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WRITTEN BY KAT GREENE SOCORRO Cm mC aCe RIS RC Te ALC CUR You hear loud squawking and feel a sudden gust of wind. You look up and immedi- ately dive into the thick, dry grass. Dust flies before your vision, but as it settles you Ao NRCC ac CS SAU CRU Ca CS CIC ASR UNC ULC RC RMU This is the valley of the lost. Explorers have searched tirelessly for this nirvana of extinct and mythical beasts. Deep in that valley roam creatures spoken about in epics, lumbering giants, towering CRU OR RL CR CRUCIATE AUC Cn ers who discovered this sacred place? Or is it somehow filled by the imagination of ORO URES You have no time to pontificate. You're not here to understand how this place can exist. You're here for one thing. SCC RUE TC CLs CS ed O RUT RCO ee UTCME LS MSU UCR Oe it can silently move through the tree line to ambush its unsuspecting pray. Its claws are razor sharp, allowing the creature to rip through trees and flesh as if it were paper. Yet these alarming abilities are not what the abomination is known for... i} 3 by 2.0 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, The abomination is revered for its mythical underbelly. Its jagged, puzzle like stomach is said to be amongst the hardest substances known to man. It is impervious Oe Ce ROC COC Ra ea RUC TOR RCH n NR UU RECUR CMI CR Tee UCC CR UME AMR R IO RUC ICe OCR beast's underbelly is its hunger. Even now you can hear its ravenous growling in the distance. SM ROR eu Cama COSCO NOR ACC UO CRA RU ROMO LOM IU CC CUR OR UALR TCR . ON ee Pe WA 2 WME? “ 4/6) aN i} B A rs 0 POPE De Seno CEs SA sae ee 1. | Sa DL tS i. | BSUS | aa LET i} B A vA ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, MAKINGS OF AN ABOMINATION The abomination is a creature unlike anything seen in nature. It seems to be sculpted in marble. Its deep cuts signify power and elegance. Its movement seems almost hypnotic as its bulky form moves effortlessly. STC AMA TCO SCR CR CURLER TOMER Tre eT TCC A CUO RCM NAR Tg hunting party and study the abomination’s movements. This profound knowledge PTC eR LU Ca OR CON i} B by 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 2 The abdominal muscles help create the tension system of the abdominal wall. The DCU CCU RCU CR NC ROR RCI CL CSa ORCL CTL muscles and the anterior abdominal muscles. These muscles work as antagonists of the back muscles and support the lumbar spine. Underactive abdominal muscles can lead to poor posture and slouching or hyperlodo- sis (when your lower spine curves excessively inwards). Normally, the spine has a natural curve that allows you to carry your weight naturally and in correct posture. TOA CUCU REC CM ORION E OCU CUT TUR UTA ese 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, F} POOR SOC TCR OMT TCs CMCC RTLLE CU Ue eC LOCC OLR ML OO SUR ERC CC MON Creme UCM Le _ A in aN . i KS = aay ” ae re 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, ri MAKINGS OF AN ABOMINATION The lateral abdominal muscles are comprised of three muscles: the abdominal OO CUCM UEE TCI MCR Tem ORCA CURES LCT POROUS CRORE CC CR COUI Ce nC est COUT flexion. Flexion of just one side can cause rotation or bending to the side. i} B A vA ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, The abdominal external oblique muscle originates from the 5th to 12th ribs. This muscle has four distinct insertion points: the iliac crest (top of the pelvis), the pubic tubercle (a bony protrusion of the pelvis), the inguinal ligament (which originates from the pubic tubercle), and the linea alba. These origins mesh with the adjacent muscles of the serratus anterior and latissimus dorsi. SORRELL RICKS MAR specifically lower six thoracic nerves and the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves. SCRE CRO ROMER CUO RLU RCC AS LESTE Tm ear teed Deer) 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, MAKINGS OF AN ABOMINATION Flexion of both abdominal external obliques helps bring the pelvis upwards the rib cage. Contraction of one side of the abdominal external obliques provides ipsilateral (same side of the contraction) bending like during a dumbbell side bend and contra- lateral (opposite side of the contraction) trunk rotation like during a wood chop. i} B by vA ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, | Abdominal Internal Oblique Muscle SORE Tees SR CUR RL MUTT These run perpendicular to the external oblique muscles. The internal obliques origi- TORO CCC ICRU CM UIA ARLE RUC CML mC