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SSCIi 2020-103 rer OF THE DinEe TOW oF NATIONAL INTROLIGH SEF WAswiNchas BE 2081 t smoeable Ric bard Burr fee 20 2000 Selec! Commitier on Intelligence Vowsed Siues Senate Washingion, DC 20810 (he Honwrable Maw Warmer Vice Chairman Select Committee on Intelligence United States Senate Washingion, [M! 20510 Dest Chairman Burt and Vice Chairman Wamer (Up) This letter responds to sections [277 and $714 of the Nationa! Deferse Awshor ization let for Fiscal Fear 2020 (PL. 116-92) (°F ¥ 20 ND: } Section 1277 provides fer an lunclassitied repart fine the Director of National fnselligence, which may include a classified ANdeA. COMAMiNg alla “delermination and presentation of evidence with reepect ws the advance knowledge and rele of any current ur former official of the (iovernment of Saudi Arabia wr amy current ar former sevior Saudi political figure over the disceting. ardering. or tampering of evidence in the killing of Washingtor Post columnist Jamal Khashogys.” Section 1277 further provides thal the report include "a list of foseign persons that the Dircktor of National Intelligence has high confidence ... were responsible for, we complicit in, ordesing. controlling. cor otherwise direcsing ani acl or ats contsibuting (0 on causing the death of Jamal Khashogyi: Anowingls and maternally assisted. sponsored. or provided financial. material. or techmalagical support For, or goods ar services in sispport of. [such activities described above): or impeded the impartial investigation af the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, including through the tampering of ‘cvidense relating 1 the investigation,” 1) Section 3714 of the FY20 NDAA provides for an unclassified repo fronm the Director of National Imelligence on the death of Jamal Khashogyi, consistent with protecting ss eee *idlentification af those «sho carried out,

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