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Every time ____ begins to tantrum (defined in BIP) record the context (where are you/what
you are doing) time it starts and the time it ends. Antecedent: what was going on right before the behavior occurred.

Date Initials Time Time End Antecedent Behavior Consequence Total Time
Ο Told he couldn’t have item or activity Ο Speaking Out of Turn Ο Verbal Redirection
Ο Demand Given Ο Out of Seat Ο response blocking
Ο No materials or activities Ο Other: Ο Ignore
Ο Transition between activities Ο Social Attention
Ο Teacher talking to class Ο Physical Prompt
Ο Attention Given to Others Ο Task Removed
Ο Other: Ο Denied access to reinforcer
Ο Time out
Ο Access to preferred item/activity
Ο Other:

Ο Told he couldn’t have item or activity Ο Speaking Out of Turn Ο Verbal Redirection
Ο Demand Given Ο Out of Seat Ο response blocking
Ο No materials or activities Ο Other: Ο Ignore
Ο Transition between activities Ο Social Attention
Ο Teacher talking to class Ο Physical Prompt
Ο Attention Given to Others Ο Task Removed
Ο Other: Ο Denied access to reinforcer
Ο Time out
Ο Access to preferred item/activity
Ο Other:

Ο Told he couldn’t have item or activity Ο Speaking Out of Turn Ο Verbal Redirection
Ο Demand Given Ο Out of Seat Ο response blocking
Ο No materials or activities Ο Other: Ο Ignore
Ο Transition between activities Ο Social Attention
Ο Teacher talking to class Ο Physical Prompt
Ο Attention Given to Others Ο Task Removed
Ο Other: Ο Denied access to reinforcer
Ο Time out
Ο Access to preferred item/activity
Ο Other:

Ο Told he couldn’t have item or activity Ο Speaking Out of Turn Ο Verbal Redirection
Ο Demand Given Ο Out of Seat Ο response blocking
Ο No materials or activities Ο Other: Ο Ignore
Ο Transition between activities Ο Social Attention
Ο Teacher talking to class Ο Physical Prompt
Ο Attention Given to Others Ο Task Removed
Ο Denied access to reinforcer
Ο Other: Ο Time out
Ο Access to preferred item/activity
Ο Other:

Ο Direction Given Ο Yell/Cry Ο Ignore

Ο Request Denied Ο Refusal Ο Verbal Prompt
Ο Frustration Over Task Ο Elopement Ο Gestural Prompt
Ο Transition between activities Ο Property Destruction Ο Behavior Momentum
Ο Transition between locations Ο Physical Aggression Ο Other:
Ο Transition between people Ο Fall to the Floor
Ο Other: Ο Other:

Date Initials Time Time End Antecedent Behavior Consequence Total Time
Ο Told he couldn’t have item or activity Ο Speaking Out of Turn Ο Verbal Redirection
Ο Demand Given Ο Out of Seat Ο response blocking
Ο No materials or activities Ο Other: Ο Ignore
Ο Transition between activities Ο Social Attention
Ο Teacher talking to class Ο Physical Prompt
Ο Attention Given to Others Ο Task Removed
Ο Other: Ο Denied access to reinforcer
Ο Time out
Ο Access to preferred item/activity
Ο Other:

Ο Told he couldn’t have item or activity Ο Speaking Out of Turn Ο Verbal Redirection
Ο Demand Given Ο Out of Seat Ο response blocking
Ο No materials or activities Ο Other: Ο Ignore
Ο Transition between activities Ο Social Attention
Ο Teacher talking to class Ο Physical Prompt
Ο Attention Given to Others Ο Task Removed
Ο Other: Ο Denied access to reinforcer
Ο Time out
Ο Access to preferred item/activity
Ο Other:

Ο Told he couldn’t have item or activity Ο Speaking Out of Turn Ο Verbal Redirection
Ο Demand Given Ο Out of Seat Ο response blocking
Ο No materials or activities Ο Other: Ο Ignore
Ο Transition between activities Ο Social Attention
Ο Teacher talking to class Ο Physical Prompt
Ο Attention Given to Others Ο Task Removed
Ο Other: Ο Denied access to reinforcer
Ο Time out
Ο Access to preferred item/activity
Ο Other:

Ο Told he couldn’t have item or activity Ο Speaking Out of Turn Ο Verbal Redirection
Ο Demand Given Ο Out of Seat Ο response blocking
Ο No materials or activities Ο Other: Ο Ignore
Ο Transition between activities Ο Social Attention
Ο Teacher talking to class Ο Physical Prompt
Ο Attention Given to Others Ο Task Removed
Ο Other: Ο Denied access to reinforcer
Ο Time out
Ο Access to preferred item/activity
Ο Other:

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