The Influence of Heat Treatment On The High-Stress Abrasion Resistance and Fracture Toughness of Alloy White Cast Irons

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The Influence of Heat Treatment

on the High-Stress Abrasion Resistance

and Fracture Toughness of Alloy White Cast Irons

The influence of a range of austenitizing and subcritical (tempering) heat treatments on the
high-stress abrasion resistance and fracture toughness of four commercially significant grades
of alloy white cast iron was investigated. Complementing an earlier study m on the influence of
a more limited range of heat treatments on the gouging abrasion performance of the same alloys,
the results showed that the effect of austenitizing temperature on high-stress abrasion pin test
weight loss differed for each alloy. With increasing austenitizing temperature, these results ranged
from a substantial improvement in wear performance and retention of hardness through to vir-
tually no change in wear performance and substantial falls in hardness. Fracture toughness,
however, increased markedly in all alloys with increasing austenitizing temperature. Tempering
treatments in the range 400 ~ to 600 ~ following hardening at the austenitizing temperature
used commonly in industrial practice for each alloy, produced significant changes in both hard-
ness and wear performance, but negligible changes in fracture toughness. Most importantly, the
data showed that selection of the correct temperature for subcritical heat treatment to reduce
the retained austenite content for applications involving repeated impact loading is critical if
abrasion resistance is not to suffer.

I. INTRODUCTION the lowest volume loss in a CrMoCu 20.2.1 type of alloy

occurred in samples tempered for 3 hours at 500 ~ after
IN a recent article, the authors reported the results of standard hardening at 1000 ~ although the retained
a study of the effect of heat treatment on the gouging
austenite content was, inexplicably, still 40 pct. In related
abrasion resistance of a series of alloy white cast irons. Iu
work on the same alloy, using a high-stress abrasion pin
The alloy compositions selected for the study were four
test on garnet, Zum Gahr and Eldis t81 showed slight de-
of the widely used grades from the ASTM standard for
terioration with tempering the hardened structure at
abrasion-resistant cast irons. I21 It was shown that optimal
500 ~ for short times, and slight improvement when
gouging abrasion resistance was exhibited at inter-
tempering times in excess of 10 hours were employed.
mediate levels of retained austenite, the position of the
In all instances, the change in hardness with tempering
minimum in gouging abrasion weight loss vs retained
at 500 ~ was minimal. The principal beneficial effect
austenite content depending on alloy composition. Of
of the subcritical heat treatment was seen as being the
particular note was the observation that subcritieal heat
reduction in the amount of retained austenite. Contrast-
treatment at 500 ~ following hardening at the conven-
ing with these published results, however, is a study by
tionally used austenitizing temperature for each alloy,
Blickensderfer et al.,[6l which reported pin test results
which is commonly utilized to reduce the austenite con-
after subcritical heat treatment of alloy white cast irons
tent to very low levels in order to improve spalling re-
sistance under conditions of repetitive loading, 13 6] caused at temperatures in the range 450 ~ to 540 ~ They found
the best abrasion resistance in alloys that had not been
a significant fall in both hardness and gouging abrasion
resistance. The undesirable effects of subcritical heat tempered after hardening and that contained retained
austenite contents of 20 pct or more, with the amount of
treatment at 500 ~ were attributed to the loss of me-
wear increasing as the martensitic matrix became in-
chanical strength of the matrix, and therefore its inability
to provide adequate support to the eutectic carbides as a creasingly tempered. The greatest wear occurred in alloys
containing less than 5 pct retained austenite.
result of the reduction in the carbon content of the mar-
tensite caused by secondary carbide precipitation. Because of the industrial importance of alloy white
There have been very few investigations that have ad- cast irons, and the necessity to develop optimal heat
treatments for the various applications in which they are
dressed "pure" abrasion resistance (in the absence of any
utilized, this further study was undertaken to clarify some
repeated impact loading) following subcritical heat treat-
of the essential features of the response of alloy white
ment. Those that do exist have generally reported no
deleterious effect. Zum Gahr and Doane, 171using a low- irons to heat treatment. The earlier work of the authors III
used a jaw crusher test to evaluate the gouging abrasion
stress abrasion, wet sand rubber wheel test, found that
resistance of the materials under study. These results
provided data of relevance to applications involving both
I.R. SARE, Assistant Chief, and B.K. ARNOLD, Experimental
abrasion and repetitive loading. In the present work, the
Scientist, are with CSIRO Division of Manufacturing Technology, more widely used high-stress abrasion pin test was em-
Woodville, South Australia 5011, Australia. ployed to evaluate the influence of the same heat treat-
Manuscript submitted November 17, 1994. ments on the wear performance of the various alloys,


