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Utilization of

Calabura) Tea




The tea plant’s journey is reflected in its name Camellia sinensis. Camellia

indicates that tea is a woody plant, closely related to the ornamental bushes that have

earned a place in innumerable gardens owing to their flowers and sinesis signifies its

Chinese origins (Drew, 2019).

Modern tea consumption is rooted in medical use in China five thousand

years ago (Si-Yuan Pan, 2014). Since then, it has become the world’s most

popular drink (after water). Tea is primarily produced in Asia and Africa, with China,

India, Kenya, Sri Lanka and Turkey accounting for 76% of global production. Unlike

coffee and cocoa, the majority of tea production is consumed locally, in domestic


Josh (2012) shows that every part of the plant may be used to make tea.

Flowers like chamomile, hibiscus, linden and rose possess enticing aroma, color and

flavor. Leaves are used in the creation of some of the worlds’ beloved teas including

the ever popular green teas.

Despite of growing health-consciousness among customers, that tea is sold in

different varieties and flavor, there is no known tea that is made out of Kerson leaves.

Kerson leaves is known as an anti-microbial, antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-ulcer,

anti-fungal agent (Sibi, Naveen, Dhananjaya, Ravikumar, and Mallessha 2012).

Layson (2019) studied about Aratelis fruit and the result of her study reveals that all

parts of aratelis fruit contain anti-oxidants, which are beneficial because of the anti-

diabetic properties.

The study may benefit local communities because the raw ingredients can be

found in the environment. This also motivates local farmer to culture Kerson

(Aratelis) trees and further innovate the product.


The study aims to develop Kerson leaves (Muntingia Calabura) into tea.

Specifically, it aims to:

1. Conduct phytochemicals test of the leaves.

2. Determine the ratio of leaves in 1 tea bag.

3. Determine the sensory qualities of Kerson leaves (Muntingia Calabura) tea

in terms of appearance, taste and aroma.


The study is deemed beneficial to the following:

Government. This study will prompt professionals in the agriculture

department to encourage farmers to plant Kerson trees for income generation.

Food Industry. The result of this study will provide those in food industries

with the information about the procedures in making the product developed in this


Consumers. This study will inform them that the Kerson leaves can be made

into tea.

Entrepreneurs. This study will inspire them to create products out of Kerson

leaves and to sell such products in the market.

Farmers. This study will encourage farmers to plant more Kerson trees for

them and the entrepreneurs to generate income.


The study focused only on Kerson leaves as the main ingredient in producing

tea. The researchers would like a better preview to the Kerson trees so that more

people will have courage to make a study about Kerson trees. Subject matters and

topics to be discussed are the quality of the sensory properties of kerson leaves tea in

terms of taste, aroma, and appearance. For laboratory testing qualitative

determination of phytochemical.


For the purpose of clarification and understanding, the following terms are

conceptually and operationally defined:

Phytochemicals. Any of various biologically active compounds found in plats.


As used in the study, the term refers to test the flavones, tenols, of the leaves

Appearance. What things look like or seem to be rather than what they actually are.

(Cambridge Dictionary 2018)

As used in the study, the term refers to the color of the Kerson leaf tea.

Aroma. A strong, pleasant smell, usually from food or drink. (Cambridge Advanced

Learner’s Dictionary- 4th Edition)

As used in the study, the term refers to rate the level of fragrance of Kerson

leaf tea.

Crush. To break something into a powder or very small pieces. (Merriam-Webster


As used in the study, the term refers to the reduce leaf into small particles.

Drying. Characteristic by exhaustion of a supply of liquid. (Merriam-Webster


As used in the study, the term refers to the level of flavor of the tea under

study which ranged from having true rich flavor to off flavor or bitter.

Leaf. Conceptually, the term is defined as literal outgrowth from a plant stem that

one of the flat typical green parts of a plant that grow from stem or a twig. (Merriam-

Webster Dictionary)

As used in the study, the term refers to the part of the tree mentioned and

utilized as the main ingredients in making tea.

Pluck. To pull or pick off or out. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

As used in the study, the term refers to collection of leaves.

Taste. The flavour of something, or the ability of a person or animal to recognize

different flavours. (Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary- 4th Edition)

As used in the study, the term refers to the flavor of Kerson tea.



