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TABLE OF CONTENTS B THE THREE PHASE SYSTEM me PHASE 1 a PHASE 2 Ww PHASE 3 7 THE THREE PHASE SYSTEM ie” Most lifters, particularly during the summer months, want to have a lean and defined physique. The schema of a fit individual typically includes round muscle bellies, well framed shoulders, and a lean physique. While it may seem like growing muscles is the route to the picturesque physique, the truth is that a cut is the best way to achieve this form. A cut involves maintaining muscle mass while reducing your body fat percentage. Paradoxically, losing weight may give you a larger aesthetic. Fat loss gives the illusion of gaining muscle mass as your muscles taken on a hardened, more muscular appearance. There is only one way to lose weight and shred body fat; eat less than you burn. When you eat less calories than you burn, your body needs to tap into its fat stores. When you eat more calories than you burn, your body will store the excess energy as tissue. Regardless of hormones, micronutrient intake, sleep quality, etc. you will need to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight. Ze THE THREE PHASE SYSTEM To create a shredded physique, you need to eat less than you burn. Easy enough. Simply subtract 500 calories from your Total Daily Energy Expenditure and burn fat uniil you hit your goal body fat percentage. Unfortunately, while you may see initial weight loss you will inevitably see your weight loss begin to stall. This is because your metabolism is fluid. Your metabolism adapts to your environment. Therefore, you must continuously decrease your caloric intake overtime to continue to lose body fat. Your body will adapt to your caloric intake. That is why decreasing your calorie intake slowly is important. MACROS Your calories will be broken down into three macronutrients: protein, carbs, and fats. Track your food intake and try to hit those total numbers each day to hit your aes- thetic goal. SSS Below you will discover a three phase, 12-week system to achieve the ideal muscular physique. Each phase will change intensity or caloric burn in order to continuously mold your body. SUG) eee ‘Ma fe Phase 1 is your least intense of the three phases. That doesn’t mean it will be a walk in the park! This will be an intense training regimen, particularly if you have not been tracking your food intake. Focus on intensity and honestly tracking your food intake during this phase. Your body will reflect how serious you take this plan. STEP 1: Use one of the below equations to determine your BMR CHOICE 1: MIFFLIN ST JEOR MEN: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5x age (y) +5 WOMEN: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) - 5 x age (y) - 161 CHOICE 2: KATCH MCARDLE: Use this if you know your body fat percentage. First use your body fat percentage to find your lean body mass. Lean Body Mass = Weight in kg x ((100 - Body Fat %)/100) BMR = 370 + (21.6 x Lean Body Mass(kg)) STEP 2: Use the below equation to find your current TDEE BMR X 1.7= Workout 6-7 Times Per Week STEP 3 CREATE YOUR DIET: WEEKS 1 THROUGH 4: Multiply Your TDEE by 0.9 to get your Week 1 through 4 caloric intake Determine Your Macronutrients Protein in grams= (Bodyweight x 1.2) Fats in grams= (Calorie intake x 0.20)/ 9 Carbs: [Caloric intake - ((protein in grams x 4) + (fats in grams x 9))] /4 SUMMER ‘Ma fk UE Caloric deficits are the primary determinant of weight loss. Yet, weight loss is not the only goal of a bodybuilder. We want to strategically cut down fat, preserve muscle, and preserve strength during our cut. You can sparse your macros as you see fit, however | have made some base level recommendations to optimize your perfor- mance. TIP 1: Space your protein 3 hours apart. Protein might have a refractory period after ingestion. That means that once you spike muscle protein synthesis, an additional high protein meal immediately after will have little to no effect on muscle growth. Instead, try spacing your meals at least three hours apart. TIP 2: Time your carbs around your workout Carbs are the primary fuel source for your muscles. They help provide energy for quick bouts of anaerobic movements such as weight lifting or sprints. During a cut, your macronutrient intake is limited and thus, you need to make the most out of your meals. | recommend saving at least 50% of your carb intake to be used around your workouts. Eating carbs prior to the workout will provide ample energy for extensive and intense work. Eating carbs post workout will help replenish glycogen stores and shuttle nutrients to the damaged muscles. SL PHASE 1 Your strength will undoubtedly diminish during a cut. You are decreasing your caloric consumption and subsequently your energy stores. However, you want to stimulate your muscles as much as possible to retain your muscle mass. Make sure to still lift heavy, albeit with a slightly lower volume, to avoid overtraining while cultivating a full and muscular lean physique. LOTSA TTS To Cardio is the most overused and poorly utilized tool in a shredder's cut. Cardio improves heart health, improves workload, and helps considerably mobilize your fat stores. However, when improperly used it can