Kai Greene Chiseled Physique Shred 2.0

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i a . oe oo WY You've chosen the perfect column of marble. It is rugged. Cold to the touch. To the layman it looks like a jagged piece of rock drudged at random out of nearby quarry. You are far from a layman. You look upon this rugged stone pillar and see the masterpiece within. You notice the way the stone curves and bends, implying the lines that you will bring into being. Deep within this rectangular monolith lies a masterpiece. The sculptor does not create, he reveals. You have the artisanal blue print in your mind. You can see the etchings you need to make, but they will not come willingly. You will need to sculpt the stone with muscle, sweat, and unparalleled determination. To unleash the art beneath the cold, hard surface you will need to wrestle away slabs of stone. The marble will fight and resist. The marble cannot be tricked nor coaxed. You will need to put in the work to uncover what lurks within the stone. The marble slabs that obscure your vision must be wrestled away from your sculp- ture. You will need to dig into the stone with your bare hands. You will need to dedicate hours, days, to chiseling away small pieces. Stone by stone, pebble by pebble, you will unveil your vision. SHRED2.0 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAWIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. To be an artist is to be patient. It is why the halls of man are filled with rough, anthropomorphic stones instead of overflowing with polished masterpieces. You have been given a great gift. You are a triumphant column of marble awaiting sculpture. You have the tools to carve out a sinewy, masterful physique. You've only lacked the blue print. Itis time to draw the lines upon your unfinished self. You will dedicate the next 6 weeks to systematically chipping away towards a miraculous reveal. You are the only person who can pull the mythic figure from its stone prison. Follow the blue print, work hour by hour, and uncover a priceless work of art. Roll your sleeves up. It is time to reveal... A CHISELED PHYSIQUE r ° SHRED 2.0 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAWIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. CHISEL OF NUTRITION Il. CARDIO POLISH Ill. REVEALING YOUR WORK CuISELED. P NA [ab E SHRED 2.0 _copyrioit © 2018 oynauic MUSCLE, LC/KAl GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CHISEL OF NUTRITION Food is to a shredded physique as marble is to the sculpture. It is the basis of your entire work. Unlike the sculptor, you cannot manually manipulate your curves and curves. You must use nutrition to break down your fat cells, spare your muscle tissue, and expose a chiseled physique. The old masters had to wield the hammer and chisel to mimic the bodies of the gods. They trained tirelessly under great teachers, constantly learning and evolving their process. You will not need any sharp tools, but you will need the spirit of the sculptor. Learn the tenets of chiseled nutrition to unleash your masterpiece. SHRED 2.0 COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAl OREENE. AL CHISEL OF NUTRITION MAPPING OUT YOUR WORK The sculptor runs his hands over a marble block and knows that his greatest work lies within. Only through chiseling away stone can he reveal the statue within. He does not expect fo add marble to the sculpt, only to reveal what is already there. This is paralleled in fat loss. Your body burns a certain number of calories every day. If you consume more than this number of calories, your body can store those excess calories as muscle tissue or fat. If you consume less than this number of calories, your body can tap into your muscle tissue and fat to fuel your workouts. The latter is your goal during these 6 weeks, When you consume less calories than you burn, your body will draw caloric energy from your fat stores. The depletion of subcutaneous fat stores is what reveals your muscle separation. It is not the addition of muscle mass, but the revelation of what you have cultivated. Your only choice is to carve away the adipose tissue which obscures your rock-hard physique. SHRED2.0 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAWIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ) CHISEL OF NUTRITION WHERE TO CHISEL To find your caloric burn you will need to use calculations that determine your Basal Metabolic Rate or BMR. This is the number of calories you burn while at rest at room temperature. Your BMR is affected by your gender, muscle mass, height, and age. SHRED 2.0 Cray 18 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ni CHISEL OF NUTRITION HEIGHT Taller and heavier people typically have more surface area. Increased surface area means increased interaction with the ambient air. Thus, they will need to expend additional calories to maintain their body temperature. AGE Your Basal Metabolic Rate decreases with age. Your BMR will decrease roughly 2% every decade. Just like the old masters, you will find it easier to begin chiseling marble when you are young. BODY COMPOSITION Lean muscle mass burns significantly more calories than fat mass. A person with 8% body fat will therefore having a larger caloric need than a person with 25% of the same weight. Your goal will to be to keep as much lean muscle mass as possible as you work on your sculpt. If