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Copyright 0 1985 by The Orthopaedc and Sports Physical Therapy Sections of the
American Physical Therapy Association

Normal Biomechanics of the Foot and


The biomechanics of the foot and ankle are important to the normal function of the
lower extremity. The foot is the terminal joint in the lower kinetic chain that opposes
external resistance. Proper arthrokinematic movement within the foot and ankle
influences the ability of the lower limb to attenuate the forces of weightbearing. It is
important for the lower extremity to distribute and dissipate compressive, tensile,
shearing, and rotatory forces during the stance phase of gait. Inadequate distribution
of these forces could lead to abnormal stress and the eventual breakdown of
connective tissue and muscle. The combined effect of muscle, bone, ligaments, and
normal foot biomechanics will result in the most efficient force attenuation in the
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lower limb. This article will look specifically at the normal biomechanics of the foot
and ankle.
Copyright © 1985 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Normal biomechanics of the foot and ankle can ing effect increases the tension of the tissue,
be divided into static and dynamic components. allowing the plantar aponeurosis to take on
The static structures include the bones, joint sur- greater amounts of stress.15 Tension within the
face congruity, ligaments, and fascia. The dy- plantar aponeurosis, in addition to absorbing more
namic components include the arthrokinematics stress, assists in supination of the subtalar joint.4
of the tarsal bones and muscle function. The short and long plantar ligaments and the
calcaneonavicular ligament (spring ligament), also
assist in the passive maintenance of the arch?
The beam action of the metatarsals, as described
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

by Hicks, represents the supportive aspect of the
Muscle activity is not necessary to support the long bones of the foot. Hicks4 has not directly
fully loaded foot at rest.12.15The maintenance of measured the amount of stress the metatarsals
the arch in the static foot is attributed to passive absorb. The bones, however, are major stabilizers
ligamentous and osseous support.15 Hicks3s4was of the foot. This is obvious when observing the
the first to emphasize the importance of the beam trabecular patterns which indicate the direction of
action of the metatarsals and the tensile strength force transmission into the foot. The trabecular
of the plantar aponeurosis. He indicated that in systems follow the alignment of the medial and
the static stance position the plantar aponeurosis lateral arch.g Root et a1.16 describe surface con-
takes up approximately 60% of the stress of gruity as a stabilizing factor of the tarsal bones.
weightbearing and the beam action of the meta- Joint congruity has classically been described as
tarsals approximately 25%. The ability of the plan- a stabilizing influence in synovial joints.'' The joint
tar aponeurosis to absorb stress increases as the alignment and congruity of the metatarsal and
aponeurosis becomes taut with toe extension. tarsal bones are critical in establishing the medial
This mechanism has been described by several and lateral arches. This joint relationship is also
authors as the windlass effect (Fig. 1).'~4.1'~'6 At important for normal arthrokinematics of the foot
maximum extension of the toes, during the push- and ankle.
off phase of gait, the aponeurosis winds around In summary, the static mechanisms responsible
the metatarsophalangealjoints (MTP). This twist- for force attenuation within the foot include the
windlass effect of the plantar aponeurosis, the
* Instructor. Emoly U I i i t y Master Degree Program. Orthopaedic
tensile strength of the plantar ligaments, the beam
Physical Therapy. effect of the metatarsals, and the joint congruity
92 DONATELLI JOSPT Vol. 7, No. 3

Fig. 2. Open kinetic chain pronation and supination. S, Supi-

nation two third's from neutral; N, neutral; P, pronation one-
third from neutral;A, oblique axis of motion of the subtalar joint
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(anterior, superior, and medial to posterior inferior and lateral).

abduction, dorsiflexion, and eversion occur simul-

Fig. 1 . Windlass effect of toe extension. 1, Plantar aponeurosis taneously. (Fig. 2, P).3.6.16Supination is the tri-
in a slack position with the foot in neutral; 2, increased tension plane motion including adduction, plantar flexion,
of the plantar aponeurosis as the toes extend, raising the
medial arch facilitating supination.
and inversion (Fig. 2, S).3,6.16 Supination and pro-
Copyright © 1985 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

nation as described above occur in an open kinetic

of the tarsal and metatarsal bones. The dynamic chain. Root et a1.16describe this open kinetic chain
aspects of foot and ankle biomechanics work in movement by observing the calcaneous in the
conjunction with, and are dependent upon, the nonweightbearing position. The functional bio-
static mechanisms. mechanics of the foot and ankle are important in
the weightbearing position or the closed kinetic
DYNAMIC STRUCTURES chain. Sixty percent of the gait cycle is weight-
bearing, better described as the stance phase of
Movement of the foot and ankle is a complex gait.7-16Supination and pronation occur at certain
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

