The Use of Vegetable Oil, Ethanol, and Sodium Hydroxide As Alternative Diesel

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Southwestern University PHINMA

Urgello Street, Cebu City, Philippines

Basic Education

Junior High School Level

The Use of Vegetable Oil, Ethanol, and Sodium Hydroxide as

Alternative Diesel

A research paper presented to the Faculty of Junior High

School Level

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

English, Mathematics, and Science


Araneta, Ronald Nino Anthony

Fermo, Kirsten Florence A.

Gilboy, Francis L.

Lazo, Raya Nicole L.

Pepito, Monique T.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS………………………………………………… 4

ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………. 5


A. Introduction ………………………………………………. 6

1. Rationale of the Study

B. Theoretical Background …………………………… 7

C. Review of Related Literature ………………….. 11

D. The Problem …………………………………………….. 14

1. Statement of the Problem ………… 14

2. Significance of the Study …………..14

3. Scope and Limitations ……………… 16

E. Hypotheses …………………………………………….. 16

F. Research Methodology …………………………… 17

1. Research Design ……………………… 17

a. Research Instruments …………. 17

b. Research Procedures ………….. 18

1. Gathering of Data ………….. 19

G. Definition of Terms ………………………………………. 19

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OF DATA ………………………………………………… 21


RECOMMENDATION ………………………………… 25

A. Summary of Findings …………………………………….. 25

B. Conclusions ……………………………………………………. 26

C. Recommendations …………………………………………. 27

Bibliography ………………………………………………………. 28

Research Documentation …………………………………….. 29

Curriculum Vitae ………………………………………………… 31

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First and foremost, the researchers would like to express their

gratitude to the God Almighty who helped and guided them

throughout their journey in making this research. The researchers

would like to show their appreciation to the teachers especially to

Ms. Shaira Anne Calinawan, Mrs. Helia Acson, and Mr. Melbin

Ducusin and to the student teacher, Ms. Messel Aleo in supporting

and guiding the researchers. The researchers are grateful to have

their families in helping their research financially and emotionally

and the D-Soul Café for the comfortable place as the researchers

made their research and the Science Laboratory Junior High

Department for allowing the researchers to conduct their

experiment. And lastly, the researchers are filled with gratitude to

their members for participating and cooperating in this research.

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The environment is facing a lot of problems, nowadays. One

of this is air pollution. This phenomenon is the current problem

gradually rising in the world. Diesel emissions contribute to the

development of cancer, cardiovascular, and respiratory health

effects. When we combust fossil fuels, it produces greenhouse gases

that contributes to global warming. This led the researchers to

develop an eco-friendly product that helps both people and the


Diesel has been on the track for around 120 years. It is used

to run diesel-powered engines and is safer than other fuels. It has a

high price for it uses fossil fuels and crude oil. On the other hand,

alternative diesel or also known as Biodiesel, is budget friendly and

uses materials that are easily obtained.

The purpose of this study is to help people discover more

alternative sources for alternative diesel and helps people save their

money. This study is about the use of vegetable oil, ethanol and

sodium hydroxide mixed together, and how it can be an alternative

diesel. The project was made and observed for 3 weeks to see how

its color changes day by day.

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Chapter I


Rationale of the Study

The study limits itself on the investigation of the utilization of

Vegetable oil, Sodium Hydroxide, and Ethanol used as an alternative

for diesel.

Biodiesel is an alternative diesel similar to conventional or

“fossil” diesel. It is produced using a broad variety of resources and

is comprised of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids and has

a yellowish-transparent color derived from vegetable oils.

Why should people use Biodiesel? According to US

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), children are the most

vulnerable to the threatening pollutants in diesel exhaust. The Use

of B100 or pure biodiesel fuel is an effort to reduce the harmful

effects on people of breathing diesel exhaust.

Petroleum - based diesel is a nonrenewable fuel which is in

fact one of the major pollutant in the world that contributes the

increase of global warming. When this fuel is mixed with water or

soil, it causes major pollution.

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With this in mind, the researchers have come up with an idea

to make use of vegetable oil, ethanol, and sodium hydroxide as an

eco-friendly diesel or biodiesel. Vegetable oil has common chemicals

that are capable to make fuel and among other oils, vegetable oil is

less viscous. These components are less toxic and are produced

domestically with natural resources that can help decrease our

dependence on imported fuel. This biodiesel can help a lot in our

environment because it is less polluting, non-toxic, and


The researchers saw how effective biodiesel is to the vehicles

and at the same time it is eco-friendly. Therefore, the researchers

thought in improving the study.

