM-SRV-GF → Basic Functions → Package (HLA0100761)

MM-SRV-IP → Invoicing Plan → Package (AL00000030)

MM-SRV-MD → Master Data → Package (HLA0100762)

MM-SRV-PR → Price Determination/Conditions → Package (AL00000029)

MM-SRV-SR → Service Entry → Package (HLA0100763)

MM-WM-ST → Stock Placement and Stock Removal Strategies → Package (HLA0006610)

Some of the important tables in SAP material management module are






Following links provides full list of MM tables with details.

SAP Consumption-Based Planning in MM Tables Full list

SAP Inventory Management in MM Tables Full list

SAP Information System in MM Tables Full list

SAP Invoice Verification in MM Tables Full list

SAP Purchasing in MM Tables Full list

SAP External Services in MM Tables Full list

Important Tcodes in MM module








Following links provides full list of MM tcodes with details.

SAP Consumption-Based Planning in MM Tcodes Full list

SAP Inventory Management in MM Tcodes Full list

SAP Information System in MM Tcodes Full list

SAP Invoice Verification in MM Tcodes Full list

SAP Purchasing in MM Tcodes Full list

SAP External Services in MM Tcodes Full list

SAP MM Tutorials

Tutorial Part 1 : MM Module Basic

SAP MM Basic Functions

SAP MM Process Flow

SAP MM Transaction codes

SAP MM Terms & Full form

Tutorial Part 2 : Master Data

Material Master Tables in SAP

Foreign Trade Data in Master Records

Foreign Trade Data Check in Master Records

Tutorial Part 3 : Scenarios & Functions

Materials Planning Procedures

Create a reservation using transaction MB21 in SAP

Displaying Commodity Codes and Import Code

Loading Commodity Codes and Import Code Numbers

Comparison of Commodity Code Numbers

GR/IR Clearing Account Maintenance

Tutorial Part 4 : MM module components

SAP MM-CBP (Consumption-Based Planning in MM)

SAP MM-EDI (Electronic Data Interchange in MM)

SAP MM-IM (Inventory Management in MM)

SAP MM-IS (Information System in MM)

SAP MM-IV (Invoice Verification in MM)

SAP MM-PUR (Purchasing in MM)

SAP MM-SRV (External Services in MM)

Consignment stocks in SAP

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