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Name: Subject: English-9

Roll # : Unit(s): 6,7,21,22,26,27,

Class: CLASS-9 Test: Type 2 - English (A) Test -
Date: Time:

Lesson + Poem Test

1- Choose the correct spellings of the following words. (3)
1 (A) numerous (B) numerus (C) numorus (D) nemerous
2 (A) building (B) bulding (C) buildding (D) buelding
3 (A) carvud (B) karved (C) carvid (D) carved
2- Choose the correct meanings of the underlined words. (3)
4 The word merging means:
(A) disappear (B) forsake (C) rising (D) neglect
5 impressive means:
(A) big (B) remarkable (C) fight (D) source
6 ‘embellish’ means:
(A) build (B) polish (C) spoil (D) decorate
3- Choose the correct option according to the grammar. (3)
7 Painting is a good fun. The underlined word is:
(A) gerund (B) adverb (C) adjective (D) verb
8 Ali ran quickly. The underlined word is a/an .
(A) verb (B) adverb (C) noun (D) adjective
9 She was singing last Sunday. The underlined word is:
(A) adverb of manner (B) adverb of frequency (C) adverb of place (D) adverb of time
4- Answer the following questions. (4x2=8)
(i) Why did the Quaid want the oneness of the whole nation?
(ii) Are we working according to the expectations of the great leader?
(iii) What is the result of neglecting the advice of the Quaid?
(iv) Why was a heavy iron chain hung at the entrance of the court?
5- Translate the following paragraph into Urdu. (4)
1 Blue Mosque reflects the architectural style of both Ottoman mosque and Byzentine church. Hagia Sophia, a
mosque, one of the wonders of Muslim architecture, was also kept in view as a model. Blue Mosque even today
is considered unmatched in splendor, majesty and size.
6- Write down the summary of the poem. (5)

OR Paraphrase the following lines into simple English with reference to the context.

7- Use the following words and idioms in your own sentences. (4)
(i) accused of (ii) emergence (iii) dexterously (iv) unmatched
MCQs Ans Key
Q:1 (A) Q:2 (A) Q:3 (D) Q:4 (A) Q:5 (B) Q:6 (D)
Q:7 (A) Q:8 (B) Q:9 (B)

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