provide diminishing returns. Cardio prior to your training is an excellent way to elevate your heart rate and prepare your body for intense activity. This should last between 10-15 minutes at a moderate pace. If you attempt to use a pre workout cardio session for the purposes of fat burning, you run the risk of diminishing your already scarce glycogen and reducing your strength and workout effectiveness. HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training. It relies on alternating between periods of moderate intensity cardio and short duration, high intensity cardio sessions. This high-power training utilizes a higher percentage of carbohydrates for fuel than traditional steady state cardio. This factoid is often levied against HIIT, claiming it is a less effective fat burning tool. This ignores the true benefit of HIIT, Exercise-Post Oxygen Consumption. This increases your body's caloric burn for many hours post exercise session. in [a \ Se Ga Your body uses anaerobic (without oxygen) metabolism to produce ATP during the beginning of exercise before it can effectively use aerobic (with oxygen) pathways to produce energy. After the workout, your body needs oxygen to restore glycogen, Testore ATP, reduce body temperature, and restore oxygen levels in hemoglobin and myoglobin. Each liter of oxygen consumed burns roughly 5 calories. HIIT cardio is a powerful, time saving tool for a cut. It can create high amounts of caloric burn in a truncated amount of time. You can do a 2 to 1 ratio of low to high intensity for 10-20 minutes. You should go at an intensity that leaves you completely drenched in sweat at the end of the workout. On the next page are some options for HIIT training. SIVA) ay COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL’ Ta “i S| a HIIT cardio is a style of training that can be adapted to a multitude of machines and styles. Despite the universality of HIIT training, there are some common options that are available in most gyms. Remember HIIT training is by nature extremely intense. To avoid injury, properly stretch and warm up before beginning the below HIIT training cycles. If you feel tightness or strain, cease the activity and stretch accordingly. You must find the balance between intensity and longevity to reap the full rewards of this program. Open running area or Curve (self-powered treadmill) OPTION: This can be done on a traditional treadmill. However, the treadmill takes significant time to reach top speed. If you decide to use a treadmill, you can do 45 seconds as fast as you can, 90 seconds moderate pace. WORKOUT: 5-minute warm up 20 second sprint 40 second jog Repeat for 10 rounds ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL . i} ; / |. =_ SNR oeL eet. EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Battle Ropes WORKOUT: 15 seconds (jump slams, alternating waves, or rope jumping jacks) 45 seconds jumping jacks Repeat for 10 rounds ry TT A EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Stationary bike WORKOUT: 5-minute warm up 20 second sprint 40 second jog Repeat for 10 rounds y Ta EQUIPMENT NEEDED: Row Machine WORKOUT: 5 minutes warm up 500-meter sprint 2-minute moderate pace Repeat for 10 rounds SUMMER@e og Every workout under the same letter is paired as a superset or a triset. You will go in order that the exercises are provided. If a workout has a “0” for rest, that means move to the next exercise immediately. Nee eG HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET BI Machine Cable Fly 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds B2 Seated Cable Row B 15, 12, 10 0 seconds B3 Pull Up 3 15, 15, 15 60 seconds >10 Minutes Post Workout HIIT om IDAY 2- LOWER BODY BI Seated Hamstring 3 Curl B2 Seated Leg 3 Extension DI Goblet Squats 3 D2 Barbell Hip 3 Thrusts >10 Minutes Post Workout HIIT 15, 12, 10 10 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, C/K HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET 0 seconds 60 seconds 0 seconds 60 seconds IDAY 3- BACK, BICEPS BL Seated Wide Grip Cable Row B2 Seated Close Grip Cable Row B3 Pull Ups. >10 Minutes Post Workout HIIT 3 3 HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET 15,12, 10 10 15, 15, failure ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. Wifi x 0 seconds 0 seconds 60 seconds t= DAY 4-LEGS eal HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET Bl Jefferson Squats 10 0 seconds B2 Tibialis Anterior Raises 20, 20, 20 60 seconds DiI Norwegian Hamstring 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds Curl D2 Hip Thrusts B} 10 60 seconds >10 Minutes Post Workout HIIT ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE, A iy: UTS) AS Teas HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET Bl Standing Dumbbell Press 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds B2 Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds i B3 Rear Delt Cable Flys 3 20, 20, 20 60 seconds >10 Minutes Post Workout HIIT ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, L a STEADY STATE CARDIO: 45 MINUTES SUMMER / i ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. Thr H SM jij ot & : — a This phase is even more intense. You will increase your protein intake while decreas- ing your