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I. Check the category where the sentence belongs.

Thank Answering Repeat Summarize Dealing with Signal Signpost Dealing with check
Phrases or Sentences unanswered Interruptions
1. My presentation will last about 3 minutes.
2. Please, just let me finish.
3. That was my final point.
4. If I understand, you want to know about..
5. Thank you for the question.
6. Can anybody in my team answer that question?
7. If you have any questions, please feel free to interrupt.
8. My presentation is entitled…
9. In conclusion, I think…
10. Could we deal with that at the end of the presentation?
11. - Good evening everyone/ ladies and gentlemen. My name is
_______ of ______.
12. That was my 1st point.
13. If you give me your details after the presentation, I’ll get back
to you.
14. Does that answer your question?
15. To give you an idea of what I am going to talk about, here are
my three main points.
16. That is the end of my presentation..
17. If you have any questions, I’ll be happy to answer them now.
18. The answer to your question is…
19. Thanks for your attention.
20. I’m afraid I don’t have the answer to hand.
II. Explain your answer on the given space below. (3 points for the correct explanation)
1. Why do we say thank you to those who ask questions after the 6. Why do we ask this question to the questioner? “Did I answer your
presentation? question?”

2. Why do we repeat the questions of the questioners? 7. “The best time to answer questions is after the presentation”. Is it true?

3. Why do we need to inform our audience about when to ask 8. Why do we need to make an outline before making a paragraph for our
questions? speech?

4. What to do when you don’t know the answer to the question being 9. How do you stop interruptions during your presentation?

5. Why is it important to tell your audience about how long your 10. What will happen to your presentation if you will not control the
presentation will last? interrupters?
III. Speaking Test
Category (Mastery of the topic) (Content of the topic) (Clarity of words) (Delivery of the topic)
The student was able to do the The student was able to The student was able to The student was able to
presentation without looking at give the details related pronounce the words present the topic in an
the copy.
to the topic. clearly. organized way.
Score (1-5)
1 = poor
2 = good
3 = better
4= best
5 = excellent

Total Score: _____/20

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