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ee 1 | US LT Eee i. | STE UTA HES i. ee BU LKXSH FREETD _corravour o 2ote ovwamic muscce, .ic/Kal oREENE, AL RIGHTS RESERVED. UNDERSTANDING A BULK AND A GUT Bigger and smaller. Quicker but more precise. Now and later. It is human nature to desire duality. Yet, we cannot move forward with one foot when the other moves back. Only through deliberate movement are we able to progress towards our goals. Our moves must align with our destination. Venture into any gym and you will find a well intentioned and hopeful lifter staring at the proverbial fitness crossroads. They will most likely want to gain muscle and size while simultaneously shredding fat and toning up. Unfortunately, the roads URC a CES 7 BU + Gr (QS PME OR Later acca or r A BULK AND A GUT UU OCR ORL AS CTA CE NUS US TSU RCC OE RT CM OMe RCC TICs a energy deficit to burn. These cannot efficiently coexist at the same time. URC ACR RO REC CaN mC eCLCRS OMT Lecce If you want to grow your bank account, you need to put more money into it than you are spending. However, if you spend more money than you earn, you will see your bank account start to decrease. If you want to build muscle, you need to eat more calories than you burn. If you want to burn fat, you need to eat less calories than you burn. BU LKXSH FREETD _corratour o 2ore ovwamie muscce, Lickel GREENE, AL RIGHTS RESERVED. 3 eee Ce earn re ae as ORR CUMS MISS ML TUB COURS AC) to choose. How do you separate the two goals that must be met? SRO A Cm COC LB What is your end goal? Do you ultimately want to be 245 pounds at 6% body fat? Or do you just want fo just look completely shredded? You need to be able fo clearly PPR ASO Ce CU Re CC UCR CURIS CR CCI UCC ROR UM RCON CUM LCM LIK Le (0 compared to that final goal? This can be the most difficult part of your decision-mak- TU ca BU LKXSH FREETD _corratour o 2ore ovwamie muscce, Lickel GREENE, AL RIGHTS RESERVED. SSMU a CCC SOC LEM AUCC EUS OCU On DCT AM Se Cum I SUSE CCR URCEOLARIA RTC NAIC RI) TCC CM CMC RICO CRM LCS CC Bodybuilding is an intensely intimate practice wherein you must objectively judge SOR AR CUS AUC CIM A ORCICS NARUC RECs CMCC RTL UO ARS CCU CMTC UL EROS RMU RCA CARL POE RRC NANT RRO RMU ORS through a self-serving lens, your goal will elude you. BU LKXSH FREETD _corratour o 2ore ovwamie muscce, Lickel GREENE, AL RIGHTS RESERVED. aT ISS459) (aN IAC) al Pee MLC OR CROCS RU CLC aCe ISSR CICe CLR MRC URCR LC MUM mUT UTC y you have. This is simply a quantitative analysis of how much body fat you currently TE This is where brutal honesty can pay off dividends. People routinely underestimate their body fat, presuming society and their lifestyle places them lower on the body fat scale. Below is a rule of thumb to help you determine what your body fat is cur- CH UTS CRIS Um CoOL OLS Cea CR CURLS around at 25-31% body fat. There is little separation between the muscles at this URL URUC ROM UM TORR ICT Cm BU LKXSH FR EETD _corrateur o 2ove ovwamie muscce,.ic/Kal GREENE, AL RIGHTS RESERVED. J SSMU ee TOUR UR ROOMS, Cl Ame ec ONAL Ppa fat respectively. There may be some vascularity on the arms and some muscle sepa- ration, but not a clear-cut separation of each muscle. Athletic males and females will compete at around 6-13% body fat and 14-20% body fat respectively. This level of body fat can be difficult but not impossible to maintain year-round. You will have clear separation of most muscle groups and vascularity in Sra Tus BU LKXSHRED COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. AL RIGHTS RESERVED. y] ET The essential body fat for men is 3-5% and 10-13% for women. This is the body fat that professional bodybuilders attain for the stage. There is complete separation on every muscle and vascularity throughout the body. This level of conditioning is extremely difficult to reach and is not maintainable year-round. “| BU LKXSH FREETD _corratour o 2ore ovwamie muscce, Lickel GREENE, AL RIGHTS RESERVED. ] SMP ee PSC OEM U NCO ECMO EC MUEC UI RLS CICS M CLL SOR Ae CHC CRUE CHN