carb and fat allotments. You will also decrease your rest periods and increase your cardio. Keep moving forward! Here is where you will start fo see some serious results! T 7 ry ALUN STEP 1: CREATE YOUR DIET: WEEKS 5 AND 8: Multiply Your PHASE 1 TDEE by 0.9 to get your Week 5 through Week 8 caloric intake Determine Your Macronutrients Protein in grams= (Bodyweight x 1.3) Fats in grams= (Calorie intake x 0.20)/ 9 Carbs: [Caloric intake - ({protein in grams x 4) + (fats in grams x 9))] / 4 CTU: —temaahacalll eT HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET Al Barbell Bench 3 8,88 60 seconds cl Machine Cable Fly 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds. c2 Seated Cable Row 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds CG Pull Up. 3 15,1515) 45 seconds >15 Minutes Post Workout HIIT ~ 1 ii) NOT BI Dumbbell Lunge 3 B2 Seated Hamstring 3 Curl B3 Seated Leg 3 Extension DI Goblet Squats 3 pz Barbell Hip 3 Thrusts >15 Minutes Post Workout HIIT COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSC 15, 12,10 10 10 15, 12,10 HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET 0 seconds 0 seconds 45 seconds 0 seconds 45 seconds Nie CC aL ats) HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET BI Seated Wide Grip Cable 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds Row B2 Seated Close Grip Cable 3 10 0 seconds Row B3 Pull Ups 3 15, 15, failure | 60 seconds >15 Minutes Post Workout HIIT — Ney HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET BI Sissy Squats 3 10 60 seconds B2 Jefferson Squats 3 10 0 seconds B3 Tibialis Anterior Raises. 3 20, 20, 20 60 seconds a |p Norwegian Hamstring 3 15,12, 10 0 seconds | Curl D2 Hip Thrusts 3 10 60 seconds >15 Minutes Post Workout HIIT Zs UNRATE ARS LT Ga gS HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET BI Standing Dumbbell Press 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds B2 Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds B3 Rear Delt Cable Flys 3 20, 20, 20 60 seconds >15 Minutes Post Workout HIIT ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC STEADY STATE CARDIO: 45 MINUTES SUMMER / i ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. Thr wD SM jij ot ie ee a Phase three is the most difficult of all the phases. Your caloric intake will be the lowest and you will be doing grueling workouts. You will be adding some calorie incinerating techniques that will push you to your limits. You may feel exhausted and your cravings can be intense. Remember your goal and stay on track! TRITION Multiply Your PHASE 2 TDEE by 0.9 to get your Week 9 through 12 caloric intake Determine Your Macronutrients Protein in grams= (Bodyweight x 1.4) Fats in grams= (Calorie intake x 0.20)/ 9 Carbs: [Caloric intake - ((protein in grams x 4) + (fats in grams x 9))] / 4 TIP: Use voluminous carbs to help stay full. These will fill your stomach while sparing your calories. OPTIONS: Cauliflower Rice Miracle Noodles High Fiber/Low Cal Wraps Spaghetti Squash Halo Top (great for cravings) i = a PHASE 3 DET Cardio acceleration is a powerful tool to help carve through your body fat stores while maintaining muscle mass. Utilizing cardio acceleration will not increase the length of your workout, but it can vastly increase your overall caloric burn. This tech- nique will transform your resistance training workout into a HIIT workout of its own. OPTIONS: Jumping Jacks Jump Rope Burpees Pushups Kettlebell swing Medicine Ball Slam Dumbbell Step Ups Jump Squats SON —schaanea eee Al Barbell Bench cl Machine Cable Fly C2 Seated Cable Row ns, Lat Pulldown C4 Cardio Acceleration >20 Minutes Post Workout 3 8,8,8 3 15, 12, 10 3 15, 12, 10 3 15, 15, 15 3 HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET 60 seconds 0 seconds. 0 seconds 0 seconds 60 seconds TD BI B2 B3 B4 >20 Minutes Post Workout HIIT Dumbbell Lunge 3 Seated Hamstring 3 Curl Seated Leg 3 Extension Cardio 3 Acceleration Goblet Squats 3 Barbell Hip 3 Thrusts Cardio 3 Acceleration 15, 12,10. 15, 12,10 10 10 HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET 0 seconds. 0 seconds 0 seconds: 60 seconds 0 seconds 0 seconds 60 seconds NSIC ATCT HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET BI Seated Wide Grip Cable 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds Row B2 Seated Close Grip Cable 3 10 0 seconds Row B3 Lat Pulldowns 3 20, 20, 20 0 seconds B4 Cardio Acceleration 3 60 seconds >20 Minutes Post Workout HIIT aS HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET Bl B2 B3 B4 DiI D2 D3 >20 Minutes Post Workout HIIT SUMMER Sissy Squats 3 10 0 seconds Jefferson Squats 3 10 0 seconds Tibialis Anterior Raises 3 20, 20, 20 0 seconds Cardio Acceleration 60 seconds Norwegian Hamstring 3 15, 12, 10 0 seconds Curl Hip Thrusts 3 10 00 seconds Cardio Acceleration 3 60 seconds PRINT RINT DAY 5-CHEST, SHOULDERS, TRICEPS HIGHLIGHTED WORKOUTS = SUPERSET BI Standing Dumbbell Press 3 B2 Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3 B3 Rear Delt Cable Flys 3 B4 Cardio Acceleration 3 >20 Minutes Post Workout HIIT STEADY STATE CARDIO: 45 MINUTES REST DAY- STRETCH 15, 12, 10 15, 12, 10 20, 20, 20 0 seconds 0 seconds 0 seconds 60 seconds |

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