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What hazard develops in 3 stages in which

warm, moist air rises forming tall cumulonimbus 11. What public storm warning signal contains a
clouds and air continues to go a to a certain height wind speed for about 171-220 kph and it may be
while warm air condensed as rain and eventually expected in at least 12 hours.
it dies out? A. Signal No. 2 C. Signal N0. 4
A. Hurricane C. Thunderstorm B. Signal No. 3 D. Signal No. 5
B. Typhoon D. Tropical Cyclone
12. Which of the following actions should you do
2. It endangers life and property by the force of
when there is a thunderstorm?
impact of falling fragments, but this occurs only
A. Stay indoors.
close to an eruption vent.
B. Hide beneath a tree.
A. Ballistic projectiles C. Lava
C. Go to an elevated place.
B. Lahar D. Pyroclastic flow
D. Call your relatives and ask for their safety.
3. These are the things we should consider when
a tsunami arrives EXCEPT: 13. It is expressed as the number of human lives,
A. Stay indoors. Stay where you are. and value of the properties that can potentially be
B. Avoid going to places near the ocean. affected by hazards.
C. Run to elevated areas immediately. A. Capacity C. Hazard
D. Go to places near far from possible affected B. Exposure D. Vulnerability
4. A type of sinkhole common in area where there 14. What stage in the formation of thunderstorms
is a very thin soil cover. Water erodes the area where warm air condenses as rain and eventually
gradually creating a bowl-shaped depressions. does out.
A. Cover-collapse C. Solution A. Stage I C. Stage III
B. Cover subsidence D. Water B. Stage II D. Stage IV
5. A rotating, organized system of clouds and 15. What public storm warning signal contains
thunderstorms that originates over the tropical about 61-120kph and is expected at least 24
waters is called ______________. hours?
A. Lightning C. Thunderstorm A. Signal No. 1 C. Signal N0. 3
B. Thunder D. Tropical Cyclone B. Signal No. 2 D. Signal No. 4
6. If the process of transforming water molecules 16. It is formed when water evaporates from the
to air molecules is evaporation, what do you call ocean surface comes into contact with a mass of
the process of transforming air molecules to cold air, forming clouds and a column of air
water molecules? pressure is developed.
A. Condensation C. Precipitation A. Lightning C. Tropical cyclone
B. Evaporation D. Sublimation B. Thunderstorm D. Storm Surge
7. A tsunami strikes the coastal town and villages
in your area. It flows across the ground a lot faster
17. What type of earthquake is generated by the
and sweep away buildings and the lives of the
sudden displacement along the faults in the solid
residents living there. In relation to this, what is
and rigid layer of the earth?
the best thing to do in order to be saved?
A. Oceanic earthquake
I. Stay in that area as you saw the upcoming
B. Tectonic earthquake
C. Volcanic earthquakes
II. Run to the hills and abandon your
D. None of the above
A. I only C. I and II
B. II only D. None of the above
8. The Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) is 18. It is a process that transform the behaviour of
formed when _____ air from the ____ and a body sediments to that of a liquid when
____ of the earth converge to the equator. subjected to extremely intense shaking.
A. cool, east, west C. warm, east, west A. Earthquake C. Ground shaking
B. cool, north, south D. warm, north south B. Ground rupture D. Liquefaction
9. This hazard is caused by the chemical
19. Which of the following volcanic gases results
dissolution process of carbonate rocks.
to acid rain when combined with rainfall?
A. Landslide C. Sinkhole
A. 𝐻2 𝑂 B. 𝐻2 𝑆 C. 𝑆𝑂2 D. 𝐶𝑂2
B. Liquefaction D. Storm surge
10. Where do most typhoons in the Philippines
formed? 20. It is a type of tropical cyclone which is
A. Atlantic Ocean and South Pacific Ocean developed in the North Atlantic, South Pacific,
B. Indian Ocean and Arctic Ocean and North Pacific areas.
C. North Pacific Ocean A. Cyclone C. Typhoon
D. Western North Pacific Ocean and Eastern B. Hurricane D. None of the above
Indian Ocean
21. Drew is walking along the street and found a
crowded area. When he take a look, there was a
26. The Philippines is frequently cited as among
sinkhole and sand seems to cover the bedrock.
the ____ countries most at risk to disasters.
What kind of sinkhole Drew saw?
A. bottom B. top
A. Cover-collapse C. Solution
B. Cover subsidence D. Water
27. It is one of the disaster risk factors which
includes state mental capacity and health as well
22. Where do tropical cyclones develop?
as perception of self.
A. Air B. Land C. Ocean D. Space
A. Biological C. Psychological
B. Physical D. Socio-cultural
28. It is the downward movement of geological
23. The magma tries to escape upward through
materials such as soil and rocks.
spaces between ___________.
A. lahar C. sinkhole
A. Continents B. Crater C. Crust D. Plates
B. landslide D. weathering
24. A fault is said to be an “active fault” if it has
29. Where do thunderstorms formed?
moved within the last _______ years.
A. Air B. Land C. Ocean D. Space
A. 10 B. 100 C. 1000 D. 10000
25. What is the direction of the rotation of the 30. What type of cloud is called as “thunder
wind when a typhoon moves? cloud” as it bring thunder and rain?
A. clockwise C. It cannot be determined A. Cirrus C. Cumulonimbus
B. Counter clockwise D, None of the above B. Cumulus D. Stratus
What is the importance of knowing the different kinds of hazards and its causes as a student?