Theoretical Background

The researchers included the overview of the following basic

components of making alternative diesel. The components are

Vegetable Oil, Ethanol, and Sodium Hydroxide.


Biodiesel has its roots in research conducted in the 1930s in

Belgium. In 1937, G. Chavanne was granted a Belgian patent for an

ethyl ester of palm oil (which today we would call biodiesel). During
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World War II (1939 -1945), when petroleum fuel supplies were

interrupted, vegetable oil was used as fuel. It is a renewable diesel

fuel substitute that can be made by chemically combining any

natural oil or fat with an alcohol such as methanol or ethanol.

Proponents of biodiesel as a substitute for diesel fuel point to some

advantages. It reduces our dependence on foreign Petroleum, it can

leverage limited supplies of fossil fuels, it can help reduce

greenhouse gas emissions, it can help reduce air pollution and

related public health risks, and can benefit our domestic economy.

Biodiesel reduces particulate, carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide

emissions compared to diesel fuel. (Sheehan et al. 1998). It

generally performs well in engines due to the fact that biodiesel fuel

has less energy per unit volume than traditional diesel fuel (Agarwal,

A. K. et al. 2003).

Vegetable Oil

Vegetable Oils are triglycerides extracted from plants and have

been part of human culture for millennia. Many oils, edible and

otherwise, are burned as fuel, such as in oil lamps and as a

substitute for petroleum-based fuels. Vegetable oil is composed of

various saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats with

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various combinations of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O).

Canola is probably the best oil for making biodiesel, since it ages

slowly, remains liquid to low temperature, and has a high energy

content (Strayer et al. 2006). Vegetable plays a big role in this

research for it becomes the base of the biodiesel. Raw vegetable oil

cannot meet biodiesel specifications since it needs an alcohol and a

catalyst (National Biodiesel Board, 2019).


Ethanol is a chemical compound and a simple alcohol with the

formula C2H5OH. Ethanol’s first use was to power an engine in 1826,

and in 1876, Nicolaus Otto used ethanol to power an early engine.

Ethanol’s largest and most single use is fuel for an internal

combustion engine or a fuel additive. It is used as a key component

in a process called transesterification. This is used to convert the

triglycerides in different types of oils into usable biodiesel fuel. The

transesterification process reacts ethanol with the triglyceride oils

contained in vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled greases forming

esters (biodiesel) and the byproduct glycerin. Based on the

experimental results on the other studies, ethyl esters do not differ

significantly from methyl esters. Moreover, the results showed that

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the values of density, viscosity, and higher heating value of ethyl

esters were similar to those of automotive and heavy duty engine

diesel fuel (Srivastava, A. 2000).

Sodium Hydroxide

Sodium Hydroxide, also known as lye and caustic soda, is a

compound with the formula NaOH. This was discovered by

Humphrey Day while in England in the year 1807. It is a white solid

ionic compound consisting of sodium cations (Na+) and hydroxide

anions (OH-). It is a highly caustic base and alkali that decomposes

proteins at ordinary ambient temperatures and may cause severe

chemical burns. It is highly soluble and readily absorbs moisture and

carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air. Sodium Hydroxide is used as a

catalyst for the transesterification of ethanol and triglyceride. To

make a biodiesel, a catalyst is needed; either Potassium Hydroxide

(KOH) or Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) (Utah Biodiesel Supply, 2013).

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Review of Related Literature

Biodiesel can be used as transportation fuel which produces

less pollution than using petroleum diesel fuel since most of the

people these days are using trucks, buses, and tractors. These

procedures that use natural substance can also help the rising cost

of diesel fuels in the world, and we can also reduce the negative

result of greenhouse effect gases emissions in the environment. This

can be used neat or as a diesel additive in 20% blends (B20) with

petroleum diesel. (U.S. DOE, 2000) Biodiesel is cheaper than

petroleum based fuels because the supplies are renewable and less

likely to run out while fossil fuel will probably will.

Numerous substances have been used as biodiesel for

hundreds of years, starting with natural substances such as animal

fats. Now, a natural substance is recently used in order to come up

with the biodiesel. The researchers used the Vegetable Oil, Ethanol,

and Sodium Hydroxide. The process used to convert these oils to

Biodiesel is called transesterification.

