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MOOC Reflection

Reflection Guide Questions:

1. Summarize the key concepts that you have learned from this week’s module.
2. What was the most useful learning? Explain.
3. How do you plan to use or apply this learning in your class, life or profession?
4. What challenges did you encounter while MOOCing this week, and how did you deal with them?

I think module 1 mostly focused on three forms of cultural materials, namely: source culture materials,
target culture materials, and international culture materials. Source culture materials basically means using and
integrating the learners’ own country’s resources and culture into learning process, while target culture
materials are of the customs, traditions and ideals of the country origin of the second language being studied.
And international culture materials are all about the information gathered from all parts of the world.
Knowing these things can help educators make their learners achieve their language goals. For instance,
if learners wanted to study the English language because they would be moving to the states, the best materials
to use are target culture materials as it is the most beneficial. The students learn their language and culture at the
same time. (hitting two birds with one stone).
It was a little confusing at first to navigate on the site but I got the ropes eventually because the website
design was actually simple and user friendly.

After finishing this module, I learned that wherever we are, whoever we are, all our teaching struggles are
similar like having some off task learners or inattentive learners in our class. And these situations shouldn't be
blamed on students alone. Teachers have the control to make their class interesting and engaging for students.
This module has given us opportunity to broaden our perspective on pedagogy and on the teaching and learning
process itself. I'm glad that I was able to get new learning strategies to use in my classes.

I learned all about the different approaches I could use in order to make the teaching-learning process
more meaningful. I learned about direct method, communicative approach, grammar translating approach,
suggestopedia, and many more. If I were to be asked which one I find most effective, I wouldn’t be able to
answer right away as there should be factors I needed to consider first; learner’s prior knowledge, background,
and reasons why they wanted to learn a new language.
This week I’d been a bit busy but I was still glad I was able to complete and gain essential knowledge
about teaching the English language.

Module 4 had been really helpful for teachers like me who had students having difficulty in reading and
writing. This module discussed different approaches and teaching techniques educationists could use to
maximize students learning in the area of reading and writing. My pedagogical knowledge about the Top-Down
and Bottom-Up approaches were refreshed. I was also again familiarized with the reading processes or steps we
could do or utilize in our reading lessons. Some quintessential writing tips and suggestions were also noted.
I was thinking of searching for more interesting ways to use these approaches and strategies in my
lessons. I realized that I could actually do more for my learners.
My struggle this week was the jam-packed activities, tasks, and paperwork I had to do aside form
finishing this module. And yet again, I was able to conquer the week and finally be done with everything in the


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