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Dear Recruitment Team,

Hi I'm Riandini Syahnaz. I graduated as Bachelor of International Relations. My previous job as Account
Executive at Kompas Gramedia was mandated me to be able in marketing products. Work fast &
accurate are my obligation . Being able to multitask is my expertise. I learned to meet client , make a
media plan , and offering various kind of company product.

Then I try to extend my experience in Anta Tirta Kirana as Staff Logistics, it was the different job. I got
mandate to maintain the distribution of company product, manage the schedule of my coworkers &
make sure the delivery is going well. I'm the type of the person who are eligible to be placed in back
office or out office cause every single job is like the new adventure for me to try my best that can
broaden my skills & knowledge.

I'm interested to join in your company because I see the bigger chance for me to give a good
contribution by implementing all my skill in your company. I hope my expertise would be useful to your
company. You will find additional information about my educational background, work experience and
achievements in the attached resume. I would appreciate the opportunity for an interview to
exchange ideas about careers in your company and the positive contributions I would offer as a member
of your company. Thank you very much for taking your time in reviewing my application.

Best Regards,

Riandini Syahnaz

1. HR Kompas TV
2. HR Hotel Santika Bapak Wisnu Wibowo Corp Strategic Management Manager
3. HR CFM PT Gramedia Multi Utama Ocha ( Manager)

Dear HR Kompas TV,

Hi I’m Riandini Syahnaz. I graduated as Bachelor of International Relations. I started my first job at PT.
Transito Adiman Jati as Account Executive. My job was mandated me to be able in multitasking in every
condition while being Account Executive must be able to build a relationship with client and partner to
meet the needs of them. It was fun and dynamis.

Then I continue my carreer at PT.Anta Tirta Kirana as Staff Logistic

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