action involving many joints. Functionally, the foot points in the stance phase to assist movement,
and ankle are similar to a closed kinetic chain. stabilize joints, and reduce forces within the foot
Steindler17 defines a closed kinetic chain as ". . . and lower limb. Root et a1.16 have identified five
a combination of several successively arranged triplane joints within the foot that allow pronation
joints constituting a complex motor unit, where and supination to occur. The triplane joints include
the terminal joint of the chain meets with consid- the talocrual, the subtalar, the midtarsal, the first
erable resistance." The lower extremity is fre- ray (first metatarsal/cuneiform), and the fifth ray
quently described as a closed kinetic chain during (fifth metatarsal).
the gait cycle. However, the foot, independent of
the lower extremity, may also be considered as a PRONATION: HEEL STRIKEITOE STRIKE
unit so arranged that motion at one joint influ-
ences mechanisms of other joints within the chain. Pronation occurs in the stance phase of gait to
The complex motions of the foot and ankle which allow for shock absorption, ground terrain
promote the interdependence of joint movement changes, and eq~ilibrium.l~-'~ From heel strike to
are called pronation and supination. Root et a1.16 toe strike there are four basic forces acting on the
describe pronation and supination as triplane mo- foot and lower limb which need to be attenuated.
tions. For example, pronation includes the body Upon heel strike, 8O0/0 of body weight is directly
plane movements of abduction, dorsiflexion, and over the calcaneous, producing a vertical force
eversion (Fig. 2).6.16These three motions are de- against the g r ~ u n d . ~Bone
. ' ~ is a specialized con-
rived from the transverse, sagittal, and frontal nective tissue designed to reduce compressive
planes, respectively. However, because the axes forces. The alignment of the tibia, talus, and cal-
of motion of the triplane joints are oblique, trav- caneous at heel strike (Fig. 6) are important to
ersing all three body planes, the movement of distribute the vertical compressive forces safely.
From heel strike to toe strike the compressive subtalar joint.' During the stance phase of gait
force of weightbearing is distributed between the the foot does not rotate. The tibia rotates medially
calcaneous and the metatarsal^.^ The tarsals and at heel strike and the talus follows resulting in
the metatarsals at footflat are in a mutual pronation of the subtalar joint or a valgus heel
compression, very similiar to a stone arch.5 The (Fig. 3). The transverse rotations of the lower limb
midfoot carries virtually no weight during the are converted into the triplane motions of prona-
stance phase.5 There is also an anterior shearing tion and supination. The midtarsal joint, which
force, within the foot, of the tibia on the t a l ~ s . ' ~ . ' ~consists of the talonavicular and the calcaneal
This anterior movement is decelerated mainly by cuboid articulations, unlocks with subtalar joint
the gastroc/soleus muscle group.'.16 Mann,l0 de- pronation.l3.l6The cuboid and the navicular be-
scribes a medial shearing to the foot resulting come more parallel allowing the forefoot to be-
from an internal rotation of the lower limb. The come a loose bag of bones.16The forefoot is now
subtalar joint, consisting of the talus and the a more efficient mobile adaptor to changes in
calcaneous, responds to the internal rotation and ground terrain, thus facilitating equilibrium. The
medial shear by allowing the calcaneous to move midtarsal area is where we can observe the low-
laterally or into ~ a l g u s . ' ~The
. ' ~ talus rolls in a ering and raising of the medial arch.'
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medial direction (plantarflexes and adducts) to In summary, there are many forces acting on
fully articulate with the middle facet on the calca- the foot and lower limb from heel strike to toe
n e o ~ s . ' ~This
. ' ~ middle facet is formed by the strike. The four we have reviewed include
medial process on the calcaneous called the sus- compression, rotation, anterior shear, and medial
tentaculum tali. Therefore, as the posterior aspect shear. Normal pronation is important in attenua-
of the calcaneous rolls laterally, the sustentacu- tion of these forces. It is a passive activity, in the
Copyright © 1985 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