CR ROU GR Da Le 14% body fat while another can have little ab visibility at 12% body fat. For the most accurate body fat measurements choose a DEXA scan, bod pod, or Hydrostatic POM UCSC CMa TRCr LTA OCU C CRT IR UN Cg RCL ry SN -i-¥--4-1 i ig ery rer oor) Ah CoOL Pea SEart Sart rc BU + Gr FREED corravour o 2ore ovwamic muscce, Lickel GREENE, AL RIGHTS RESERVED. SSMU ee SUR aC ROME NAC COSTCO CLC Om tive data that can help guide your decision-making process. Tall If your body fat is what we defined as the fitness level or above, you should consider fat loss over muscle gain. Gaining muscle requires a caloric surplus and will result in some (or considerable) fat gain. Bulking when at a higher body fat is possible, but TOI OES M ALR OS OM TOMO Mm LIKCn nS demotivating or worse, trick you into thinking you are adding on more muscle than you are. Remember, when gaining weight, you can increase fat cells that stay even Ce UC RCC AURORA CROC cen en) weight/fat gain may be easier. BULKXSHRED COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KA GREENE. AL RIGHTS RESERVED. 10 eT PTS If your body fat is what we described at fitness level or below, you should consider muscle gain. Losing fat requires a caloric deficit and chances are that if you've been COC UCU UCR CR URC LCC NaC caU Ly ROA CeO CIC MMR RIC CM RCI CORO aOR RRC RC a yA an unnecessary fat gain. We typically believe more is better and significantly overshoot CRC eMC CM MRR RTM PAU C Os e day built just as much muscle as an additional 1000 calories per day but with consid- COL Nasa CCT BU LKXSHRED ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ll PARP at ee WSS cll The physiques that adorn banners, Instagram, and film were not built overnight. DUAL RCS ACO RC ea Oe I Co OU ROR CRC OR CCR a CUMS e TORO CORUM CICO RICA CM Len CC LCT can lead to abandoning your goals, even while you were on a direct path to achiev- Ree As discussed, everyone is different in their response to training. Yet, there are some general guidelines that apply to 95% of the population. The can help guide you in UE USO RECOM RIEU RICE On CCS OME m Ce Cis SS —s Sea Pe oe mh BULKXSHRED COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. AL RIGHTS RESERVED. SETTING REALISTIC GOALS ricio S52 UTC CRO UR CRU CMO UMS CACM LTS Ca CLO AU UMC USCC NANC ACC LLR allowing a new male lifter to gain 20-25 pounds in their first year of lifting. That means if your diet and training stimulus are adequate, you should be able to gain 2 OM UCOLURNC MLTSUTUL MC NaN year or two of training. Therefore, elite lifters can spend an entire year to gain | or 2 pounds of quality muscle. Coane eka ec) phe as ay Intermediate (1-3 years) Cesta ne cag CNTR ol] OEY Eel A ua oA) BU LKXSHRED COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KA GREENE. AL RIGHTS RESERVED. 13 ACCT ee MENTFAT TOSS If your goal is to shred off fat, it makes sense that the quicker that scale goes down the better! Quick weight loss will bring your closer to your surface goal of a weight, but it can affect your metabolism and overall body composition. As previously dis- cussed, it takes significant time to build lean body mass. If you decrease your SRM S NC Re TROT CS ee POA OMSL a ACR ROR RC siderable muscle stores to fuel your body's needs. That translates to significant strength and muscle loss, as well as an overall diminished muscular appearance at PC Roan OR OCR DUR RC RTC aC nL ORCI see a total weight loss of 4 pounds. If you have very high fat stores, this number may be greater. However, this is a good bench mark to ensure you are not moving OTC R am mC CUT Ce BU LKXSH FRETS corrateur o 2ove ovwamic muscce, Lickel GREENE, AL RIGHTS RESERVED. el SETTING REALISTIC GOALS TOS T((7 POCO ORC WN ALORS Ce aU UCR IUCR RICA MIC GN CCU CCR CM UES La Onc RRC PRTC UCR OCR LAUC CUCU CU COR CRC CM UR UCR TICE fo 5 years of training with proper nutrition, a woman can expect to gain between 20-25 pounds of muscle. Beginner (Less than one year) Oe eae ne me recut RI) PLOY ae ne meg PONE Ia I) RP oer Se ne cue BU LKXSH FRETS