Risk Assessment - Updated - 25june19

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Supplier Name: PMM-JO


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CSTS Document No: 870310-S-1206327-CST-S99-0004

Company Project Document Number

PO Number SDR Code Seq. No
TEP - 1206327 - S99 - 0004

Project HSSE Risk Assessment
Review Legend
Document is accepted as Final. Supplier shall proceed with manufacture. Any changes to the document shall require
resubmission to Company.
Signifies general acceptance of both quality and content of the document but with minor points to be amended by Supplier.
CODE B Providing that the comments are incorporated, Supplier may continue with manufacture pending full acceptance. A revised copy
shall be returned for final acceptance.
The quality and content are considered by Company to be non-compliant and/or unfit for purpose. Such documents shall be
CODE C reviewed by Supplier to take note of the reasons for rejection and revise them accordingly. The revised document(s) shall then
be resubmitted.
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Code E documents given Code 4 status may be required to be included in a data manual, which will be subject to a collective review
and subject at that time to Company approval. No further action required at time of submission.

Comments Summary

Issue Record

26 Juni 2019 R – Submit for Review Supriyanto Adam Ikhsan

Company Supp
Date Reason for Issue Prepared Checked Approved
Rev No Rev
The document consists of this front sheet plus 28 pages.
Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
PMM-JO – Risk Assessment

Table of Contents
1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 3
1.1 Project Overview ......................................................................................................................................... 3
1.2 SUBCONTRACTOR Scope of Work ............................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Purpose ........................................................................................................................................................ 5

2 Project Description ..................................................................................................... 6

3 Steel Structure Erection Activities ............................................................................... 6
4 Symbols, Abbreviations and Definitions ...................................................................... 9
5 Codes and Standards................................................................................................. 10
6 Responsibilities ......................................................................................................... 11
6.1 Project Manager ........................................................................................................................................ 11
6.2 Site Manager ............................................................................................................................................. 11
6.3 HSSE Lead .................................................................................................................................................. 11
6.4 Construction Manager ............................................................................................................................... 12
6.5 HSSE Supervisor ......................................................................................................................................... 12
6.6 HSSE Officer ............................................................................................................................................... 12
6.7 Paramedic .................................................................................................................................................. 12
6.8 Erection Supervisor.................................................................................................................................... 13
6.9 Erection Worker ........................................................................................................................................ 13
6.10 Manlift Operator ....................................................................................................................................... 13

7 Journey Management Plan ........................................................................................ 13

8 Sequence of Loading Material to Trailer .................................................................... 14
9 Sequences of Steel Structure Erection ....................................................................... 16
10 Bolting and Tightening .............................................................................................. 21
11 Bolting and Tightening Night Works .......................................................................... 21
12 SIMOPS Matrix for Train-3 ........................................................................................ 24
List of Appendix ................................................................................................................. 25
Appendix 1 – Risk Assessment Workshop (16 October2018) ................................................................................ 25
Appendix 2 – Risk Matrix ....................................................................................................................................... 26
Appendix 3 –Risk Assessment Workshop (16 December 2018) ........................................................................... 27
Appendix 4 –Risk Assessment Workshop (17 April 2019) .................................................................................... 28

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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
PMM-JO – Risk Assessment

Revision History
Amendment Revision Amender Name Amendment
Date Number
26 June 2018 01 Supriyanto  Combined and updated risk assessment table,
updated standard control measure (preventive
maintenance program, adequate break time, using
radio during night shift, lighting and illumination
minimum limit, no opening creating during night shift,
assign drop object champion, tools lanyards, all of
opening shall be hard barricade and sign, proper
access and egress, proper lifting equipment (gin
wheel and canvas bag with limit 25 kg, initial risk and
residual risk.

