Kai Greene Universal Mass

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ow oy am. SCC UMC HCO R Te CS MCCS e Ce (TLR ca mally small space, existed all matter in the universe. From this spark, grew an entire TR USL ONL UMUC IC MLS ee the earth, the grass, and the sky are all made up of that ancient cosmic gift. There is no way to add matter to our universal system or subtract from it. UC OU CRU Ue CU CRO me eT) master this system. Matter cannot be created or destroyed, but it can be transferred from one form to TU If you are to gain mass, you must find ways to harness the primordial laws of reality to grow. The atoms that have travelled unfathomable distances, the energy from the stars and the Earth must conspire for you to grow. To attain the mass of a celestial body, you will need to harness the universe’s most powerful engine of creation: willpower. Energy can be transferred from one state to CTO ACU ROR CRU RCCL IC A MCUR CURL CURT eas Over the next six weeks, you will craft a new form. You will use intense workouts to strain your current form. Atoms from your nutrition program will rearrange in a cosmic dance of microscopic rearrangement. From your unwavering commitment in CUS Cm CRRA CURT S CO ROn eat ae fe Erenere eee, Ma ais a ae TU Os Each rep and meal are matter for your engine of growth. Breathe in the universe and breathe out your place in it. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but neither can your will to grow. Bind the atoms of this universe into the form you wish to be. It is time to attain.... TS VAL NSSS TABL= OF CONTENTS | Uae | ats) uu. aC Easy ww. aT ae S COPYRIGHT © 2018 OYNAMIC MUSCLE, LL/KAI GREENE, AL RIGHTS RESERVED. Eee ay The matter in the universe is finite, but the ways in which we rearrange the atoms are nigh infinite. We cannot create additional mass from nothing. To grow, you must OCC CCR CROC Me OTC ROS a UIUC RCA TS stoked. To build mass, you must provide the appropriate tools to your quantum trans- TM CRT CR CSTR VAMC R OU MUSACTLM CT the materials to grow your muscle and assume your celestial form. THE LAWS OF THE BULK THE UNIVERSE IS BALANCED. Itis human nature to want counter intuitive goals. We believe that impossible success is our birthright. Like electrons passing from the sky to the Earth, we prefer the path of least resistance to our goals. Ue OCS ROOMS RUC LC LMR CR UIUC CC CE OO TU Ee SO CUT SMA CAL laws of the universe. FE CRUG O MOR UOT CESIUTUM CUE NAL RSM OURO ULE ACU CL TOM IO ROMULUS CLE the muscle building process. Subsequently, we cannot consume less energy and more energy at the same time. This would average out to a net caloric difference of zero, leaving us with zero fat loss or muscle gain. S COR en aed 3 THE LAWS OF THE BULK SM Tat The universe is unfathomably expansive. From our small rock in our remote solar SOUR CRCORC CRMC eS cet iom LOREM OLS ICS m ne CLT TY CCU OCR ALOR CMM LCR CRM eS takes depends on its surroundings. MUR URS CM UU OUR LM RC UMCOR TN oR CORT DU RS eC U NAR TUCO MUMS ANCL CMO CCR UCR CCRC SA TMU O RCIA CMC MCLs sets times weights times reps, must be increased progressively to stimulate appropri- ate growth. You can do so through very high intensity lifts at high weights and low Teps, or moderate weights at higher reps. S COR en aed 4 Ne LCM SILO] < ot i | | ye) 169) PU Re | Protein is the Higgs Boson, the god particle, of our mass gaining system. Our muscles are forged from the protein we consume. Each gram of protein has roughly 4 calories that can be used to build powerful muscle tissue. ORR RT CCR mC RUC CR CORT give protein time to fuel your muscle growth. You can only spike muscle protein syn- thesis so much during one meal. Thus, you should space your protein meals out CUR RCO RCE AOSD IC RUM) tLa Cay HURCe OCU Be TCReC CUT CM CMI RUn Cn TORS ATL the amino acid leucine to stimulate appropriate growth. Some great choices for protein are listed below. LEAN'BEEF PEANUTS FAT|FREE GREEK YOGURT ait PROTEIN E66 WHITES UNIVERSAL Mi CO ROn eat ae 5 ow o NUTRITION MATTERS ae aL Carbohydrates are the fuel for our cosmic growth furnace. We are all subsets of the universe, and all carbs are made up of glucose subsets. Carbs are the macronutrients formed from either simple sugars or complex carbohydrates, each packing 4 calories per gram. Carbohydrates are stored as long chains of glucose in our muscles or liver called glycogen. You can store over 400 g of carbs in your muscles and 40 g of