The Sun Also Rises Discussion Questions

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The Sun Also Rises Discussion Questions

Chapter 4 / Lesson 27

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Instructor: Kerry Gray

Kerry has been a teacher and an administrator for more than twenty years. She has a Master of Education
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'The Sun Also Rises' is a novel by Ernest Hemingway about a group of friends who are attempting to
find themselves during their international travels after World War I. This lesson will guide classroom
discussions about this book.

The Sun Also Rises

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway describes a group of friends who are examining their own
values and ideas post war as they travel to Spain. These questions will help lead a class discussion
about the book.

Book One
The questions in this section will help students learn about the first part of the novel.

Jake and Cohn

There is an old proverb that says, 'You are known by the company you keep.' How does Hemingway
use the relationships between characters to characterize them? Jake does not particularly care for
Cohn. What text evidence proves this is true? Why do you think Jake hangs out with someone that
he doesn't like? What does that tell you about Jake? How do Frances and Georgette contribute to
the characterizations of Cohn and Jake?

Jake and Brett

Brett and Jake have a long, dysfunctional history together. One of the first things we learn is that
Jake does not care for Brett's friends. Compare Brett's friends to Jake's friends. How does Brett and
Jake's romantic history influence their current relationship? Why do you think Brett and Jake
continue to spend time together? What advice would you give them? If this story were made into a
movie today, who do you think would be cast as Jake and Brett? Why?

Book Two
The next set of questions will help students learn about the second book in this story.
In most scenes, Jake and his friends are drinking alcohol. After examining a few of these scenes,
why do you think alcohol plays such a big role in Jake's life? What are the long-term consequences
to his life and relationships? How might the story be different if Jake remained sober? What are
some events from Jake's background that may contribute to his alcohol abuse?

Jake is excited to see bullfights and the running of the bulls. In what ways does the text equate the
violence of bullfighting with masculinity? Compare Cohn's reaction to Brett's reaction. What do these
differences reveal about these characters?

Cohn seems to clash with every other character at some point during the trip. Why? What kind of a
friend is Cohn? How do the other characters reveal their disdain for him?

Brett seems to bounce from relationship to relationship throughout the course of the book. What do
you think she is looking for? When Jake admits he loves her, how does she respond? Why?

Book Three
The final set of questions will examine the end of the story.

After the Fiesta

Each of the travelers goes separate ways at the end of the party. How does each character choose
his or her destination? What does it reveal about that character? What is the irony of Mike's financial
situation at the end of the book?

Why does Brett ask Jake to meet her in Madrid? What are Brett's plans for the future? Why do you
think Jake continues to be there for Brett? What do you think happens for Jake and Brett in the

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