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N. R.

Brown, Author - Counselor

Pre-Marital Questionnaire
Brown & Sees Publishing

The Pre-marital Counseling Questionnaire

1) Print out two copies of this questionnaire.

2) Give one copy to the person you are going to marry.
3) Tell them to pencil in their answers as quickly and soon as possible
and to use the backs of these pages if needed.
4) When you have written your answers to every question, and your
partner has completed all of theirs (no exceptions) . . .
5) Trade questionnaires and go off and read what your partner said.
6) Mark every answer your partner has made that you want
clarification about or to expand on.
7) When you have finished reading all your partner’s answers, sit
down across from each other, hold your partner’s questionnaire
and take turns discussing questions you both marked.
8) This part can take more than one session. Continue on consecutive
days until you both have satisfied yourselves that you understand
every answer your partner made, and have resolve every question
raised by the discussions.
9) Contact us if you encounter a problem – do not allow anything to
prevent you both from getting done.
10) Write and tell how and why this was a great experience!

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The Pre-marital Counseling Questionnaire
1. Do you believe in miracles?

a. Does your intended?

2. Do you believe that touch can heal?

a. Does your intended?

3. Do you believe that a person has control over their destiny?

a. Does your intended?

4. Do you acknowledge there is a God?

a. Does your intended?

5. Do you pray?

a. Does your intended?

6. Are you angry more than half your waking hours?

a. Is your intended?

7. Can you cry?

a. Can your intended?

8. Do you tell those close to you every week that you love them?

a. Does your intended?

9. Are you easily upset?

a. Is your intended?

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10. Do you study religion at least two hours a week?

a. Does your intended?

11. Do you consider yourself to be religious?

a. Does your intended?

12. Do you believe there is a heaven and hell?

a. Does your intended?

13. Do you believe there is life after death?

a. Does your intended?

14. Can you leave your body at will?

a. Can your intended?

15. Does your mind sometimes run out of control?

a. Does your intended?

16. Do you consider marital sex is a duty?

a. Does your intended?

17. Can a person have too much pleasure?

a. What does your intended think about this?

18. Do you eat too much? Too little? Too much junk food?

a. Does your intended?

19. Do you like foreplay as well as sex?

a. Does your intended?

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20. Do you swim?

a. Does your intended?

21. Are you atheletic?

a. Is your intended?

22. Do you enjoy cooking?

a. Does your intended?

23. Have you cut yourself, fallen, or broken a bone the last 12 months?

a. Has your intended?

24. Have you had a DUI? Other criminal history?

a. Has your intended?

25. Do you pick up after yourself? After others?

a. Does your intended?

26. Do you make your bed when you get up?

a. Does your intended?

27. Do you eat a good breakfast every day?

a. Does your intended?

28. Do you keep the rooms neat and orderly?

a. Does your intended?

29. Do you keep the table tops, counter tops and floors clean?

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a. Does your intended?

30. Do you leave dirty dishes, pots, pans, in the sink at bedtime?

a. Does your intended?

31. Do you put the garbage out each night before going to sleep?

a. Does your intended?

32. Are you embarrassed to have your lover see you naked?

a. Is your intended?

33. Is your body less “endowed” than average?

a. Does your intended think so?

34. Are you good at giving backrubs or massages?

a. Does your intended think so?

35. Might you be promiscuous?

a. Might your intended?

36. When you get upset do you get over it quickly?

a. Does your intended think so?

37. Do you donate money to charity weekly?

a. Does your intended?

38. Do you participate in a weekly study group?

a. Does your intended?

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39. Can a person eat too much red meat?

a. Does your intended?

40. Do you have physical problems?

a. Does your intended?

41. Do you consume herbs on a daily basis?

a. Does your intended?

42. Should one person manage the family money? Who?

a. Does your intended?

43. Do you make and follow a written budget every month?

a. Does your intended?

44. Do you believe in saving some of every income?

a. Does your intended?

45. Do you spend too much on gifts for family members?

a. Does your intended?

46. Do you have a vacation savings fund?

a. Does your intended?

47. Do you have a Christmas holidays savings fund?

a. Does your intended?

48. Do you have or plan to have credit cards?

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a. Does your intended?

49. Do you believe in saving the money up before going shopping?

a. Does your intended?

50. Do you believe it is possible to live debt free?

a. Does your intended?

51. Are you a good disciplinarian of children?

52. When is gambling okay? Do you gamble for money?

53. Do you believe there is such a thing as coincidence?

54. Can you intend for there to be a parking space when you arrive?

55. Have you experienced de je vou?

56. Is Man more than corporeal?

57. Describe the power of intention?

58. What is the source of intention?

59. Would you rather live in a different climate? Where?

60. Do you drink alcohol every day? Every week? Every month?

61. Do you loan money to people other than your spouse?

62. What is your favorite kind of music? At a party?

63. Would you consider living aboard a boat?

64. Have you ever wanted to sail the world?

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65. How often do you vacation? For how long a time?

66. What kind of investment would you like to make next?

67. Is there a city you have always wanted to visit?

68. Can you nurse your partner through their final days if necessary?

69. Would that include changing my diapers?

70. Would you help me overdose if that is what I decide I want?

71. Do you like candlelight? For dinner?

72. Do you drink eggnog with brandy at Christmas time?

73. What is your lover’s favorite flower?

74. Is Valentine’s Day special to you?

75. Are you working on improving parts of your personality?

76. Do you freely express appreciation to the person closest to you?

77. Do you openly validate the person you live with on a daily basis?

78. Do you feel you understand salvation?

79. Are you saved? Enlightened? Beyond needing help?

80. Do you prefer pancakes with strawberries or some other topping?

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