Tom Barry Talking Points

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DRA T: ork in Pro ress

Department Head Meeting Talking Points:

Monday, December gth, 2019

1) Address Management of theTeam. Observations and Team Dynamics. More should be done.

2) Discuss the concerns with our team and the impacts on the organization:
a. A few of our team members have been undermining city efforts and making
disparagingremarks about’fellow staff members, the Mayor, City Council members
and the City Manager for some time. Their actions have obstructed city efforts and
piogress arid are in violation of our personnel policies. Other concerns of the team
i. The impeding and undermining of working relationships and work progress
ii. Backstabbing and uncooperative interactions between team members
iii. Isolation, exclusion, and ridicule of fellow staff members and City efforts
iv. Damaging and destructive impacts on the organization and its reputation
b. It seems that our progress and forward momentum has upset the establishment and
some on our team seêrp resistant to the change we seek.
c. Recently, some of our disgruntled team members have decided to take their grievances
outside of our organization to a local blogger. This blogger acknowledged publicly that
these staff members had contacted him and provided him with information and
developed at least three separate posts on multiple social media outlets. These actions
and activities have had major impacts to the City, its leaders, and our community:
1. Tarnished the reputation of the City
2. Undermined the confidence and credibility of the Council and CM
3. Compromised the integrity of our processes & embarrassed the staff who
represent the process
4. Attempted to sabotage a contract negotiation between the CM & Council
5. Upsetihe E~ected ~odyand destabilized our professionalstandards
6. Caused irreparable reputational harm to the Mayor, City Council, Fire
Chief and City Manager
7. Undermined our organizational culture
8. Introduced Anxiety & Stress on fellow team members
9. Introduced an enormous Lack of Trust into the team
10. Caused staff members to question the veracityof their leaders
11. Generat~d a tremendous workload for our team which is now required to
repair and iniprove our organizational cultu~re
12. Damaged the public’s confidence in its.g~vernment and its leadership
13. These actions violated several personnel policies and protocols for filing
grievances/discussing problems
d. I, as well as many City Council Members and staff feel betrayed and lam deeply
dis~appointed in our team. Highlight impacts. Someof you aréperpetrators, some
are complacent enablers, and a vast majority of you are innocent bystanders,
brought down by the underhanded antics of your peers.
Page 1 of 3
DRA T: ork in Progress
e. Let me be clear—these actions will not be tolerated. If you don’t like the leadership
of the City or the direction we are headed, the City Council and I would like to
inform you that you have options:
i. You can brush up on your resume we do not have room on our team for

people who are going to hold us back OR —

ii. You can positively embrace the change we seek

iii. But the options do not include undermining, sabotaging, disparaging, or
obstructing our efforts or our team members. Any such or similar behavior
will not be tolerated.
LISA 4 iv. Coming from the Council: Comments of Council regarding Role/Reaction
f. Our job now, which will be among our highest priorities, will be to rebuild this team.
We got here as a team, and we must improve as a team. To help us do this, I
wanted to share with you the plan and expectations going forward:

Draft Approach:
1) Discuss group dynamics and group think impacts on our organization
2) Identify sources and motivations of the most recent conflict
3) HR Director, I, and the Executive Leadership Team of Council Developed an Approach &
Identified a Third-Party HR Consultant to help our team:
a) Consultants Services:
(1) Complete an online Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Global Step II Personality
(2) Acquire and read the book: “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team” by Patrick
(3) Workshop 1: (4-Hour) Team Assessment and MBTI Feedback & Team Exercises
(4) Workshop 2: (4-Hour) Group Dynamics and Conflict Resolution Workshop using
LISA 4 the Kraybill Conflict Style Inventory
(5) Project Process Check-In: Evaluate effectiveness of the two workshops and
based on progress additional steps could include:
(a) One or more workshops
(b) Individualized Executive Coaching
(c) Individual and/or group mediation
4) Follow-Up Activities:
a) Depending upon what is discovered during this process, we may need to also:
i) Develop a Leadership Development Training Program
ii) Work with the Civil Service Commission to improve flexibility in administering
accountability standards particularly for executives
iii) Revise the performance evaluation form & process to better achieve
accountability standards
iv) Evaluate other methods for rewarding performance
v) Other components as needed

5) This journey together will require your full attention and participation, and I expect both.

