Kai Greene BACK V3

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TAPLE OF CONTENTS MY PHILOSOPHY HYPERTROPHY TRAINING IMPLEMENTATION HYPERTROPHY WARM UP AND RECOVERY TRAINING TIPS READING YOUR WORKOUTS ARM WORKOUT FACK COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, MY PHILOSOPHY What gets you out of bed each morning? What lights your soul on fire? If you can't go a day without thinking about something then go after it! Use that fire to ignite all of your passions and drive you into greatness. Do not settle for complacency, know your greatness but more importantly own your greatness. The fires that burn within can fuel our dreams but when left unchecked they can turn our reality to ashes. Nothing in life comes easy so remember to earn it you must work for it. The work is where scars are made and scars are what define us. Not as weakness but as reminders of where we came from, where we are going, and what has pushed us to work so hard to get there. Your greatness is your fire. Fuel it for a greater impact! FACK ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, HYPERTROPHY TRAIN(NG There are so many muscles that make up the back and most people get lost in the thought of being super wide. There's a thickness you will find that is important in back development that starts front to back not just side to side. When hitting these smaller muscles that make up the back think about over inflating a tire with air, you didn’t create the tire but you are building on the air within the tire to stretch and grow the tire. When it comes to building muscle, hypertrophy doesn’t just happen on its own. Training back for size is like painting a picture, it takes time and every now and again you need to step back and analyze what you are creating to make sure your headed in the right direction. A big strong back is critical for shaping a good physique, hypertro- phy is a great way to build into the smaller facets of the back muscles that really create the overall picture of a strongly developed back. FACK ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 2 1. What is your 1 Rep Max? In your new training program, you will be given a series of workouts ranging from beginner to advanced but it’s up to you to determine where you fall in this category and what you can do to make sure you are getting the most out of the program, so be honest val yourself and leave the 20 at home ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 3 Before each session you should do some light walking, light stretching and make sure you are properly hydrated. Do not just jump blindly into this program! Advanced athletes may want to do some pre-exhaustion to get the lats fired up. Stretching, stretching and more stretching is so vital for the back. The back is so complex and knots can appear from tight muscles crippling your training and ruining your day. Make sure you take the time to stretch and even foam roll the back. - Hit the sauna if you can to help pull the excess build up from the muscles in the back for a smoother recovery ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 4 TRAINING TiPs Before you jump right into your new training program, here are some tips to get you started: na The back is complex, there are many muscles that make up the back so form is vital when training. Bad form will cause pain and injury. ENO CuM CORSE Many people sit for extended periods during the day, try and get up and move throughout the day to maintain good blood flow. CH Strong posture is what we are working for so maintaining it though out the day is so important. Try and remind yourself to check your posture randomly throughout the day Follow up stretching: Even with good post workout routines the lats and back tend to get tight from the daily stresses of life. Try and add light stretching in throughout the day FACK COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 5 TRAINING TIPS Standard macro calculator for someone whose primary goal is to: BURN FAT: BW: Body Weight * 0.8-1g protein x BW = daily protein intake © 0.75g carbs x BW = daily carb intake © 0.49 fat x BW = daily fat intake Standard macro calculator for someone whose primary goal is to: BUILD MUSCLE: © 1-1.2g protein x BW = daily protein intake © 1.5g carbs x BW = daily carb intake © 0.59 fat x BW = daily fat intake ll FACK COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 6 KEAVPINF YouR WoRKouTs You will notice the use of 1a, 1b, 1¢, 2a, 2b, 2c, etc. in your workout program. If you're not familiar with this programming it simply describes the exercise order. The number describes the exercise group while the letter describes the exercises that fall into that group. ‘or example, 1a, 1b, and 1c would be 3 different exercises within the SAME group, meaning they are performed back to back (superset) without rest. Affer you've per- formed the 2 or 3 exercises without rest you take the prescribed rest period listed out and then repeat. n contrast, 1 and 2 alone would mean they are completely separate exercises. In this instance you would perform all your sets for 1 then move onto 2. ere is an example: A. db row— 15 reps B. deadlift — 15 reps C lat pull down — 15 reps Common Abbreviations DB = Dumbbell MB = Medicine Ball / Med Ball B = Barbell B = Kettlebell RB = Resistance Bands FACK COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/Al GREENE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 0 Instructions: Perform all exercises, Look for supersets. Rest 60-90 seconds between sets 60% IRM WEEK | WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 1A. | NEGATIVE PULL UP (CONTROLLED MOVEMENT 3X10 3X10 4X10 4X10 ON WAY DOWN) 2A. OEE CABLE LAT PULL 3X15 3X15 4X15 4X15 2B. | CLOSE GRIP CABLE ROW 3X10 3X10 4X10 4X10 3A _| BENT OVER DB ROW 3X15 3X15 4X15 4X15 3B | BENT OVER DB BACK FLY 3X15 3X15 4X15 4X15 4A.| DB DEADLIFT 3X15 3X15 4X15 4X15 4B. | KB SWINGS 3X10 3X10 4X10 4X10 —= ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Instructions: Perform all exercises, Look for supersets. Rest 60-90 seconds between sets 65-70%-IRM WEEK | WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK + 1A BARBELL DEADLIFT 4X10 4X12 5X10. 5X10 IB. BENT OVER BARBELL rn 5 ROW 4X10 4X12 5X10. 5X10. 2A. ALTERNATING DB ROW 4X10 4X12 5x10 5X10 2B. CHEST SUPPORTED ee 4X10 4X12 5x10 5X10 3 LAT PULL DOWN 1X30 1X30 1X30, 1X 30 4A.| CLOSE GRIP LAT PULL DOWN 4X10 4X10 4X12 5X10 4B.| WIDE GRIP CABLE ROW 4X10 4X10 4X12 5X10 5A. FARMER WALK (AIM FOR 20 YARDS PER 3X8 3X10 4X12 5X10 REP) 5B INVERTED ROW 4X10 4X10 4X12 5X10 q ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 9 Instructions: Perform all exercises, Look for supersets. Rest 60-90 secon s between sets 70-75%-IRM WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK + 1A | BARBELL DEADLIFT 4X5 4X15 5x12 5x12 2a, T-BAR ROW 4X5 4X15 5X12 5x12 3A. | ALTERNATING T-BAR ; F ROE ROMMENTSTE 4X15 4X5 5X12 5X12 3B, | ALTERNATING DB - GW 4X15 4X15 5x12 5x12 3C. BACK FLY 3XFAILURE | 3XFAILURE | 4XFAILURE | 4+XFAILURE 4A.| ROPE CABLE FACE PD (S10) xO 5X10 PULL 4B, | WIDE GRIP LAT PULL 5X10 BOUN 4X12 4X12 5X10 pod BS REEL BENT OVER 3X30 3X30 3X30 4XFAILURE ROW 5B. PULL UPS. 4XFAILURE | 4XFAILURE | 4XFAILURE | 4XFAILURE ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 10 PACK WORKOUTS Q: How do | get width in my back? A: Focus on posture in the gym during training as well as outside the gym. Strong posture will help accelerate the v shape you desire. Q: Should I work out with tight lats? A: | strongly suggest you listen to your body and rest when needed, but working out when you have soreness is okay. Q: How long before and after training should | eat? A: You should eat about one hour before and after training to make sure you aren't performing your workouts with too much undigested food in your system. Q: Why do | get a tight neck? A: Reassess how you sleep, when getting into an intense training routine like this one, your sleep position can cause muscles to spasm. Your neck may get tight on you, try to avoid excess pillows. FACK COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 1 1

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