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a * ill THE WAR AT HOME - a IABS- PERFORM THESE MOVEMENTS ON THE PRESCRIBED DAY BEFORE YOUR MAIN WORKOUT, ey Pog Rest NOs 3x 10 Reps eee al iaxsm elec ER eis Eee Heel Tap ER eis eee f a eo r Lact ag it 4 Lying Leg Lift 3x 10 Reps 45 seconds i iaETaL 3x 1 minute each eel i Russian Twist ER eis 45 seconds ¥ a ee EY WORKOUT BeTORMING THE CASTLES STORMING THE CASTLE a rs THE ARMORY SOC NCSI CR ICICLE RC Ue ICM LET TACIT are cut off by the camps of the enemy combatants. There is no hope for reinforce- SOUR CUC CW CO CUMMING Cee eS Cu UAC whatever lies beneath the castle grounds. Prepare thyself, for you are all that stands between your fiefdom and annihilation. Will you assert your right to this land? Or ‘i will you allow these usurpers to trample over your drawbridge and over your place in ISN MU CHOOSING A BATTLE STRATEGY: 7 OCR CSC ECU UU CLU URLS ALER TCU armies. View the landscape. What can you use? Where can you flank the sea of iron dad men? You must decide your battle strategy. g io Gaining muscle and losing fat are mutually exclusive, divergent paths. Your fat is like stored grain that can help sustain you during a siege. If you are not taking in surplus grain during the siege, you will constantly dwindle down your grain stores. Similarly, you need to expend more calories than you take in, thus creating a deficit fo lose fat. To gain muscle, you need to take in more calories than you expend by creating a caloric surplus. It is important to note that when you are in a caloric deficit, your body cannot only tap into fat stores. While you are burning through fat, you will see more separation between your muscles. As the muscles reveal their SCM TRUM AT ie COCR TU AM CCL AR COURT AL CRUSOE RCO om Rect) optimal environment for weight gain. These additional calories can be used to repair PSO UCC VACCARO CRC AT HOME WORKOUT Ta Oe ETE ena cots ae STRUCT EMUe CC CUR CCL Le CONUS CRON US CRMC RSCG COUT MURR M OT SCR CR a The kingdom has thrived with you as ruler. You are a man of the people. You value PCR SRO DRC CRC TOS Ca Ce Cen) PE MOM ACM CCCs CR Aa CCR Cnn Tg POUT S eC SEC CLM CGR ym £ Sa LORE CUS MCR CURT A frightened emissary has sighted an approaching army off the East River. Your fi CCC CR OCR DAUR CCR CUR La F ACLS ACCC COCR CUR a LM ACL en ORLY 3 smiling faces of your townsfolk and see subjects to be conquered, not people to be E ON Ee SUES CRUE UROL CM LC TM OR CU COURIC MCA RLCE feet, decimating the farm land. They are a force of nature that threatens to swallow SOL CUR AT HOME Wg BsTORMING THE CASTLE @ Ta Oe ETE ena cots ae Fx _— Quickly, you call out to your mages, generals, and warriors. An emergency counsel of this magnitude has not been called in decades. The people are fearful as they watch soldiers rush to the doorsteps of their dignitaries. ROC RUC CU AN RCC CCR a MCR CUTER CaS UUM The odds seem stacked against you, but the enemy forgets that this is your home. SARs Ace A LORCA CR CUT Oe COL AL " RIA CCN ACU LAUER Cen COCKS (eae aS OUR eon Cm Cee me KALI LUE workout COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GR TABLE OF CONTENTS | sa iN i. | SOU AST te CS i | BUN ea wv. aS A VVEWL VAL SP NTA GT Cee WORKOUT ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, a THE ARMORY NOTE- Fat loss requires a caloric deficit. Muscle gain requires a caloric surplus. ACCELERATING FAT LOSS: Maximizing your fat loss means taking advantage of various intensity techniques to not only speed up your rate of fat loss but also the added benefits of improving your endurance and conditioning. You need not only do a straight forward attack on the invading masses. A wiley warrior must leverage all at his disposal if he is to claim victory. IREST-PAUSE: Simply put, a rest-pause is a whole set you break down into multiple sets with a tight window for rest periods. There are myriad of way this can be set up. An example is by doing the most reps you can on an exercise keeping your form intact going till technical failure stopping one rep short of