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Safety Rationale

My work sample for safety is the emergency door exit in one of the classrooms. It fits this category
because an emergency door is one of the key elements for safety standards in a element that a fire were
to happen. It is important that all children know where they are supposed to go if an emergency where
they needed to get out of the building fast were to happen. I will be able to use this in the future to
explain what the emergency door is used for, when we would need to use it and how it contributes to
our safety. I chose it as the best example of my work because this is one of the main things talked about
in a classroom for safety. All children who are in this classroom know what this door is for and know
when they can use it. It is one of the main thing’s children associated with safety and helps them
understand how important their safety is a little better. A few things that I learned about safety is that it
is an important topic to educate not only the students but their parents as well, so they know what to
do in a event of an emergency. I have applied the knowledge I’ve gained by passing this information
onto others and practicing drills. Everyone works hard to accomplish safety by having reminders posted
all around such as emergency exit plans, tornado safety, and intruder alert safety. It is not a teacher’s
goal to scare children on emergencies but to educate them, so they know what to do to remain safe
during one. My work sample shows my knowledge and understanding of the role safety plays in quality
early childhood programing by showing one of the main components of safety and showing that there is
a plan in place in the event of an emergency.

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