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 UPDATE JUN‐14 (1)



TS.Tung Desem Waringin Show
(Hidup Hanya Sekali, Hiduplah Dengan DAHSYAT !)
TS08.Bagaimana Mendapat Nilai A Di Sekolah Dan Kehidupan 1 AVI 15,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡


09.Life Begins At 20 3 AVI 15,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡


02.Bagaimana Cara Menjual 3x Lebih Mahal & Customer Malah Berebut 1 DVD
in 1 AVI 25,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡


205.Penghianatan Laki-Laki 3 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

206.Jakarta Oh Jakarta 6 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

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 UPDATE JUN‐14 (2)
207.Plin Plan 7 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

208.Wanita Itu Maunya Apa 7 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

209.Hard To Say I'm Sorry 4 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

210.Logika Ikhlas 3 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

211.From Galau To Wisdom 5 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

212.Bismillah 7 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡


05.Merry Riana On Mata Hati 1 AVI 15,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

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 UPDATE JUN‐14 (3)

Da id Pranata
03.Make Them Laugh 1 CD 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

01 Mengapa kita butuh humor

02.Pandangan keliru tentang humor
03.Menggunakan humor dalam presentasi
04.Prinsip Humor #1 Orang senang melihat orang lain sengsara
05.Prinsip Humor #2 Humor terjadi ketika ketegangan lepas
06.Prinsip Humor #3 Orang akan tertawa jika mereka salah sangka
07.Prinsip Humor #4 Humor ada di sekitar kita
08.Formula Humor #1 Setup – punchline
09 Formula Humor #2 Rule of Three
10.Formula Humor #3 Simile
---------- 0000 ----------
Fx Hadi
01.Tips On Profesional Presentation 2 CD 20,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
Ponijan Liaw
E04.Talk To Your Customer This Way Part 2 1 CD 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
(Pengaruhi & Kuasai Pelanggan & Orang Lain Dengan 25 Jurus Bicara Tokoh-Tokoh Dunia)

11.Serve Your Customer Personally

12.Always Address Customer By Name
13.Don'tt Promise Unless You Will Keep It
14.Tell Customers Your Are There For Them
15.Answer Questions Correctly
16.Appreciate Your Customer Sincerely
17.Treat Mars And Venus Differently
18.Keep The Customer Informed
19.Apologize For Defective Service Or Product
20.Promote Your Best Service Or Product
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Yeheskiel Zebua - The Secret Of Richard Branson 1 CD (Seharga 150rb) 30,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
(12 Rahasia Bagaimana Menjadi Multi-Billioanire)

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 UPDATE JUN‐14 (4)
Billy Boen - Young On Top : Kalau Bisa Sukses Di Usia Muda Kenapa Harus Nunggu Tua
37.Focus On Your Dream 3 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

38.People, Passion, and Performance 3 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

39.Hardworks Always Pays Off 3 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

40.Be Youthpreneur, Why Not 3 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

Indra Noveldy
02.Udah, Putusin Aja 1 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

Ippho Santosa - 7 Keajaiban Rezeki 1 DVD in 9 AVI 20,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

(Percepatan Rezeki 40 Hari)

01.Sang Pemenang
02.Ippho Santosa
03.Malin Kundang Sepasang Bidadari
04.Gajah Mada Sidik Jadi Kemenangan
05.Bawang Merah Bawang Putih Pembeda Abadi
06.Kabayan Golongan Kanan
07.Abunawas Perisai Langit
08.Ken Arok Simpul Perdagangan
09.Thomas Alpha Edison Pelangi Ikhtiar

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 UPDATE JUN‐14 (5)
Juni Anton - BacaKilat For Students 1 DVD in 1 AVI 20,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

Kick Andy
12.Berbisnis Dengan Hati 6 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

Your Money
33.Mengenal Investasi Syariah 3 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠GREAT⌡

34.Investasi Untuk Ibu Rumah Tangga 4 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠GREAT⌡

35.Membeli Dan Menabung Emas 3 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠GREAT⌡

36.Gaya Hidup Bebas Hutang 3 AVI 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠GREAT⌡

All Update Jun-14 Motivasi Bahasa Indonesia Collection 350,000

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 UPDATE JUN‐14 (6)


01.The Millionaire Mind 14 CD + Manual 100,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
(Discover counter intentions and how to change them to parallel systems of achievement)

01.Psychology of Wealth: Permanently Escaping Unconscious Self-Sabotage and the Hypnosis of Flawed Thinking
02.Psychology of Wealth: Motivating Forces & the Trip Wire of Accumulating Wealth
03.Psychology of Wealth: Pulling the Earliest, Deepest and Strongest Roots of Self-Sabotage
04.Psychology of Wealth: Building the Bridge from Self-Sabotage to Prosperity
05.Psychology of Wealth: Overcoming the Paradoxes of the 21st Century
06.Psychology of Wealth: Belief and Wealth - The Focal Point That Manifests Money
07 The Abundant Mind Part 1
08.The Abundant Mind Part 2
09.Goal Setting System That Works Part 1
10.Goal Setting System That Works Part 2
11.21 Tactics to Motivate Yourself & Others Part 1
12.21 Tactics to Motivate Yourself & Others Part 2
13.The Attraction Principle
14.Mental Imaging Technology: Freedom Focus

