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WRITTEN BY KAT GREENE SCR e CURLER C OC RIC LMR TLC MUP RCL RK) Cc) as you marvel at the enormity of the print. The print looks almost human, but it is at least three times the size of your hand. You are no small man and yet compared to this creature's imprint, you are nothing but a ce Quickly, you signal for your scouting team to join you. You hear the air go still as each member soaks in the enormity of this find. Suddenly, a younger member of the OURO USL LL SOROS RLU RS LUC CSUR URC M CRUE CMEC CS ee ARR CH IRUR LER ULE RC quickly give way to fear. It is too late. A large roar bellows across the winter landscape. SOMERS A UR RURS SS For the better part of a decade you've tracked this beast. Some call it a Wendigo. Others say Sasquatch. All agree that it is a formidable creature to be avoided at all Os Still, you must know if this cryptid is real. You've dedicated too much already. CRC CR CaO Rn CUR CLs | AE S PM ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, SOT RUE UL RUE UU MEU RRL CUT TERUMASA RC You once more signal for your hunting party to regroup. The beast knows you're here, but he doesn’t know you're ready for him. You did not travel thousands of TCO ROG MEUC MLCT LTS SR Me CUM RRR Sm CMR ua SMSC RCC CUR ER Km ie ft L S Py ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. | gee as ut. | Paes i. Ua T R Ne S yy ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE BEAST’S MOVEMENTS The beast has eluded modern man for millenia. We think ourselves all knowing, all encompassing beings with mastery over this domain. Yet, we are still at the mercy of POC EAR Ue CCR ued that threaten our decimation. These creatures are no different. You will need to understand the terrain and the beast’s movements to trap it. Despite the legends of the tribes people and glyphs on cave walls, these creatures are physical beings bound by nature’s laws. They repeat certain patterns and can be trapped, should the hunters understand its movements. yrs . baie ea < eI S PI) PORT Dh Seno CEs SA sae THE BEAST’S MOVEMENTS BCT Td The trapezius or traps as many refer them, play many roles. They are like the claws OC AL ROCA IORI A OR Rt CeCe use them in a multitude of ways. The traps lay on the most superior aspect of the body, laying even over parts of the latissimus dorsi, The traps originate on the occipital bone which is the base of the eC RUCR MUCK RUE UCC C OUR ICRS ICM CIEL ORC ligamentum nuchae which is a fascia covering the back of the neck, along (7-112. The PS CREO RCC RUCR ECC R LURES CROMER SCC ALC ORS A LER Cn OR support the arm. Many think of a shrug when they want to exercise the traps. Shrugs POC CRU RCE CUCCC Lm TL RUC CSR CLC CCy and suppression or pulling the shoulders down by relaxing the upper fibers. This is the most common exercise but only one of its functions. The trapezius move the scapula inward towards the spine in what is called retraction. In both retraction and elevation the trapezius slightly rotates the scapula as well to help keep scapulohu- ORNL THE BEAST’S MOVEMENTS eR Cs Beneath the deep cover of the gnarled forest branches are the forest bushes. The creature uses their cover to move unnoticed across the land. Similarly, muscles exist UTR RUC RR COS URS TSe C y the trapezius. It originates at the transverse process of the atlas and axis of the spine and the posterior tubercles C3 and C4. The levator scapulae inserts into the posterior TCR RCE CMCC CMCC nT] rotates the inferior angle of the scapula medially or towards the spine. As mentioned in the previous section, the shrug is one of the most common move- ments to train the traps. One of the major issues with this is the levator scapulae is also worked. When this muscle becomes tight, it can lead to many issues including a SCM U Ce USM CSRS CITC ne nN L S Py ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, THE BEAST’S MOVEMENT However, the levator scapulae does need fo be strong in its primary function. This SCRE CRN CU MN CLEO RC CSR ATCT De OUST RMON CTU TRC ALT happen with excessive shrugs. The upper traps would raise the shoulders, shortening the levator scapulae without it being stronger. Ideally, you would train many movements of the traps, creating balance between its’ fibers. Deadlifts and farmers carries are great shoulder health movements. Deadlifts don’t get enough appreciation for the benefit and function it has on the shoulder. It allows the traps and levator scapulae to become stronger without becoming short- CC CUCM TOR COR CRC RCC UIC MATT CONIA) ea} TU CRM Lm Ca Ce "aa ie AP ‘ yy ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, THE PARTY'S TRAPS SO UCIT R ALSO RM TRUCR UCIT ee Cg party has tools at its disposal that can capture the beast and bring you international AEC GO UR OR NA Re DT cannot wield your traps. Be sure to employ each tool properly and you're name will be uttered in legend for all time. mS a WU } COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CO 20 THE PARTY’S TRAPS se SL Step 1: The movement can be done with barbells or dumbbells. Position the equip- ment in front of you as you stand before it. Step 2: Stand in front of the weight with feet just at or just wider than hip width with your hands straight down. Step 3: Pull your shoulders back, and contract your lats to pull your shoulders down. CE OCL MURMUR Ra CAIs Cres a hold it. CRORE Cm CU RUMORS ICD aC ST SR CeCe RCC RCE Ca Step 5: Besure your keep your torso upright, sticking your chest out and shoulders A Step 6: Grab the bar or dumbbells firmly with your hands shoulder width apart. Step 7: Begin