This chapter presents related ideas and concept taken from books,

theses, journals, and articles from internet which closely related to production of

Kerson Leaves Tea. It includes history, definition of tea, types of tea, advantages and

disadvantages of tea, methods of tea preparation, kerson plant, health benefits of

kerson leaves, fruit and flowers.


The tea was discovered by Chinese Emperor Shen Nung around 2800 B.C.

when leaves from wild tree blew into his pot of boiling water. He was immediately

interested in the pleasant scent of the resulting brew, and drank some. Shen Nung

named the brew “ch’a”, the Chinese character meaning to check or investigate. In 200

B.C. a Han Dynasty Emperor ruled that when referring to tea, a special written

character must be used illustrating wooden branches, grass, and a man between the

two. This written character, also pronounced “ch’a” symbolized the way tea brought

humankind into balance with nature for the Chinese culture. The popularity of tea in

China continued to grow rapidly from 4th through 8th century. Tea plantations spread

throughout China, tea merchants became rich, and expensive, elegant tea wares

became the banner for the wealth and status of their owners.

Although some Japanese Buddhist monks are said to have used tea as early as

7th century to keep themselves awake during medication. A secret learned from their

Chinese counter parts, tea adulation didn’t seize japan until the 13th century, after Zen

Buddhist master brought back some tea seeds for planting (Fox. D 2007).



Is an aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over

cured leaves of the Camellia sinensis, on evergreen shrub (bush) native to East Asia.

After water, it is the most widely consumed drink in the world. There are many

different types of tea.


Black Tea is a type of tea that is more oxidized than oolong, green and white teas.

All four types are made from leaves of the shrub Camellia sinensis. Black tea is

generally stronger in flavor than the less oxidized teas. Chinese languages and the

languages of neighboring countries, black tea is also known as “red tea”, a description

of the colour of the liquid; the Western term “black tea” refers to colour of the

oxidized leaves.

Chrysanthemum Tea is a flower-based infusion beverage made from

chrysanthemum flowers of the species Chrysanthemum morifolium or

Chrysanthemum indicum, which are most popular in East Asia, especially China.

Chrysanthemum tea was first drunk during the Song Dynasty (960-1279). To prepare

the tea, chrysanthemum flowers (usually dried) are steeped in hot water (usually 90 to

95 degrees Celsius after cooling from boil), often rock sugar or cane sugar are also

added. The resulting drink is transparent and rages from pale to bright yellow in

color, with a floral aroma.

Jasmine Tea is tea scented with the aroma of jasmine blossoms. Typically, jasmine

tea has green tea as the base; however, white tea and black tea are also used. The

resulting flavor of jasmine tea is subtly sweet and highly fragrant. It is the most

famous scented tea.

Rose Tea is a delicious and relaxing beverage made with dried or fresh rose petals

and possibly flower buds of the rose flower, which is part of the Rosaceae family of

plants. This tea packed with health benefits that have been known for centuries. The

delicate pink flowers create a beautifully fragrant, fruity and nutritious tea, rich in

natural antioxidants.

Lemon Tea is nothing but a form of black tea or green tea liquor to which lemon

juice has been added to import a unique flavor. Masala lemon tea contains hot tea

with roasted cumin seed powder, lemon juice, black salt and sugar, which gives it a

tangy, spicy taste.

Mint Tea is herbal tea made by infusing mint leaves in hot water, due to high content

of essential oils in leaves (1-2.5%), especially menthol mint tea is popular for its

curative effects. Affecting the digestive system and excretion of gastric juices, it is

thought to act as an anti-inflammatory.

White Tea is tea made from new growth buds and young leaves of the plant Camellia

sinensis. The leaves are steamed or fried to inactive oxidation, and then dried. The

little buds that form on the plant are covered with the silver hairs that give the young

leaves a white appearance.

The vast use of tea in different cultures implies the variety of flavor and

sources of the product. In a study conducted by (Grant et. Al. 2018) the mint tea


Many of these plants have folk names like ‘tea leaves’ and ‘tea plants’ in

various native languages. The medicinal properties of the infusions of local plants

were well known and prized by most herbalist, but it is difficult to state that the

herbal tea as an accompaniment to one’s meal or as a social activity was a common

practice before the introduction of the oriental tea (Soukand 2013).

The following explains the advantages and disadvantages of the consumption

of herbal teas.


