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TUS The lights flicker arrhythmically across a stone wall. Ominous humming echoes across the solemn halls. SOUR RRL EUR CSUR ICH AIC R COR CCM OU) beyond their grips have ever gone this far. SOC RU CO ROR LC Hm TC CHEM ERC CUO NAR gO Um PO CCS CSIR LURE RRC ae OM O CRC e vantage point fo see the entire ceremony. SSL ER CURR LORS R CO MLC ORCC AUS ie An Lae dential hopefuls, heirs, and heiresses. Each of them tugs on the strings of modern society and you're about to view the strings. URC CR OR RCM UCC Cann Cu MM ARC Cd upon which modern society is built. Each law, regime, and economic policy must first ERS CURMIO RUT HLSR CORT ICL You were just a beat nick reporter, picking up the routine stories of crime and corrup- tion. That was until you discovered a long string of clues pointing to a secret world order. You tugged on the string and slowly the whole world unraveled into this one, TIS RUSS ATT CURSORS The image you've seen etched in back alleys and painted upon cathedral domes. The leaders rise on their toes and the crowd goes silent. CA AT + Py AO Lr LL You bring out your sketch pad and begin to illuminate what you see. Markings, clothing, faces, anything in view must be documented. This is the only chance to prove of the covenant’s existence. You begin fo scrawl on paper with your charcoal ULC US CECE Cun LC OCT RTA AUC TROLLS es CU I UC ORCUTT ACU Ca CT RS Ly open. You manage to collect the majority but then you see it... For a brief second a black pencil catches the light and falls off your ledge. MUA LAMUT I UIUER CTR aN CUN ALERT RS The leaders look up at the balcony and find no one. They return to their initiation. That was close. You'll need to be more careful if the world is to learn the ways of... ro C A AT by Py AO La ee SUT UEe ae T01 ey THE ELITE WORSHIPPERS Ste See Hae THE COVENANT’S METHODS ae ee CA LVE 4 Py AO Lr LL You've been able to navigate the twisted, convoluted, and often misleading path of the calf covenant thus far. You are aware that the calves are important for propelling your foot up and down as well as assisting in knee extension. However, as you will SEU MUU RURAL TUR LCR ORT Len L(y ROU UCI ORTON TURAL CMCC) difficult terrain. On the next page we will cover the different movements that calf contraction can elicit from the ankle and foot. ’ Py AO La 2 a Le Plantarflexion is the action of pointing your EO ACs OS PUMA CS Tum Imm LF tibialis posterior easy ata) Dorsiflexion: Dorsiflexion is the action of pointing your CCR OCS CORLL Ua Te 8 aT Te WCC DORSIFLEXION pitt CA AT by Py AO La EF} ae Plantarflexion is the action of pointing your EO ACs OS PUMA CS Tamme Sm LE tibialis posterior Tess} Dorsiflexion is the action of pointing your CCR OCS CORLL Ua Te 8 aT Te WCC EVERSION CA AT by Py AO La ri SEO ONCOOLUUS LEN CSC m ORCC IRGC im LCS) CO LC RUC CR CMEC CRIT SUT POC CURL CMUUR LERMAN MC CREECH A RLY UCLA Te LUC OS CCT A URE CRO MCL ACT EULER ORCA CCR CR CS Rune OUTER EU URL TC UUM LE OUR OCU AUER aC CL Py AO LLL LF a Dat The fibularis longus originates on the upper portion of the fibula and inserts onto the medial cuneiform (the first and largest of the wedge like cuneiform bones of the foot) and the first metatarsal bone. SSC UN ae SUM EU Mm LTTE PO SSU ORCL RCE Ce Fibularis Brevis: The fibularis brevis muscle originates from the lower two thirds of the fibula. It then inserts RUC TRE UCMUNU COS GC LCMm Ly RSIS CIC LUM URT NCAT CsaLT CORO RUB UCR SO CURLER ECR CUCU CMLCR CHUTES attachments to the upper ankle allow you to depress the foot (plantar flexion) and CO MRUM EMER ORL TUE depresses the medial side of the foot and raise the lateral side (eversion). CA AT + Py AO Lr LL SS Eat Flexor Hallucis Longus: SCH COM Urs MUR UT URED REM RRO RL fibula. The muscle then runs behind the back of the tibia, passes under the foot to TOUR ACN Lea) hallux (the big toe). Contraction of the PCM MOMMA CMCC plantar flexion and flexion of the big toe. Flexor Digitorum: SOO COMM OM USUC CMC Cy CU CCR UTS RCo ECMO ER Ca AUCN Oa CMM LS muscle inserts into the toes II, Ill, and IV (the toe next to the big toe to the foe next to the pinky toe). Contraction of these muscles CCR UCa CMC aces ACC Ba CA AT + Py AO Lr LL ELITE WORSHIPPERS Perl Dre Middle Phalanges ey Lr Oa Sey Peay Intermediate cuneiform: Lateral cuneiform Pet ora) Calcaneus oad Cd erry Sn metatarsal fe i : 2 ao FH iy "| F LS Py AO La SS Eat The tibialis posterior originates from the back of the tibia and fibula as well as the interosseous membrane (fibrous tissue that sits between the tibia and fibula). The tibialis posterior muscle inserts into the undersides of the navicular (a square-like bone behind the largest cuneiform bone) and medial cuneiform bones. Contraction ORCC OSC OCCA TURE CUTS CLs aCe) Soleus muscle oer orl ieoerten tea SC acs focus ooetntcs iF i} AT by Py AO La THE GOVENANT’S SECRETS The covenant itself is mired in contradicting stories. People have attempted to follow Se OCU RCM ROCCHI AUER IME LC La is merely a figment of an active imagination. A relic of the human propensity to see TUE CC ns Yet, before your