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MicroLink Information Technology and Business College

Master of Business Administration

Operations Research Assignment
Date: 08/12/19
Submission Date:

1. A concrete company transports concrete from three plants to three construction sites. The
supply capacities of the three plants, the demand requirements at the three sites, and the
transportation costs per ton are as follows:
Plant Construction Site Supply (Tons)
1 $8 $5 $6 120
2 15 10 12 80
3 3 9 10 80
Requirement 150 70 100 280

a. Present the problem in linear programing form.

b. Develop the initial feasible solution using LCCM, NWCM, and VAM.
c. What are the basic and non-basic decision variables for each feasible solution?
d. What is the total transportation cost each feasible solution?
e. Optimize each of the feasible solutions using Stepping Stone and MODI.
f. Does the problem have multiple optimal solutions? Why or why not?
2. Truck Rental firm has accumulated extra trucks at three of its truck leasing outlets,
as shown in the following table:
Leasing outlet Extra Trucks
1 70
2 115
3 60
Total 245

The firm also has four outlets with shortages of rental trucks, as follows:

Leasing outlet Extra Truck shortage

A 80
B 50
MicroLink Information Technology and Business College
Master of Business Administration
Operations Research Assignment
Date: 08/12/19
Submission Date:

C 90
D 25
Total 245

a. Present the problem in linear programing form.

b. Develop the initial feasible solution using LCCM, NWCM, and VAM.
c. What are the basic and non-basic decision variables for each feasible solution?
d. What is the total transportation cost each feasible solution?
e. Optimize each of the feasible solutions using Stepping Stone and MODI.
f. Does the problem have multiple optimal solutions? Why or why not?
3. The Atlantic Coast Conference has four basketball games on a particular night. The conference
office wants to assign four teams of officials to the four games in a way that will minimize the
total distance traveled by the officials. The distances in miles for each team of officials to each
game location are shown in the table below:

Team of Game sites

officials A B C D
1 210 90 180 160
2 100 70 130 200
3 175 105 140 170
4 80 65 105 120

MicroLink Information Technology and Business College
Master of Business Administration
Operations Research Assignment
Date: 08/12/19
Submission Date:

a. Present this problem in linear programming form stating the objective function, supply
constraints and demand constraints.
b. Optimize the problem using the Hungarian Method.
c. What is the total round trip distance in miles that the teams will travel?
d. Does the problem have multiple optimal solutions? Why or why not?
4. Green Valley Mills produces carpet at plants in St. Louis and Richmond. The carpet is then
shipped to two outlets located in Chicago and Atlanta. The cost per ton of shipping carpet from
each of the two plants to the two warehouses is as follows:
From To
Chicago Atlanta
St. Louis $40 $65
Rchmond 70 30

The plant at St. Louis can supply 250 tons of carpet per week; the plant at Richmond can supply
400 tons per week. The Chicago outlet has a demand of 300 tons per week, and the outlet at
Atlanta demands 350 tons per week. The company wants to know the number of tons of carpet to
ship from each plant to each outlet in order to minimize the total shipping cost.
a. Present the problem in linear programming form.
b. Develop the initial feasible solution using NWCM, LCCM, and VAM.
c. Compare the total transportation cost of the three feasible solutions.
d. What are the basics and non-basics of each initial feasible solution?
e. Optimize each of the initial feasible solutions using stepping stone and MODI.
5. Solve the following linear programming problem.
Minimize TC = 3X11 + 12 X12 + 8X13 + 10X21 + 5X22 + 6X23 + 6X31 + 7X32 + 10X33
Subject to:
X11 + X12 + X13 = 90 X12 + X22 + X32 < 110
X21 + X22 + X23 = 30 X13 + X23 + X33 < 80
X31 + X32 + X33 = 100 Xij > 0

X11 + X21 + X31 < 70

MicroLink Information Technology and Business College
Master of Business Administration
Operations Research Assignment
Date: 08/12/19
Submission Date:

6. A manufacturing firm produces diesel engines in four cities: 1, 2, 3, and 4. Three trucking
firms (A, B, and C) purchase the following numbers of engines for their plants in three cities.
The production capacities of the four plants and the requirement at the three cities are shown
in the following table.

Plant Production Firm Demand

1 5 A 10
2 25 B 20
3 20 C 15
4 25

The transportation costs per engine ($100s) from sources to destinations are shown in the
following table. However, the firm B will not accept engines made in plant 2 and the firm C
will not accept engines from plant 4. Therefore, these two transportation routes are prohibited.
From A B C
1 $7 $8 $5
2 6 10 5
3 10 4 5
4 3 9 11
a) Formulate this problem as a linear programming model
b) Set up the transportation table for this problem.
c) Find the initial feasible solution using VAM.
d) Optimize the problem using stepping stone method.
e) Compute the total minimum cost
7. A government has built a new elementary school in a city so that the city now has a total of
four schools: A, B, C, and D each of which has a capacity of 400 students. The city
administration wants to assign children to schools so that their travel time by bus is as short as
possible. The school has partitioned the town into five districts conforming to population
MicroLink Information Technology and Business College
Master of Business Administration
Operations Research Assignment
Date: 08/12/19
Submission Date:

density-north, south, east, west, and central. The average bus travel time from each district to
each school is shown as follows:

District A B C D Student population

North 12 23 35 17 250
South 26 15 21 27 340
East 18 20 22 31 310
West 29 24 35 10 210
Central 15 10 23 16 290
Determine the number of children that should be assigned from each district to each school to minimize
total student travel time.

8. Solve the following linear programming problem.

Minimize Z = 18X11+30X12 + 20X13 + 18X14 + 25X21 + 27X22 + 22X23 + 16X24 + 30X31 +
26X32 + 19X33 + 32X34 + 40 X41 + 36X42 + 27X43 + 29X44 + 30X51 + 26X52 + 18X53 + 24X54
Subject to:
X11 + X12 + X13 + X14 < 1
X21 + X22 + X23 + X24 < 1
X31 + X32 + X33 + X34 < 1
X41 + X42 + X43 + X44 < 1
X51 + X52 + X53 + X54 < 1
X11+ X21 + X31 + X41 + X51 =1
X12 + X22 + X32 + X42 + X52 =1
X13 + X23 + X33 + X43 + X53 =1
X14 + X24 + X34 + X44 + X54 = 1
Xij > 0

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