Page 2 of 3
DRAFT: Work in Progress
6) My advice to you going forward is:
(1) This is a time for self-reflection Do not speak about these issues with anyone so

that you can be clear of mind when we get to the group exercises.
(2) Think long and hard about your role, purposeful or otherwise, and how you may
have actively or passively contributed to our current situation.
(3) Choose your peers and those you associate with wisely, for their actions reflect
on you as well
+ (4) Discuss impacts on Subordinate Staff
(5) This is a Leadership Moment for all of us think about the role you want to take

in helping our team moving forward.

Internal Investigation Questionnaire Interviewee: _______________________

Conducted by: Date: Dece)nber 9, 2019

e~At /49r79 and___________________

Name Initials Date Name Initf~Is Date

Source & Probable Cause: The printed story from Rob Port’s Say Anything Blog published on December
5, 2019 “Despite Controversy City of Minot Approves Roughly $1 Million Contract for City Manager”

We are conducting and investigation involving an alleged conspiracy to disparage and defame
the City, the City Council, our Mayor, our Fire Chief, and our City Manager. Staff members have
allegedly fed information to Rob Port, a statewide blogger, which resulted in several misleading and
damaging social media posts. These activities have undermined our government, its leadership, and the
public’s confidence in both. These are very serious allegations which violate multiple personnel policies
and your participation in this investigation is critical. I am going to ask you a series of questions that I
expect your full cooperation and honesty in answering. If it comes to light that you have not been
truthful or forthright in this investigation or that you have otherwise in any way obstructed this
investigation, you may be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Do you understand
these instructions?

Questions: ~
1) Yes o(N9/ Did you speak or otherwise converse or share information of any kind with Rob Port
in the’flst 6 months?
a. If Yes, When & Why?

b. If Yes, were you asked or encouraged by anyone to do it and if so, by whom?

2) Yes o(i~~ Do you know who on our team did or may have spoken or conversed or shared
inform~ätibn of any kind with Rob Port in the past 6 months?

3) Yes or Did you have any hand regarding the assembly, facilitation, promotion, or sharing of
information with Rob Port directly or through alternative means or persons in the past 6

4) Yes or’~ Are you aware of or do you possess any knowledge or information of any kind
regarding the incidents surrounding the posts that Rob Port has published?

5) Is there anyone else that would have information that could aid us in this investigation?

6) Including yourself, are you aware of any staff member who has disparaged the City or its leaders
in any way?

Your cooperation in this investigation is appreciated. Depending upon the how things proceed, you may
be asked additional questions. In the interim, and because this is an ongoing investigation, you are being
instructed not to share any information regarding this conversation with anyone. Do you understand?

Page lof 1
Internal Investigation Questionnaire Interviewee: ( 6.~ V—’L1
Conducted by: Date: December 9, 2019
fd—_ ~ /10 /
/5k L~ (tL/?and L z~±~ /a9-/~
Name lniti~~ Date Name irdLis Date

Source & Probable Cause: The printed story from Rob Port’s Say Anything Blog published on December
5, 2019 “Despite Controversy City of Minot Approves Roughly $1 Million Contract for City Manager”

We are conducting and investigation involving an alleged conspiracy to disparage and defame
the City, the City Council, our Mayor, our Fire Chief, and our City Manager. Staff members have
allegedly fed information to Rob Port, a statewide blogger, which resulted in several misleading and
damaging social media posts. These activities have undermined our government, its leadership, and the
public’s confidence in both. These are very serious allegations which violate multiple personnel policies
and your participation in this investigation is critical. I am going to ask you a series of questions that I
expect your full cooperation and honesty in answering. If it comes to light that you have not been
truthful or forthright in this investigation or that you have otherwise in any way obstructed this
investigation, you may be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Do you understand
these instructions?

