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Ve ee Sead ele ea See (NR ad KI j : a a Reiter 3 At . VOLUME F LS oourrrsreurre: TAFPLE OF CONTENTS MY PHILOSOPHY HYPERTROPHY TRAINING IMPLEMENTATION HYPERTOPHY WARM UP AND RECOVERY TRAINING TIPS READING YOUR WORKOUTS SHOULDER WORKOUT SHOUL 7, (EA R> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. MY PHILOSOPHY We all have walls. Sometimes we build them and sometimes we break them. It’s okay to build walls as a foundation for something greater however it’s important to know that with grow you must change and to truly grow many of the walls we build must be broken down so we can build newer stronger ones to lay a new foundation for what's to come. Understanding growth and practicing patience and discipline is essential in welcoming positive change. Each day on this earth you are given an opportunity to grow with the choices you make. You can whimper and hide from your future behind the walls you've had for years or you can break through them and embrace the chal- lenges ahead, building new walls to support life’s journey. Own your future, embrace life... Decimate those walls with boulder shoulders. Ke a , SHOWT, GB K> ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, HYPER TROPHY TRAINING Muscular hypertrophy in the shoulders can be achieved through weightlifting at the gym. But you need to continuously break down and challenge muscles in order to see growth. That means push yourself, don’t go lighter than needed, use a spot to improve and stay consistent. So many people lift to the point of lactic burn but then stop. It’s so important to lift past that especially with shoulders if you want size, you're going to have to lift heavy! Over time doing the same thing does yield results however our bodies were designed to adapt to change even if it's challenging, this is where we see a plateau of stale point in one’s training. Working high volume across all the plans of motion in the shoulder will help change the mundane in your routine to something challenging that actually yields results. SHOWITE RS weno wvoommewsns usr aes IMPLEMENTING HYPE RK TROFHY Maxing out on shoulders can be dangerous for many reasons besides having extreme weight over head. Remember to use a spotter, keep your ego at home and live to fight another day. Your rotator cuff will thank you. Once you have a spotter you can determine your 1 rep max. If you don’t have a spotter use a machine or a smith machine to avoid injury. a SHOWT, GB K> ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, WARM UP ANP KECOVERY Before each session make sure the shoulders are loose! Do small and large circles, warm up the rotator cuff Internal/ external rotation with resistance band (light). as well as make sure you know how to set the scapula (shoulder blades) into good posture to avoid injury. Many of us have tight chests so make sure you stretch as well before jumping into training! OTT RCN Recovery with training is best spent circling back to your warm up. Make sure everything is moving correctly and that nothing is popping or clicking. Walk back through rotator cuff motions Internal/ external rotation with resistance band (light) SHOWS, (EA R> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/AI GREENE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. a TRAINING TiPs YA CB There's good and bad pain when training and it’s easy to know the difference. The burn you get from lifting is good pain, learn to love it! RO RUM UT) The shoulder is a sensitive joint! Its important to make sure its greased and moving correctly before getting started. SUL Good form can easily be thrown out the window when doing shoulders, move slow and lift with intent. Focus on the target muscle and supporting the joint. Nee UE) Standard macro calculator for someone whose primary goal is to: BURN FAT: BW: Body Weight © 0.8-1g protein x BW = daily protein intake * 0.75g carbs x BW = daily carb intake © 0.4g fat x BW = daily fat intake Standard macro calculator for someone whose primary goal is to: BUILD MUSCLE: © 1-1.2g protein x BW = daily protein intake © 1.5g carbs x BW = daily carb intake © 0.5g fat x BW = daily fat intake SHOWS, (EA K> ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 5 KEAVINE YOUR WOKKOUTS You will notice the use of 1a, 1b, 1¢, 2a, 2b, 2c, etc. in your workout program. If you're not familiar with this programming it simply describes the exercise