you know your body fat percentage, you can use the Katch-McArdle equation: BMR = 370 + (21.6 x Lean Body Mass(kg)) Lean Body Mass = (Weight(kg) x (100-(Body Fat)))/100 If you do not know your body fat percentage, you will use the Miflin-St. Jeor equation: MEN: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (y) +5 WOMEN: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (y) - 161 SHRED2.0 ‘coPyR EUSA Os ai sss CHISEL OF NUTRITION ART TAKES TIME The towering titans of marble that adorn chapels and palaces in Italy took time to craft. An artist committed his being to a project, often spending many years to refine asingle piece. They did not expect to carve a pristine creation in one feverish sprint. Speedy hands lead to quick mistakes. As you walk through halls filled with immaculate marble creations, it is natural to be inspired to reach that goal as fast as possible. However, the quicker you go, the less stable your final product becomes. Your metabolism is a fluid number that relates to your environment. If you drop your calories very quickly, your metabolism will slow precipitously. That's why you may find it difficult to lose your last few pounds of fat. Respect the art and take time, your final product will be all the better. SHRED 2.0 COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAl GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © CHISEL OF NUTRITION HOW TO DETERMINE YOUR CALORIC INTAKE STEP 1: Use one of the below equations to determine your BMR CHOICE 1: MIFFLIN ST JEOR MEN: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (y) +5 WOMEN: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (y) - 161 CHOICE 2: KATCH MCARDLE: Use this if you know your body fat percentage. First use your body fat percentage to find your lean body mass. Lean Body Mass = Weight in kg x ((100 - Body Fat %)/100) BMR = 370 + (21.6 x Lean Body Mass(kg)) STEP 2: Use the below equation to find your current TDEE BMR X 1.7= Workout 6-7 Times Per Week STEP 3 CREATE YOUR DIET: WEEKS 1 AND 2: Multiply Your TDEE by 0.8 to get your Week 1 and 2 caloric in take Determine Your Macronutrients Protein in grams= (Bodyweight x 1.2) Fats in grams= (Calorie intake x 0.20)/ 9 Carbs: [Caloric intake - ((protein in grams x 4)+ (fats in grams x 9))] /4 STEP 4: WEEKS 3 AND 4 Multiply your Week 1 and 2 calorie intake by 0.9 STEP 5: WEEKS 5 AND 6 Multiply your Week 3 and 4 diets by 0.9 SHRED 2.0 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAWIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7 CARDIO POLISH If nutrition is your chisel, cardio is your polish. Cardio alone will not chisel large chunks off your marble block, but it can help carve out the finer details. Cardio helps increase calorie burn and fat mobilization, especially when used in addition to training. Your goal for cardio is not to improve cardiovascular endurance and thus should not be the focus of your gym time. Instead, cardio should be done after your weight lifting is complete or during a separate training session. fori anae) Eh OLS PREC Cr tet tins (3) CARDIO POLISH HINT CARDIO High Intensity Interval Training cardio uses a higher proportion of carbohydrates as fuel than fat. However, this does not mean it is less useful as a carving tool. HIIT cardio increases your Excess Exercise-Post Oxygen Consumption which greatly increases your caloric needs. Your body uses anaerobic (without oxygen) metabolism to produce ATP during the beginning of exercise before it can effectively use aerobic (with oxygen) pathways to produce energy. After the workout, your body needs oxygen to restore glycogen, restore ATP, reduce hody temperature, and restore oxygen levels in hemoglobin and myoglobin. Each liter of oxygen consumed burns roughly 5 calories. HIIT cardio is a time efficient tool that the sculptor can use to fine tune his work. HIIT, as its name implies, requires high intensity to produce EPOC. Typically, you will use a 2:1 slow intensity to high intensity cardio regiment. For example: you may do a HIIT running workout of 20 second sprints and 40 second moderate jogs. SHRED2.0 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAWIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 9 CARDIO POLISH " PREPARE TO SPRINT, ( (na P SNA [ab E SHRED2.0 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. a 0) CARDIO POLISH STEADY STATE/LOW INTENSITY CARDIO Steady state cardio is the alternative to HIIT cardio. HIIT cardio can place large amounts of stress on your body. Your body has minimal calories to use for recovery during a cut and thus, you may feel worn down from excessive HIIT. It is like overly polishing a stone figure; you want to avoid doing it too much and obscuring the defined lines. Steady state cardio is cardio in which you move at a moderate and consistent pace. Steady state burns more calories from fat than carbs, but it also burns less calories per minute than HIIT cardio. It also has little effect on EPOC. This is a tool that cannot replace HIIT but can help soften edges and create a flowing and powerful statuesque body. P NA [ab E SHRED2.0 COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAl GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 1 REVEALING YOUR WORK " LEAVE YOUR MARK , P NA [ab E SHRED2.0 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | 2 REVEALING YOUR WORK " ABDOMINALS , You have all the tools needed to reveal