Aiims May17 Derma

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AIIMS May 2017 Derma MCQs

with solutions
Dr Saurabh Jindal
Q1. A 30 year old lady comes with a 2
month history of non-scarring patchy
alopecia on the left side. There was
no erythema. The diagnosis is
a. Alopecia areata
b. Trichotillomania
c. Telogen effluvium
d. Androgenetic alopecia

Answer B
Patchy hair loss will be seen in Alopecia areata and
Trichotillomania. Telogen effluvium and androgenetic
alopecia will have diffuse hair loss. You can see incomplete
hair loss in the patch. Alopecia areata would have a smooth
surfaced patchy loss ,not incomplete loss
Q2 . A patient comes with skin and oral lesions.
All are true except
a. Dsg 3 antibodies
b. Dsg 1 antibodies
c. Antibody against hemidesmosome
d. IgG type is the most common

Answer –C
The questions is of pemphigus vulgaris (mucocutaneous
variety). Hemidesmosomes are structures which attach the
Basal keratinocytes to the DEJ. Typically BP-1 is present in
hemidesmosome. Bullous pemphigoid has antibody against
hemidesmosome. In pemphigus the antibodies are against
desmosomes and not hemidesmosomes. The question is of
mucocutaneous pemphigus vulgaris. Hence both Dsg3 and
Dsg 1 antibodies would be seen (IgG type). IgG along the
basement membrane is not seen in pemphigus vulgaris
Q3. A child had hyperpigmented patch with hair on
cheek since birth. The diagnosis is
a. Congenital melanocytic nevus
b. Verrucous epidermal nevus
c. Lentigine
d. Melanoacanthoma

Answer A
CMN is congenital. There is no verrucosity on the
lesions Neither is it along a blaschko line.
Hence not B. Melanoacanthoma is very rare variant of
seborrheic keratosis presenting as a deeply
Pigmented proliferation of melanocytes and
Keratinocytes over the head, neck
and trunk of elderly people. Hence answer is A
Q4. A patient comes with
exudative lesions in cubital
fossa, popliteal fossa and neck.
The diagnosis is
a. Dermatitis herpetiformis
b. Pemphigus
c. Psoriasis
d. Atopic dermatitis

Answer D
Atopic dermatitis is typically in ante-cubital fossa and
flexures like popliteal fossa in adults. Also exudation
(oozing) is a sign of eczema due to spongiosis. Psoriasis is
classically on extensors. Although the variant called as
Flexural psoriasis has flexural lesions, it will not ooze.
Dermatitis herpetiformis will have itchy excoriations and
relation to gluten.
Q5 . A child comes with a circular 3 cm x 3 cm scaly patchy hair
loss with itching in the lesions. The investigation of choice is
a. Slit skin smear
b. KOH
c. Gram stain
d. Tzanck smear

Answer – B
Scaly , itchy, localised patchy hair loss in a child is tinea capitis.
KOH smear is done from loose hairs. SSS is for leprosy and
leishmaniasis. Tzanck smear is for herpes, pemphigus etc.
Q6 . A patient comes with a genital ulcer.
His biopsy was done (picture of an
intracellular organism was given). The
diagnosis is
a. Chlamydia trachomatis
b. Neiserria gonorrhea
c. Hemophilus ducreyi
d. Klebsiella granulomatis

Answer- D
Intracellular organisms (donovan bodies)-
Higher power would have shown closed-
safety pin organism. Note gonococcus will
not cause genital ulcers.
Q 7. In a 12 year old child, 4 hypopigmented
patches on back and 4 patches were on forearm
with loss of sensation. Treatment regimen was
A. R-600, C-300. Daily D-100, C-50
B. R-450, C-150. Daily D-50, C 50 an alternate days
C. R 450, C-150. Daily- D 50, C 50
D. R 600, D 100
Answer B- See table below
Q8 . Antibiotic against leprosy organism is
a. Ciprofloxacin
b. Ofloxacin
c. Erythromycin
d. Amoxicillin

Answer- B
It’s a second line drug for leprosy. Other 2nd line drugs are
Clarithromycin and Minocycline
Q9 . Histopathology was given:
a. Mycosis fungoides
b. Pemphigus vulgaris
c. Lepromatous leprosy
d. Eczema
Answer – B
Reason: Can clearly see a suprabasal split with row of
Q10 . All are caused by staphylococcal toxin except
a. Toxic shock syndrome
b. Scalded skin syndrome
c. Septic shock
d. Food poisoning

Answer- C
Q11 . A female comes with frothy, green vaginal discharge of 5
days duration. There was a strawberry cervix on examination.
The drug of choice is
a. Metronidazole
b. Tetracycline
c. Fluconazole
d. Ciprofloxacin

Answer- A
Green, frothy, vaginal discharge with strawberry cervix suggests
trichomonal vaginitis.

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