1. It is the perceived strength of an earthquake
2. The strong ____________ drives the cyclone’s
based on relative effect to people and structure.
It is generally higher near the epicentre.
A. Coriolis effect C. Hurricane
A. Earthquake C. Intensity
B. Gravity D. Wind
B. Focus D. Magnitude
3. It refers to the likelihood of a hazard becoming 4. What are referred as the rapidly thick mixture
a disaster that may result in the loss of life, of volcanic sediments and water usually triggered
assets, and sources of economy. by intense rainfall?
A. Capacity C. Exposure A. Ash fall C. Lava flows
B. Disaster D. Risk B. Lahars D. Pyroclastic flows
5. What causes a sinkhole to develop? 6. In what particular country happened the most
A. Dissolution of rocks C. Volcanic eruption destructive tsunami ever recorded?
B. Earthquake D. Weathering A. Brazil B. Indonesia C. Japan D. Hawaii
8. What is the equation for Risk?
7. It deals with the transfer of water and energy 𝐻𝑎𝑧𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑥 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦
A. 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 =
between land surface and the lower atmosphere? 𝑉𝑢𝑙𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦
𝐻𝑎𝑧𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑥 𝑉𝑢𝑙𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦
A. Cyclogenesis C. Hydrometeorology B. 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 =
B. Hydrologic cycle D. Water cycle C. 𝑅𝑖𝑠𝑘 =
𝑉𝑢𝑙𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑥 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦
9. Landslide occurs when the sum of downward 10. What type of tropical cyclone develops in the
driving forces is _________ the sum of the North Atlantic, South Pacific, and North Pacific
resisting forces. areas?
A. equal to C. less than A. Cyclone C. Typhoon
B. greater than D. cannot be determined B. Hurricane D. None of the above
11. What type of earthquake is generated by the
12. As the rising air continues to go up to a certain
sudden displacement along the faults in the solid
height that it can no longer go up further. Which
and rigid layer of the earth?
stage of the formation of thunderstorm does this
A. Oceanic earthquake
statement belong?
B. Tectonic earthquake
A. Stage I C. Stage III
C. Volcanic earthquakes
B. Stage II D. Stage IV
D. None of the above
13. What type of tropical cyclone is formed in the
14. What classification of tropical cyclone has a
Western North Pacific and South Eastern Indian
maximum wind speed of 89 to 117 kph?
A. Severe tropical storm C. Tropical storm
A. Cyclone C. Typhoon
B. Tropical depression D. Typhoon
B. Hurricane D. None of the above
16. It refers to the condition or sets of conditions
15. What type of hazard is originated from the
that reduces people’s ability to prepare for,
solid earth?
withstand, or respond to a hazard.
A. Biological C. Hydrometeorological
A. Capacity C. Exposure
B. Geological D. Technological
B. Disaster D. Vulnerability
18. The recent weather disturbance that brought
17. What classification of tropical cyclone has a prolonged rainfall, landslide, and flooding to the
maximum wind speed of 62 to 88 kph? Philippines last December 2017 was called Urduja.
A. Severe tropical storm C. Tropical storm What classification of tropical cyclone Urduja
B. Tropical depression D. Typhoon belongs?
A. Severe tropical storm C. Tropical storm
B. Tropical depression D. Typhoon
19. Among the classification of tropical cyclones,
20. What is called to the process in which one of
Super typhoon is the strongest and most
the colliding tectonic plates is pushed below the
destructive. What classification is the least
A. Cyclogenesis C. Orogenesis
A. Severe tropical storm C. Tropical storm
B. Convection D. Subduction
B. Tropical depression D. Typhoon
22. PAGASA stands for Philippine Atmospheric
21. It is a type of sinkhole that develops abruptly
_________ and Astronomical Services
and cause catastrophic damages.
A. Cover-collapse C. Solution
A. Geological C. Geography
B. Cover subsidence D. Water
B. Geographical D. Geophysical
24. What public storm warning signal contains
23. What type of cloud is called as “thunder cloud”
about 61-120kph and is expected at least 24
as it bring thunder and rain?
A. Cirrus C. Cumulonimbus
A. Signal No. 1 C. Signal N0. 3
B. Cumulus D. Stratus
B. Signal No. 2 D. Signal No. 4
26. A fault is said to be an “active fault” if it has
25. Where do thunderstorms formed?
moved within the last _______ years.
A. Air B. Land C. Ocean D. Space
A. 10 B. 100 C. 1000 D. 10000
28. These are the things we should consider when
27. Drew is walking along the street and found a
a tsunami arrives EXCEPT:
crowded area. When he take a look, there was a
A. Stay indoors. Stay where you are.
sinkhole and sand seems to cover the bedrock.
B. Avoid going to places near the ocean.
What kind of sinkhole Drew saw?
C. Run to elevated areas immediately.
A. Cover-collapse C. Solution
D. Go to places near far from possible affected
B. Cover subsidence D. Water
29. If the process of transforming water
molecules to air molecules is evaporation, what do
30. Which of the following volcanic gases results
you call the process of transforming air molecules
to acid rain when combined with rainfall?
to water molecules?
A. 𝐻2 𝑂 B. 𝐻2 𝑆 C. 𝑆𝑂2 D. 𝐶𝑂2
A. Condensation C. Precipitation
B. Evaporation D. Sublimation

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