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Subduction of continental crust during Gondwana amalgamation:

Very-high-pressure metamorphism and metasomatism in the Zambezi Belt

Simon P. Johnson1, Bert De Waele2, Francis Tembo3, Benjamin Mapani4 and Michael T. D. Wingate2
1 Program for Palaeoenvironment, Institute for Research on Earth Evolution (IFREE)
2 Tectonics Special Research Centre, School of Earth and Geographical Sciences, The University of Western Australia.
3 School of Mines, Geology Department, University of Zambia.

4 Department of Geology, University of Namibia.

1.Introduction 2.Geologic Setting and Petrology

The Neoproterozoic to early Palaeozoic supercontinent The Zambezi Belt is a broadly defined zone of amphibolite-
Gondwana (Fig. 1), formed by amalgamation of numerous craton- grade metamorphism and east-west structural reworking of older
ic blocks and island arcs over an extended period of ca. 150 M.y. basement rocks. In Zambia, the Zambezi Belt consists of
[e.g., Wilson et al., 1997; Meert and Van der Voo, 1997; Meert, reworked Mesoproterozoic lithologies of the Southern Irumide
2003; Reeves et al., 2002; Veevers, 2003]. Although the post-col- Belt, whereas in northern Zimbabwe tectono-metamorphism is
lision configuration of Gondwana is increasingly well constrained restricted to the northern margin of the Archaean Zimbabwe
[e.g. Unrug, 1996; Powell, 2002; Reeves et al., 2002; 2004], the Craton and Neoproterozoic sediments (the Rushinga Group)
timing, order and nature of the collisions leading to amalgamation deposited on it (Fig 2). Data presented in this paper were collected
are, in part, poorly understood. The African cratonic blocks form mainly from the Chongwe River area of southern Zambia with
the core of the Gondwana supercontinent and thus record critical additional data from the Kadunguri Whiteschists of the Chewore
evidence of the timing and nature of the collisions that led to Inliers in northern Zimbabwe (Fig. 2).
Gondwana assembly (Fig. 1). The related Pan-African, tectono-
magmatic activity in southern and eastern Africa occurred along 2.1 The Chongwe River Area
two structurally perpendicular orogenic systems: the east-west The Chongwe River area is underlain by a variety of garnet-
trending trans-continental Damara-Lufilian-Zambezi (DLZ) bearing meta-igneous and meta-sedimentary lithologies that
Orogen and the north-south-oriented East African Orogen (EAO), include, K-feldspar augen gneisses, amphibolites, meta-dacites,
but the timing and identities of the blocks involved in the colli- quartzites and talc-kyanite-bearing whiteschists. Crystallization
sions remain contentious [e.g., Jacobs et al., 1998; Meert, 2003; ages of the meta-igneous rocks range from 1105 Ma to 1037 Ma
Boger and Miller, 2004; Collins and Pisarevsky, in press]. [Johnson et al., in press] and the region is interpreted as a series
Tectonic activity in the EAO is related to a succession of colli- of juvenile to mature island arcs and associated sediments that
sions of the Azania (Antananarivo Block of Madagscar and parts accreted to the CTB margin during the late Mesoproterozoic
of east Africa and Arabian Shield; Fig. 1) and India blocks with [Johnson et al., in press]. The Chongwe region has been metamor-
the Congo-Tanzania-Bangweulu (CTB) Craton [e.g., Meert, 2003 phosed to upper amphibolite facies and has experienced intense
and references therein]. Similar collisions between the Antarctic- ductile deformation that produced decimeter-scale, northeast-
Australian blocks and the Kalahari Craton prompted Jacobs et al. verging thrusts and sheath folds. The felsic lithologies are charac-
[1998] and Jacobs and Thomas [2004] to favor a single, 8000 km terized by the metamorphic assemblage quartz + plagioclase +
long collision zone, the East African-Antarctic Orogen or EAAO, garnet + biotite + rutile ± muscovite ± K-feldspar ± magnesio-
stretching from the Arabian-Nubian Shield to East Antarctica. hornblende and the mafic lithologies contain plagioclase + garnet
Recent investigations in the Zambezi and Lufilian Belts [John + magnesio-hornblende ± biotite ± epidote ± scapolite.
et al., 1999; 2003; 2004; John, 2001; John and Schenk, 2003] and Whiteschists contain talc + kyanite + quartz + hematite whereas
better geochronological constraints on the Mesoproterozoic ter- Fe-rich whiteschists developed gedrite instead of talc. Both vari-
ranes on either side of the Zambezi Belt [De Waele et al., 2003], eties display a breakdown of kyanite ± talc (gedrite) to cordierite
however, clearly demonstrate that the DLZ Orogen represents a and chlorite. A meta-pelitic sample (C66), contains the assem-
major suture resulting from closure of the Zambezi Ocean blage garnet + quartz + kyanite + staurolite + plagioclase +
between the CTB and Kalahari Cratons, after the main collisional biotite. In the meta-mafic and meta-pelitic lithologies, cm-scale
events in the EAO (Fig. 1), thereby precluding a single EAAO. quartz + plagioclase melt pockets have developed in extensional
Our new geochronology and peak-metamorphic Pressure- regions of folds, indicating that temperatures exceeded the wet-
Temperature (PT) data, together with results of recent geochrono- melting solidus.
logical investigations [Oliver et al., 1998; Johnson, 1999; 2000; Previous estimates of the metamorphic PTt path in the
Johnson and Oliver, 2004; John et al., 2004], indicate a poly-tec- Chongwe River area, based mainly on intricate decompression
tonic evolution for the Zambezi portion of the DLZ Orogen, and textures within the whiteschist lithologies, indicate that the path
redefine our knowledge of structural and temporal events leading passed through 10 kbar at 700°C on a near-isobaric decompres-
to the final amalgamation of Gondwana. sion path [John and Schenk, 2003; John et al., 2004]. We ana-
lyzed the compositions of metamorphic minerals that have under-