1) Yes or2~ Did you speak or otherwise converse or share information of any kind with Rob Port
in the ff~st 6 months?
a. If Yes, When & Why?

b. If Yes, were you asked or encouraged by anyone to do it and if so, by whom?

2) Yes or~3o you know who on our team did or may have spoken or conversed or shared
information of any kind with Rob Port in the past 6 months?

3) Yes orçbid you have any hand regarding the assembly, facilitation, promotion, or sharing of
information with Rob Port directly or through alternative means or persons in the past 6

4) Yes or~S~ Are you aware of or do you possess any knowledge or information of any kind
regarding the incidents surrounding the posts that Rob Port has published?

5) Is there anyone else that would have information that could aid us in this investigation?

6) Including yourself, are you aware of any staff member who has disparaged the City or its leaders
in any way?

Your cooperation in this investigation is appreciated. Depending upon the how things proceed, you may
be asked additional questions. In the interim, and because this is an ongoing investigation, you are being
instructed not to share any information regarding this ccinversation with anyone. Do you understand?

Internal Investigation Questionnaire Interviewee: __________________________

Conducted by: Date: December 9, 2019

2~(~ ~6~/fand Jp~4’t

Name InItials Date Name IrWtials Date

Source & Probable Cause: The printed story from Rob Port’s Say Anything Blog published on December
5, 2019 “Despite Controversy City of Minot Approves Roughly $1 Million Contract for City Manager”

We are conducting and investigation involving an alleged conspiracy to disparage and defame
the City, the City Council, our Mayor, our Fire Chief, and our City Manager. Staff members have
allegedly fed information to Rob Port, a statewide blogger, which resulted in several misleading and
damaging social media posts. These activities have undermined our government, its leadership, and the
public’s confidence in both. These are very serious allegations which violate multiple personnel policies
and your participation in this investigation is critical. I am going to ask you a series of questions that I
expect your full cooperation and honesty in answering. If it comes to light that you have not been
truthful or forthright in this investigation or that you have otherwise in any way obstructed this
investigation, you may be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Do you understand
these instructions?

1) Yes or(~~Did you speak or otherwise converse or share information of any kind with Rob Port
in the past 6 months?
a. If Yes, When & Why?

b. If Yes, were you asked or encouraged by anyone to do it and if so, by whom?

2) Yes o~Do you know who on our team did or may have spoken or conversed or shared
information of any kind with Rob Port in the past 6 months?

3) Yes or ~?o: id you have any hand regarding the assembly, facilitation, promotion, or sharing of
informa’itian with Rob Port directly or through alternative means or persons in the past 6

4) Yes or4r)~re you aware of or do you possess any knowledge or information of any kind
regar~ing’the incidents surrounding the posts that Rob Port has published?

5) Is there anyone else that would have information that could aid us in this investigation?

6) Including yourself, are you aware of any staff member who has disparaged the City or its leaders
in any way?

Your cooperation in this investigation is appreciated. Depending upon the how things proceed, you may
be asked additional questions. In the interim, and because this is an ongoing investigation, you are being
instructed not to share any information regarding this conversation with anyone. Do you qnderstand?

Page 1 of 1
Internal Investigation Questionnaire Interviewee: (S~ c_(c_
Conducted by: Date: December 9, 2019

//‘~ ?‘~/9anci /24’/~

Name Initials Date Name ~tiaIs Date

Source & Probable Cause: The printed story from Rob Port’s Say Anything Blog published on December
5, 2019 “Despite Controversy City of Minot Approves Roughly $1 Million Contract for City Manager”

We are conducting and investigation involving an alleged conspiracy to disparage and defame
the City, the City Council, our Mayor, our Fire Chief, and our City Manager. Staff members have
allegedly fed information to Rob Port, a statewide blogger, which resulted in several misleading and
damaging social media posts. These activities have undermined our government, its leadership, and the
public’s confidence in both. These are very serious allegations which violate multiple personnel policies
and your participation in this investigation is critical. lam going to ask you a series of questions that I
expect your full cooperation and honesty in answering. If it comes to light that you have not been
truthful or forthright in this investigation or that you have otherwise in any way obstructed this
investigation, you may be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Do you understand
these instructions?