te (diamond like connective tissue in the lower back). These fibers then insert into the lower three ribs and costal cartilages, the xiphoid process (cartilaginous bottom of the sternum), the linea alba, and the symphysis pubis (a cartilaginous joint between the left and right pelvic bones). i} es A 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, i These muscles are also innervated by the lower six thoracic nerves and the iliohypo- gastric and ilioinguinal nerves. Like the abdominal external obliques, ipsilateral con- traction causes flexion of the trunk and contralateral contraction assists in trunk OO Ae OIC TCR ess SIC CUR Oa LL makes them particularly coveted. Contraction of the internal oblique muscles push the CTS MMOLE UC UAC SSI RTS OCR RR URC MRL R UT OR LER OCU ITs 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 9 The transversus abdominis originates from four separate points: the 7th-12th costal cartilages, the thoracolumbar fascia, the iliac crest, and the inguinal ligament. The muscles all insert into the linea alba. The linea alba (which means white line) is a made up of collagen that runs down the center of the abs. This line is responsible for the deep depression between the left and right abs of the 6-pack. The transversus abdominis shares the same innervation as the abdominal internal obliques and the CCCI Ts SLISTUTS SUC CS CSUR TOU RUT SM depths hide its formidable power. The transversus CS OCU CERO ALIS ea ACS CU ICRU UCM NTO RCT I CCM LER LS ATER UT COMTITER L) helps stabilize the lumbar spine during movement of the lower and upper limbs. This is the secret to the abomination’s CO DO RU SSC LUD OURO ECL os 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 10 SR UU SCLC Ra USOC ACCT oriented. The anterior abdominal muscles are comprised of two muscles: the rectus COTS RMN CU SM OTS COU LC UMR UCR UT SSAC sary for the function of the anterior abdominal wall. The pyramidialis is like your assistants, they are helpful but not necessary to bring in your prize. The pyramidialis is only present in 80% of individuals and is therefore not as integral. UCR OMS CROC RAR CnC MIRC MCT ky OURO RT TOMS CES ICRCINA MURS CELE SLT AC RUS CCU CRC NAC MCC R URC a Tne and above the external oblique sits the Scarpa’s Fascia. Scarpa’s Fascia connects to FETC CURLER UM ROR MN AUREL UML USES MTCC a (tC band of connective tissue from the lateral abdominal muscles as they attach to the lineal alba. Also, inside this sheath is the thin trahsversalis fascia that separates the anterior abdominal wall from extraperitoneal fat (connective tissue lining the interior 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, ll | The rectus abdominis originates on the pubis bone and inserts into the xiphoid process (the small cartilaginous section at the bottom of the ribs) and the 5th, 6th, CPA MCR OUR LC CMC ROM MRCS RUA and the T12 subcostal nerve. There are three membranous tendons that lie horizontal across the rectus abdominis. SSC CMOS CAUSA TORIC ROMULUS CuI into a distinct six pack. This is what forms the noticeable and brilliant divisions in the COC CASCIO DESMA The rectus abdominis helps provide trunk flexion. When the pelvis is fixed, the rectus abdominis helps move the trunk towards the pelvis, as in a cable crunch. When the trunk is fixed, the rectus abdominis helps move the pelvis towards the trunk, as in AUC RCRA PRR RU RUC M CR the rectus abdominis due to its assistance in forced expiration. [ wie ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 12 MAKINGS OF AN ABOMINATION SO GS RCS En Ce CR RRL O Ree STOIC TOUS ETRE ICRCeCSR CUMS ACCOR CaS COA RULE CARS Rome Tc Coe The pyramidialis originates on the pubic symphysis and inserts medially into the OR CREA LCR Cen CS The pyramidialis muscles help tense the linea alba when contracted. Furthermore, TMCS UMS UOC OM CTC MOTE Cea Ty Ce RIS Sacrotuberous ligament ee (( ] A 3 by 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED rE} LE The legends do not do the beast justice. Many have sought the fabled beast, but they CUNO COU ALGM SRC UR UCC LOR UU CR ERC) stiffen and repel your mortal weapons. You will need to understand its masterful DOUG USCC RUIU Une ULNAR TRIS eC A B by 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, fy LE UL ae HOW TO PERFORM THE MOVEMENT: RC ROE CURSOR TRUER Un eC CE Tn PAO RC Me RCC URAC SC On eos 3. Lift your hips and legs in a straight line until they are directly above your shoul- ders. This will be your starting position. 