Communication Aids and Strategies Written

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Communication strategy-

Is the blueprint or plan. Also defined as the choice of the most useful objectives of
communication, and recognition of a particular brand and its strategies in terms of attitude.


Verbal communication strategy can be broken down into two categories of written and oral

Written communication comprises emails,chat,fax messages and text messages.

Oral communication may involve phone calls,video chats, aside from face to face conversation

2. Non-verbal

Communication strategy is more on visual cues such as facial reactions, body language,voice
tone, and the physical distance between communicators.


Communication strategy provides documentation in school and in workplaces.It compromises

signage,memoranda,illustrations,webpages and graphics designs.

Factors to consider in developing a communication strategy

Communication strategy may be designed for a specific project or for the same time as your
individual or organizational strategy.

It should establish the following: Individual or organizational objectives ,target audiences,

intended messages, tools and activities, resources and timescale and evaluation

1. Objectives

Communication strategy should be aligned closely to your individual or organizational

plan.If presenting on your own, you should clarify your personal objectives.

If speaking for and in behalf of an organization,you should look at you organization’s

vision,mission and goals.
Identify your target audiences whom you need to communicate with to achieve your
personal or organizational goal or objetives.
Remember ,different strokes for different folks
Having good ideas is not enough.You have to present those ideas in a way your listeners
will understand and appreciate.
One corporate communication expert declared:
Designing a presentation without an audience in mind is like writing a love letter and
addresing it To Whom It May Concern.
Keep your mind that communication is all about storytelling,always use an interesting
narrative, human interest stories, and imagery.
In organizing your messages , choose the best organizational pattern .
You have the chronological,spatial,topical, cause of effect, problem solution criteria
satisfaction comparative advantages , and motivated sequence patterns to choose from.
The context of your presentation also influences what you say or how you say it.
Current events could also affect what you say or how you say it.
Identify the most appropriate tools and activities to be used in communicating the
messages to the audiences.
Choose also the proper tools to aid you in your presentations.
Visual aids include:
Objects and models f)Pictograms
Photographs g)Graphs
Diagrams h)Videos
List and Tables i)Posters and
Charts j)Handouts

Employ a presentation software such as Microsoft PowerPoint,Apple Keynote, and prezi.A

presentation software allows anyone with a computer to create and deliver a professional-
looking presentation with texts and visual, but remember,there are dangers in using
presentation software.

You should avoid these pitfalls of computerized design programs:

Poorly conceived messages
Design over content, and
Overly Complex presentations
Guidelines in using Presentation software
Be sure you have a reason for using a visual aid.
Keep your slide shows brief
Match the sophistication of your visuals to your audience
Make sure the visual is large enough to see
Keep the design of you visual simple
f)Use only a few words
g)Use only horizontal printing
h)Label all items for clear identification
i)Display a visual only while you are discussing it.
J)Practice using your visuals
Ensure the availability of the resources and set as an expected timescale for your
communication strategy.
Remember to check if the equipment that you will use are ready and working.
Assess the effectiveness of your strategy with your audiences through open and
appropriate questions.
Conducting a self assessment of your own presentation helps.
Was each point or claim that I made supported by atleast one piece of verbal and or
visual support
Did each piece of supporting material make my claims more clear ,interesting and
Did I use a variety support to add impact to my presentation?
Did my visuals make my points more clear and persuasive
e)Did I practice using all technology to make sure it operated smoothly in the venue
where I ask?
f) Did I present information honestly and accurately to support his claim?
g) Where the complexity and sophistication of materials I cited appropriate for my
attendance and topic?
h)Did I cite the sources of my supporting material when appropriate ?

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