1) Yes o No: id you speak or otherwise converse or share information of any kind with Rob Port
in the p st 6 months?
a. If Yes, When & Why?

b. If Yes, were you asked or encouraged by anyone to do it and if so, by whom?

2) Yes o No: o you know who on our team did or may have spoken or conversed or shared
informa ion of any kind with Rob Port in the past 6 months?

3) Yes or~ 0: id you have any hand regarding the assembly, facilitation, promotion, or sharing of
inform~tI6n with Rob Port directly or through alternative means or persons in the past 6

4) Yes or~re you aware of or do you possess any knowledge or information of any kind
regarding the incidents surrounding the posts that Rob Port has published?

5) Is there anyone else that would have information that could aid us in this investigation?

6) Including yourself, are you aware of any staff member who has disparaged the City or its leaders
in anyway?
‘4S t~: 1’ 4 “t / ~

Your cooperation in this investigation is appreciated. Depending upon the how things proceed, you may
be asked additional questions. In the interim, and because this is an ongoing investigation, you are being
instructed not to share any information regarding this conversation with anyone. Do you understand?

Page 1 of 1
Internal Investigation Questionnaire Interviewee: _______________________

Conducted by: Date: December 9, 2019

4SP~ /471?and /2r~7t

Name Initials Date Name Init~i~ Date

Source & Probable Cause: The printed story from Rob Port’s Say Anything Blog published on December
5, 2019 “Despite Controversy City of Minot Approves Roughly $1 Million Contract for City Manager”

We are conducting and investigation involving an alleged conspiracy to disparage and defame
the City, the City Council, our Mayor, our Fire Chief, and our City Manager. Staff members have
allegedly fed information to Rob Port, a statewide blogger, which resulted in several misleading and
damaging social media posts. These activities have undermined our government, its leadership, and the
public’s confidence in both. These are very serious allegations which violate multiple personnel policies
and your participation in this investigation is critical. I am going to ask you a series of questions that I
expect your full cooperation and honesty in answering. If it comes to light that you have not been
truthful or forthright in this investigation or that you have otherwise in any way obstructed this
investigation, you may be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Do you understand
these instructions?

Questions: ~

1) Yes or(cgi Did you speak or otherwise converse or share information of any kind with Rob Port
in the past 6 months?
a. If Yes, When & Why?

b. If Yes, were you asked or encouraged by anyone to do it and if so, by whom?

2) Yes or~~jbo you know who on our team did or may have spoken or conversed or shared
information of any kind with Rob Port in the past 6 months?

3) Yes or~Did you have any hand regarding the assembly, facilitation, promotion, or sharing of
information with Rob Port directly or through alternative means or persons in the past 6

4) Yes orjt~)Are you aware of or do you possess any knowledge or information of any kind
regard’inflhe incidents surrounding the posts that Rob Port has published?

5) Is there anyone else that would have information that could aid us in this investigation?
6) Including yourself, are you aware of any staff member who has disparaged the City or its leaders
in any way?

Your cooperation in this investigation is appreciated. Depending upon the how things proceed, you may
be asked additional questions. In the interim, and because this is an ongoing investigation, you are being
instructed not to share any information regarding this conversation with anyone. Do you understand?

Internal Investigation Questionnaire Interviewee: Jai(sAIt ci
Conducted by: Date: December 9, 2019

(flit ~ /~9~dand J~ck~ /2~9/~

Name Initials Date Name k~ótials Date

Source & Probable Cause: The printed story from Rob Port’s Say Anything Slog published on December
5, 2019 “Despite Controversy City of Minot Approves Roughly $1 Million Contract for City Manager”