Herbal teas are commonly consumed for its therapeutic and energizing

properties, since it can help to induce relaxation. Being able to aid with stomach or

digestive problems, herbal teas can help provide cleansing properties to the body, and

strengthens the immune system as well. It is important to note that different herbs

might have different medicinal properties.


Herbal teas are prone to contain potential toxic chemicals like dyes, adhesive,

flavor enhancers, either from their area of growth during manufacture. Even though

quite unusual and rare, allergic reactions due to consumption herbal tea are possible.

Some of them include difficulty in breathing and other respiratory or throat affecting

issues; swelling around lips, tongue and face. In such cases, one should stop the

consumption of herbal teas and seek emergency care (Ravikumar 2014).


Processing of all tea types consist of very similar set of methods with only

minor variations, without careful moisture and temperature control during its

manufacture. Withering, bruising, oxidizing, fixing, drying are the similar methods

used of the researchers.

1. Withering

The leaves must be softened, or withered, to make them pliable for

crafting. Withering process reduces the water content of the leaves by as

much as half. Without withering, subsequent heating steps would produce

something akin to cooked vegetables, rather than dried the leaves.

2. Bruising

This means the leaves are rolled, twisted, or otherwise crushed. The

purpose of this step is to break down cell walls in the leaf. Leaves must be

thoroughly and evenly bruised to produce a consistent batch of tea.

3. Oxidizing

The cell walls have been broken, an enzymatic reaction turns the

leaves brown. Just like a cur apple. Leaves must be carefully monitored

during this process. This browning process is primary differentiating factor

between different styles of tea.

4. Fixing

To stop the oxidation process, the leaf is heated. The application of

heat denatures the enzymes responsible for oxidation and stop the leaf for

continuing to turn brown. This fixing process is sometimes called the kill

green, but it actually serves to preserve whatever green color is still left in the

leaf at this stage.

5. Drying

Finally, all tea must be dried to remove any residual moisture and

create a shelf-stable leaf.


Muntingia Calabura plant grows abundantly in all parts of tropical country. It also

grows in the Caribbean and Jamaica, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, China, Cuba,

Mexico and other places where there is tropical climate. In the Philippines it is called

Aratelis in Luzon and mansanitas in Visayas and Mindanao. Kerson fruit is also

known as Panama berry, Jamaica cherry, Singapore cherry and other names.

Muntingia Calabura is fast growing tree, 5 to 10 meters high, with spreading

branches. Leaves are hairy, sticky, alternate, distichous, oblong-ovate to broadly

oblong-lancelote, 8 to 13 centimeters long, with toothed margins, pointed apex and

inequilateral base, one sided rounded and the other acute. Flowers are about 2

centimeters in diameter, white, extra-axillary, solitary or in pairs. Sepals are 5, green,

reflexed, lanceolate, about 1 centimeter long, deciduous and spreading. Fruit is a

rounded, about 1.5 centimeter in diameter, red on ripening, smooth, fleshy, sweet and

may seeded. The fruits contain vitamin b, vitamin c, fiber, water, carbohydrate,

protein, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Fruits and leaves are packed with anti-

oxidants and have more than 24 flavoniod and phenolic substances that also found in

green tea.

Muntingia grows rapidly in any kind of soil. With just little sunlight and

water. It can survive in poor soil that has acidic and alkaline conditions. The negative

side of it is that muntigia is an invasive tree. If left unchecked, the trees can multiply

rapidly in an area in just a short period. Its seedlings can emerge almost anywhere so

that at times they become nuisance in one’s yard or garden.

According to the Peruvian folklore, its leaves can either be boiled or steeped

in water to provide relief from gastric ulcer or to reduce swelling of the prostate

gland, while the strips of its bark are boiled and washed to reduce the swelling in the

lower extremities. The leaves, in particular, have been used to treat pain associated

with gastric ulcers, headache, and cold or to attenuate the prostate gland swelling.

Scientifically, the leaves of M. calabura have been reported to possess antitumour,

antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic, antibacterial, and antiproliferative

and antioxidant activities of M. calabura leaves (M. H. Mohd. Sani, Z. A. Zakira, T.

Balan, L. K. The, and M. Z. Salleh 2012).

