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Silence. Cold and dark silence. You can feel your heartbeat rising as you claw at the water around you. Digging your way out from the blue abyss. GASP! You emerge from the water in a symphony of flailing arms and quick, shallow breaths. You look up, your eyes burning from the saline and blinded by the setting sun. In the distance, your guide beckons you. You begin to push the warm water back in rhythmic strokes. Push the water out, pull your arms in. You repeat the mantra in your head as your heartbeat fills your ears with the sound of complete exhaustion. You wish you were able to move faster. Even more so, you wish your guide would have just brought the ship to you. He reaches his sun baked arm down and pulls you aboard in on powerful maneuver. You flop on the old fishing vessel and heave. You don't want to go back down there. Yet, you came thousands of miles for a reason. You inquire why you can’t simply use an oxygen tank? Well, the treasure lies at the bottom of a narrow cavern that only a single man can fit through. Legend has it that whomever cracks open the treasure shall be granted the strength to bend time itself. T Hi E ¢ Hi E $s T ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. OF TIME You're still pretty sure this is bogus. A magic chest that will grant you supernatural ability. Then you see something beneath the waves. The sun shines deep in the cavern and an old oaken chest shimmers beneath the waters. It's calling to you. You must dive down. You must see what You need to open the Chest of Time. aa T Hi E ¢ Hi E Ss T ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. OF TIME TABLE OF CONTENTS I. WHAT LIES WITHIN THE CHEST OF TIME? II. WHAT RICHES CAN IT BESTOW? III. THE TREASURED DIVE OF TIME WHAT LIES WITHIN THE CHEST OF TIME? RST eR Many men and women waste their life away with idle time. They spend hours scrolling on their phone, hoping to collect scattered seeds of serotonin within the next like or comment. They toil away at a job they hate to afford riches to impress people they do not know. We search for some lavish wealth that will soothe our ache, not knowing that the most valuable thing we can ever have is time. A superset is a way to maximize your time in the gym and improve your workout's effectiveness. A superset is per- formed when you do two or more exercises immediately after each other with no rest in between. Supersets can be done with agonist and antagonist muscles (such as biceps superset with triceps) or with the same muscle group with different exercises. THE CHEST ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7] OF TIME WHAT RICHES CAN IT BESTOW? Increased pump The pump is a treasure you've searched for since you were a kid trawling the beach with an old metal detector. It's a familiar and powerful tool in every weightlifters’ tool belt. Super- setting two exercises that work the same muscle group can cause a significant pump. T Hi E ¢ Hi E Ss T een EEL Sars ea 2 OF TIME WHAT RICHES CAN IT BESTOW? Pumps are the result of metabolic byproducts of muscle contraction, increased blood flow to a muscle group, increased water, and decreased blood flow away from a muscle group. When you perform high reps, your body produces metabolic byproducts like lactic acid. Your body needs to shuttle these byproducts away, so it sends increased blood flow to that area. That blood is pumped into your muscles. However, that same blood is constricted from leaving by the contracted muscle group. Therefore, the blood pools in your muscle group to create a pump. Vein blood circulation ia fh Muscles relaxed Muscles contracted These pumps can cause cellular fatigue wherein your muscles can no longer contract as forcefully. This translates to something known as cellular swelling. Cellular swelling is increased by supersets and it signals the muscle to increase protein synthesis and decrease protein breakdown, there by growing more dense muscle tissue. THE CHEST [COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. OF TIME WHAT RICHES CAN IT BESTOW? iecrusce MoU Gold is to treasure as volume is to muscle growth. The more volume, the more muscle growth you can attain. Volume is determined by weight x sets x reps. Therefore, the more weight or reps you can do for a movement or muscle group, the more growth you will see. Supersetting two chest movements allows for increased volume of work done for that muscle growth. This can be further increased if you do chest supersets multiple times per week. As you progress as a bodybuilder, you will always need to increase your volume on a macro scale. This can be done by increasing workout frequency, increasing weights, increasing reps, etc. No matter your choice, you should always consider supersetting for its ability iecrnsc MoU This does not mean that 1,000 reps of 10 Ibs. are equivalent in growth to 10 reps of 1,000 Ibs. Intensity is an important aspect of overall muscle growth. T Hi E ¢ Hi E Ss T ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. OF TIME WHAT RICHES CAN IT BESTOW? ea Time, as you've come to realize, is the true treasure we all seek. Everyone needs more time, yet no amount of Earthly riches can buy it. As you were swimming beneath the waves, you were eerily aware of how little time you had left to reach the surface. This knowledge makes you even more determined to crack open the safe. You may love the gym, or you may hate the gym. Either way, you undoubtedly have more responsibilities outside of the gym. The gym is a valuable tool wherein you can craft your best self, but you need to exist beyond the iron workshop to truly flourish as an athlete. Assuperset can allow you to perform high volume workouts with minimal