Related documents
Document number Document name
TEP-930-SPE-HS-BP4-0001 Project HSSE Requirements for Subcontractors and Vendors
TEP-930-PLA-HS-BP4-0003_B01 HSSE Plan
TEP-930-PRC-HS-BP4-0009 Construction HSSE Plan
TEP-930-PRC-HS-BP4-0028 HSSE Risk Assessment Procedures
TEP-930-RPT-HS-BP4-0061 Project HSSE Risk Assessment
870310-S-1206327-CST-S02-0001 HSSE Plan
870310-S-1206327-CST-S01-0001 Environmental Management Plan
870310-S-1205921-CST-S99-0007 Hot Work Procedure
870310-S-1205921-CST-S99-0001 HSSE Training Plan
870310-S-1206327-CST-G01-0054 Method Statement of General Pipe Racks Erection

1 Introduction

1.1 Project Overview

BP Berau Ltd., hereafter known as COMPANY, is the operator of Tangguh LNG, some two trains natural
gas (NG) liquefaction facility in Bintuni Bay, Papua, Indonesia. The facility includes associated onshore
infrastructure, two offshore platforms, pipelines and twelve wells. These facilities are the Trains 1 and 2
developments at Tangguh.
BP Berau Ltd., selanjutnya dikenal sebagai COMPANY, adalah operator Tangguh LNG, dua train gas alam
(NG) di Teluk Bintuni, Papua, Indonesia. Fasilitas ini mencakup infrastruktur darat terkait, dua anjungan
lepas pantai, jaringan pipa dan dua belas sumur. Fasilitas-fasilitas ini adalah pengembangan dari Train
1 dan 2 di Tangguh.
COMPANY has initiated the Tangguh Expansion Project to commercialise the incremental resource into
high margin gas markets based on a single LNG (liquefied natural gas) train expansion (Train 3).

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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
PMM-JO – Risk Assessment

COMPANY telah memprakarsai Tangguh Expansion Project untuk mengkomersialkan sumber daya
tambahan ke pasar gas ber-margin tinggi berdasarkan pada ekspansi Train LNG (gas alam cair) (Train 3).
Tangguh Expansion Project will consist of new offshore facilities, including wellhead platforms and
pipelines, and onshore development on the existing Tangguh brownfield site. The new onshore facilities
will include one additional natural gas liquefaction train of a similar design and capacity to the existing
trains, an onshore receiving facility (ORF), new LNG and condensate loading berth, additional boil off gas
(BOG) recovery, utilities, flares and the infrastructure to support logistics and the associated increase in
the temporary and permanent workforce.
Tangguh Expansion Project akan terdiri dari fasilitas lepas pantai baru, termasuk anjungan wellhead dan
jaringan pipa, dan pengembangan di darat di lokasi brownfield Tangguh yang ada. Fasilitas darat yang
baru akan mencakup satu train pencairan gas alam tambahan dari desain dan kapasitas yang sama
dengan train yang telah ada, fasilitas penerima darat (ORF), tempat pemuatan LNG dan kondensat baru,
penambahan gas boil off gas (BOG) tambahan, utilitas, flare dan infrastruktur untuk mendukung logistik
dan peningkatan tenaga kerja sementara dan permanen yang terkait.
The Tangguh Expansion Project comprises of the following new facilities:
• [New] Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF)
• [New] LNG Train 3
• [New] Condensate Stabilization Train 3
• [New/Inter connection] Plant Utility Facilities
• [New] LNG Loading System
• [New] Condensate Loading System
• [Expansion] Integrated Control and Safety System (ICSS)
• [Expansion] Telecommunication System
• [New] Trestle Jetty Structure
• [Expansion] Onshore Infrastructure
• Hazardous and Non-hazardous Waste Management System
Tangguh Expansion Project terdiri atas fasilitas-fasilitas baru sebagai berikut:
• [Baru] Fasilitas penerima darat (ORF)
• [Baru] LNG Train 3
• [Baru] Condensate Stabilization Train 3
• [Baru / Koneksi dengan eksisting] Plant Utility Facilities
• [Baru] LNG Loading System
• [Baru] Sistem pembebanan kondensat
• [Ekspansi] Sistem kontrol dan keamanan yang terintegrasi
• [Ekspansi] Sistem telekomunikasi
• [Baru] Struktur trestle jetty.
• [Ekspansi] Infrastruktur darat.
• Sistem managemen limbah berbahaya dan tidak berbahaya.