09.The Abundance Mind 1 DVD in 1 AVI 25,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡


Real Subliminal
31.Learn Japanese 1 CD 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
32.Lose Weight Permanently 1 CD 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
33.Love Cleaning 1 CD 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
34.Lucid Dreaming 1 CD 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
35.Martial Arts Training 1 CD 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
36.Millionaire Mindset 1 CD 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
37.Muscle Recovery 1 CD 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
38.Natural Penis Enlargement 1 CD 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
39.New Years Resolution 1 CD 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
40.Personal Power 1 CD 10,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

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 UPDATE JUN‐14 (7)
Alan Weiss
02.Framed : Critical Thinking Skills for Consulting 6 DVD in 6 MP4 + 6 CD 400,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
(Million Dollar Consultants require critical thinking skills.
skills What are critical thinking skills?
I believe they are finite, learnable, and must be integrated no less than a great athlete's "natural" swing,
and one of the most underestimated, misunderstood, and underutilized is what I call "Framing.") *RARE*

You will learn:

- How to quickly determine whether you are facing an opportunity, problem, decision, or plan.
- How to quickly summarize and paraphrase a someone else's narrative and convert and redirect it to meet
your own objectives.
- How to increase your discretionary time and reduce labor intensity by a factor of 50% through rapid
diagnosis of situations.
- How to move from cognitive insight to behavioral intervention rapidly and seamlessly.
- How to use "instant examples" and stories to capture attention and interest.
- How to organize the worst, most disorganized, embarrassing space you own—your thinking process.
- How to create and apply wisdom without losing it in knowledge (which itself can be lost in information).
- How to immediately set priority, ranging from diving in to running away.
Chris Howard
03.Master Transformational Speaker And Coach 28 DVD in 50 MP4 + 18 CD +
Manual *VERY RARE* 750,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
(In his courses, Howard uses Results Technologies to instigate instant change on a subconscious level)

In this Comprehensive Master Transformational Speaker And Coach Programme You Will :
- Gain cutting edge techniques for facilitating permanent change in your clients and/or colleagues
- Gain the relevant tools for high level business consulting
- Gain the ability to get right to the core of major issues within corporations and businesses – then resolve them
- Gain the ability to change the basis of personality and shift corporate culture
- Master coaching skills
- Learn values processes to align personal & professional relationships
- Learn personality profiling skills that will make you a master hiring consultant
- Learn advanced language patterns for creating change conversationally
- Leadership mindset - develop the mindset that will allow you to accelerate your success by creating synergistic
relationships and coaching others to get what they want most
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 UPDATE JUN‐14 (8)
Kerwin Rae
04.Wealth : The Psychology of Money 12 DVD in 12 MP4 + 12 CD 300,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

01.Consciousness And Psychology Part 1

02.Consciousness And Psychology Part 2
03.Relationship With Money And Self Sabotage
04 Values And Habits
05.Shares And Smashing The Ego
06.Ego And Emotions
07.Shares And Stress Mutations
08.Stress And Sex Mutations
09.Shares And Breakthroughs
10.Ego Sabotage And The Billion Dollar Business Formula
11.Breaking Through Limitations And Raising Your Consciousness
12 The Power To Create
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Tony Fernandes - The Apprentice Asia 11 DVD in 11 AVI *RARE* 200,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

All Update Jun-14 Motivasi Bahasa Inggris Collection 1,850,000

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 UPDATE JUN‐14 (9)


08.Power of Persuasion 8 CD + PDF *RARE* 100,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
(Strategies For Ethical Persuasion In Life, Relathionships & Business)

01.How To Use Persuasion To Ethically Motivate People

02.How To Use Incentives
03.How To Use Motivators
04.Decision Making
05.Positioning - How To Create A Reputation
06.Persuasion In Sales Situations
07 Persuasion In Marketing
08.How to Persuade The Masses Automatically And Forever

Jeff Dedrick & Liz Tomey - $5K Per Month LIVE Workshop 46 MP4 *VERY RARE* 300,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡
($5K A Month In 8 Steps - Guaranteed) *VERY RECOMMENDED*

02.Rules for Online Success
04.Picking Profit Sucking Niches
05.List Building
06.Email Marketing The Right Way
07.One Gajillion Ways to Use a Blog
08.The Sales Process
09.Creating Products
10.How to Write Profit Sucking Copy
11.Driving the Traffic Train
12.Secrets of a Million Dollar Launch
13.Get a Business Model or Die
14.Fast Product Creation Tactics
15.Giveaway Marketing Systems for Instant Cash
16.Four Day Cash Machine Tactics
17.The Lost Reseller Scrolls
18.The Hot Seats
19.Best Business Practices
20.Wrap Up
All Update Jun-14 Internet Marketing Collection 380,000

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 UPDATE JUN‐14 (10)


Chuck Hughes
02.The Weekly Options Advantage 4 DVD in 4 AVI + Manual 100,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

DB Vaello - Order Flow Analytics 5 Day Boot Camp 5 DVD in 5 AVI 125,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

Wizetrade - Wizecoach Boot Camp 6 DVD in 6 AVI + Workbook 150,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

Mark Deaton - Binary Options Genius 1 DVD 20,000 ⌠NEW⌡ ⌠RECOMMENDED⌡

All Update Jun-14 Options & Forex Collection 370,000


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 UPDATE JUN‐14 (11)
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