carbs in your liver. Your liver glycogen helps keep your blood sugar stable while your PC URN MUMS RCC IM CORR Oe Lue lates the pancreas, helping to further build your muscle tissue. Carbs are partially time sensitive. You should consume ample carbohydrates before your workout to provide adequate fuel for exercise and post workout fo help facili- fate recovery and glycogen replenishment. Unless you are performing another POLO AOR OCR OM CNT ROOST RRNA CTE simple sugars post workout. CS POU eC OUR UM MCC SOM CCC TORT Em A Mule a ACK S CO ROn eat ae fe NUTRITION MATTERS ‘VEGETABLES ‘ALL BRAN CEREAL WHITE POTATOES COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ow NUTRITION MATTERS 71K The concept of the big bang defies logic. The basis of our laws of thermodynamics SCRE CO CROCCO RS Mem scopic ball of matter. There must be a spark to ignite all of creation. Fat will be the spark for your explosive growth. Fat has more than double the calories per gram than proteins or carbs, with each gram containing 9 calories. This is a simple way to reach your muscle building TRC Re ER UCC SUE CCM MUN ACCUM MLN LCM Ce OSC IRC ay CRO UCI TL A SR CUSTER SR NA MLCT RAC MORO OU ACCC EIR UCR TOR ORCS r 3s to omega 6s. Ideally, one would consume them in a ratio of 1:1. However, the modern western diet is rich in omega 6s, while deficient in omega 3s. This skews the CO CARCI CRMC OMe R OS css CR IM MIU LCLe SUTIN ACCU AO LCNAIC NATC COLRCUSNOR ESS Tmt n Actively choose foods high in omega 3s to help fuel a balanced physique. FOODS > N=XT PAG= S COR en aed 8 NUTRITION MATTERS WHOLE EGGS: ‘WINTER SQUASH = j EDAMAME FLAXSEED OIL CANOLA OIL COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ow . Transubstantiation from food to muscle requires precise amounts of protein, carbs, and fats. Follow the below path to transform the cosmic currency into skin tearing muscle. STEP 1: Use one of the below equations to determine your BMR " CHOICE 1: MIFFLIN ST JEOR MEN: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (y) +5 WOMEN: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (y) - 161 CHOICE 2: KATCH MCARDLE: Use this if you know your body fat percentage. First use your body fat percentage to find your lean body mass. Lean Body Mass = Weight in kg x ((100 - Body Fat %)/100) BMR = 370 + (21.6 x Lean Body Mass(kg)) STEP 2: Use one of the below equations to find your current TDEE BMR X 1.2= Sedentary Lifestyle (no workout) BMR X 1.4= Workout 1-2 Times Per Week CT OGRA Lm uaa 4 COG n OLE cm ce COG PA LU maa a COR aa LCR e CC STEP 3: CREATE YOUR DIET: WEEKS 1 AND 2: Multiply Your TDEE by 1.1 to get your Week 1 and 2 calorie intake Det a aN COUN Sem CONC Lea Fats in grams= (Calorie intake x 0.30)/ 9 Carbs: [Caloric intake - ((protein in grams x 4)+ (fats in grams x 9))] / 4 STEP 5: WEEKS 5 AND 6 SOT Na UR Le IOC sy MRL} UNIVERSAL S COR en aed 10 YOUR RAW MATTER af Taha PRY eB ROC ICUN CO MU ROR ea MUCCR UTA LN (co PLR US CMSA UCM Cy AC - CA MTCC Cs HINT: To convert Ibs. to kg, divide Ibs. by 2.2. To convert in to cm, multiply by 2.54. VG EUs Lean Body Mass = Weight in kg x ((100 - Body Fat %)/100) BMR = 370 + (21.6 x Lean Body Mass(kg)) Lean Body Mass= (160/2.2) x (100 - 10)/100) Lean Body Mass= 65.45 kg BMR= 370 * (21.6 x 65.45) Pea ER Re u(y 1783 calories x 1.6 = TDEE of 2853 calories WEEK 1 AND 2 DIET GREER ERC ty 160 X 1= 160 g protein 3138 x 0.3= 941/9= 105 g fat 3138 calories - (160 x 4) + (105 x 9) = 1553/4= 388 g carbs ee Eas 3138 x 1.05= 3295 calories 160 g protein TC CT rer ny WEEK 5 AND 6 DIET RYEPP a RRR Cy Oe EC 446 g carbs UNIVERSAL S COR en aed N YOUR RAW MATTER aces a COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | W. ene ee Re eee THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR You now have the raw materials and blueprint for your mass building phase. You must consume the appropriate matter to fuel your exploration of your furthest limita- TO UR ROR RTECS CUR URI) AOA CRS CoC AR CT TUN Uae NS TL S ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KA GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 13 eT ee Oe RR SS. a _ THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR | TT a hay Pe UR OL PARC RO OR CCC CO below ab exercises before beginning the lifts of the day. AC yccs REO OMiSy EUR RCM CUR us RECUR Rau RRS RUCKUS) "> 14 | 4 ny S COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAN GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR Ca If an