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 UPDATE SEP‐14 (1)



12.Becoming A Leader 1 DVD in 5 AVI 30,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]


229.Emosi Wanita 7 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]

230.Menulis Ulang Kehidupan 7 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]

231.Money ' Day 6 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]

232.Kapok Untuk Merasakan Yang Namanya Jatuh Cinta 6 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]

233.Jomblo Jatuh Tempo 7 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]

234.Rebutan Wanita 7 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]

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 UPDATE SEP‐14 (2)
235.Lucky 13 7 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]

236.Apapun Mungkin 7 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]


MMM.Michael Merry Menginspirasi
MMM02.With Joe Taslim 2 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]


05.Getting Rich with Hypnotherapy 3 AVI 15,000 [NEW] [GREAT]


Billy Boen - Young On Top : Kalau Bisa Sukses Di Usia Muda Kenapa Harus Nunggu Tua
49.Bisnis Online vs Bisnis Offline 3 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [GREAT]

50.Kerja Atau Bisnis 3 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [GREAT]

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 UPDATE SEP‐14 (3)
51.Membaca Peluang Bisnis 3 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [GREAT]

52.Kuliah Dalam Negeri vs Luar Negeri 3 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [GREAT]

Chandra Putra Negara - Nothing Is Impossible 3 AVI 15,000 [NEW] [GREAT]

Ricky Boenardy - Reason for Success 1 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [GREAT]

Rudy Lim - Yang Muda Yang Menginspirasi 3 AVI 15,000 [NEW] [GREAT]

Your Money
45.Mengenal Resiko Investasi 3 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [GREAT]

46.Asuransi Syariah 2 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [GREAT]

47.Ask Your Money With Aidil Akbar Madjid 2 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [GREAT]

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 UPDATE SEP‐14 (4)
48.Mengelola Keuangan Bagi Keluarga Baru 3 AVI 10,000 [NEW] [GREAT]

Jaya Setiabudi
EB03.Buka Langsung Laris E-Book (Seharga 200rb) 30,000 [NEW] [GREAT]
(7 Formula Menciptakan TREN Low Budget)

All Update Sep-14 Motivasi Bahasa Indonesia Collection 275,000

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 UPDATE SEP‐14 (5)


11.The Power Of Hypnotic Reversals 8 CD + Manual 80,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]


22.Success Strategies 12 CD + PDF 120,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]
(Seven Keys To Wealth And Happiness)

01.How To Be A Bigger Winner

02.The Art Of Setting Goals
03.Your Goal-Setting Workshop
04.Your Search For Knowledge
05.The Power Of Personal Development 01
06.The Power Of Personal Development 02
07.Achieving Financial Independence 01
08.Achieving Financial Independence 02
09.Managing Time and Effort
10.How Others Can Help You
11.The Cultivation Of Lifestyle
12.The Day That Turns Your Life Around


Devon White
03.Reality Bender Install Tele-Series 5 CD 50,000 [NEW] [GREAT]
(A 9 Hour Session on Power, Health, Love, Money and Purpose)
Eram Saeed - From Heartache To Joy 37 CD 300,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]
(The Real Key To The Law Of Immersion, Transforming Tragedy Into Triumph For Thousands Of People Globally...)

01.Rikka Zimmerman - Instant Freedom

02.Harrison Klein - Moving Your Journey From the Dark Night of the Soul to the Sea of Light
03.Derek Rydall - Awakended Wealth
04.Deborah Pietsch - Birthing Your Higher Self into This Dimension
05.Mary Beth Vanderlinden - Turning Your Miracle Ignition Switch
06.Dee Wallace - The Absolute Ultimate Expression of Joy
07.Christopher Tims - The Bridge to Love Sex Spirituality and Relationships Beyond Compromise
08.Dr Robert Pease - Activating Your Destiny Power Behind Everything