corrateur o 2ove ovwamic muscce, Lickel GREENE, AL RIGHTS RESERVED. iL SSR As with muscle gain, women’s fat loss follows the same path as men. Women should aim to lose roughly one pound or less of body weight per week. It is important to ORS CCRC RC CSAC ASM LCCT NAC Ce De energy, lower your metabolism, and set you up for a rebound weight gain once you Tae RCL BU LKXSHRED ‘COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, 16 REALISTIC GOALS A ROR OSTA ACU CMA UR aC people what their caloric consumption is, they will assume it is relatively low. Afterall, they eat only two or three times per day, and it isn’t pizza or burgers during the week. However, you don’t need to eat a full pie of pizza to overconsume calories. The key to truly maximizing your success is objectively measuring your food. For OMA DUE CLE CCST Ce AT RO COT Lg is 32 grams or roughly 2 tablespoons. This equates to around 190 calories per serving. The 2-tablespoon method is often preferred for ease of use and, possibly subconsciously, to allow you to over consume. It is very easy to presume one rounded tablespoon is 16 grams, but chances are you are doubling or even tripling your CMLL OS ORI CCM CSR MCCA ATR URC y taking in 32 to 48 grams of fat. That is a difference of 144-288 calories. PCOS COC CU ROC CRNA WSL fastes or uncounted condiments, sauces, veggies, fruits, etc. Remember, just because SCM R CCM me CCC CC composition, you will need to be cognizant of the calories you are ingesting. BU LKXSH (SS PREC Or ater aca or 17] TORR OCS CIMCON A OSS CMR CR OR CIM COLa Le You may want to step on the Olympia stage as a competitive bodybuilder or you A CO NSTC RUC UM TO UR RTC CRU to achieve. Do not attempt to measure your short-term progress against your ECU CUNO UNAM SUM AUC Cy AURIS For instance, say Brian is 6’2” and 275 pounds at 30% body fat. He is two years into training at 25 years old. He works out 5 times per week and has a sedentary job. UCR PARE CU ANA TORRE CE MUS ALO UNS UACATR LIC ECC MSU RUC OR CMR CNC IRS CCE TT MUTE in) POTS OR RCCL ATI YA a Lean Body Mass = (Weight(kg) x (100-(Body Fat)))/100 CU RG a en MRS CCM bm aoe Rs) rah) body fat. Brian’s current body fat levels fall in the average population and his muscle SSO ECC MLS CMCC ORSON ARCOM SR Sy PO CUE OL MLA CRO Rune OER LOC UCR CMTC ERM cca i it will cost him lean body mass that will need to be gained during the muscle reten- Sm feu) LKXSH (SP EEC OP eaten ati sc 1 YOUR PATH Afterwards, he can consider a lean bulk to add on the remaining 5.5 pounds of lean SC PA OCU CRUE CIOS TTR he should be able to add 0.5-1% body weight per month in muscle. Aiming on the low side, Brian may be able to add 1 pound of muscle per month and achieve his ENMU RU ace Overall, Brian's goal should take him at least 89 weeks fo achieve. While this may seem daunting, remember that this is your goal. If you attempt to take shortcuts, you POCO CUR a ETC R TM RUN C ea TUT Ay not your body. Your body is a canvas of truth that will show the world how serious you are about achieve your goal. BU LKXSH FRETS corrateur o 2ove ovwamic muscce, Lickel GREENE, AL RIGHTS RESERVED. iT] PL aU LIGA TORR OSCR CR CM CRIES URC your diet. Your caloric intake will be what determines your muscle gain or fat loss. Once the caloric intake is found, we can further break it down into the ideal macro- nutrient amount depending on your goals. If you can appropriately measure your body fat, you can use the Katch-McArdle equation to determine your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). From there, we can extrapo- late your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). BMR = 370 + (21.6 x Lean Body Mass(kg)) Lean Body Mass = (Weight(kg) x (100-(Body Fat)))/100 Let’s examine Brian from before to estimate his BMR. First, we must convert his weight in pounds to kilograms. Weight= 275 pounds/ 2.2= 125 kg Lean Body Mass= (125 * ((100-30))/100 Lean Body Mass= (125 * 70) / 100 TTA sy aC BMR= 370 + (21.6 * 87.5) eae CLC SSO UCC URC OCCUR OMT M CLC HCA Rw Ard calories per day while at rest. As