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a Dae ae BY KAI GREEWE — Ni 7 VOLUME 3 20” AKRM> TAPIE OF CONTENTS MY PHILOSOPHY HYPERTROPHY TRAINING IMPLEMENTATION HYPERTROPHY WARM UP AND RECOVERY TRAINING TIPS READING YOUR WORKOUTS ARM WORKOUT A RM> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Awaken your truth. As simple as it may sound it holds truer meaning than you may know and applies to more aspects of your life than just in the gym. However, for the gym awakening your truth means to prepare yourself both physically with the correct amount of rest, preparation, and dieting but also mental preparation. Aligning your inner thoughts with your goals and driving towards them with purpose and grit. Do not do things half hardily, do not finish just to finish but finish to grow and be complete. If its change you want in your physique than its change you must first grow from inside yourself. Bring the right mindset into the gym and you will see your goals align them- selves for you. Just because you have 2 reps left in a set doesn't mean you stop there. Push yourself, leave nothing behind. Grow from today so you can conquer tomorrow. we Le ~—y TS COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. LL RIGHTS RESERVED, q HYPERTROPHY TRAINING If you've been around a gym you have probably heard people tossing around the word "hypertrophy" when they talk about their lifting goals — but what does that even mean? Is this just another fad or is it legit? The hype is real. Hypertrophy is, by defini- tion, the enlargement of an organ or tissue from the increase in size of its cells. Hyper- trophy is the process of increasing the size of the cells that are already there. Think about over inflating a tire with air, you didn’t create the tire but you are building on the air within the tire to stretch and grow the tire. When it comes to building muscle, hypertrophy doesn’t just happen on its own. It has to be triggered by a physiological need. Hypertrophy can be thought of as a thickening of muscle fibers, which occurs when the body has been stressed just the right amount to indicate that it must create larger, stronger muscles that can tolerate this new, increased load. For muscles to grow, two things have to happen: stimulation and repair. But there is a simpler approach than you may think. When training within the guidelines of hypertrophy you must first determine your 1RM or 1 rep max for each lift. This number is very important to know because it helps you understand your strength threshold. Hypertrophy is all about moving volume, and you can move volume when you are lifting to heavy and too close fo your 1RM. Most hypertrophy programs should have you start at about 60%-70% of your 1RM for each lift and then go from there adding volume within a scheme of sets and reps. A RK M> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 2 1. What is your 1 Rep Max? 2. What level of athletic movements can you do with good form without injuring yourself, In your new training program, you will be given a series of workouts ranging from beginner to advanced but like | have said before it’s up to you to determine where you fall in this category and what you can do to make sure you are getting the most out of the program. Based on your fitness level, there are probably some exercises in these workouts that you may not be able to do yet. That’s OK. These workouts are for everybody, and every single exercise can be scaled down to your level. But, don’t sell yourself shor-—you'll need to work as hard as you possibly can during these workouts, or you'll never get the results you're looking for. Don't worry if you fail, failure is the key to success. We must attack our weaknesses to improve and grow! ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 3 RA UP ANV KECOVERY Before each session you should do some light walking, light stretching and make sure you are properly hydrated. Do not just jump blindly into this program! Spend about 10 minutes before and after training walking and stretching to acclimate the body to exercising or to bring the heart rate and cortisol levels down after training. i] Utd If your recovery is poor you'll be weak, tired, sore and fatigued. This is not ideal or enjoyable; make sure recovery plays an equal role along with training & diet. Here are my key tips for optimizing recovery: - Sleep 7-8 hours per night (on average) - Drink 1 gallon of water daily - Learn to relax - Read a book before bed/ cut out screen time (tv, phones, tablets) - Hit the sauna and spa for 5-10 minutes after your gym session - Build new habits: Eating, exercise, getting out more, less junk food etc - Build a support system! Get friends, family or loved ones on board with you or even just as someone who can hold you accountable to your goals! A RK M> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, TRAINING TiPs Before you jump right into your new training program, here are some tips to get you started: CIC Water helps increase your energy levels, promote weight loss, Flush out toxins, and improve digestion. Your body is about 60% water, and just a small decrease in percent- age can significantly impair performance and the way you feel. If you're not consuming enough water, you'll lose strength and start to feel sluggish so make sure you're drinking at least ONE GALLON of water per day! eC Sleep is the most underrated performance enhancer out there. Anything under 8 hours of sleep per night is going to derail you. To keep your metabolism owing and your energy levels peaked, be sure to get enough sleep. ae Designate a weekly or bi-weekly food prep day where you cook and store your foods in advance. In those times that you can’t prepare your meals on the spot, having cooked meals on hand will prevent slip-ups. | like to use small Tupperware containers which make it super easy to grab and go when I'm on the run. Ae To avoid overeating, eat slowly and stop when you're about 80% full. It takes the body 15-20 minutes to process a meal and recognize whether or not the stomach is full. If after 10 minutes your still hungry, then go ahead and Finish the plate of food. A RK M> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 5 TRAINING TiPs DST The key to long term diet success is self-control and moderation. Aim to consume 80% of your intake from nutrient-dense food. Having the occasional glass of wine or pizza night is perfectly acceptable and won't set you back provided you consume in modera- tion. Although flexible dieting leaves room for eating out, try not to let it be a free for all. Try to avoid places that serve unlimited chips or bread and butter. And it's easier to familiarize myself with the menu and have my meal selected before you arrive when possible. Nene RUE) Standard macro calculator for someone whose primary goal is to: BURN FAT: BW: Body Weight © 0.8-1g protein x BW = daily protein intake * 0.75g carbs x BW = daily carb intake © 0.49 fat x BW = daily fat intake Standard macro calculator for someone whose primary goal is to: BUILD MUSCLE: ¢ 1-1.2g protein x BW = daily protein intake © 1.5g carbs x BW = daily carb intake © 0.59 fat x BW = daily fat intake A RK M> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 6 KEAVPINF YouR WoRKouTs You will notice the use of 1a, 1b, 1¢, 2a, 2b, 2c, etc. in your workout program. If you're not familiar with this programming it simply describes the exercise order. The number describes the exercise group while the letter describes the exercises that fall into that group. For example, 1a, 1b, and 1c would be 3 different exercises within the SAME group, meaning they are performed back to back (superset) without rest. After you've performed the 2 or 3 exercises without rest you take the prescribed rest period listed out and then Tepeat. In contrast, 1 and 2 alone would mean they are completely separate exercises. In this instance you would perform all your sets for 1 then move onto 2. Here is an example: 1A. Bicep Curl— 15 reps 1B. Tricep Extension — 15 reps 1C. Skull Crusher — 15 reps In this example you would be pairing the exercises together back to back. To do this, you would complete your first set of burpees 20 seconds, then immediately go into Jumping Jacks for 1 minute, and then immediately after, you would perform KB Goblet Squats for 15 reps (5-15 seconds is acceptable in between exercises to physically move around the gym and prepare for the second and third exercises). After you performed ALL THREE exercises you would take the prescribed rest period, which is 1-2 minutes, and then repeat the pair for 3 more sets. Then you would move onto your next grouping of exercises. A RK M> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 0 AKM WORKOUTS Common Abbreviations DB = Dumbbell MB = Medicine Ball / Med Ball BB KB RB Barbell = Kettlebell = Resistance Bands Cee Ue Instructions: Perform all exercises, Look for supersets. Rest 60-90 seconds between sets 60% IRM. WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK + | 1A. | STANDING BICEP BARBELL [ CURLS 3X10 3X10 4X10 4X10 | 2A. | ALTERNATING DB HAMMER 3X15 3X5 4X15 4XIS CURL 2B. | LYING BARBELL SKULL CRUSHER 3X10 3X10 4X10 4X10 | 3A_| ALTERNATING ISOLATION - - CABLE CURL 3X15 3X15 AXIS 4X15 | 3B | ROPE TRICEP PUSHDOWN 3X15 3X15 4X15 4X15 | 4A. | CLOSE GRIP BARBELL CURLS 3X15 3X15 4X15 AXIS | 4B. | DIAMOND PUSHUPS (CAN BE [ FROM KNEES) 3X10 3X10 4X10 4X10 | ARKM> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL FIGHTS RESERVED. Nee eeu ARKM WOKKOUTS Instructions: Perform all exercises, Look for supersets. Rest 60-90 seconds between sets 65-70%-IRM WEEK | WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK + 1A | PREACHER CURL 4X10 4x2 5x10 5x10 1B. CABLE ROPE OVERHEAD TRICEP 4X10 4X12 5X10 5X10. EXTENSION 2A. ALTERNATING " INCLINE CABLE CURL | #0 te ato Saco) 2B. | TRICEP PUSHDOWN- STRAIGHT BAR 4X10 4x2 5x10 5x10 ATTACHMENT 3 ALTERNATING " " HAMMER CURLS 1X30 1X30 1X30 1X30 4A EZ BAR SKULL CRUSHER 4X10 4X10 4x2 5x10 48.| OVERHEAD CABLE « CURL 4X10 4X10 4X12 5X10. 5A CABLE TRICEP . . - KICKBACKS. 4X10 4X10 4X12 5X10. 5B REVERSE BARBELL " " a 4X10 4X10 4X2 5x10 ARKM> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL FIGHTS RESERVED. g ARM WORKOUTS Instructions: Perform all exercises, Look for supersets. Rest 60-90 seconds between sets 70-75%-IRM WEEK | WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK + 1A. | ALTERNATING DB - - 7 P BICEP CURL 4X15 4X15 5X12 5X12 2A. SEATED DB OVERHEAD TRICEP 4X15 4X15 5X12 5x12 EXTENSION 3A. SPIDER CURLS 4X15 4X5 5X12 5X12 3B. LYING SKULL ¥ . " " CRUSHER 4X15 4X15 5X12 5X12 3C | DIAMOND PUSHUP | 3XFAILURE | 3XFAILURE | 4XFAILURE | 4XFAILURE 4A.| ROPE CABLE CURLS 4X12 4X12 5X10 5X10 4B, CABLE TRICEP PUSHDOWN 4X12 4X12 5X10 5X10 (TRIANGLE GRIP) SA. | EZ BAR CABLE CURL 2X30, 3X30 3X30, 4XFAILURE 5B. | EZ BAR CABLE TRICEP EXTENSION 2x30 3X30 3X30 4XFAILURE (UNDERHAND GRIP) A RM> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10 Meditate on the bad habits that are holding you back. Choose one that you can begin to tackle tomorrow and plan for change. How can you progressively reduce this bad habit or replace it with a healthier one? Hold yourself accountable throughout the remainder of this course. Per CM SIC Q: How long before and after training should | eat? A: You should eat about one hour before and after training to make sure you aren't jumping around with too much undigested food in your belly. Q: Why am I not making progress? A: The most common reason is because you are probably not being honest with yourself in what you are eating or how much effort you are putting into the gym. Make sure you have a support system or a way to hold yourself accountable. Q: How much water should | drink? A: Aim to drink 3 liters of water or more daily! Try and drink 16 oz of water as soon as you wake each morning. Q: What about beer, wine or alcohol intake? A: Alcohol provides no benefit will only slow your progress Q: | feel like | can’t push myself, what to a do? A: Find a movement you feel most comfortable with and go to your limit. For example, if you like squat jumps, see how many you can do in 1 minute. Use that number as a base level and always try and best it! A RK M> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 17

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