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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
PMM-JO – Risk Assessment

1.2 SUBCONTRACTOR Scope of Work

PT. Promix, MKE and Mucoindo Join Operation (PMMJO) hereafter known as SUBCONTRACTOR has
been awarded by CONTRACTOR (incorporated Joint Operation established by Chiyoda Corporation, PT.
Chiyoda International Indonesia, PT. Saipem Indonesia, PT. Tripatra Engineers and Constructors, PT.
Tripatra Engineering, PT. Suluh Ardhi Engineering hereinafter called “CSTS”) to execute Steel Structure
Work on Train, Utility and ORF Area for LNG Train 3 Facility.
PT. Promix, MKE dan Mucoindo Joint Operation (PMMJO) selanjutnya disebut SUCONTRACTOR telah
dianugerahkan oleh CONTRACTOR (Join Operasi yang didirikan oleh Korporasi Chiyoda, PT. Chiyoda
Indonesia International, PT. Saipem Indonesia, PT. Tripatra Engineers and Constructor, PT. Tripatra
Engineering, PT. Suluh Adi Engineering setelah ini disebut “CSTS”) untuk melaksanakan Ereksi Struktur
Baja di daerah Train, Utilitas dan ORF untuk faasilitas LNG Train 3.

1.3 Scope
This document defines Hazards and Risks associated with carrying out Steel Structure Erection WORK,
this is a supporting document for method statement Pipe Rack 093-PRK-31002 Block 2.1, 1.1, 2.2. It is
a live document and shall be updated as required including Health Risk Management. The scope of work
for the Steel Structure Erection Work are as follow:
 Offloading steel structure material at Laydown Area.
 Inland Transport Steel Structure Material from Lay Down Area to Installation Location
 Foundation survey, chipping & padding installation
 Installation of steel structure (pipe rack, equipment structure, operating platform, grating,
 Minor repair and modification of steel structure (on some conditions).
 Grouting and Levelling Work.
 Touch-Up Painting.
Dokumen ini menjelaskan bahaya dan resiko yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan pekerjaan pemasangan
struktur baja, ini dokumen pendukung untuk Metode kerja pipe rack 093-PRK-31002 Block 2.1, 1.1, 2.2.
Dokumen ini berlaku dan harus di update sesuai yang diperlukan termasuk pengelolaan resiko kesehatan.
Ruang lingkup untuk pekerjaan pemasangan struktur baja sebagai berikut:
 Pembongkaran material struktur baja di area laydown
 Pengangkutan material struktur baja dari laydown ke lokasi pemasangan
 Survey pondasi, pembetelan beton
 Pemasangan struktur baja (rak pipa, struktur peralatan, lantai kerja operasi, grating, tangga)
 Pekerjaan grouting dan perataan
 Pengecatan dengan tangan

1.4 Purpose
This document is to ensure that risk to personnel, plant, equipment in form of assets and environment
relevant to Steel Structure Erection Work are within tolerable level. The main purpose of this document
are as follows:
 Identifying and listing Hazards and Risks during steel structure erection work.
 Define accountabilities of each personnel involved.

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Tangguh Expansion Project – LNG EPC
PMM-JO – Risk Assessment

 Identifying where and when this document will be applied.

 Outline general approach to be followed for risk assessment.
Dokumen ini untuk memastikan resiko ke pekerja, plant, peralatan dalam bentuk asset dan lingkungan
yang relevan untuk pekerjaan pemasangan struktur baja didalam tingkat yang bisa diterima. Tujuan
utama dokumen ini adalah sebagai berikut :
 Mengidentifikasi dan mendaftar bahaya dan resiko selama pekerjaan pemasangan struktur baja.
 Mendefinisikan akuntabilitas masing-masing personil yang terlibat.
 Mendefinisikan dimana dan kapan dokumen ini diterapkan
 Pendekatan umum secara garis besar yang harus diikuti untuk penilaian resiko

2 Project Description
The PROJECT site map is presented in Figure 1 below. The existing Tangguh LNG Plant SITE is at
Tanah Merah, approximately 4.5 km northeast of the Sayengga River, near the confluence of
Berau and Bintuni Bays, on the South Shore. The facility is mainly surrounded by plantation.
The nearest populated area os the Tanah Merah Baru Village in Teluk Bintuni on the southwest
side of the SITE, which is about 800 m from the existing shore base camp SITE of the Tangguh
Figure 1 - Project Site Map

3 Steel Structure Erection Activities

The general layout of the execution plan of Steel Structure work is presented in Figure 2.