discussed previously, Brian has a sedentary job, but he works out 5 days per week. That means we must find out his average caloric needs with is current workout regimen. feu) LKXSH (SP EEC OP eaten ati sc 20 Pe eC ROU CR a Sea COR ORL a A ORS MAIER URC TCR TR Lae CORUNA LE VL CUCL AUER LORS CCS LO RCC large variances. If you are eating in accordance with these numbers and either not gaining enough muscle or losing enough fat, adjust the calories accordingly. If you have an active job, move your caloric intake up one level. Determining your Caloric Intake TT AO em SO MECN ed ORL eT OL PAS 6 aT OO eek Ra 4 eee ORL OMI a ccm | cc6 ae eR LO MNS 4 ala OMe eA LCUP ee Ce NT SCRUM TCR MD ORR CCR TR RU CUR TORR LOCA eae CRO Rom CUR ORL SSR COCO LER OR ALCS CUCU UCU RL CRUTSy SU ORO RCC CU LCR USCC Lec ORCTL s LAE VACUO Umm CULES ALE COC COTS [sp your caloric intake based on your weight change. If you stop losing weight and are MCMC MCR CCR CM CORR TROLS Ta cacy PCM CSO OCMC LMCI CMA aOR need fo increase the intensity of your workouts and increase calories. feu) LKXSH (SP EEC OP eaten ati sc 21 Le cS. Val SO ee MCNAIR SAR CSCC MTT Nm Coca a ne Example: Brian’s cut calories would be 3254 calories. cs I SU CRUCIAL ae 1.05-1.10. Example: Brian’s bulk calories would be 3797- 3978 calories. NUON ll You need to be in a caloric deficit or caloric surplus to lose or gain weight respec- tively. Yet, there are many variances in macronutrient intake that can achieve that CROC UCR OR CROCE RINT AC DSTORE LSS we ideally want our lost weight to be fat and our gained weight to be muscle. Con- OO RMU U CHAM RUM MOS TCR ICR TTR UCR LC C0 tissues. BU LKXSH (SS PREC Or ater aca or ry) YOUR Fie) al OCU CRO MI ce UC MLE ACE RCI CRUE CUS Each gram of protein carries 4 calories per gram on average. Protein is typically the macronutrient people think of when building muscle. While high quality protein is needed to build muscle, less is needed during a bulk than during a cut. This is because more protein doesn't mean more muscle building. Your body can only build so much muscle at once with the rest being utilized as an efficient fuel source. However, during a cut higher protein can prevent your body from tapping into your muscles for needed energy. 1 LEAN GROUND TURKEY CHICKEN LEAN STEAK- SIRLOIN OR soyjmim TOP ROUND (HORMONE FREE & GRASS 7: FED IF POSSIBLE) WILD CAUGHT SALMON DYNAMIK PREY WHEY PROTEIN >< WILD CAUGHT COD EGG WHITES BULKXSHR PR eu n tates ame cnn sc) 23 TL Cal CCUM CU RIE CUCU ROR N LITT RCL CLC LC) AOR Las AL CMT A covered before that caloric surplus is the only way to gain fat. Carbs are preferred in both a bulk and a cut. Carbs provide energy for your cells, fiber for satiation and OO COCCI a Cac aCe Un I CRC OCC URC MRM CUCM RRC ORC wa WHITE RICE sweet potato MANGO be \ WHOLE WHEAT PASTA BUTTERNUT SQUASH wy vans PLANTAIN, =~ oaTs 24 TL al Fats carry 9 calories per gram and as such are very useful during a bulk. Fats help POC CIC AU ORCI Sr CRC IORCOIUC CL m CLT RUC SRC eT ee CaCO COM SCR OR CRO RT CANIM RUC OCS OCR MUTI Le RCS CIPLC Uae Cll calories as fat, depending on how high your caloric needs are. \ jo ALMOND BUTTER CASHEWS = PEANUT BUTTER oan “2 AVOCADO OLIVE ot] AP On nT eta aaa} 25 EL TCR AC URI R DMC CMUR LC OULU Um CATT (eB Use your TDEE for your appropriate goal. Then use your biometrics and the TDEE to COCR AUCs FAT LOSS MACROS VATE UMUC Protein in grams= (Bodyweight x 1.2-1.4) Fats in grams= (Calorie intake x 0.20)/ 9 Carbs: [Caloric intake - ((protein in grams x 4) + (fats in grams x 9))] / 4 a BU LKXSHRED COPYRIGHT © 2018 DYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KA GREENE. AL RIGHTS RESERVED. 26 WALKING YOUR PATH CUNS(lS(C. VC el DTM MCCOMAS Protein in grams= (Bodyweight x 1-1.2) Fats in grams= (Calorie intake x 0.25)/ 9 Carbs: [Caloric intake - ((protein in grams x 4) + (fats in grams x 9))] /4 oy FS 5 ar | 3] i. BU LKXSHRED COPYRIGHT © 2018 OYNAMIC MUSCLE, LLC/KAI GREENE. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 21

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