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Health Rationale

My work sample for health is hand washing. It fits this category because hand washing is an important
aspect of heath that helps prevent sickness and the spread of germs from one to another.
I chose it as the best example of my work because hand washing is something that is practiced every
day in so many fields. It’s a main aspect to help prevent the spread of germs and is taught to children
at a young age to put them in the habit of washing their hands as often as needed. I learned that
health is so important especially when working in childcare. Germs can be spread easily when going
from child to child or even room to room. A child’s immune system isn’t as strong as an adult would
be because it hasn’t been built up yet. Other health procedures such as teeth brushing is important to
practice with children early on so they can create a habit to do it every day.
My work sample shows my knowledge and understanding of the role nutrition
plays in quality early childhood programming by knowing quality information about health and things
to contain a healthy environment such as handwashing to take my knowledge and educate children
on hand washing.

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