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Figure 2 - General Execution Plan

Figure 3- Train 3 Layout Execution Plan

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Figure 4 - Laydown of steel structures

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PMM-JO – Risk Assessment

4 Symbols, Abbreviations and Definitions

Description Definition
Certificate Record, issued on the applicable predefined form, of the inspection results.
Trained, Experienced, Certified, and able to perform the allocated task to the
required standards in accordance to all applicable procedures, standards and
legislation, without direct supervision. A person (concerned with testing,
examination, certification of plant and equipment) who has the requisite
knowledge and experience both theoretical and practical of the material under
Competent Person examination to certify with confidence whether it is free from patent defect and
suitable in every way for duty which the material is required.
Person shall have the maturity to seek such specialist advice and assistance as
maybe to enable him to make necessary judgement of the extent which He can
accept or reject the supporting option of other specialist.
CONTRACTOR CSTS (PT Chiyoda International Indonesia, Chiyoda Corporation, PT Saipem
Indonesia, PT Tripatra Engineering, and PT Suluh Ardhi Engineering)
ELCB Earth-Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) is a safety device used in electrical
installations with high Earth impedance to prevent shock. It detects small stray
voltages on the metal enclosures of electrical equipment, and interrupts the
circuit if a dangerous voltage is detected.
JSA A Job Safety Analysis (JSA) is required for all medium and low risk work. The JSA
shall be task specific and prepared by the subcontractor execution the activity. The
JSA is based on the job steps described in the work method statement, the hazards
associated with the work identified and mitigation measures taken to keep the
hazards to ALARP. A JSA is a live document and shall be updated as work
Plant Shall means all materials, machinery, apparatus, supplies, property, and
equipment, (including all vessels) which is owned, rented, chartered, or operated,
by CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTOR for the purpose of performing the work
but not incorporated into the permanent work.
Permit to Work A formal and detailed document containing location, time, equipment to be
(PTW) System serviced, Hazard Identification, mitigation/ precaution measures used, identifying
persons authorizing the work and who is performing the work.
Risk Assessment HSSE Risk Assessment is an evaluation of a construction activity to identify and
assess the risks associated, rate the risk and apply necessary mitigation barriers to
control such risks to ALARP. This is done by determining whether identified risks
to safety, security, heath, and environment and assets are within acceptable levels
or not. All high risk activities shall be risk assessed in the planning phase prior
mobilization to site. These risk assessments shall be prepared by subcontractors,
provided for review to CONTRACTOR and approved for execution.
Site SITE” shall mean the WORKSITE located at the Tangguh site, Bintuni Bay, West
Papua, Indonesia at which the permanent works are to be located.

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PMM-JO – Risk Assessment

SUBCONTRACTOR The unincorporated joint venture of PT Promix Prima Karya, PT Multi Karya
Engineering, and PT Mucoindo Prakasa.
Shall Mandatory
Should/May Discretional
Project Tangguh Expansion Project

Abbreviations Description
ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable
ELCB Earth-Leakage Circuit Breaker
JSA Job Safety Analysis
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
RFI/IN Request for Inspection/Inspection Notification
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
HSSE Health Safety Security Environment
MEWP Mobile Elevated Work Platform or used to be called Man Lift

5 Codes and Standards

SUBCONTRACTOR will follow and refer to all related CONTRACTOR procedures and ensure compliance
with all applicable national laws and regulations throughout the performance of the contract.