your chiseled masterpiece. Remember your vision as you spend the next 6 weeks sculpting your body into a powerful work of art. Perform the below ab workouts before the associated day. "DAY 1 AND 6 , Exercise Sets Reps Rest Cable Rope Crunch [3 12 reps ‘45 seconds Dumbbell Side Bend_| 3 12 reps 45 seconds Hanging Knee Raise_| 3 20 reps 45 seconds ” DAY 2 AND 4, Exercise Sets Reps Rest Reverse Crunches 3 30 reps 45 seconds Side Crunches 3 30 reps 45 seconds Cross Leg Crunches 3 30 reps 45 seconds "DAY 3 ANDS , Exercise Sets Reps Rest Decline Crunches 3 20 reps 45 seconds Dumbbell Side Bend _| 3 20 reps 45 seconds Hanging Knee Raise __| 3 20 reps 45 seconds ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 13 REVEALING YOUR WORK ” CARDIO , Every 2 weeks your cardio regime will change. Every artist has tools that they prefer. One method is not necessarily better than the other. The power of the tool arises from how you wield it. Choose the cardio option that you can perform safely to optimize your creative process. " WEEK 1 AND 2 , 2x 15 minute HIIT cardio sessions of choice 1x 30 minute steady state cardio of choice " WEEK 3 AND 4 , 3x 15 minute HIIT cardio sessions of choice 2x 30 minute steady state cardio of choice " WEEK 5 AND 6 . 3x 20 minute HIIT cardio sessions of choice 3x 30 minute steady state cardio of choice SHRED2.0 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAWIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 1 UI REVEALING YOUR WORK ” CARDIO | HIIT EXAMPLES 1. 20 second sprints + 40 second jog 2. 20 second 95% effort rowing machine + 40 second 50% effort rowing machine 3. 20 second burpees + 40 second jumping jacks 4. 20 second top speed stairmaster + 40 second moderate speed stairmaster 5. 20 second top speed, high resistance bike + 40 second moderate speed, moderate resistance bike SHRED 2.0 REVEALING YOUR WORK ” WORKOUT , Exercises grouped together with the same letter are performed in a super or triset. " DAY. ORDER | Exercise Sets Reps Rest Al Barbell Bench 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds A2 Svend Press 3 10 0 seconds AB Push up 3 15, 15, failure | 60 seconds Bl Overhead Barbell Press a 15, 12, 10 0 seconds B2 Wide Grip Upright Row [3 10 0 seconds B3 Rear Delt Dumbbell Flys | 3 15, 15, failure | 60 seconds cI Incline Dumbbell Press| 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds C2 Tricep Rope Press down | 3 10 0 seconds G3 Tricep Kickback 3 15, 15, failure [60 seconds TEU aya aN Sa REVEALING YOUR WORK " DAY2 , ORDER Exercise Sets Reps Rest A Squat 3 15, 12, 10 60 seconds BI Seated Hamstring | 3 10 0 seconds Curl B2 Seated Calf Raise [3 15, 15, failure _| 60 seconds cl Romanian 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds Deadlift @ Seated Leg 3 10 0 seconds Extension CG Standing Calf [3 15, 15, failure | 60 seconds Raise DI Front Squats 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds D2 Cable Pull Thrus | 3 10 60 seconds ORDER Exercise Sets Reps Rest Al Bent Over Row |3 15, 12, 10, 0 seconds AQ T Bar Row 3 10 ‘0 seconds AB Pull Up. 3 15, 15, failure | 60 seconds BI Seated Close Grip [3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds Row B2 Wide Grip 3 10 0 seconds Pulldown BS Straight Arm 3 15, 15, failure | 60 seconds Cable Row CI Inverted Barbell | 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds Row C2 Reverse Curl 3 10 0 seconds C3 Incline Dumbbell 3 15, 15, failure | 60 seconds Curl COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KA GREENE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REVEALING YOUR WORK " DAY 4 , ORDER | Exercise Sets Reps Rest Al Incline Dumbbell Press| 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds A2 Dumbbell Fly 3 10 0 seconds A3 Machine Chest Press 3 15,15, failure | 60 seconds BI ‘Amold Press 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds B2 Dumbbell Shrugs 3 10 O seconds B3 Rear Delt Machine Flyes | 3 15, 15, failure | 60 seconds Cl Close Grip Bench 3 15, 12, 10 O seconds C2 Skull crushers 3 10 0 seconds C3 Tricep V bar Press down _|3 15, 15, failure | 60 seconds ” DAYS 4 ORDER | Exercise Sets Reps Rest A Deadlift 3 15, 12, 10) 60 seconds BI Dumbbell Lunges 3 10 0 seconds B2 Leg Press Calf Raise [3 20, 20, 20 60 seconds CI Hack Squat 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds| C2 Seated Leg Extension | 3 10 0 seconds| C3 Standing Calf Raise 3 15, 15, failure | 60 seconds Di Jefferson Squat 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds D2 Hip Thrusts 3 10 60 seconds COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KA GREENE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REVEALING YOUR WORK " DAYE | ORDER | Exercise Sets Reps Rest Al Bent Over Underhand | 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds Row A2 Dumbbell Row 2) 10 0 seconds A3 Chin up 3 15, 15, failure _| 60 seconds BL Seated Neutral Grip Row | 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds B2 Close Grip CableRow [3 10 0 seconds B3 Face Pulls 3 15, 15, failure | 60 seconds cl Standing Dumbbell Curl | 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds C2 Hammer Curl 3 10 0 seconds C3 Preacher Curl 3 15, 15, failure | 60 seconds ‘COPYRIGHT © 2048 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, J, a1 VG Le ia E at ML SF Ade) y. Rds Jt a Ce ons a PHYSIQUE S00 DROME OE Tied as aU 0)

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