having your form completely breaking down. This is followed by a 10 second rest period and then you repeat till you can no a CCU AR /ARDIO ACCELERATION: Another awesome intensity technique. Effectively, cardio takes the place of your rest periods. Instead of taking your normal rest periods, you opt out out». La eR LCN Teta ae OM URS CR eM BCL B increase caloric burn. o l AT HOME Wy Ta Oe ETE ena cots ae THE ARMORY ISUPERSET: A simple yet effective approach. A super set is be completing one set of an exercise and moving on to the next exercise without resting in between them. —) UCR RO CUR ORCC RUE URI SR TL rest and continue for more reps till failure. There are no rest periods in between eM RCAC IMCL ORCAS CRUE CORON UAC. QC ORC Ss Pa GB AT HOME [ora cs * ll YOUR WEAPONS CACHE POON ROU O CCS ROE Oe OURS CUS CS RRL Ce RCM CRAIC RUMOR CLR COUR CLs CRUE COS UOMO RUC OA DUR TAT CRN | ACs 1- Weight lifting bench PRT ALA Cue RSTn tg Ce Sey eee a ' [rae SS AT HOME We 2 eel TRAINING FOR BATTLE ® ae 8a TT EXERCISE GUIDE: J 1. Get in hip hinge position with your feet shoulder width apart. Slight bend in the knee without squating. Kettlebell handle or dumbbell should be aligned with your OCCUR aC RCL AUR RC nc grab the kettlebell. 2. Lock tension in your lats to stabilize your spine and lock your shoulder joints from PETA RR CON CUR a DUC MORO MUR ESC LCR HL¢ position. This should be fast and explosive. 4. Repeat for the desired amount of sets and reps. OMMON MISTAKES: 1. NO SQUATTERS: This is not a squatting exercise. You should always go from a hip hinge to a plank. A common mistake is to squat coming down which defeats the RUM cs PROM UR Ue Gen TI RCN CHIC MIU RCT back. Always make sure your back is in a neutral position. Attempting to lift with your back will ensure your empire crumbles. 3, SHOULDERING THIS BURDEN ALONE: You have a round table of nobles ready to lay down their life for the Kingdom. Remember to use them and don’t shoulder this alone! The only role the shoulder should play is to guide the guide the direction the ~ Kettlebell goes from the momentum we get from swinging the kettlebell behind our - body. A constant fatigue shoulder should be a sign of incorrect form. ea AT HOME WU ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, TRAINING FOR BATTLE ae 8a TT EEUU workout ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 2 eel TRAINING FOR BATTLE 5 ” DUMBBELL LUNGE , 1. Stand straight up gripping dumbbells in both hands with feet about shoulder width re 2. Take a step forward dropping your hips keeping your posture straight. The forward knee should always be behind your toes and never over them. Make sure is POEL CSR OR UOMO HORNS HC Re UL mC CTO ea CRU ES ENMU RCN CT LaL RR CRON CRUE MOR RCM CICRC RS CUR CAT REC RS one and two with the other leg. i 4. Repeat for the desired amount of sets and reps. : COMMON MISTAKES: 1. NOT TAKING THE APPROPRIATE STEPS: You need to take far enough steps to save SOT OULU Ua mC RCI RTRs SCC a RC CRC UALS. ACCU SCC Gs A F weighted lunges till you get the perfect step. Pa | AT HOME (Uy Me stonMING THE cAsTLE @ Pepe R ys ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, a * ee) TRAINING FOR BATTLE ” DUMBBELL LUNGE , EXE workout ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 2 eel TRAINING FOR BATTLE an) [EXERCISE GUIDE: | 1. Grab the bar with your palms facing down away from you. AT RCM AU Te TRS CM Ce CIRO RUN TBE body up keeping the tension in your muscles. 3. Pull yourself up until your chin clears the pull up bar. SAC USC COC URUR RUC MUTUAL LRT RCCL sets and reps. COMMON MISTAKES: Ser UEC RY CeO CRUE CR LeU RCL CURLE ALU A CRUG C UR Lae win, you must always move from a strong place. Before doing a pull up, set your shoulders by pulling them back. This will take strain off of your shoulders and joints while optimizing the pull ups effectiveness. Pa AT HOME (Uy BsTORMING THE CASTLE @ ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Preteens Tent “2 Fie il TRAINING FOR BATTLE an) peceece| ae ee EUTIT WORKOUT evcooe ee a a Ment ere eth em or ii ane CE lee AO Lm ve . Fyn Pay} i 2 ee) TRAINING FOR BATTLE c aT ea EXERCISE GUIDE: | PSO I US CNA UIC MUTI CRC CAUCE GG Kos dumbbell close to your chest. 