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Put the correct modal in these sentences.

1 - She ___ misunderstood my directions. Why else is she late?

must have

can't have

2 - He ___ gone to the beach. He hates being in the sun.

may have

can't have

3 - I ___ written down the number incorrectly. I've just called a hospital not the restaurant.

must have

might have

4 - They ___ been at the cafe but I didn't see them.

must have

could have

5 - John ___ been very happy when he found out he was going to be a father. He's wanted this
for a long time.

must have

may have

6 - He ___ gone to the city centre. He did say he wanted to go shopping.

can't have

could have
1 Nobody knows exactly why he died. But we think it been an accident.

Can have should have could have

2 I revised more for the exam. I was lazy, and now I’ll fail!

should have could have might have

3 Sarah looked very happy. She passed her driving test.

should have must have can’t have

4 I didn’t know you were going to Phil’s party yesterday. You told me!

should have must have can’t have

5 I can’t believe Jim hasn’t arrived yet. He taken the wrong train.

should have must have can have

6 I can’t believe Jim hasn’t arrived yet. He taken the correct train.

Shouldn’t have mustn’t have can’t have

7 You been ill yesterday. Jessie saw you at the bowling alley.

May not have mustn’t have couldn’t have

8 I don’t know where they went but they gone to Paris or Marseille.

could have must have can have

9 You paid more attention. Now we are lost.

Ought to have must have can’t have

10 The window was broken, so the thieves got in through that window.

should have must have may have

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