TEP-930-SPE-HS-BP4-0001 Project HSSE Requirements for Subcontractors and Vendors
TEP-930-PLA-HS-BP4-0002 Contractor Control of Work for Greenfield
TEP-930-PLA-HS-BP4-0003 HSSE Plan
TEP-930-PRC-HS-BP4-0009 Construction HSSE Plan
TEP-930-PLA-HS-BP4-0025 Traffic Management Plan and Journey Risk Management Plan
TEP-930-PLA-EN-BP4-0059 Environmental Management Plan
TEP-930-PLA-HS-BP4-0004 Health Management Plan
TEP-930-PLA-HS-BP4-0013 Fire Prevention Plan
TEP-930-PRC-HS-BP4-0001 Safety Inspection Program-Construction Equipment
TEP-930-PRC-HS-BP4-0011 Barrier Management Procedure
TEP-930-PRC-HS-BP4-0012 Safety Behaviour Program
TEP-930-PRC-HS-BP4-0015 Compressed Gas Cylinder Procedure
TEP-930-PRC-HS_BP4-0019 Drop Object Prevention Procedure
TEP-930-PRC-HS-BP4-0024 Hazardous and Toxic Material Procedures
TEP-930-PRC-HS-BP4-0026 Hot Work Procedure
TEP-930-PRC-HS-BP4-0027 Housekeeping, Hygiene / Sanitation Procedure
TEP-930-PRC-HS-BP4-0032 Lifting Procedure
TEP-930-PRC-HS-BP4-0040 Rope Access Safety Procedure
TEP-930-PRC-HS-BP4-0028 HSSE Risk Assessment Procedure
TEP-930-RPT-HS-BP4-0061 Project HSSE Risk Assessment

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870310-S-1206327-CST-S02-0001 HSSE Plan
870310-S-1206327-CST-S01-0001 Environmental Management Plan
870310-S-1205921-CST-S01-0001 HSSE Training Plan
870310-S-1206327-CST-S99-0005 Emergency Preparedness Response Plan
870310-S-1206327-CST-S99-0004 Project HSSE Risk Assessment
870310-S-1206327-CST-S99-0003 Fall Prevention and Protection Program Procedure
870310-S-1206327-CST-S99-0007 Hot Work Procedure
870310-S-1206327-CST-S99-0002 Control Use of Plant Equipment Procedure

6 Responsibilities

6.1 Project Manager

The Project Manager is responsible to:
 Ensuring adequate and sufficient resources are provided for HSSE Risk Assessment activities.
 Approve HSSE Risk Assessment.
 Ensure implementation of risk mitigation by monitoring their implementation.

6.2 Site Manager

The Site Manager is responsible to:
 Liaison with HSSE Lead in the selection of the HSSE Risk Assessment team during engineering stage.
 Provide guidance and actively involved in the HSSE Risk Assessment meetings.
 Liaison with HSSE Lead in closing of HSSE Risk Assessment study finding which needs additional
 Liaison with HSSE Lead during the execution of HSSE Risk Assessment review.

6.3 HSSE Lead

The HSSE Lead is responsible to:
 Liaison with Site Manager and Construction Manager in the selection of the HSSE Risk Assessment
team during engineering stage.
 Identify appropriate members of the HSSE Risk Assessment team.
 Select the appropriate HSSE Risk Assessment methodology and ensure alignment with
CONTRACTOR requirements and procedure.
 Liaison with Site Manager in closing of HSSE Risk Assessment study finding which need additional
 Liaison with Site Manager during the execution of HSSE Risk Assessment review.
 Provide support to Technical / Construction Manager / Site Manager in collecting and distributing
relevant information for HSSE Risk Assessment.
 Liaison with HSSE CONTRACTOR regarding HSSE Risk Assessment review and approval as part of the
Go/No Go document requirement.

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 Liaison with HSE Supervisors and Officer in conducting workshops at SITE prior work executions as
part of socialization and understanding the Risk Assessment to all relevant site workers involved.
 Ensure Risk Assessment is properly implemented at site.
 Ensure effective close-out actions are developed.

6.4 Construction Manager

Construction Manager is responsible to:
 Ensure implementation of HSSE procedures for construction phase.
 Ensure implementation in every aspects and every phase of the Risk Assessment during
construction stage.
 Liaison with Site Manager and HSSE Lead in closing of HSSE Risk Assessment study finding which
need additional resources.
 Ensure close out actions are properly addressed and implemented.
 Liaison with Site Manager and HSSE Lead in the implementation of the program.

6.5 HSSE Supervisor

HSSE Supervisor is responsible to:
 Assist HSSE Lead and ensure workshop of Risk Assessments are conducted and properly socialized
to all level of worker involved.
 Ensure implementation in every aspects and every phase of the Risk Assessment during
construction stage.
 Monitoring the effective implementation of the Permit to Work system.