exercise has a 0 second rest, it is supersetted with the next exercise. Remember * OU CURR CUR UUIC RC ac Pree cS Erte 4 12 CEre een A 12 Gras ice tr Ey 12 Crssurd ern Fy 12 rns f Preis oy Fr] Cotes | Sacer PT ccs Standing Calf Raises _| 3 20 Coser S COR en aed i a — THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR | " WORKOUT WEEK 1103 . Remember to warm up appropriately so that you can maximize your results. pre Peas 4 12 cee re ras FY 12 ees p ener EI Fry coer fend Pull Ups FY Fa) ns PMs a Fr es aia Fy Fr eee Ferrer enc a FF 45 seconds | S COR en aed 3] — THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR " WORKOUT WEEK 1103 . If an exercise has a 0 second rest, it is supersetted with the next exercise. Remember OU CURR CUR UUIC RC ac Day3 cS Military Press 4 12 Cen lene ae) 12 rns Dumbbell Kickbacks | 3 12 45 seconds ater Fy Fr Cen Reverse Curls A 12 Cees ites Ne a) 2 creer Cea eT ee) 20 ens reg eee Fry Cesena (eae 3 Fr) re Prete 5 2 Ces | Lying Leg Curls Fy Fry Gs epee Gone ae) 12 cee eee eked 20 CoRece Brett ln Xela) 20 ope UNIVERSAL COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 7 fe THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR 4 Ue S COR en aed iT} — THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR | " WORKOUT WEEK 1103 . Remember to warm up appropriately so that you can maximize your results. DEE ene 4 Fr ees rea E 12 ee nee Fy Fr CoP ies . Soeur) 2 copes & cos iS Gea aaa) me es : fear) 3 12 ee Seated Cablerow [3 Fr Coe | ry S COR en ad 19 THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR Ca Remember to warm up appropriately so that you can maximize your results. Ora ed Sets - Reps [tos Sen ie ae 12 coerenr Siete ares Preacher Curls B Fry ore Eee Ey FY) oe Wr A 12 os Bee rae} Fry corear ry Peake re acme} Fry correnr ry iter cen Prec cea a ey 20 open Smears COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KA GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, en SR rey sor aad — THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR " WORKOUT WEEK 1103 . CRU oe CC OL Le a | S ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KA GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. vA — THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR | ” WORKOUT WEEK 3 T0 6 If an exercise has a 0 second rest, it is supersetted with the next exercise. Remember * to warm up appropriately so that you can maximize your results. Poel ern Gi FT} ea Ps eo A Fr} Cres k cere n 10 oe ‘ en A 12 Crees i Deadlifts 5 10 Ry . dit 4 oY Ra Serene ae) 20 45 seconds | S COR en aed vy) . ee. — THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR | ” WORKOUT WEEK 3 T0 6 If an exercise has a 0 second rest, it is supersetted with the next exercise. Remember to warm up appropriately so that you can maximize your results. Dre Peas 6 FT) Cres res ny Fr Cras eee ry Fry Cerra Press As 4 20 rs Potala a 12 oe ora a 12 orate Ferrer ee ae FY ope S COR en aed 23 — THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR | ” WORKOUT WEEK 3 T0 6 If an exercise has a 0 second rest, it is supersetted with the next exercise. Remember o ORR CUR CORI L ICR aCe Doves Military Press A 10 es enene ke ae) Fr] es ’ Dumbbell Kickbacks | 4 Fr Ces E nt 4 Fr ees Peete 4 Fr Cs preted 12 corns Cova eee eee! 20 es png este 6 10 Ces eae 4 12 Crd Pree 4 12 Crea rece 4 12 a pee Geren a 10 res mee De forty Bi 20 ERs . Rete a 20 ore UNIVERSAL | S COR en aed 1 THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR ey COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. WA Sy eee Se Si so — THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR | ” WORKOUT WEEK 3 T0 6 Remember to warm up appropriately so that you can maximize your results. m ey Cate Tae 6 ot) Ce rar 4 12 ore - eee) 4 Fry Coreen le ine Sua rie Fr) eed a Rows - ees ar 12 Coe x Pela lod) C3 bv, Cee Seated Cablerow _|4 12 is | S COR en aed 26 THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR Ca ee Remember to warm up appropriately so that you can maximize your results. Devad SCT TTL oy 6 10 CET ell Peeteea as ere LE C3 era CE Ametics a FT) cores CU Te gid 4 eed CE cer ya 10 oer ieee Creer ced Fry coer bane DT) Tae Pa) CEE Gs ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. YW) 7 een et SR Te er. — THE MATTER RECOMBINATOR | ULC im 34 eee REST: On day 7 it is important to recover your muscles after a long week of training. | S CO ROn eat ae 28

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