gone cation exchange and net transfer reactions with each other homogenous morphology suggests growth during metasomatism.
(i.e. garnet, plagioclase, biotite, muscovite and amphibole) in Three Chongwe River area samples (C6, C7 and C9) yield mean
lithologies other than whiteschists, in order to better constrain the 238U/206Pb ages (all ±1s) of 576 ± 3 Ma (MSWD=1.09), 568 ± 7

peak metamorphic conditions. Table 1 and Figure 3a show a sum- Ma (MSWD=2.4) and 576 ± 13 Ma (MSWD=1.18), respectively
mary of the PT data for the samples analyzed. PT data from all (Fig. 2). A single rim analysis from whiteschist sample SJ124
samples show a prograde PTt evolution in the kyanite field, con- yields a 238U/206Pb age of 580 ± 17 Ma (1s).
sistent with the regional prevalence of kyanite in Al-rich litholo-
gies. Maximum pressures of 20 kbar and moderate temperatures
of 700–750°C are obtained from mineral-rim compositions and,
4. Implications for Gondwana Assembly
owing to variable degrees of post-peak metamorphic re-equilibra- Our age data indicate that very-high-pressure metamorphism
tion, the data define a near-isothermal decompression path (Fig. and whiteschist metasomatism in the Chongwe River area, and in
3a), similar to that obtained by John and Schenk [2003] and John the Kadunguri Whiteschists some 100 km away, occurred contem-
et al. [2004]. Garnet porphyroblasts show a prograde zonation poraneously at ca. 575 Ma. This differs from other high-precision
with increasing grossular contents from core to rim compatible U-Pb zircon ages for metamorphism in the Zambezi Belt that lie
with increasing pressures (maximum ~ 35-36%Grs) and are in the 542-517 Ma age range and are some 30-50 M.y. younger
accompanied by an increase in albite concentration in plagioclase (Fig 3b, Vinyu et al., 1999; Müller et al., 2000; Hargrove et al.,
(maximum ~ 75-80%Ab). Garnet + biotite + plagioclase PT esti- 2003; Johnson and Oliver, 2004). Furthermore, estimates of peak-
mations for meta-pelite sample C66 overlap the higher-tempera- metamorphic pressures from these younger localities are signifi-
ture, moderate-pressure portion of the staurolite stability field cantly lower, suggesting that the younger metamorphism followed
(Fig. 3a). The lack of staurolite inclusions within garnet and the a different PTt path to that at 575 Ma (Fig. 3b). Maximum record-
skeletal habit of staurolite porphyroblasts suggests that they grew ed pressures are between 10-12 kbar [Johnson and Oliver, 1998;
during decompression rather than during the prograde portion of Goscombe et al., 1998] for lithologies that are structurally juxta-
the PTt path. posed against the Kadunguri Whiteschists [Johnson and Oliver,
2002] and in which metamorphism has been precisely dated at
2.2 The Chewore Inliers 526 ± 17 Ma [Goscombe et al., 2000] and 517 ± 5 Ma [Johnson
Whiteschists also occur in the Ophiolite Terrane of the and Oliver, 2004]. Along the northern margin of the Kalahari
Chewore Inliers (the Kadunguri Whiteschists). The Chewore Craton, various dates between 542 ± 10 Ma [Hanson et al., 1998]
Inliers are interpreted as an imbricated mature or continental mar- and 534 ± 24 Ma [Hargrove et al, 2003] record peak metamor-
gin arc that was active between 1100 and 1080 Ma [Johnson and phism with a maximum PT of 10 kbar at >800°C [Hargrove et al.,
Oliver, 2004], and contain older (1393 ± 22 Ma) slivers of a mar- 2003]. Taken together, these data suggest a two-phase tectonic
ginal basin ophiolite [Oliver et al., 1998; Johnson and Oliver, evolution of the Zambezi Belt, with initial very-high-pressure
