3 3 3 4 Independent 1

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March 3 + March 4 

Independent Station Expectations 

You are to work ​silently​ and ​independently​ for the duration of the rotation. If you have a 
question, raise your hand so Ms. Chavez can assist you. ​Do not ask your neighbors​. 
If Ms. Chavez cannot promptly assist you, move on to another part of the assignment. 
Use this ​Google Timer​ to time yourself for each section.​ ​Make sure to turn the sound off. 
I will do ​2 spot checks​ during your work time to make sure you are actively working. I 
included a reminder for when these checks will occur in your directions. 

Part 1 - Vocabulary​ ​(5 min) 

1. Below the objective, write “​VOCABULARY​.” 
2. Glue the following table in below the vocabulary title. Either​ draw a sketch​ to 
represent the vocabulary words ​or​ write the definitions ​in your own words​ in the 
final column. 

Word  Definition  Drawing/Definition in 

your own words 

DNA  enzyme that unwinds the DNA   


DNA  enzyme that makes new DNA molecules from   

Polymerase  nucleotides 

DNA Ligase  an enzyme which can connect two strands of   

DNA together 

DNA  the process by which DNA makes a copy of itself   

Replication  during cell division 

semi-conser DNA replication that produces two copies of   

vative  DNA that each contain one of the original 
replication  strands and one new strand 
STAMP 1   

March 3 + March 4 

Part 2 - Video ​(15 min) 

2. Watch the Edpuzzle video “​DNA Replication (Updated)​” and answer the following 
3. Respond to the following reflection questions on the ​left side​ of your notebook. 
1. Where and when does DNA replication occur in eukaryotic cells? 
[Your response] 
Sentence Starters​: 
● DNA replication occurs... 
2. Describe the four enzymes involved in DNA replication. 
[Your response]  
Sentence Starters​: 
● DNA __________ is responsible for… 
● DNA __________ …. 
● Primase… 
● DNA __________ …. 
3. What are the first two steps of DNA replication?  
[Your response]  
Sentence Starters​: 
● First,... 
● Then,... 
4. In which direction does DNA polymerase build DNA ? 
[Your response]  
Sentence Starters​: 
● DNA polymerase builds DNA... 
5. Why is ligase needed? 
[Your response]  
Sentence Starters​: 

March 3 + March 4 

● Ligase is needed to... 

6. Why is DNA replication considered semi-conservative? 
[Your response]  
Sentence Starters​: 
● DNA replication is semi-conservative because... 
STAMP 2      
Part 3 - Khan Reading 
1. Go to​ Khan Academy. 
2. Read and take notes on the article “​Molecular mechanism of DNA replication​”. 
3. Complete the practice “​DNA replication​.” Make sure you retake it until you get a 
STAMP 3      

Part 4 - Done Early 
1. Study vocabulary. 
2. Quiz corrections. 
3. Homework 13. 
4. Check out this ​DNA simulation​. 

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