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 UPDATE SEP‐14 (6)
09.Wendy Hart - The Procrastination Cure Get Unstuck and Get Your BIG Breakthrough!
10.Lisa Jaya Waters - Self Synthesize
11.Dr Joe Rubino - Living Your Best Life
12.Amanda Butler - The Diamond Co~Creative System
13.Britta Dubbels - Love is the Only Strength
14.Gabrielle Paoli - Free Yourself from Your Dark Place of Past~Negativity
15.Joanne Justis - Discover the Science of You
16.Marilyn Alauria - Anchoring Into Your Soul's Journey Through The Power of Your Chakras
17.Ann Taylor - Healing the Fear of the Future Fear of Change and Fear of the Unknown
18.Raquel Spencer - The Divine Feminine Frequencies of Light ~ Bringing Balance Back
19.Michelle Carter - 60 Vibrations to Heaven Tapping Into Your Gift of Pure Love Energy
20.Eram Saeed - Create massive transformation by IMMERSING in high frequency consistently
21.Anah Maa - Remembering Your Magnificence
22.Julie Calvey - Understanding Your Soul Purpose
23.Noah St John - Afformations Discovering The Missing Piece to Breakthrough Performance
24.Kaitlyn Keyt - What DRAINS your Vibe ReHARMONIZE your environment
25.Tori Hartman - Multi-Generational Healing
26.Robin and Michael Mastro - Ancient Secrets for Lasting Fulfillment
27.Amean Hameed - Raise your frequency to a natural state of Divine Peace Joy and Compassion
28.Dawn Clark - Repairing Core Fractures How to Break Free from Repeating Unwanted Patterns
29.Eric Altman - Pineal Gland Activation
30.Mina Firme - Clearing Your Personal Barriers To Unlock Your Potential
31.Tellman Knudson - Hypnotize Yourself Wealthy
32.Bob Bell - Do You Need A Miracle!
33.Myrette Sokkari - From Poverty to Prosperity in 6 Weeks
34.Debra Cummings - Outrageous Change Takes Only Moments!
35.DrLexis Johnson - How to Use the Art of Transformation
36.Debra Poneman - Living Life in the Flow of Divine Grace
37.Tahira Aziz - Calibrate your Heart Compass to get back in touch with your natural state
Real Subliminal
51.Soul Mate 1 CD 10,000 [NEW] [GREAT]
52.Stop Comfort Eating 1 CD 10,000 [NEW] [GREAT]
53.Stop Excessive Sweating 1 CD 10,000 [NEW] [GREAT]
54.Think Big 1 CD 10,000 [NEW] [GREAT]
55.Win The Lottery 1 CD 10,000 [NEW] [GREAT]

Dan Appleman - So You Want to be an Entrepreneur 79 MP4 + PDF 80,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]
(This course covers virtually every aspect of entrepreneurship, from coming up with the idea, to raising money,
hiring people and running the business. But more important, it will help you decide if entrepreneurship is
right for you, and help you avoid the myths and pitfalls that often plague founders)

02.Goals, Personal and Corporate
03.Do You Have What it Takes
04.The Idea
05.The People
06.Accounting 0.9
09.On Being an Entrepreneur
10.Slides + Exercise Files

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 UPDATE SEP‐14 (7)
Dave Crenshaw
05.Discovering Your Strengths 18 MP4 + PDF 50,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]
(Join author and business coach Dave Crenshaw as he demonstrates ways to discover what youre
truly best at doing and how to leverage those strengths and abilities in your professional life)

Topics include :
- Identifying gifts loves and skills
- Assessing personal performance
- Applying your strengths and talents at work
- Making continual improvements that impact your career
---------- 0000 ----------
Kerwin Rae
05.The Business, Marketing & Venture Capital Super Conference 14 DVD in
14 MP4 + Bonus 600,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]

01.Overview of the program and introduction to the program content

02.Traits of the most highly successful people in the world
03.The 12 Steps to Business Mastery
04.The 12 Steps to Business Mastery Continued
05.Joint Ventures
06.4 Keys to Wealth
07.Jack Delosa - Capital Raising And Preparing For Exiting A Business
08.Jack Delosa - How To Find Investors An The Possible Barriers To Raising Capital
09.Jack Delosa - The 7 Steps to Venture Capital
10.Jack Delosa - Acquisitions
11.Jack Delosa - Trends And Opportunities
12.Jack Delosa - Live Examples In Action
13.Jack Delosa - How To Learn More And Take The Next Steps With Investing And Venture Capital
14.Reconnect All Program Modules
Bonus :
E-Book Kerwin Rae - How to Make A Million Dollars with Joint Ventures
Audio Kerwin Rae - My Most Guarded Secrets EXPOSED
Video :
3 Sure Ways To Create Cash In The Next 21 Days
3 Tips To Find Funding For Your Business
3 Tips To Increase Your Sales
4 Keys To Fast Tracking Business
6 Steps to Becoming A High Paid Authority
7 Steps To Access Funding Without A Bank
12 Steps To Business Mastery
Business, Marketing & Venture Capital 1 Day Super Conference
Crowd Funding
The Money Plan
The Peak Performance Blueprint
The RAPID Growth Strategy of Australia's Fastest Growing Businesses
Jack Delosa - Venture Capital Education Pack
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 UPDATE SEP‐14 (8)
Laura Bergells - Public Speaking Fundamentals 24 MP4 + PDF 80,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]
(Develop the skills you need to prepare and deliver an outstanding speech or presentation with our public speaking
training. Author Laura Bergells offers practical insights that can help presenters prepare, open, deliver, and close
their speeches)