Advantages of biodiesel is that it is less polluting than petroleum

diesel. It can help the pollution decrease as we use it in our everyday

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Vegetable Oil are fats extracted from seeds, or less often, from

other parts of fruits. Vegetable fats are mixtures of triglycerides. It

is also known as pure plant oil. It was a Belgian inventor in 1937

who first proposed using transesterification to convert vegetable oils

into fatty acid alkyl esters and used them as a diesel fuel. Vegetable

Oil has relatively high kinematic viscosity that must be reduced to

make them compatible with conventional compression-ignition

engines and fuel systems (Dunn, R. O., 2008).

Ethanol is a volatile, flammable, colorless liquid with a slight

characteristic odor just like methanol which is a promising energy

carrier because, as a liquid, it is easier to store than hydrogen and

natural gas (Breure, 2005). It is the simplest form of alcohol and the

best alcohol for making biodiesel but methanol is a questionable

environmental choice for it is highly toxic to humans. The good news

is that ethanol could be in place of methanol even if it contains a

little water. Ethanol is much less toxic than methanol and is readily

available from fermentation of corn. Advantages for using it is that

it is biodegradable and quickly breaks down into harmless

substances if spilled. It is occasionally used as a fuel for internal

combustion engines and has been given much attention mostly

because of its possible environmental and long-term economical

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advantages over fossil fuel. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions by

up to 59%. This is useful in making the indicated product because

alcohol with low molecular weight is used to react with the vegetable

oil in making the biodiesel.

Sodium Hydroxide is highly soluble in water, and readily

absorbs moisture and carbon dioxide from the air. The viscosity of

NaOH is inversely related to its service temperature; meaning

viscosity decreases as temperature increases, with the opposite

being also true (Liquiflo, 2016). It is the most notable catalyst in

producing biodiesel because it has a high kinetic reaction rate. In

transesterification, a catalyst should be present. Sodium Hydroxide

easily dissolves in the ethanol making it useful in the indicated

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Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine if a vegetable oil combined with

ethanol and sodium hydroxide can be used as an alternative diesel.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the question:

I. Can vegetable oil, ethanol, and sodium hydroxide

can be used in making an alternative diesel?

Significance of the Study

This study aims to help as well as create an impact to people,

environment, and the economy.

Farmers. A lot of farmers can benefit with the

biodiesel because they will earn great

amount of money as the materials needed

are already planted on their farms.

Vehicle Owners. It can benefit the vehicle owners because it

helps them extend the life of the car for it

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has more lubricity than petroleum-based

diesel. It also provides slightly better fuel

economy and acceleration than conventional


Environment. Its helps the environment because

producing biodiesel offers alternatives to

fossil fuels that can help provide solutions to

environmental problems. This is the direct

recipient of this study

Economy. Spending on foreign imports of petroleum

will take a lot of dollars from our country.

Biodiesel can be produced domestically,

which could lead to lower fossil fuel imports

(Huang et al. 2013).

Researchers. This can contribute new knowledge to other

researchers because the findings would

serve as their motivation in conducting

researches on other materials that can be

used in making alternative diesel.

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Scope and Limitations

The study covers how a vegetable oil, ethanol, and sodium

hydroxide can be used as a diesel. Although all of the products can

be seen in the area, still it has its limitations because some of the

products will be still ordered internationally (if it will be out of stock)

and it would take about a month for it to arrive. The study will

primarily focus on the difference between home-made alternative

diesel and petroleum-based diesel. The alternative diesel usually last

for 3-6 months. Biodiesel can’t be used in all vehicles for it can only

be used on diesel-powered engines.


Basing on the research problems stated, two hypotheses are

hereby formulated:

H0: There is no significant difference between the alternative

diesel and the commercially known diesel fuel.

H1: There is a significant difference between the alternative diesel

and the commercially known diesel fuel.

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Research Methodology

This chapter discusses the specific materials, techniques, and

procedures used to select, identify, process, and analyze the

information of the study. This chapter also presents the data to be


Research Design

This study uses experimental-qualitative research design.

Research Instrument

This experiment uses the following materials and equipments:

Vegetable oil - 500 ml

Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) – 2.8 grams

Ethanol (Ethyl Alcohol) – 100 mL

Measuring container in Milli-Liters

Catalyst Cup & Gram scale

Pouring Funnel for oil

Ethanol Measuring Beaker

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Pan & Burner


Large Mason Jar & Lid

Safety Gloves

Research Procedure

The researchers compared the petroleum-based fuel with the

biodiesel in terms of its characteristics. The researchers carried out

the experiment carefully, first by gathering the data and the

materials intended for the study. Second, the 500 mL vegetable oil

is heated (not hotter than 140 degrees Fahrenheit) using a pan and

a burner. After, the sodium hydroxide was mixed with the ethanol

to be dissolved in a mason jar. The mixed compound is added with

the heated vegetable oil and was shaken vigorously for at least 5

minutes. The researchers allowed the mixture to settle for 24 hours.