2000]. The petrology of the Kadunguri Whiteschists, the struc- metamorphism occurring at ca. 570 Ma in some lithologies , fol-
turally highest unit of the inliers, is described by Johnson and lowed by regional, much lower-pressure tectono-metamorphism at
Oliver [1998, 2002]. They formed by extreme metasomatic alter- ca. 530 Ma. This new two-phase model further explains various
ation of mafic igneous lithologies under highly oxidizing condi- tectonic features of the region. Mafic eclogites that rest tectonical-
tions. The presence of the mineral yoderite indicates that PT con- ly on the CTB margin in southern Zambia record maximum pres-
ditions were most likely between 13-15 kbar at >600°C but less sures of 26-28 kbar, have MORB-like compositions, and are inter-
than 800°C [Johnson and Oliver, 1998, 2002]. preted as subducted fragments of the former Zambezi Ocean
[John and Schenk, 2003; John et al., 2003]. Eclogite facies meta-
morphism occurred during ongoing subduction and hence closure
3.Timing of Tectono-metamorphism of this ocean, the timing of which is constrained by mineral
Zircons from three Chongwe River area samples (C6, C7 and isochron ages between 659 ± 14 Ma and 595 ± 10 Ma [John et al.,
C9) are generally euhedral, with oscillatory-zoned igneous cores 2003; John et al., 2004] We propose that very-high pressure-
surrounded by low-cathodoluminescent, non-zoned rims up to 30 metamorphism and whiteschist-metasomatism at ca. 575 Ma
µm in thickness that are interpreted to have developed during high- resulted from attempted subduction of the CTB margin to at least
grade metamorphism (Fig. 4e-g). Zircons extracted from 50 km depth, marking the first contact between the CTB and
Kadunguri Whiteschist sample SJ124 are equally complex, show- Kalahari Cratons (Fig. 5a). Relict high-pressure eclogites and
ing oscillatory-zoned igneous cores, invariably resorbed and whiteschists in the Domes Region of the Lufilian Belt [Cosi et al.,
recrystallised, overgrown by new thin rims, one of which was large 1984; John et al., 2003] indicate that some parts of the Lufilian
enough to permit analysis by ion microprobe (Fig. 4h). Zircon rims Basin were also subducted at this time (Fig. 5a). Activity along
were dated using the Sensitive High Resolution Ion MicroProbe the DLZ Belt, therefore, postdates orogenesis in the EAO by some
(SHRIMP II) of the Perth Consortium at Curtin University of 70 M.y. and thus negates a single EAAO. Collins and Pisarevsky
Technology, using standard operating and data reduction proce- [in press] suggest that tectonic activity in the EAO at ca. 640 Ma
dures [Claoué-Long et al., 1995; Ludwig, 2001a,b]. Corrections for was the result of closure of a basin between the eastern-margin of
common Pb, based on measured 204Pb, were minor, and employed the CTB Craton and Azania and that the closure of the
an average crustal common Pb composition appropriate to the age Mozambique Ocean, now outboard of Azania, lead to the collision
of the mineral [Stacey and Kramers, 1975]. U-Pb concordia plots with India at ~530 Ma (Fig. 5b), synchronous with collision
are given in Fig. 4a-d. Zircon rims have low Th/U ratios (<0.3), between Australia-Antarctica and Kalahari at ca. 530 Ma. Oblique
consistent with growth during metamorphism. Although the rim collision between the Indian-Antarctic-Australian-Kalahari
from whiteschist sample SJ124 has a high Th/U ratio of 1.68, its Cratons at ca. 530 Ma caused renewed convergence between the