6.6 HSSE Officer

HSSE Officer is responsible to:
 Assist HSSE Lead and ensure workshop of Risk Assessments are conducted and properly socialized
to all level of worker involved.
 Ensure implementation in every aspects and every phase of the Risk Assessment during
construction stage.
 Monitoring the effective implementation of the Permit to Work system.

6.7 Paramedic
Paramedic is responsible to:
 Making sure medical equipment are in suitable and sufficient and always in ready to use condition
also complied to related regulation.
 Managing a number of severe injuries and trauma events including up to 24 hours stabilizing
patients on-site with local medical providers.
 Responsible to ensure all workers involved in day shift and night shift work is fit for purpose by
ensuring all required basic physical parameter is fulfilled.
 Being involved in decisions on medical evacuations.
 Evaluate the patient’s condition on the scene and perform preliminary diagnosis.
 Attend to injuries or sudden illnesses by applying a variety of pre-hospital simple and advanced
treatments (First Aid, CPR, Administering Injections and Oxygen, etc.).
 Monitor patient’s condition in route to the CONTRACTOR’s clinic.
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PMM-JO – Risk Assessment

 Write and submit accurate reports on incidents.

 Adhere to established medical protocols and procedures as well as legal guidelines and health and
safety standards.
 Ensure the doctor and advised of details of the injured or ill person if the person is to be MEDEVAC
from work place to nearest clinic.

6.8 Erection Supervisor

 Responsible to ensure and direct workers who working at day and night shift is working as planned
and coordinated.

6.9 Erection Worker

 Responsible to conduct erection work at night (bolt tightening work) in safely manner, prudent, and
high level of alert. Erector shall directly report to supervisor whenever they have sign of over fatigue
of them self. Unless it is permitted by Erection Supervisor, Paramedic, HSE personnel they are not
allowed to continue the works.

6.10 Manlift Operator

 Responsible to operate manlift to support bolt tightening work in safely manner, prudent, and high
level of alert. Manlift Operator shall directly report to supervisor whenever they have sign of over
fatigue of them self. Unless it is permitted by Erection Supervisor and Paramedic, they are not
allowed to continue the works.

7 Journey Management Plan

Journey management plan to transport material from loading area at Laydown to working area at
Train-3 and Utility area is shown in following figures.
Figure 5 – Journey management plan from Laydown area to Train-3

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Figure 6 - Journey management plan from Laydown area to Utility area

8 Sequence of Loading Material to Trailer

Figure 7 – Sequence of loading material to trailer at Laydown area

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Figure 8 – Sequence of material unloading from trailer to working area (Train-3, Utility and ORF)

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PMM-JO – Risk Assessment

9 Sequences of Steel Structure Erection

Erection work is possible to carried out with 4 (four) options regarding to work method which consist of:
 Option 1: Stick build method with column to be assembled on ground.
 Option 2: Stick build method with column to be assembled at height.
 Option 3: Portal method
 Option 4: Stick build method, similar with Option 2, only with different sequence in column

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These 4 options is applicable to erect all pipe rack in general. Option to be executed depends on site
condition and material availability. Executed option shall be the most optimum method which give the
highest benefit to erection progress. Detail for each option is described hereinafter.

Detailed sequence shall only refer to SUBCONTRACTOR document 870310-S-1206327-CST-G01-0054

Method Statement of General Pipe Racks Erection. The following figures only to describe the basic and
first 8 days sequence of one (1) of four (4) approaching methods (options) which is the option 4 Stick
build member (first level or lower level single structure beam installed then lifting the upper single
structure beam) as follow:

Figure 9 – Day 1 (One) Stick build member option

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Figure 10 - Day 2 (Two) Stick build member option

Figure 11 - Day 3 (Three) Stick build member option

Position of crawler crane and manlift are switched Add 1 manlift (outside of backfilled area)

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Figure 12- Day 4 (Four) Stick build member option

Move out 55T CC, Shift Manlift position, Do Reposition the 55T CC
Plumbness Check

Figure 13- Day 5 (Five) Stick build member option

Add 1 manlift (outside of backfilled area) Positions of CC & Manlift are

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Figure 14 - Day 6 (Six) Stick build member option