4. Contract your abs and slowly lower your body in a straight line as slow as you can. POU aC OC AGLI RDU SCs 5. When you reach the bottom, return to the starting position. 6. Repeat for the desired amount of sets and reps. COMMON MISTAKES: OMA SNORT AAR CeCe CCT Oe Ce CTY SUR ORS CCN DUR URC UCR LCC ALR OR LC nothing. The bench is meant to support you. Do not pull your head into the bench so far that you injure your cervical spine. Focus on holding yourself upright and using your abs to perform the strenuous movement. A ey by 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, Ly a ets a0 HOW TO PERFORM THE MOVEMENT: SE AUR Te CORO ROCCE. CNC Cg COROT aC 2. Contract your abs and put your feet together. This will be your starting position. 3. Contract your abs to lift your legs up towards the bar while keeping your arms STL 4. Briefly touch your toes to the pull up bar. 5. Slowly return to the starting position. 6. Repeat for the desired amount of sets and reps. COMMON MISTAKES: LOSING CONTROL. It’s easy to forget everything you've learned as the beast comes upon you. Your first instinct will be to survive by any means necessary, but this CCS aM RCC UR RCC MNT TSCM CCRC S ICS co CIR LER OTT cm A ey by 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 16 Sa Te Ma 1. Lie on your back with your arms straight in front of you. Grab a medicine ball and DORs 8 PAT Ce LES URC RCE TEC eMC RTI Cs STC ASC RCA URC a Le RRO UC LORD URC URC UCR CAML UR Cay and the medicine ball should be held off the floor. This will be your starting position. 4. Keep your lower back in contact with the floor, focusing on pulling your belly us 5. Hold for as long as possible before resting. 6. Repeat for the desired amount of sets and time. FCA ICO COS SRC RUA ACR CA SURO OE MOR UCL eT URC OR ORCC Re) mind before you lay claim to its power. It will be easy to lift your lower back off the floor here, but you must resist! Always focus on pulling your belly button into the floor and maintain contact between the floor and your lower back. This will protect your back and all but solidify your victory. A ey by 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 17] ABOMINATION’S MOVEMENTS SA ULCE UU te em La eee URC OR TLRS CHO Re Ta ia CTD Poe ROC PC COOKER OU RCC MLTR CR CORSE STC RRC RU USEC WAS UAC RUC RN ROU UROL Lt) NMC 4. Extend completely and pause for 1 to 2 seconds. 5. Push the barbell into the ground as you move the barbell back to the starting PSS 6. Repeat for the desired amount of sets and reps. PO CTT ATT OC ee CR RCC CR SCC TL OCULAR a CRU WU CSR MER ue tion. This exercise is advanced and can lead fo some back pain if done incorrectly. If you are not yet able to do this exercise for 25 reps with perfect form while kneeling, then you are not ready to progress to the standing barbell roll out. i} 3 by 2.0 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, ee MTT a a ROC CMA Ree Ce TL a PAO C CC NAC RR en CROC m Cle Cn RCS A ROR SLCC En EU OUR ALIA TLR Cle STU OSLO 4. Contract your abs and keep the barbell steady as you raise your toes to the left BCMA LOL 5. Return to the starting position before raising your toes to the right side of the bar. 6. Repeat for the desired amount of sets and reps. COMMON MISTAKES: UST ORL Oe CR CUM OUR UR CULT to this fight and still it demands more. That is why no one has yet to claim the prize. Do not give into your inner desire for comfort. Force your shoulders to stay back and your lower back to remain in contact with the floor during this exercise and you will daim the abomination’s power. A ey by 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 19 SS You've studied the beast's tricks, understand its armor, and have the means to take it down. Do not let theory fail in practice. Utilize your knowledge to outmaneuver the beast and claim your worldly prize. Success and world renown lie at the other end of this battle. A B Ly 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 20 Ce UR RI URC Ce a SMTA Oe tC RC LCN RRR UUM UCR CRC CRE CO A SRR C Ke CRU eI Exercise Reps. Rest Barbell Floor Wipers 15 O seconds Oblique Crunches 30 reps 45 seconds Dragon Flag Until Failure 45 seconds Ce ae USMC CCR esc) Exercise Reps Rest Standing Barbell Roll 12reps 0 seconds Out Dumbbell Side Bend 12 reps 45 seconds Medicine Ball Hollow 30 seconds 45 seconds Hold ; Pa] ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 21 Oe) 20 ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 22

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