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Figure 1. Gondwana reconstruction after Meert 2003. Coloured regions indicate the orogenic belts along which
Gondwana was assembled. Abbreviations: ANS–Arabian Nubian Shield; AUS–Australia; CTB–Congo-Tanzania-
Bangweulu; DLZ–Damara-Lufilian–Zambezi; EAO–East African Orogen; M–Madagascar. Dotted line outlines the
terranes that make up Azania (from Collins and Pisarevsky, in press).

Figure 2. a) Tectonic map of Africa after Hanson, 2003. Box indicates location of main figure. Key: 1–Post Pan
African Basins; 2–Pan African belts; 3–Mesoproterozoic Belts; 4–Palaeoproterozoic belts; 5–Archaean cratons. b)
Simplified geological map of central, southern Africa. Box locates the Chongwe River area. Abbreviations the same as
Fig1 except: CFB–Cape Fold Belt; Chi.–Chipata Terrane; CI–Chewore Inliers; CR–Chowe River area; D–Damara Belt;
I–Irumide Belt; K–Kibaran Belt; L–Limpopo Belt; LK–Lake Kariba; Lu. Luangwa Terrane; LUF–Lufilian Belt;
MG–Makuti Group; MO–Mozambique Belt; NA–Namaqua Belt; NL–Natal Belt; Ny. Nyimba Terrane; P-S–Petauke-
Sinda Terrane; TC–Tanzanian Craton; U–Ubendian Belt; ZAM–Zambezi Belt; ZC–Zimbabwe Craton.


Figure 3. Pressure-Temperature diagram showing the PTt evolution of a) samples from the Chongwe
River area and b) from the Zambezi Belt. Abbreviations: And–Andalusite; chl–chlorite; C.I–Chewore
Inliers; g–gedrite; ky–kyanite; qtz–quartz; Sill–sillimanite; tlc–talc.


Figure 4. Concordia plots of SHRIMP U-Pb data for samples C6, C7, C9 and SJ124. SHRIMP data is
listed in Table 2. Cathodoluminescence images of zircons from samples C6, C7, C9 and SJ124 showing
newly grown metamorphic rims surrounding inherited igneous cores.


Figure 5. Cartoon showing the tectonic evolution and assembly history of the southern African cratons at a)
570 Ma and b) 530 Ma. Abbreviations as previous except: Az–Azania; EH–Ellsworth-Haag; FI–Falkland
Islands; G–Grunehogna; LB–Lurio Belt; L-V–Lurio-Vijayan Peninsula; M-C SZ–Mwembeshi-Chimaliro
Shear Zone; SF–Sao Fransisco; SIB–Southern Irumide Belt; WCB–West Congo Belt.

Table 1. Summary of Pressure-Temperature estimates for the Chongwe River area samples.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sample Gnt+Bt Bt+Musc Gnt+Amph Gnt+Bt GASP GASP Gnt+Amph Gnt+Plag Gnt+Plag Gnt+Plag
(Analysis) +Plag +Plag +Musc+Qtz +Musc+Bt +Musc+Bt

A 675 11.5
B 675 750 11 16 15 12

A 725 12 12 12
B 775 15 15 15


A 775 12.5 12.5 12.5

B 775 12.5 13 12.5

C 725 12 12 12


A 750 19 20 19
B 750 18 19 18

A 725 9.5 9.5 10

A 725 12 11 12

A 600 18 14 14 16 16.5 16.5
675 20 15.5 15.5 18 19 18

A 775 15.5 15.5 15.5
B 760 13.5 14 14
C 775 14 14.5 14.5

A 760 14 16 15
B 800 17 19 18.5

C 760 15 17 16

1 Ferry and Spear with Bermann 1990 6 Hodges and Crowley 1985
2 Wu, Pan and Wang 2002 7 Kohn and Spear 1989 Tscherm-Fe and Mg model
3 Graham and Powell 1984 8 Hodges and Crowley 1985
4 Hoisch 1990 R1 and R2 9 Hoisch 1990 Fe end member-R6
5 Ganguly and Saxena 1984 10 Hoisch 1990 Mg end member-R5

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