order. The number describes the exercise group while the letter describes the exercises that fall into that group. For example, 1a, 1b, and 1c would be 3 different exercises within the SAME group, meaning they are performed back to back (superset) without rest. Affer you've per- formed the 2 or 3 exercises without rest you take the prescribed rest period listed out and then repeat. In contrast, 1 and 2 alone would mean they are completely separate exercises. In this instance you would perform all your sets for 1 then move onto 2. Here is an example: 1A. DB fly— 15 reps 1B. Arnold press — 15 reps 1C Alternating db raise — 15 reps In this example you would be pairing the exercises together back to back. To do this, you would complete your first set of burpees 20 seconds, then immediately go into Jumping Jacks for 1 minute, and then immediately after, you would perform KB Goblet Squats for 15 reps (5-15 seconds is acceptable in between exercises to physically move around the gym and prepare for the second and third exercises). After you performed ALL THREE exercises you would take the prescribed rest period, which is 1-2 minutes, and then repeat the pair for 3 more sets. Then you would move onto your next grouping of exercises. SHOWT, (EA KR> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 6 FHOUVE K WORKKOU TS eS TUE DB = Dumbbell MB = Medicine Ball / Med Ball BB = Barbell KB = Kettlebell RB = Resistance Bands SIO ea Instructions: Perform all exercises, Look for supersets. Rest 60-90 seconds between sets 60% IRM WEEK | WEEK 2 WEEK 3. WEEK 4 1A, a MACHINE SHOULDER 3X10 3X10 4X10 4X10 2A. BIANDING SINGLE ARM DB. 3X15 3X15 4X15 4NIS 2B. | UPRIGHT DB ROW 3X10 3X10, 4X10, 4X10 3A. | SEATED DB LATERAL FLY 3X15 3X15 4X15 AXIS 3B. | SEATED DB FRONT RAISE 3X15 3X15 4X15 AXIS +A.) DB SHRUG 3X15 3X15 4X15 AXIS SHOU! J, (EA KR> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 0 Instructions: Perform all exercises, Look for supersets. Rest 60-90 seconds between sets 65-70% IRM WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 1a. | ARNOLD DB PRESS 4x10 4x12 5x10 5x10 ie STDIN DE 4xI5 4x15 5x10 5x10 LATERAL FLY 2A.| SUPINATED BARBELL SHOULDER PRESS 4X10 4x12 5x10 5x10 2B. BARBELL SHRUG 4X10 4X12 5x10 5x10 3 DB HAMMER GRIP SHOULDER PRESS 1x30 1X30 1X30 1X 30 (ALTERNATING) 4A.| PLATE FRONT RAISES 4x10 4x10 4x12 5x10 4B.| LANDMINE PRESS 4X10 4X10 4x12 5x10 5A.| NEGATIVE LATERAL 4x10 4x10 4x 5x10 FLYS 5B | MACHINE SHOULDER PRESS IXFAILURE | IXFAILURE | IXFAILURE | IXFAILURE SHOW) COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNANIC MUSCLE, LLC/Al GREENE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — FHOMLVER WORKOUT Instructions: Perform all exercises, Look for supersets. Rest 60-90 seconds between sets 70-75% IRM. WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3. WEEK 4 1A. | STANDING MILITARY 4X15 4X15 5X12 5X12 2A SEATED ALTERNATING DB 4X15 4XI5 5x12 5x12 PRESS 3A.| SINGLE ARM CABLE FLY(LATERAL) Ae —_ ae a 3B. | SINGLE ARM CABLE FLYRONT) 4X15 4X15 5X12 5X12 3C | CABLE UPRIGHT ROW (ROLLING SET- DECREASE IN WEIGHT 3XFAILURE | 3XFAILURE | 4XFAILURE | +XFAILURE EACH SET- NO REST) 4A. ALTERNATING 5x10 LANDMINE PRESS oz sania BRIS 4B.| DB REAR DELT FLY 4X12 4X12 5x10 5x10 5A. CABLE FACEPULLS 2x30 3X30 3X30 4XFAILURE SB. BANDED OR DB LATERAL FLY (ROLLING SET- 4XFAILURE | 4XFAILURE | 4XFAILURE | +XFAILURE DECREASE IN WEIGHT EACH SET- NO REST) SHOUL 7, GB K> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 9 SHOUVW EK WORKOUT Q: what if my shoulder clicks? A: then you need to avoid lifting and focus on rehabbing the modalities of the shoulder and rotator cuff. Q; why do | feel some exercises in my chest? A: it's very common that some people are overactive in their chest and this can affect how much you're getting out of your training. You can exhaust the chest by doing some lightweight presses or pushups before a shoulder workout. Q: I'm not sure I'm setting the scapula? A: down-back-and in. that’s the note to repeat to yourself when positioning the shoulder blade correctly. Q: can | have BCAAs? A: absolutely, | find bcaas as one of the top supplements to add to any lifting regiment. im mg onan ornare ANCHE CHAIN AMINO ACB OANCHED CHAIN AMINO ACI TEN SHOWT, GB K> COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 10 ah SHOWT, GB K> ‘COPYRIGHT © 2019 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED,

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