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Arts Appreciation

Semi- final Exam

Name:_____________________Course &Year___________Date:_______________

I. Identification. Identify the following definitions. Write your answers clearly at

the blanks provided.

___________1. A medium for personal creativity, including expressing oneself in free

and spontaneous movement as well as guided movement.

___________2. A vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to

produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.

___________3. It is the perceived sound quality of a musical note.

___________4. Art of dance takes place in and through the human body.

___________5. Any human movement included in the act of dancing.

___________6. A highly technical dance of French and Russian origin.

___________7. She is a well- known soloist performer of ballet.

___________8. Maranao dance that test the dancer’s skills and grace.

___________9. It considers the process by which the composition of individual sounds

or superposition of sounds, is analyzed by hearing.

___________10. Music that has only one melodic line, no harmony or accompaniment.

II. Enumeration. Give what is asked and write your answers clearly on the
space provided

1-3 Give at least three musical forms

4-9 Elements of music

10- 12 Give at least three Elements of Dance

13- 15 Give at least three kinds of dance.

III. Composition. Compose a song that tells about societal issues or about
nature with at least four stanzas. (25 points)

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