eyes their secrets unfold. The problem is that far too many seekers are discouraged by ineffective results. They will take a few steps, do a few reps, hoping to discover the covenant. Unfortunately, the covenant must be coaxed out of Tc FE i} AT: + Py AO La THE GOVENANT’S SECRETS The only way to reveal the calves is to perform high volume fraining to force growth in the muscles. The calves have a very short range of motion, often exacerbated by OO RUN O T Cac Se CURT ICs CTL CRTC og fension, move through the entire range of motion, and perform significant volume to CNT ELINA The volume should be spread out over the week to increase your muscular response CUCU CMU ICR RCO ROR TDR at least 4 times per week. Foam roll the back and sides of your calves along the entire length of a muscle. Roll each side of the calf for 2 to 4 minutes to increase ACA ACR CR SAMRAT Ca iF i} AT by Py AO La ll a SE Ose aN 1. Place a platform or plate on the ground, near a fixed surface. The platform should EUR Cae RN RS RSC Cas machine rack to keep you steady. 2. Place the balls of your feet upon the platform. Holding onto the platform, slowly lower your heels down until your feel a complete stretch. This will be your starting position. 3. Raise your heels up completely until you feel a complete contraction of your calf. Hold this position for 1-2 seconds. 4. Slowly lower yourself over 1-2 seconds back to the starting position. 5. Repeat for the desired amount of sets and reps. OMMON MISTAKES: POR ROU CCRC Um URC CURR LIN LMCI eR ORO ROUBLE CUR CSC VAMC Ca patience is the virtue which got you here and only patience can carry your mission to completion. Take your time and allow a full stretch to maximally work the muscle. CA AT + Py AO LLL 12 a SE " TOES ELEVATED STANDING CALF RAISE , EF A AT 7 Py AOE ra aT a SE SULLA e Ss UL 1. Grab an exercise band and fasten it to the bottom of a fixed surface. A power rack or smith machine is preferable. AOC RLU CR CCUM UR MORO from the smith machine. The band should have constant tension with your toes pointed forward. This should be your starting position. 3. Slowly point your toes back towards you. You should feel a stretch in the anterior Oe Tea 4. Pause at the top of the position for 1-2 seconds before returning to the starting OST 5. Repeat for the desired amount of sets and reps. OMMON MISTAKES: POUCA CIN URES LMM RCC UT ORCL LUT nm RCL COTO ROU CERT RC Cuca ULC eS Ce When choosing a resistance for this exercise, make sure you are neither too far nor OO a Ae OCR RRO RRM mCi your calf and will risk injury. If you are too close, you will be able to fully contract RUC OR UR LUC CU UC CA AT + Py AO LLL fy THE GOVENANT’S METHODS LVRS a ea a PRS RCRA RULER BUCK SOCAN PCC RCN TCR UR URC MI UC EOC ML Ty SOUL OSL 3. Slowly lower the weight for 1 to 2 seconds until you feel the full stretch. 4. Contract the calf and return to the starting position for the desired amount of reps. See Ue ICC CS Ue UC RC CURLER CAC COSCO UTR Ua COS CUATRO ECCS OUR UCU RC CTR UCRUT ICC TR LS COSTCO Gs PRCA CCU TCS TC he OMMON MISTAKES: Bouncing before the mission is complete. It is natural to want to grab a few quick sketches and escape this vile den of monsters. We must hold off on our natural desire to avoid conflict and embrace the discomfort. The tendons of the calf provide a stretch reflex and bouncing the weight diminishes the tension placed upon the calf. Perform the exercises in a controlled manner and expose the covenant once and for le CA AT + Py AO LLL Ly a SE LVS a ea a SE MTR TAC 1. Place a platform or plate on the ground, near a fixed surface. The platform should UR CURLER CU a UUM TMC ce MUU Rea CC NCTA 2. Place the balls of your feet upon the platform. 3. Holding onto the platform, slowly lower your heels down until your feel a complete stretch. Hold this position as long as possible. 4. Repeat for the desired amount of sets. OMMON MISTAKES: POR RUS MRSA CR RCM MC Mm knees or toes are out of alignment, you run the risk of causing injury to your knees. CRMC RC CROC CUE OCR URIBE COCO RUCR SIL CA AT + Py AO LLL 11 REVEALING THE COVENANT ROC ELEC ACCOR CUC MUU RUC) expose them. All that is left is delivering the compelling information to the masses. Remember, they still have their icy grip around the throat of civilization. You will OL RECN a VU nn AOR CR OM URC CA AC re CA AT A Py AO LLL 1 REVEALING THE COVENANT TU Le Perform each workout twice per week. After each workout, foam roll your calf on the posterior and lateral sides for 2 to 4 minutes to promote recovery. ATL Terme Les) tos a roa ren Seated Multi 15 reps in each 0 seconds Directional Calf direction Raise Lying Banded s 15 reps 45 seconds Dorsiflexion Single Leg Bodyweight | 3 sets Papin Poco eed REVEALING THE COVENANT PT La a Perform each workout twice per week. After each workout, foam roll your calf on the posterior and lateral sides for 2 to 4 minutes to promote recovery. ATL Terme Les) ees Sets ro es Donkey Calf Raise [3 sets Pros on Toes Elevated 0 seconds Standing Calf Raise Lying Banded Dorsiflexion 45 seconds CA AT + Py AO LLL 20

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