Topics include:
- Identifying your audience
- Developing credibility
- Introducing an agenda
- Exploring five strong opening techniques
- Developing great body language
- Understanding room dynamics
- Handling questions and answers
- Getting feedback
Mystery Method 5 DVD in 5 AVI 150,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]
(The 5 DVD set represents the highlights from the Mystery Method's 18-city tour, with the best of the major
components of attraction, dating, and seduction. Reviewed as the ultimate dating product on the market
today and the best material from the worlds greatest pickup artist)

Pedram Shojai - Vitality The Movie 1 DVD in 1 MP4 30,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]
(It's About How We Live, This movie teaches us how to increase the vital energy in our lives)

Steve Piccus
03.The Secret To Dating Multiple Girlfriends 4 DVD in 4 M4V + 2 CD 150,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]
(In The Secret To Dating Multiple Girlfriends, Steve P and Johnny Soxxxxxo teach you not only the ‘Why' of
dating more than one woman but also the ‘How to.' You'll discover the powerful frames these men hold
and how to develop them in your life and with the women you meet)

Taron Lexton - The Way To Happiness 1 DVD in 1 MP4 30,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]
("The Way to Happiness", a common sense guide to better living, is comprised of twenty-one universal precepts
applicable to anyone regardless of race, color or creed.)

All Update Sep-14 Motivasi Bahasa Inggris Collection 1,750,000

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 UPDATE SEP‐14 (9)


03.Panduan List Building 24 Video + PDF 60,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]
(Panduan List Building, Affiliate Marketing, dan Product Creation TERDAHSYAT!)
( seharga 350rb)

I.Pengenalan List Building

01.Pengenalan List Building
02.5 Langkah Dasar List Building
03.Pengenalan Autoresponder
04.5 Kesalahan Membangun List
II.Jurus Sakti List Building
01.4 Jurus Sakti List Building
02.Forum Marketing Untuk List Building
03.Fast Track List Nuilding
III.Membangun Premium List
01.Membangun Customer List
02.WSO Basic
03.Forum Marketing
IV.Membangun List Super Responsive
01.6 Kunci Membangun List Super Responsive
02.Menyusun Autoresponder Series
V.Menjadi Super Affiliate
01.Warriorplus Dan JVZoo
02.Jurus Sakti Email Marketing
03.Super Email Template
04.Menang JV Contest
VI.Product Creation
02.Product Creations
03.JV Secret
04.Copywriting Technique
05.Sales Funnel
06.Bonus - Setting Funnel Warriorplus
07.Bonus - Sales Funnel JVZoo
08.Bonus Template JV Page

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 UPDATE SEP‐14 (10)


22.Accelerate : High Growth Business Training 45 DVD in 45 MP4 + 33 CD + PDF 1,600,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]
(Launch Price USD9997 !!!) * VERY RECOMMENDED* *VERY RARE*

- A live 5-day live “Strategic Summit” training in Chicago in August -

that will feature a “who’s who” of top business growth experts
- 8 weeks of webinar training with Eben before the live event - getting
mindsets in place, and putting structures in place in your business

All Update Sep-14 Internet Marketing Collection 1,650,000

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 UPDATE SEP‐14 (11)


FxEvolve - 5 Days Advanced Strategy Workshop 5 DVD in 5 AVI + Doc 200,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]

Markay Latimer
03.Trend Trading My Way 2010 11 DVD in 11 AVI + Manual 300,000 [NEW] [RECOMMENDED]
(In this 11 DVD set, BetterTrades coach Markay Latimer will teach you powerful charting techniques that,
when applied correctly, may help you identify potentially lucrative trading opportunities.
Students will be shown how to apply these charting techniques to a momentum opportunity,
which generally last 1-5 days, as well as to a trending opportunity, which can last 2-3 weeks)

01.Course Overview - Entry & Exits

02.Moving Averages
04.Continuation Patterns for Entries
05.Rising & Falling Candles
06.Reversal Candles To Get Into Trades
07.Extreme Charts
08.Bollinger Bands
09.Squeeze Plays
10.Bollinger Bands II
11.Trade Setups
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All Update Sep-14 Options & Forex Collection 480,000


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