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Technical Sizing Information for Bag Filter and Filter Housings

Sizing of a liquid filter strainer / bag filter housing is a straight forward method. The
required flow rate of filtration and the particle size retention are used to determine the
pressure drop through the combination of the housing and the strainer or bag. The Chart
1 below gives the pressure drop through the housing - the connection size of the housing is
of greatest concern. The Chart 2 gives the pressure drop through the strainer or bag
filter. This chart is based upon the surface area of the strainer. The flow rate per
square foot surface area is determined by dividing the total GPM by the surface area.
The pressure drop is the relationship of the GPM per square foot surface area and the
strainer hole size (micron retention). Charts are based water with a viscosity of 1
centipoise. Multiply the pressure drop by the viscosity correction factor (Chart 3) to
determine the actual pressure drop for liquids other than water.

The pressure drop will be used in pipe sizing and pump sizing. If used on the suction side
of a pump, the pressure drop must be low to prevent causing pump cavitation. I would
suggest keeping under 1 PSI in most cases.

Chart 1

For Model 44, 66 & 88

Use chart to determine the pressure drop

through the housing. Select GPM - go up to
connection size - left to pressure drop. I.E.: 80
GPM - 2" connections = 0.8 PSI

For multi rounds see below.

Information for chamber sizing

Chart 1

For Model 1818 - 4848

Use chart to determine the pressure drop

through the housing. Select GPM - go up to
connection size - left to pressure drop. I.E.:
2000 GPM - 10" connections = 4.3 PSI

Chart 2

Use chart to determine the pressure drop

through the clean filter bag. Select GPM per
square foot of surface area - go up to micron
size - left to pressure drop. I.E.: 60 GPM - 100
microns = 0.2 PSI
Multiply above by viscosity correction factor
(as required).

Chart 3
Viscosity in Correction Conversion Formulas
Cps. Factor
50 4.5 Cps. = Centipoise
100 8.3 Cps. = Centistoke x Specific Gravity
200 16.6 Cts. = Centistoke
400 27.7 1 GPM = .133 Cu. Ft./Min.
800 50.0 1 GPM = 8.022 Cu. Ft./Hr..
1000 56.2 1 GPM = 3.78 LPM
2000 114 1 GPM = 3,785,000 Cu. Cc./Min
1 gallon of water
4000 161 8.3 pounds
6000 250 1 PSI = 2.038 In./Hg
800 325 1 PSI = .0689 Bar

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