thrusting your hips forward, using your glutes and hamstrings to RRR eR MCR RU CAp Ce OL cacy stretched, it should not be used to pull your body upright. Step 8: Come to a standing position without hyperextending your back (leaning back- wards). Step 9: Slowly lower the bar back to the ground in the same form you initially RUE a SSCA CURLER UCHR CRUERIO CCR im | AE S PM ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, THE PARTY'S TRAPS se cc SOUR Ae Re CeO eC Sc RUC TCL LSI CURCUMIN CUTE ERC PATO RCL your back. Instead thrust your glutes forward and do not hyperextend at the end of UCL UO ROR CRC ICe SL OCA aC ACCC INE S PI) POPE De Sen CEs Se A sass i THE PARTY’S TRAPS TT a OL Step 1: The movement can be done with kettlebells or dumbbells. Position the equip- ment to your sides as you stand before it. Step 2: Squat down and pick up the weights, coming to a stand with them at your sides, arms straight down. Step 3: Pull your shoulders back, and contract your lats to pull your shoulders down. Before beginning, Breath out, and pull your belly button in towards your spine, and Ons Step 4: Holding this upright position with torso integrity, begin to walk at a brisk but nC Step 5: Besure your keep your torso upright, sticking your chest out and shoulders tc A Step 6: Take as many steps as needed, | often like to go until my grip gives out. COMMONMISTAKES: Ia ae CRUE ALIS CUR I RC SO NOOR NALCR OMLO ROAR Le will no longer be aiding the team, only forcing it to work inefficiently. Carry as much as you can while keeping your shoulder blades back so that you will be able to effec- OAC CRUE CSRS UIs | AE S PM ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, THE PARTY'S THAPS UU eel ae ae & 7, 3 te | ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. THE PARTY’S TRAPS UE CU SA Step 1: The movement can be done with barbells or dumbbells. Position the equip- ment in front of you as you stand before it, ideally with the weight rested about waist high if a barbell. Step 2: Stand in front of the weight with feet just at or just wider than hip width. Step 3: Pull your shoulders back, and contract your lats to pull your shoulders down. Before beginning, Breath out, and pull your belly button in towards your spine, and On DCRR CMC RUMSOC LEN CD SO SORA CIR DUOC UTR CU Re Cce cas Step 5: Besure your keep your torso upright, sticking your chest out and shoulders ote SCRUM NA IUR CM COS CML Lm Step 7: Begin to pull your shoulder blades up to your ears. Step 8: From the middle of the scapes to the outer edges of the shoulder, pinching up CRUE SSCA CURLER UCHR CUCRIO CCR cS MISUSING THE TRAPS: The traps lift up, they do not rotate. | see many people rotating the shoulders in shrugs. The issue is the heavyweight. Your shoulders are OAC UOC RCIA CRTC OCCU CRON Tg Bes | FN S a ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 11] THE PARTY'S TRAPS UE CU oe: § SS =) A ¥ ( . ne Nf S yy ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 12 THE PARTY’S TRAPS UY SA Step 1: For this movement you sit at a cable or machine row. Step 2: Set up like a row, grabbing the handles which are either wide or narrow grip. SORA CCS ACCRA TRE TCR N CIEE TER Ur mCi tight. This will be your starting position. Step 4: Keeping your arms straight out in front of you, begin to pull your shoulders STC NA Tce RIC CRON UCC SUE RS TCE Step 5: Hold the shoulders back for a moment. Slowly begin fo relax your shoulders, CONTR UCR N AC ROMER CSIC IIT Gs NOT KEEPING IT LEVEL: You must keep your arms straight to avoid using biceps to TCC O UCSC ICRC CORLISS ORME CCL MOO Ce eS On TRUE) g ders up or your lower traps to pull it down, using the lats to help. Pull flat and to the DMO CUCM me Se SIT Ce NAL OTE nA | FN S a ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, iE] THE PARTY’S TRAPS CLC SA Step 1: Load a straight bar or barbell with a moderately heavy weight. Choose a POM RLSM LTC Es SOP AICCCR CCRC C MCR CORSE RCT your hips and knees bent slightly. This will be your starting position. SCRUM RCC CURL Le UM m Cla SL to shoot your hips forward, straightening the knees. Se SM SUR CREM AUR CRS CCR ORE your weight until your upper arm is parallel to the floor. Step 5: Return to the starting position in a controlled manner. Step 6: Repeat for the desired amount of reps. TTL aC A aa OUD) Se SOC Cet nna Reema right, the upright row is part of an olympic lift. This movement is just combining it ee CO UCC R RUE ACS TCR) TI La CAR CIM Tes COO ORO C Re USUI RRL OR LEC RCC require the shoulders go shoulder height. Focus on transitioning from hip drive to ee On ne Nt S PM ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 14 TRAPPING THE BEAST SONS CUM ce eC LUA OR cue COROT UU CS AUC USCA CRUG ULC eeu CRIS a Pe Ro rt You've predicted its movements accurately thus far. No one has been able to even see the creature, let alone get a chance to capture it. This is the final stretch. You must use everything you know about the creature fo effectively lure it into your well laid traps. CU MLC Daa meu ROC COCR CR Ue Ceres he . A L q Py ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, TRAPPING THE BEAST Le a Pung ny err orig coe Airey ry 12 80% Cee tera Pe ma Cy CR Deadiifts 4 c) Er CR Coa 20 Cy Ee ertcret TRAPPING THE BEAS WORKOUT # 2 Peed Sets rd Oe cr PT ea es 20 Ly Cony Farmers Cary | 4 Pea) cr Crea ease ae 4 Cry CR Peete WORKOUT #3 | VN eucals recy tr CN Cr ease a 7 60% ero Peery Ca 5 1 coed Coney Verena Shrugs 5 Ty 80% Re Deer ny 5 G 85% Cees \j ta TR Nt ; Py ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, W

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