Health Benefits of Kerson Leaves,Fruits and Flowers

Antibacterial Properties kerson fruit is a natural antibiotic that will fight

staph, intestinal bacteria, sepsis, and diphtheria. Aratelis as Pain Blocker kerson tea is

also good in blocking tea receptors and relieving pain. The components of the tea

block those messages of the pain stimuli from being sent. Potential Anti-cancer from

the fruits to its leaves, the Kerson fruit is really a promising one. Research shows that

the leave of the aratelis tree have properties to actto reduce and prevent cancerous

tumor growth. It has a strong Anti-Inflammatory benefits the most prevalent issues

with inflammation come in the form of the swelling joints and tissues and fevers.

Kerson tea reduces such things, and people who live in regions where tree is

prevalent use it for those purposes by consuming the tea. Relief from Gout, gout is

the most common in men and can harm joints, tendons and other tissues. Eating

around 9 to 12 aratelis fruits in a day can give the person suffering from a great relief.

It is helpful for those with diabetes kerson fruit helps to lower blood sugar,

and regular consumption can mean less medicine or lower injection doses. It

improves digestion. Kerson flowers can make soothing drinks (flowers can be boiled

up to two times). It is used to calm upset stomach, gas cramps, and indigestion.


The aforementioned related literature provides the researcher significant

insights in the development of the production of Kerson Leaves Tea. The history of

herbal tea provides information on how Shennong discovered the tea as mentioned in

the historical features of tea production. This evidence inspires the researcher to

formulate Kerson Leaves Tea with several components as inspired by the historical

attributes of the therapeutic effects of tea in the chemistry of human beings.



This chapter presents the methodology of the research study. It includes research

design, design plan preparation and fabrication, evaluation procedure,

instrumentation, data to be gathered, parameters for analysis, cost analysis utilized in

the study.


The methods used in this study are descriptive and developmental type of

research. Descriptive type of research according to Calmorin (1994) states, that the

focus of the study is the present condition. Developmental type of research on the

other hand, as opposed to simple instructional programs, process, and products that

must meet criteria of internal consistency and effectiveness


The researchers came to a group discussion contributed ideas regarding of

utilizing new kind of tea. Along with it the researchers started determining available

resources and materials needed to conduct the study. Then the researchers planned

where to get reliable research study resources. In line with this activity researcher

started browse articles, journals that are relevant and useful in utilizing new product.

Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. shows the paradigm of the study using the input-output approach.

Technology 2.Marketing
Resources 3.Preparing 13
Information 4. Drying
5.Crushing OUTPUT
Ingredients 6.Measuring
The research was focus on the following procedures for the preparation and

production of the Kerson leaves tea.

The first step was to wash the Kerson leaves thoroughly so dirt and sediments

are totally removed after cleaning and washing the leaves. The second is preliminary

air drying. The third is drying which involved placing the leaves into oven. Fourth the

leaves were crushed. Fifth measure the crushed leaves. Sixth pack the crushed leaves

into tea bag.




Upon the completion of the Kerson leaves tea, series of test was done to

evaluate the product. For sensory evaluation of the properties of the product, a

researcher – made questionnaire was made using adopted guide to Scientific

Reporting: Emphasis on Food Research (De Leon; Claudio V.; 1976). The researcher-

made questionnaire was subjected to validation instrument of Good and Scates

(1954). For dislikes and like standard questionnaire using the Hedonic Scale (Peryam,

1952) was used to evaluate the product, this standard test was used to determine the

acceptability of the product.



The questionnaire will be presented to the adviser and panel members for

their imprimatur, then it will be verified by other three Scholar. The three Scholar are

the people who have expertise in the field of research. They consist of mentors with

proficiency in statistics, language and literature, and research. The said three experts

will be working in CHMSC Talisay as instructors in aforementioned fields and also

as faculty members in the said institution. Their revision, corrections, suggestion, and

opinions will be considered and accepted for the improvement of the questionnaire.


The researcher made questionnaire will be subjected to content validation in

order to achieve the objectives of the study. Validation will be done by (5) five food

related experts. The panel considered professionals are composed of (2) two Food

Instructor (1) Food Technologist


The sensory and hedonic evaluation is utilized as survey instruments. The

sensory evaluation of the study will base on the sensory evaluation characteristics of

Kerson leaves in term of texture, color, and aroma. The researcher will use Hedonic

evaluation with the use of nine-point scale to evaluate the acceptability of the


The formula used is as follows:

X =∑X

Where X is overall mean

N is number of respondents

The mean score is represented in line of the following guide:

Range Mean score Range Verbal Interpretation

5 5.00 - 4.21 Best

4 4.20 - 3.41 Very Good

3 3.40 - 2.61 Good

2 2.60 - 1.81 Fair

1 1.81 - 1.00 Poor



The sample of the population in the evaluation of the study, through quota

sampling, will come from the Food Trades Students and instructors of the institution.