The mixture separated into two layers – biodiesel and the glycerin.

After, the researchers separated the glycerin with the biodiesel and

washed the soap using water.

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Gathering of Data

We, researchers, gathered data by the use of research. We

collected all the ingredients with the help of Mrs. Kirsten Fermo,

Florence Fermo’s mother and Mrs. April Lazo, Raya Lazo’s mother.

We are also about to ask some help from our friends’ parents so we

hope that they will agree. We started making our first biodiesel and

we are still waiting for the results.

Definition of Terms

Transesterification. process of exchanging a group of an ester

compound by another alcohol

Diesel Exhaust. gaseous exhaust produced by a diesel type

of internal combustion engine

Viscosity. the state of being thick, sticky, and

semifluid in consistency, due to internal

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Ester. a chemical compound derived from an acid

in which at least one –OH group is

replaced by an –O- alkyl group

Crude Oil. often a dark, sticky liquid that cannot be

used without changing it

Triglycerides. is an ester derived from glycerol and three

fatty acids

Saturated fats. a type of fat in which the fatty acid chains

have all single bonds

Lubricity. is the measure of the reduction in friction

and or wear by a lubricant

Patent. is a form of intellectual property

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Chapter II


In this section, the researchers presented the data gathered within

the scope and limitation of the study.

Table 1.0
Vegetable Temperature Ethanol Sodium Color

Oil Used Hydroxide

Orchids 140°F 40 mL 3g Light

Brand yellow

Vegetable (sticky)

Oil (500


Orchids 140°F 50 mL 1.4 g Very light

Brand yellow

Vegetable (sticky)

Oil (250


Orchids 135°F 100 mL 2.8 g Buttermilk

Brand (500 Yellow

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Table 1.0 shows the first to the third experiment with the use

of the Orchids Brand Vegetable Oil which is a Palm Oil. The

researchers heated the vegetable oil (135°F - 140°F) and mixed it

with the sodium ethoxide. It was stated in the table that even though

the ethanol and sodium hydroxide has different measurements, it

still has similar results. It resulted into a light yellowish product,

which is a fail.

Table 2.0
Vegetabl Temperatu Ethanol Sodium Color

e Oil re (measureme Hydroxide

Used nt) (measureme


Jolly 130°F 100 mL 2.8 g Transpare

Canola nt Yellow

Oil (500


Table 2.0 shows the 4th experiment of the researchers. The

researchers used a Canola Oil, another kind of Vegetable Oil. It was

heated at 130°F and mixed with a 100 mL ethanol and a 2.8 g

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sodium hydroxide. It is the perfect combination which resulted into

a transparent-yellow product, a biodiesel.

Table 3.0
Cloud Point and Gel Point Test

Vegetable Oil Temperature Time Result

Orchids Brand 4°C 12 hours Solid

Vegetable Oil

(500 mL)

Orchids Brand 4°C 12 hours Solid

Vegetable Oil

(250 mL)

Orchids Brand 2°C 6 hours Solid

Vegetable Oil

(500 mL)

Jolly Canola 4°C 12 hours Liquid (with crystals)

Oil (500 mL)

Table 3.0 shows the cloud point and gel point of the biodiesel to

check if the diesel will not clog the filters of engines. The first

brand (Orchids Brand) as shown in the table, freezes at 2-4°C. It

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clearly shows that it cannot be used as an alternative diesel for it

easily freezes and it might clog in the engines. The second brand

(Jolly), did not freeze at 4°C within 12 hours. It is still a liquid that

has some small crystals but it can still easily pass through filters

and can be used without a problem.


The researchers observed through the experiment that

different measurements and proportions produce different results.

The researchers observed that in mixing ethoxide to vegetable oil, it

should be shaken directly because it easily freezes above oil. The

researchers noticed that not all vegetable oil are effective. There is

a specific vegetable oil that you need to use because it has different

melting points. The best oil is the canola oil because it has a low

melting point, which means they will not solidify if they get too cold.

The researchers perceived that the best and successful result was

from the fourth experiment which involved the usage of 500 mL

canola oil, 100 mL ethanol, and 2.8 g of lye or sodium hydroxide.

The researchers did a test to check if it can be used as an alternative

diesel. The test is called as the Cloud Point and Gel Point Test. The
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researchers put the experiment inside the refrigerator for 6-12 hours

and observed its results whether they solidify or not.