2. Bring your shoulder blades together to help keep your spine in a neutral position. CMO UNA ER LOR LG TC ca RCT BC es Ce RUC CSIC OU RCC Me COMMON MISTAKES: n Ls TACO AES sa CCRC RRC CSR R CCT E OT MS UCU RU Ce LC RC TOR eS css your lower back. Keep your torso upright and stand strong in the face of adversity. Pa AT HO! ME I VU COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Me stonMING THE cAsTLE @ ° TRAINING FOR BATTLE aa ny EXE workout ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 2 eel TRAINING FOR BATTLE 5 ee Le ROM Ra ER RCC RC Re LaLa C0 PO ace 2. Squat into an athletic position. Chest and head up. Shoulder width stance with POPS A i SRS CSO CA RVR RICCI UR CMCC lateral steps to the right and then repeat with the left. F 4. Repeat for the desired amount of sets and reps. COMMON MISTAKES: * TAKING THE KNEE: Your enemies want nothing more than to see you kneel before them, accepting your defeat. If you stay upright and push your knees forward, you will not activate your desired muscles. Make sure to sit back in an athletic stance with your shins vertical to get the most out of this movement! F Ee E E an GREENE s Se | AT HOME : TCT) COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. We | BsTORMING THE CASTLE @ a eel THE WAR AT HOME SEL CR OOM CCST Cus URES EU SISa RUT La RTE RON CARCI CULM RUE CCR ER Ct La C10 ORL ACR RRR UE CRS This is not a far off mission for spoils or glory. This is a battle on your own land, to OCR TIN UCM CMRI IIU URC TCIM CRIs it Failure means there is no home to return to. There are no other options. You have everything you need. Speak passionately and truthfully. Acknowledge the difficulties before you, but recognize that you have the power and tools to succeed. 4 Stare into your warrior’s eyes as you see their fearful trembling make way for eager CU CCR aS TUT RT eh Oa ne Pa VT WORKOU ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL 2 4 ee THE WAR AT HOME 5 Ws Se) Pro Lol} isd iv |et rey I 10, 8,8 Cardio Acceleration Single Leg KB Deadlift 3 aleRt sat} Cardio Acceleration Band Rear Delt Fly 4 ib 45 Seconds Tera eli 3 15, 12, 10 | 45 seconds ir Tee ey 4 15,12, 10 | Cardio Acceleration KettleBell Swing cy av Cardio Acceleration CARDIO ACCELERATION EXERCISE - 30 SECONDS OF JUMP ROPES! Pa es AT HOME Wg BsTORMING THE CASTLE @ Ta Oe ETE ena cots ae THE WAR AT HOME 4 WN a felt} RTC) Reps ici f Medicine Ball Push Ups 3 bya lene} 0 he Floor Dumbbell Flyes Ke sam Oe} 45 Seconds rete Ey Ke) ators) 45 Seconds . Kettlebell Goblet Squat cy 15, 12,10,8 | 45 Seconds F DB Lunge cy 10 0 Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift Co cy CSRol Joel Tol} Pea GB AT HOME [ora Oe TE Io Sta ce ta ag THE WAR AT HOME 4 We Exercise BTC Reps cig f Pel elB =U Te AALS Ke) asm} 45 Seconds he OY (fe [eile Mss) 3 20 45 Seconds Selle Tay Ky 15, 12, 10 45 Seconds . Dumbbell Shrugs 4 15, 12,10,8 | 45 Seconds F eer ACI 1 LU) a ere aa CIs a tT) Sa) For the last two exercises, take the first set to 1 rep short of failure. Rest for 10 CIRC A AUR IMON CLC ma CR LER SCCM ACM MUTI then move on to the last exercises for the day and repeat. KAI GREENE'S GB AT HOME [ora BeTORMING THE CASTLE a Fe all THE WAR AT HOME 4 DAY #4 . Cet) RT) Le} ice b Chin-Up 3 10, 8,8 Cardio Acceleration a Goblet Squat Ky aleRE me} Cardio Acceleration Ee mer S bale) SV iiarel cy e Band Lat Pulldown ry Pee YA} Band Face Pull ci ati ese lee Xee elo) Kettlebell Swing vs 10, 10, 10 | Cardio Acceleration CARDIO ACCELERATION EXERCISE - 30 SECONDS BODY WEIGHT SQUAT! Pe AT HOME Wy Psu tg wn cy i No} ol THE WAR AT HOME 4 DAY #5 . el} RT1y Nel} inte Dye R AVM Ute) 3 10 ety it rl 3 alee) 45 Seconds Peay Ke) atone) 45 Seconds : Medicine Ball Push Ups. 3 ayaa LO) 45 Seconds Dumbbell Tricep Kick Back I Laelia) easy is Chair Dip a Lela cy ia arly z Pa ee GB AT HOME [ora BeTORMING THE CASTLE a

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