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Ozone Layer Depletion - Health and

Environmental effects
History of the Ozone

The first ozone depletion occured over the antarctic region and this was found in 1985.Later we came to
know that this ozone hole is forming due to major greenhouse gases like Chloroflourocarbons (CFCs)
which are produced out of human emissions.
Since then various actions were taken globally to stop the production of CFCs ,but the CFCs that were
already released were effecting the ozone to this day.

The above image depicts the ozone hole that was found in 1985
The above data was taken in 1994 clearly showing the depletion of ozone after 1985.

The third image data shows a slight improvement.Scientists predict that it would take another 50 years
for the ozone concentration to increase like it was before 1980.
Location In Earth’s Atmosphere 

Ozone is a layer of colourless gas that is in the earth’s stratosphere that is 10 to 50 km above the earth’s

This layer protects the earth from Ultraviolet rays from the sun.Without this layer living conditions alter
on the earth and it would soon turn in to an unsurvivable planet for all living beings.

Ozone Creation And Destruction 

Ozone is formed in the stratosphere when molecules of oxygen get photodisscociated intaking
Ultraviolet Rays.The allotropes of oxygen are involved in the ozone oxygen cycle forming the O3 ,ozone

The total amount of ozone in the stratosphere is determined

by a balance between photochemical production and
recombination.As the ozone is very higly reactive molecule
even small amounts of a catalyst like chlorine can reduce
ozone down to oxygen molecules.This depletion can continue
up to 2 years with a single chlorine atom.This is the reason
why the ozone is still getting damaged even after drastically
stopping the emission of Ozone depleting gases.
The major cause of ozone depletion are Ozone-depleting
substances(ODS) which are Chloroflourocarbons and other
depleting substances through refrigerators and air
Antarctic Ozone Hole 

One of the early ozone hole formation was found in the antarctic region in the year 1985.Prior to 1979,
scientists had not observed atmospheric ozone concentrations below 220 Dobson Units But in the early
1980’s through a combination of ground-based and satellite measurements, scientists began to realize
that Earth’s natural sunscreen was thinning dramatically over the South Pole each spring. This thinning
of the ozone layer over Antarctica came to be known as the ​ozone hole​.
The word ‘hole’ shouldn’t be taken literally.It doesn’t mean that this space is empty ,Scientists use this
term because of the very low amounts of ozone in this area.

For several years, the minimum concentrations stayed in the 190s, but then the minimums rapidly grew
deeper: 173 DU in 1982, 154 in 1983, 124 in 1985. By 1991, a new threshold was passed, as the ozone
concentration fell below 100 DU for the first time. Since then, concentrations below 100 became more
common. The deepest ozone hole occurred in 1994, when concentrations fell to just 73 DU on
September 30.
Below are a series of images depicting the ozone concentration for every five years.

Sep 17, 1979 Oct 3,1984 Oct 7,1989 Sept 30,1994

Sept 29,1999 Oct 4,2004 Sept 26,2009 Sept 29,2013

Ozone Layer Recovery

This image shows the recent data

of ozone concentration.
The ozone layer is showing signs
of continuing recovery from
man-made damage and is likely to
heal fully by 2070.Scientists
predict that by 2070 the ozone
concentration will be equal as it
was before 1980.

The measures taken to repair the damage will also have an important beneficial effect on climate
change, as some of the gases that caused the ozone layer to thin and in places disappear also
contribute to warming the
Most major sources of
ozone-harming gases were
thought to have been
closed down, until studies
showed sites in China
where gases were still
emerging. The Chinese
government has pledged to
find and close down these

Recovery from the holes

and thinning caused by
aerosol chemicals has
progressed at a rate of
about 1% to 3% a decade since 2000, meaning the ozone layer over the northern hemisphere and
mid-latitudes should heal sooner than predicted, if current rates are sustained.
The Connection between Ozone Layer Depletion and UVB Radiation 

The ozone layer protects the earth from harmful UV radiation from the sun.So the ozone layer depletion
is causing UV radiation
to come to the earth’s
surface.The only way
to stop this is by
recovering the lost
ozone concentration.
Currently a hole of
ozone layer is formed
in the antarctic region
leaving the planet
vulnerable to the UVB
UV radiation
represents a small
amount of the energy
from the sun, and is
not highly absorbed or
scattered in the
atmosphere especially
when compared with
other wavelengths, like infrared. But, ozone depletion is also concerning because it directly impacts the
health of humans, and other living organisms.

Effects on Human Health

The International Agency for Research on Cancer concluded, in 1992, that solar radiation is a cause of
skin cancer.
When humans get exposed to UVB radiation they have a high chance of getting a type of skin cancer
called non-melanoma skin cancer including squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and
melanoma with a higher risk in individuals with
fair skin.

Early stage of melanoma skin cancer

About 86 percent of melanomas can be attributed to exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun.
About 90 percent of nonmelanoma skin cancers are associated with exposure to ultraviolet (UV)
radiation from the sun.
Scientists expect the accumulation of additional UVB exposure due to ozone depletion to cause an
increase in skin cancer incidence in fair-skinned individuals living at mid to high latitudes.

It is also found that eyes get effected by this UVB radiation.There is a strong association between
ultraviolet radiation exposure and human eye lens opacities, such as cataracts.The patient see a foggy

These include photokeratitis and photoconjunctivitis, the equivalent of a sunburn to your eyes and
commonly called snow-blindness.
Pterygium, a benign growth of the cornea, is another common condition linked to chronic exposure to
UVR; it is common among populations in areas of high UVR exposure.

Effects on Plants 

Studies show that ground level ozone causes more damage to plants than all other air pollutants
combined.Exposure to UV radiation may have a dramatic change in
surviving conditions of different species of plants.
Like humans, plants that are darker tend to be less affected by the
damage from the sun.
UV radiation may indirectly cause plant diseases and disturb their
timing of developing phases.
Effects on Marine Ecosystems

Microscopic marine organisms that play a crucial role in keeping intact many ecosystems are very
sensitive to UV radiation.
Depletion of the ozone layer could have drastic effects on plankton and other small marine organisms at
the base of the ocean food chain. These creatures are highly sensitive to UV radiation because they lack
protective outer layers. The increase in UV radiation threatens growth and survival of the tiny creatures
that provide the original food source for the rest of the ocean food chain.

Effects on Biogeochemical cycles

The biological and geological cycles have natural feedback systems which purify the atmosphere and
balance ecosystems.The ozone depletion might disturb these systems causing increase in greenhouse
gases like CO2 ,methane,CFCs etc.,

Effects on Materials

Synthetically produced polymers ,natural polymers and other commercial goods loose their usage life
period when exposed to UV radiation.This leads to loss to commercial companies.


The modern era brought us many advancements in technology that makes our lives easy and also life
saving medical knowledge. But many of these luxuries are cuasing climate change to mother nature at a
rate never scene before.
All the luxuries and comforts that we depend on are the major causes for ozone depletion and global
warming.For example the vehicles that we use for transportation relese CO2,the refrigerators and ACs
release CFCs.
Scientists predict that it might take 30 to 50 more years for the ozone to recover.We need to feel
responsible to all these climate change and global warming occuring to the earth and thrive to contribute
in reduction of human emissions.,

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