At least 50 (10 teachers) including research teachers, (40 students) as the respondent

of the study to respect the whole population. The proper selection of respondents will

optimize the validity of the study improve its feasibility lower its cost and minimize

ethical concern.


The researcher will gather the result of phytochemicals test of the leaves. The proper

portioning of the tea in one tea bag and the sensory quality of the Kerson leaves tea in

terms of appearance, taste and aroma.



The researchers will prepare a letter of request noted by research teacher, adviser and

dean of college of Industrial Technology. After seeking approval, the researchers will

personally give the questionnaires to the respondents. Researchers will assure that the

responses will be treated objectively and utmost confidentiality. The questionnaires

were then being retrieved, collated and subject to appropriate statistical software



A parameter is any numerical quantity that characterizes a given population or some

aspects. Kala (2011) parameters tells something about the whole population.


The total cost of the Kerson leaves tea was the amount cover the ingredient, packing,

including the labor cost as well as other necessary amenities such as energy


Table 1. reflects the cost of the Kerson leaves tea production

Production Cost

Description Quantity Units Unit Cost Total Cost

Kerson leaves grams

Tea bag 100 pcs. ₱1.28/pcs. ₱128

Water 1 gallon ₱5/gal ₱25

Stove 25 ₱25

Standard 9 – Point Hedonic Scale

(Peryam, 1952)

Part I. Profile of the respondents

Name _______________________________________________________________


Reference Sampler (Replication 1, 2 and 3)

Part II. Questionnaire Proper

Directions: Taste each sample and check how much you like or dislike based on the

replication. Use the appropriate scale to show the degree of acceptability of the


Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

9 Like extremely

8 Like very much

7 Like moderately

6 Like slightly

5 Neither like nor dislike

4 Dislike moderately

3 Dislike moderately

2 Dislike very much

1 Sensory Properties
Dislike extremely. Overall
Rating Appearnace Aroma Taste Acceptbily
Replication 1, 2 and 3

1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3

Mean Score

Sensory Properties Description Evaluator Score for the


1 2 3

1. Appearance Greenish-golden-brown


2. Aroma Fresh herb, soothing and


3. Taste Doesn’t have off-flavor

or nor bitter 19
Validation Instrument

(Good and Scates, 1954)

I. Validator’s Profile

Name _________________________(Optional) Sex _____ Age______

Educational Qualification________________________________________


Office and Address_____________________________________________

Subject Taught ________________________________________________

Years of Teaching Experience ____________________________________

II. Direction

Rate the validity of the Instrument using the following numerical

equivalents establish by Good and Scates.

5.00 - 4.21 Very Good

4.20 - 3.41 Good

3.40 - 2.61 Moderately Good

2.60 - 1.81 Fair

1.81 - 1.00 Poor

Ratin Verbal

N Criteria g Interpretation

1 The instrument is short enough that the respondents will be able to

answer within the allocated time and it would not drain much of time

2 The instrument is interesting and appealing such that respondents will

be able to answer within the allocated time

3 The instrument can obtain some depth to answer without guess work

4 The questions and alternative responses are neither too suggestive nor

too vague

5 The instrument can elicit responses which are define and not


6 The question are stated in a way the respondents can understand them


7 The questions are formed in such a manner to avoid suspicion on the

part of the respondents concerning hidden answer on the instrument

8 The instrument is neither narrow nor limited in its content.

9 The answer to the problem when taken as a whole could answer the

basic purpose of which the instrument is designed and considered


10 The questions are relevant to the present study

Mean Score

Verbal Interpretation

Dear Ma’am;

Warmest Greetings,

The undersigned is currently working on her thesis entitled “Kerson Leaves Tea”a
final requirement for the feasibility study. An undergraduate program of the College
of Industrial Technology.
In line with this, she humbly asks for your expertise to evaluate her finished product.
Your comments, suggestions and or recommendations will help her improved the
finished product that she formulated using thee major ingredients Kerson leaves.
She truly appreciates the assistance and support extended in her research study.

Thank you very much and Godbless.

Very truly yours,



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