Add 1 manlift (outside of
backfilled area)

Figure 15 - Day 7 (Seven) Stick build member option

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Figure 16- Day 8 (Eight) Stick build member option

Move out 55T CC, Shift Manlift position, Do Reposition the 55T CC
Plumbness Check

10 Bolting and Tightening

Following methods should be carried out for bolt tightening works:
 Contact surfaces, including splice plate, must be free of dirt, grease, rust, etc.
 Bolt tightening works should not be carried out in rainy conditions.
 Bolts should stand out from the surface of the nut when tightened (minimum 3 threads exposed).
 Each bolt should be tightened refer to table for size and type of bolt.
 Bolts and nuts should be tightened with an impact wrench with the method of the nut being

11 Bolting and Tightening Night Works

Specific manpower which planned to be involved in bolt tightening work at night for each working day is
shown in following table. Manpower which listed in following table will be assigned day to day at the
field during night shift work.

Night shift Bolt and Tightening preparation work:

 Job Safety Analysis (JSA) shall be submitted and approved by COMPANY prior to commencing
night shift work.
 Prepare and check working area. Ensure the ground for manlift position has adequate capacity
to withstand the load of manlift during operation.

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PMM-JO – Risk Assessment

 Ensure steel plate is already installed on manlift track.

 Ensure the generator for lighting is ready and so does the fuel.
 Ensure manlift lighting system is working properly.
 Paramedic to check basic physical condition of workers (in proportional random basis, not all
workers) which will be involved in night shift. Un fit workers are not allowed to work (including
workers which shown the sign of fatigue).
 Running up all lighting system, ensure all working area is covered by proper intensity. Lighting
with too high intensity is prohibited and so does with low intensity lighting. Supervisor to
assess the lighting system prior to commencing the work to ensure the lighting is proper and
convenience for his team to work.
 Ensure no glare in lighting system.
 Conduct tool box meeting prior to commence work at night shift, to ensure all the workers
involved in night shift is aware with all potential hazard which inherent with night shift

Night shift Bolt and Tightening work:

 Bolt and tightening work procedure is as describe in this document (TEP-1206327-G01-0054
Method Statement of General Pipe Rack Erection Rev.02 Code B Chapter 7.2.4) which also
referring to Bolt Technical bolting and tightening work which will be conducted during night
shift is similar with bolting and tightening work at day shift. Tightening Procedure (870310-S-
 Technical bolting and tightening work which will be conducted during night shift is similar with
bolting and tightening work at day shift.

Below illustration will describe the planned lighting layout/mapping at Train-3:

Figure 17- Lighting Layout Plan at Train-3

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Below illustration will describe the planned lighting Loading and Unloading at Train-3:

Figure 18- Lighting Layout Plan for Loading Unloading at Train-3

Figure 19- Lighting Layout Plan For Workshop at New Laydown

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12 SIMOPS Matrix for Train-3

Heavy equipment list for Steel Erection utilization. Any lifting activity is not recommended to be done at
night shift.
NO Equipment ID-Number Utilization
1 Crawler Crane 55 Ton PMM-CC055-001 Erection
2 Man Lift PMM-BL24-002 Erection
3 Man Lift PMM-BL18-002 Erection
4 Trailer PMM-TR040-001 Material Transport
5 Trailer PMM-TR040-002 Material Transport
6 Telehandler PMM-TH04-001 Crane Mat Setup

Figure 20 – Steel Structure Erection Work – Train-3 – SIMOPS Matrix

This SIMOPS shall always be attached to the Permit to Work of Steel Structure Erection dan Lifting
Structures, Loading and Unloading structures at Train-3. SIMOPS is designed to ensure no activity
overlaps with one another, especially during operation of heavy equipment, material placement and
assignment of workers' positions on site. SIMOPS is made with the assumption that other
SUBCONTRACTOR works outside the PMMJO's work has been completed and/or is at a safe distance
from PMMJO's internal work.

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List of Appendix

Appendix 1 – Risk Assessment Workshop (16 October2018)

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Appendix 2 – Risk Matrix

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Appendix 3 –Risk Assessment Workshop (16 December 2018)

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Appendix 4 –Risk Assessment Workshop (17 April 2019)

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