We are conducting and investigation involving an alleged conspiracy to disparage and defame
the City, the City Council, our Mayor, our Fire Chief, and our City Manager. Staff members have
allegedly fed information to Rob Port, a statewide blogger, which resulted in several misleading and
damaging social media posts. These activities have undermined our government, its leadership, and the
public’s confidence in both. These are very serious allegations which violate multiple personnel policies
and your participation in this investigation is critical. I am going to ask you a series of questions that I
expect your full cooperation and honesty in answering. If it comes to light that you have not been
truthful or forthright in this investigation or that you have otherwise in any way obstructed this
investigation, you may be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Do you understand
these instructions? 1.~~~~

Questions: ~
1) Yes or N~/Did you speak or otherwise converse or share information of any kind with Rob Port
in the past 6 months?
a. If Yes, When & Why?

b. If Yes, were you asked or encouraged by anyone to do it and if so, by whom?

2) Yes or&~Do you know who on our team did or may have spoken or conversed or shared
information of any kind with Rob Port in the past 6 months?

3) Yes or43id you have any hand regarding the assembly, facilitation, promotion, or sharing of
information with Rob Port directly or through alternative means or persons in the past 6

4) Yes or(tJ94,Are you aware of or do you possess any knowledge or information of any kind
regarding the incidents surrounding the posts that Rob Port has published?

5) Is there anyone else that would have information that could aid us in this investigation?

6) Including yourself, are you aware of any staff member who has disparaged the City or its leaders
in any way?
Your cooperation in this investigation is appreciated. Depending upon the how things proceed, you may
be asked additional questions. In the interim, and because this is an ongoing investigation, you are being
instructed not to share any information regarding this conversation with anyone. Do you understand?

tQ ~ ~ ~4 ~s, Ee~ ~tre C. y

, Can2t -t~ ~v~r ~4;~~a4e 7t~,)ç ~
Internal Investigation Questionnaire Interviewee: tft (—~.
Conducted by: Date: December 9, 2019

~ /‘~?/?and/<vA f
Name Initials Date Name (jxitials Date

Source & Probable Cause: The printed story from Rob Port’s Say Anything Blog published on December
5, 2019 “Despite Controversy City of Minot Approves Roughly $1 Million Contract for City Manager”

We are conducting and investigation involving an alleged conspiracy to disparage and defame
the City, the City Council, our Mayor, our Fire Chief, and our City Manager. Staff members have
allegedly fed information to Rob Port, a statewide blogger, which resulted in several misleading and
damaging social media posts. These activities have undermined our government, its leadership, and the
public’s confidence in both. These are very serious allegations which violate multiple personnel policies
and your participation in this investigation is critical. I am going to ask you a series of questions that I
expect your full cooperation and honesty in answering. If it comes to light that you have not been
truthful or forthright in this investigation or that you have otherwise in any way obstructed this
investigation, you may be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Do you understand
these instructions? C
1) Yes o No Did you speak or otherwise converse or share information of any kind with Rob Port
in the past 6 months?
a. If Yes, When & Why?

b. If Yes, were you asked or encouraged by anyone to do it and if so, by whom?

2) Yes orc~? Do you know who on our team did or may have spoken or conversed or shared
information of any kind with Rob Port in the past 6 months?

3) Yes ort~Did you have any hand regarding the assembly, facilitation, promotion, or sharing of
information with Rob Port directly or through alternative means or persons in the past 6

4) Yes orç?Are you aware of or do you possess any knowledge or information of any kind
regarding the incidents surrounding the posts that Rob Port has published?

5) Is there anyone else that would have information that could aid us in this investigation?

6) Including yourself, are you aware of any staff member who has disparaged the City or its leaders
in any way? ~ 4?

