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Choose the correct form for each verb: Present Simple or Present Continuous

You won't find Jerry at home right now. He ________ in the library. (STUDY)

I ________ lunch in the cafeteria every day. (HAVE)

I ________ you're crazy! (THINK)

Salman is rich — he always ________ a Mercedes. (DRIVE)

Look! Junko ________ into the water. (JUMP)

Marie-Claude isn't a Canadian. I ________ she comes from France. (BELIEVE)

Once a week, I ________ to an art class at the college. (GO)

Don't give Jan any cheese. She ________ it! (HATE)

I ________ to Toronto next Thursday. Do you want to come? (GO)

It ________ quite hard — perhaps we shouldn't go out tonight. (SNOW)

Put the verb in brackets in the correct form (present simple or present continuous).

Next week, my friends and I (go) camping in the woods. I

(organize) the food, because I (like) cooking. Dave (have)

a big car with a trailer, so he (plan) the transportation. Sam (bring) the tent

— he (go) camping every year, so he (have) a great

tent and lots of other equipment. My wife (think) we're crazy. She

(like) holidays in comfortable hotels, so she (take) a trip to

Paris instead.
Complete these sentences below using either the present simple or present continuous.

(Play) I golf every weekend.

(Play) The children outside at the moment.

(Work) Haruka today.

(Work) You can’t borrow my lawnmower because it doesn’t

(Make) Smells good! What are you ?

(Make) My husband never me breakfast.

(Live) Pauline is in Hong Kong.

(Live)Do you still with your parents?

 1. She (do) ballet 3 times a week

 2. I (read) this amazing book at the moment!

 3. I really (want) an ice-cream. It’s so hot today.

 4. They (wait) for their Dad to take them to school.

 5. Glyn (act) in a play at the National Theatre.

 6. Glyn (go) to the theatre every week.

 7. Slow down! You (drive) too fast!

 8. I (take) public transport when I travel around Colombia. It’s cheaper.

 9. I (go) to hospital again tonight.

 10. We (need) to go dancing tonight to relax!

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