time. If you are performing two exercises without a superset with 5 sets each and 60 second rests, you will have 5 minutes per exercise of rest. If you extrapolate this over 6 exercises, then you are resting in the gym for 30 minutes. However, if you superset these movements, then you will cut your rest time in half and possibly increase the effectiveness of your workout. OF TIME WHAT RICHES CAN IT BESTOW? Teoma SCL That exhaustion you felt as you struggled to catch your breath on the boat was a byproduct of your swim from the depths. You had to switch between strokes and struggle without rest to escape a watery grave. Supersets keep you moving and decrease your rest times substan- tially (and can leave you dripping sweat). Supersets result in a higher heart rate through most of your workout. If your goal is to burn fat, a superset will help you burn more calories during your workout. aE HE ~ pee ee in) ere ae COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, an ar a aS Re = THE TREASURED DIVE You understand the priceless treasure that sits beneath the clear seawater. You know that many men have searched their whole lives for the opportunity you have just been given. You are also keenly aware that those same men’s bones adorn the cavern leading to the chest of time. Remember to focus on your training and perform the following exercises exactly as described. They will be grueling and skin tearing, but they are a small price to pay for the riches you will possess. Remember fo warm up appropriately and not fo overload the weights. You will be fatiguing your muscles considerably and will thus decrease your overall force production. ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE TREASURED DIVE Ls Perform each of the below warmups before each chest workouts. These will prepare your shoulder girdle and chest to effectively perform the movements ahead. Pre-chest warm up Before each training session perform the following Walk 5-7 minutes uphill on treadmill With light weight Dumbbells 2 sets of 20-25 Shoulder flys With light Bands or Cable 3 sets of 10 Internal and External rotation of the shoulder 3 sets of 10 straight arm lat pull down with scapular control/depression 90/90 chest stretch 1 minute each side Slow push up (1 rep should take 5 mississippi) 2 sets of 10 OF TIME THE TREASURED DIVE Looking at the program You will notice the use of 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, etc. in your workout program. If you're not familiar with this programming it simply describes the exercise order. The number describes the exercise group while the letter describes the exercises that fall into that group. For example, 1a, 1b, and 1c would be 3 different exercises within the SAME group, meaning they are performed back to back (superset) without rest. After you've per- formed the 2 or 3 exercises without rest you take the prescribed rest period listed out and then repeat. Here is an example: Rest-60-90 seconds 1A. Chest Press — 3x15 1B. Db chest fly — 3x15 1C. Push up — 3x12 In the above chest example, you would perform 1 set of chest press for 15 reps, into 1 set of Db chest fly for 15 reps, into push ups for 12 reps all done in a line without rest. Then rest for 60-90 seconds as prescribed. Go back and repeat for a 2nd set, rest, then complete the 3rd set. OT Wey DB = Dumbbell MB = Medicine Ball / Med Ball BB = Barbell KB = Kettlebell RB = Resistance Bands OF TIME THE TREASURED DIVE Choose the workout that matches your experience level. If you start on beginner, you can continue to advance through the next stages. For optimal results, you can perform this chest workout twice a week with at least two days rest in between each workout. OT CMCC ene instructions: Rest 60 seconds between sets start with 1 set of chest press at heavy weight 5-8 reps than move into workout. WEEK I WEEK 2 WEEK3 | WEEK4 1A | FLAT BENCH CHEST 3x15 x AX 4x08 PRESS | IB | DIAMOND PUSH UP | 3XI2 | 4x12 4X2 4X5 2A| INCLINE CHEST FLY 3x15 #XIS FXIS 4x18 2B | DECLINE CHEST FLY 3x15 4x15 4X5 4X8 | a: 3A | CLOSE GRIP BARBELL] 3XI2_*| —-4A12 PAD 7X CHEST PRESS | 3B PUSH UP 3xl0| 4X10 #X10 FX | THE CHEST ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10) OF TIME THE TREASURED DIVE instructions: Rest 60-90 seconds between sets start with 1 set of chest press at heavy weight 5-8 reps than move into workout lift with moderate to heavy weight through- out. WEEK I WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK + 1A | _ LANDMINE PRESS 3x10 3xI5 4X10 4x2 IB | DB INCLINE PRESS 3x10 3Xi5 4X10 4X12 IC | MEDICINE BALL PUSH| 3X10 3XI5 4X10 4xD up 2A | FLAT BENCH BARBELL] 3X10 3X5 4X10 4X 2B | FLAT BENCH DB 3x10 3xI5 4X10 4X (HAMMER PRESS) 3A | INCLINE DB CHEST 3x10 BNI 4x10 4XD PRESS 3B | NEUTRAL CABLE FLY 3x10 3xIS 4X10 4X 3C | INCLINE CABLE FLY 3x10 3NIS 4X10 4X THE CHEST ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. OF TIME THE TREASURED DIVE CSM LC Man UT TTCth Instructions: Rest 60-90 seconds between sets start with 1 set of chest press at heavy weight 5-8 reps than move into workout lift with moderate to heavy weight through- out. WEEK | WEEK 2 WEEK 3, WEEK + 1A | INCLINE BARBELL 4X10 4X12 4X12 5X10 PRESS IB INCLINE DB 4X10 4X12 4X12 5X10 HAMMER PRESS 2A | DB FLAT BENCH 4X10 4x12 4x12 5X10 PRESS 2B | CLOSE GRIP FLAT 4x10 4X12 4X12 5X10 BENCH PRESS 3A | ALTERNATING 4X10 4X12 4X12 5X10 ONE ARM LANDMINE PRESS. 3B CHEST DIPS 4X10 4X12 4X12 5X10 4A CABLE FLY 4X10 4X12 4X12 5X10 4B} ALTERNATING 4X10 4X12 4X12 5X10 DECLINE CABLE iIaYe 4C | STABILITY PUSH 4X10 4X12 4X12 5X10 UP (USE UNSTABLE SURFACE) 4D} DB PULL OVER 4X10 4X12 4X12 5X10 T Hi E ¢ Hi E $s T ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 12

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