As mentioned, petroleum - based diesel is a nonrenewable fuel

which is in fact one of the major pollutant in the world that

contributes the increase of global warming and a fuel that almost all

people uses. When this fuel is mixed with water or soil, it causes

major pollution. It contains a lot of dangerous chemicals that can

affect not only to people but also in the environment.

The researchers thought of making alternative diesel

made from vegetable oil, ethanol, and sodium hydroxide as a

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solution to the rising problem. This alternative will not only help

people save money but it also helps people reduce the interactions

with the harmful chemicals. This alternative is way cheaper and safer

compared to petroleum-based fuels. This is an exceptional idea

because people can simply make this at home depending on how

much they need it because the materials needed are easily obtained

from supermarkets, pharmacies, and chemical companies.

Throughout this research, the researchers studied the

chemical compositions of the materials, effects, and how it is made.

The researchers had observed the diesel, tested it using Cloud Point

and Gel Point Test and seen the results during the experiment so it

is fair to say that favorable results were obtained.


The researchers concluded that vegetable oil can be used as

an alternative diesel with ethanol and sodium hydroxide without

clogging the engines. It has also been proven that this alternative

diesel is less harmful than petroleum based fuels because it does not

contain dangerous chemicals which can cause and trigger diseases.

Also, it is more budget-friendly.

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It is recommended by the researchers to:

1. Use proper attire (lab gown, goggles, and

gloves) in doing the experiment because it

involves chemicals.

2. Be mindful with your surroundings and be

knowledgeable enough what to do and not

to do with chemicals.

3. Always heat the vegetable oil not more

than 130°F or 54°C to lower down the

viscosity of the oil.

4. Ask for guardian’s and teacher’s help in

making the experiment since it uses heat.

5. Always monitor the measurements needed

in making the alternative diesel.

6. Future researchers are recommended to

study further about the topic and make

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Biodiesel: Production and Properties (Amit Sarin,2012) –










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1. Gather all the materials

2. Measure the vegetable oil, Sodium Hydroxide, and Ethanol

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3. Pour the mixed ethanol and sodium Hydroxide to the mason

Jar with the vegetable oil.

4. Shake the compound for 5 minutes and let it stand for 24

hours. If its color become transparent yellow, then the

biodiesel is ready.
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Ronald Niño Anthony Araneta

Bulacao Cebu City

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Birthdate: July 28, 2002
Birthplace: Cebu City
Height: 167 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Status: Single
Name of Mother: Jenelyn Araneta
Name of Father: Ronald Araneta



PRIMARY Bulacao Community School 2009-2015

St. Scholastica’s Academy 2015 - 2018

Southwestern University 2018-2019
P a g e | 32

Kirsten Florence A. Fermo

Phase 4 Lot 1 Blk 5 Corona Del Mar
Pooc Talisay City

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Birthdate: July 4,2002
Birthplace: Cebu City
Height: 5’3
Weight: 48kg
Status: Single
Name of Mother: Kirsten A. Fermo
Name of Father: Roland L. Fermo



Asian College of 2004 - 2015


Southwestern 2015 - 2019

University PHINMA
P a g e | 33

Francis Gilboy
Kalunasan Mt. View Village

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Birthdate: May 6, 2002
Birthplace: Cebu City
Height: 177 cm
Weight: 60 kg
Status: Single
Name of Mother: Priscillana lee Gilboy
Name of Father: Darwin P. Gilboy



CCCC CHILD CENTRE 2009-2012, 2013-2014

DONBOSCO 2012-2013

MATILDA L. 2014-2015

MATILDA L. 2015-2018
P a g e | 34

P a g e | 35

Raya Nicole L. Lazo

398 – K Visitacion Street, Cebu City

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Birthdate: July 9, 2002
Birthplace: Cebu City
Height: 157 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Status: Single
Name of Mother: April Rose L. Lazo
Name of Father: Marlon D. Lazo



PRIMARY Colegio del Santo 2009-2015


SECONDARY Southwestern 2015-2019

University PHINMA
P a g e | 36

Monique T. Pepito
14B Kinasang-an Pardo, Cebu City

Age: 16
Gender: Female
Birthdate: September 11, 2002
Birthplace: Cebu City
Height: 152 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Status: Single
Name of Mother: Marifel T. Pepito
Name of Father: Rommel T. Pepito



Don Vicente Rama 2009-2011

Memorial School
Southwestern 2011-2015
University PHINMA

Southwestern 2015 - 2019

University PHINMA

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