lum tali falls medially along with the talus (Fig. closed kinetic chain, that results from intemal
3).14.16This rotation of the talus and the calca- rotation of the lower limb and a medial shear to
neous has been described as the torque converter the foot. Pronation is initiated at heel strike and
of the lower limb.', 14. l6 controlled by an eccentric contraction of the su-
Ambulation is a series of rotations, starting in pinators. The three muscles that are active from
the lumbar spine, that propel the body through heel strike to toe strike, include anterior tibialis.
space.' The transverse rotations of the tibia and extensor digitorium longus, and extensor hallicus
the femur are transmitted and reduced at the longus.15Root et a1.16 classify the above muscles
as supinators of the foot.
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Supination occurs at the end of the stance
phase of gait. It enables the extrinsic muscles to
function more efficiently and sets up a rigid lever
from which to push off.l0.l6 This rigid lever is
established by a locking of the bones of the foot
and ankle.16 The fixed position of the tarsals and
metatarsals allow for a muscle pulley system to
be set up. Several of the extrinsic muscles are
dependent upon bony levers for proper function.
For example, the peroneus longus during push-
off stabilizes the first ray.16 The ability of the
muscle to act in this manner is dependent upon
the cuboid pulley. (Fig. 4).
Supination of the foot results from several
mechanisms. First, from toe strike to push-off
(midstance) the activity of the extrinsic muscles
Fig. 3. Closed kinetic chain pronation. A, Anterior view of the initiate supination.1° EMG studies have shown
subtalar joint and the talocrual joint; B, posterior view of the
subtalar joint and the talocural joint. 1 , Calcaneal/cuboidartic-
during midstance the increase in activity of the
ulation; 2, talo/navicular articulation; 3, sustentaculum tali; 4, gastroc/soleus, posterior tibialis, flexor digitorium
calcaneous; 5, talus; 6, tibia; 7, fibula. longus, and the flexor hallicus longus.15 Mann and

Cuboid Pulley
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Fg. 5. Closed kinetic chain supination. A, Anterior view of the

subtalar joint and the talwrural joint; 8,posterior view of the
Fig. 4. Cuboid pulley. A and F represent the vectors of the subtalar joint and the talocrural joint. 1, Calcaneal/cuboid
peroneus longus action. A, Abduction vector; F, plantarflexion articulation;2, talo/navicular articulation;3, sustentaculum tali;
vector; P, peroneus longus tendon. 1, Cuboid; 2, cuneiforms; 4, calcaneous; 5 , talus; 6, tibia; 7, fibula.
Copyright © 1985 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

3, talus; 4, fibula; 5, tibia.

neurosis assisting subtalar joint supination.'. l1
This mechanism was described previously as the
Inman1*have demonstrated with EMG studies the
windlass effect (Fig. 1). The normal amount of
significance of the intrinsic muscles from toe strike
joint range of motion needed to facilitate this
to push-off. The abductor digiti quinti, flexor digi-
mechanism is 60-70' of passive MTP dorsiflex-
torium brevis, flexor hallicus brevis, abductor hal- ion.l.ll.16
licus brevis, dorsal interossei, and the extensor
In summary, supination of the foot is dependent
digitorium brevis are all important in stabilization
upon a combination of dynamic and static mech-
of the midtarsal joint during the final 50% of the
anisms. The activity of the intrinsic and extrinsic
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

stance phase.12 The second factor influencing

muscles, in conjunction with external rotation and
supination of the foot is the external rotation of
MTP extension produce a supination movement.
the lower limb.'' The contralateral limb swings
forward past the weightbearing limb initiating an NEUTRAL
external rotation force.'' This external rotation
causes a lateral shearing force within the foot Root et a1.16 describe a neutral position of the
promoting supination." The subtalar joint initiates subtalar joint which is two-thirds from inversion
supination by inversion of the calcaneous. The and one-third from eversion of the calcaneous
talus is pushed into a lateral position (abduction (Fig. 2). The normal foot needs to pronate and
and dorsiflexion) by the sustentaculum tali (Fig. supinate 6-8O from the neutral position.'' The
5).16 The midtarsal joint locks upon supination of amount of supination and pronation that is avail-
the subtalar joint.l3.l6 This locking mechanism able can be measured by lining up the longitudinal
occurs when the cuboid and the navicular are axis of the lower limb and the vertical axis of the
perpendicular to each other. (Fig. 5). The bones calcaneous (Fig. 6).'316 Passive movement of the
now act as rigid levers for more efficient pull of calcaneous into inversion is normally 20°.16 This
peroneus longus and the posterior tibialis, respec- represents the amount of supination available at
tively. Thus, a synergistic contraction of these two the subtalar joint. Conversely, the amount of
muscle groups stabilize the midfoot and first ray. eversion is normally 10°.16 This represents the
First ray stabilization affords good alignment of amount of pronation available. Another method of
the first MTP joint and a rigid lever for push-off. determining neutral is described by James.' Ac-
The third factor influencing supination is the mo- cording to James,' the talar head in a pronated
bility of the first MTP joint. Dorsiflexion of the MTP foot can be palpated as a medial bulge. Con-
produces increased tension of the plantar apo- versely, in a supinated foot the talar head bulges
triplane motions act as shock absorbers, assist in
maintaining balance, improve the efficiency of
muscle contraction, assist in distribution of normal
forces through the lower kinetic chain, and help
establish a stable structure at push off, enabling
us to propel ourselves through space very effi-
Acknowledgments: Michael Wooden whom I have taught with over
the last three years. He has been an inspiration to me. The graduate
students from Emory University. espec~allyTom Bartdino. for their
continued rnotivatlon to learn. Dr. Sandy Gruskin, for his assistance
and friendship.

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