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FOR ORAL DISEASES o Recommended frequency of use and duration


o “Neglected epidemic” o What dental sealants are
o Affect almost the total population with many people having o How they work to protect teeth from decay
new diseases o Who needs them and when
o Filipino children have alarming health and education status o Monitoring and reapplication
o Diarrhea and respiratory tract infections are leading cause of
o 66% of children are infected with intestinal worms o Risk factors for oral cancers
o 97% have tooth decay o Signs and symptoms of oral cancers
o 35% drop out of elementary school o What comprises a thorough oral cancer examination and
o Do you know of any national oral diseases prevention recommended frequency
program o Need for oral cancers examination
o Protective factors against oral cancers
“PREVENTION and PREMATURE DEATH, disease, disability and
suffering should be a primary goal of society that hopes to provide a GINGIVITIS
decent future and a better quality of life for its people.” o What dental plaque is
o Role of dental plaque in oral diseases
PRIMARY PREVENTION o How to remove plaque
- Preventing a disease before it occurs is the most o Frequency of plaque removal
effective way to improve health and control costs o Recommended types of toothbrushes and floss


- Is treating or controlling the disease after it occurs, o Inflammatory and degenerative conditions of the supporting
such as placing a restoration structures
o Ample evidence to demonstrate the relationship between the
TERTIARY PREVENTION presence of bacterial plaque and gingivitis
- Is limiting a disability from a disease or rehabilitating an o These diseases are insidious and can effect both children
individual with a disability, such as providing dentures and adult
for those who have lost all their teeth o 2 most common types: GINGIVITIS, inflammation of the soft
- PREVENTION may be accompanied at the individual or tissue surrounding the teeth: PERIODIC PLAQUE REMOVAL
community level o DENTAL PLAQUE: controlled with the use of antimicrobial
products such as chlorhexidine
o INDIVIDUAL LEVEL: private clinic, by a professional or even
self- administered or home care recommended by the dentist UNINTENTIONAL ORAL FACIAL INJUIRES
o Self responsibility by individuals for prevention also o Oral facial injuries may be intentional or unintentional oral
is important injuries may occur from abuse, domestic violence, self-
o COMMUNITY level: population based approach, cost mutilation or violence in general
effective, evidence based (science systematic approach) o Dental personnel have a role in and responsibility for early
o Helps ensure a greater impact at a lower cost for a detection, treatment, and referral for these patients
large number of individuals, especially vulnerable o Occur from contact sports recreational activities, motor
populations, such as low income and minority vehicles and daily living, domestic violence
groups o Unintentional oral-facial injuries may result in broken and
avulsed teeth, facial bone structures, concussion, permanent
DENTAL CARIES brain injury, TMD, blinding eye injuries and even death
o Both universal and lifelong
o Universal: sense that the prevalence or percent of the o Risk groups
population affected increase with age (starts with ECC- o Risk behaviours
young adulthood- geriatric, root surface caries) o Social and environment determinants
o Lifelong: risk for caries as long as we have our natural teeth o Early detection
o Reduce risk factors
o FLUORIDES: major impact, dental fluorosis, practical, HEALTH AWARENESS
dispense in many ways ( tablets, water milk, varnish) o HEALTH PROMOTION: any planned combination of
o PITS AND FISSURE SEALANTS: costly educational, political, regulatory, and organizational supports
o ATRAUMATIC RESTORATIVE TREATMENT for actions and conditions of living conductive to the health
o ORAL HEALTH EDUCATION AND AWARENESS of individuals or communities
o STUDY BOX 10-3 o HEALTH LITERACY: degree to which individuals have the
WHAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT PREVENTING capacity of obtain, process and understand basic health
ORAL DISEASES information and services needed to make appropriate health
DENTAL CARIES o HEALTH EDUCATION: any combinations of learning
FLUORIDE experience designed to facilitate voluntary actions conducive
o What fluoride and fluoridation are to health
o How fluoride work to protect teeth from decay o May include educational intervention for children, parents,
o Methods of application policy markers or health care providers
o Safety, effectiveness, and cost of each procedure

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