Your cooperation in this investigation is appreciated. Depending upon the how things proceed, you may
be asked additional questions. In the interim, and because this is an ongoing investigation, you are being
instructed not to share any information regarding this conversation with anyone. Do you upderstand?
~ iAfl %fd/nve~
t~c,~a ì~ ~ 40 c Y&l~fAr~QJt
Internal Investigation Questionnaire Interviewee: ________________________

Conducted by: Date: December 9, 2019

Name Initials Date Name Initials Date

Source & Probable Cause: The printed story from Rob Port’s Say Anything Blog published on December
5, 2019 “Despite Controversy City of Minot Approves Roughly $1 Million Contract for City Manager”

We are conducting and investigation involving an alleged conspiracy to disparage and defame
the City, the City Council, our Mayor, our Fire Chief, and our City Manager. Staff members have
allegedly fed information to Rob Port, a statewide blogger, which resulted in several misleading and
damaging social media posts. These activities have undermined our government, its leadership, and the
public’s confidence in both. These are very serious allegations which violate multiple personnel policies
and your participation in this investigation is critical. I am going to ask you a series of questions that I
expect your full cooperation and honesty in answering. If it comes to light that you have not been
truthful or forthright in this investigation or that you have otherwise in any way obstructed this
investigation, you may be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Do you understand
these instructions?

1) Yes or~7~) Did you speak or otherwise converse or share information of any kind with Rob Port
in the past 6 months?
a. If Yes, When & Why?

b. If Yes, were you asked or encouraged by anyone to do it and if so, by whom?

2) Yes orf!~~Do you know who on our team did or may have spoken or conversed or shared
information of any kind with Rob Port in the past 6 months?

3) Yes or($jbid you have any hand regarding the assembly, facilitation, promotion, or sharing of
information with Rob Port directly or through alternative means or persons in the past 6

4) Yes or~re you aware of or do you possess any knowledge or information of any kind
regarding the incidents surrounding the posts that Rob Port has published?

5) Is there anyone else that would have information that could aid us in this investigation?

6) Including yourself, are you aware of any staff member who has disparaged the City or its leaders
in anyway? I.’
Mo ~ ~ ts~t/s~~,,S
Your cooperation in this investigation is appreciated. Depending upon the how things proceed, you may
be asked additional questions. In the interim, and because this is an ongoing investigation, you are being
instructed not to share any information regarding this conversation with anyone. Do you understand?

Internal Investigation Questionnaire Interviewee: __________________________

Conducted by: Date: December 9, 2019

/&‘o~n e4F’rd
Name Initials Da~e””~ Name Initials Date

Source & Probable Cause: The printed story from Rob Port’s Say Anything Blog published on December
5, 2019 “Despite Controversy City of Minot Approves Roughly $1 Million Contract for City Manager”

We are conducting and investigation involving an alleged conspiracy to disparage and defame
the City, the City Council, our Mayor, our Fire Chief, and our City Manager. Staff members have
allegedly fed information to Rob Port, a statewide blogger, which resulted in several misleading and
damaging social media posts. These activities have undermined our government, its leadership, and the
public’s confidence in both. These are very serious allegations which violate multiple personnel policies
and your participation in this investigation is critical. I am going to ask you a series of questions that I
expect your full cooperation and honesty in answering. If it comes to light that you have not been
truthful or forthright in this investigation or that you have otherwise in any way obstructed this
investigation, you may be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Do you unde;stand
these instructions? %E?tJ
Questions: øTh
1) Yes or I~f~~j4Jid you speak or otherwise converse or share information of any kind with Rob Port
in the past 6 months?
a. If Yes, When & Why?

b. If Yes, were you asked or encouraged by anyone to do it and if so, by whom?

2) Yes or No: o you know who on our team did or may have spoken or conversed or shared
inform n of any kind with Rob Port in the past 6 months?

3) Yes or Did you have any hand regarding the assembly, facilitation, promotion, or sharing of
information with Rob Port directly or through alternative means or persons in the past 6

4) Yes or/f~~Are you aware of or do you possess any knowledge or information of any kind
regardir~ the incidents surrounding the posts that Rob Port has published?

5) Is there anyone else that would have information that could aid us in this investigation?

6) Including yourself, ace you aware of any staff member who has disparaged the City or its leaders
Nt) 1
Your cooperation in this investigation is appreciated. Depending upon the how things proceed, you may
be asked additional questions. In the interim, and because this is an ongoing investigation, you are being
instructed not to share any information regarding this conversation with anyone. Do you understand?

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