and to assess the effect of tempering temperature. In ad- The test plate castings were ground to a thickness of ap-
dition, fracture toughness tests were undertaken to pro- proximately 12 mm, and the crack-initiating notch and
vide a complementary measure of the influence of crack-guiding groove were prepared by electrodischarge
tempering treatments. machining. Tests were performed on a computer-
controlled universal testing machine with the ram speed
II. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE selected to give a crack velocity of the order of 1 mm
A. Test Materials s -~. The mean crack propagation load was determined
from the load-displacement trace in order to permit cal-
The study utilized samples taken from worn jaw plate culation of Klc.
castings used in the previous investigation, Ill as well as
new experimental heats of the same nominal white iron
alloys induction melted and cast into CO2-sodium
silicate-bonded sand molds for the production of fracture
toughness test plates of dimensions 170 • 55 x 14 mm. A. Hardness Data
The chemical compositions of the test materials are sum-
Table V shows the mean hardness data (HV30) on the
marized in Table I.
jaw plate castings reproduced from Sare and Arnold t~
The castings were heat-treated in an electrical muffle
for each alloy type in the as-cast condition, after aus-
furnace and then ground to remove any decarburized layer
tenitizing at different temperatures, and after subcritical
present on the surface after heat treatment. The castings
heat treatment at 500 ~ following hardening at the aus-
were tested as follows: (1) in the as-cast condition;
tenitizing temperature commonly used in industrial prac-
(2) after austenitizing followed by air cooling; (3) after
tice. In the present work, a more detailed investigation
austenitizing, air cooling, subcritical tempering, and air
was made of the effect of subcritical heat-treatment tem-
cooling again. Details of the heat-treatment schedule are
perature in the range 400 ~ to 600 ~ and the tem-
summarized in Tables II through IV.
pering response of each alloy was found to vary
B. Wear Tests significantly (Table VI and Figure 1). Alloy CrMo 15.3
exhibited a weak secondary hardening peak at 550 ~
Samples for high-stress abrasion testing were prepared while the temperature for the onset of softening ranged
as 6.35-mm-diameter pins obtained by electrodischarge from 500 ~ in alloy Cr 27, to 525 ~ in alloys NiCr 4
machining from worn jaw plate castings from the pre- and CrMoCu 20.2.1, to approximately 550 ~ in alloy
vious work, tq and from blocks cut from jaw plate cast- CrMo 15.3. These data are somewhat at variance with
ings that were subsequently tempered. High-stress abrasion those reported in the earlier study m for the jaw crusher
tests were conducted using a pin-on-table apparatus based plate castings subcritically heat-treated just at 500 ~
on the method outlined by Muscara and Sinnott. t91 Each for which alloys Cr 27, CrMoCu 20.2.1, and NiCr 4 all
test involved rotating a pin at 20 rpm under a dead load exhibited softening (Table V).
of 6.8 kg and traversing it across 120-grit garnet abrasive
cloth at a speed of 2.54 m per minute over a test distance
of 12.9 m. The mean weight loss was determined from B. Wear Test Results
five tests per pin. The data were normalized to the mean
Results of the high-stress abrasion pin tests on the alloys
weight loss of a carbon steel reference pin, which was
austenitized at different temperatures are summarized in
abraded over a distance of 2.25 m on one side of the
Table V and in Figure 2. The data show similar trends
abrasive cloth for each test specimen.
to the earlier jaw crusher gouging abrasion test results, m
C. Fracture Toughness Tests especially in respect to the strongly negative influence
of the subcritical heat treatment at 500 ~ after hardening
Fracture toughness values were determined using the for alloys Cr 27, CrMoCu 20.2.1, and NiCr 4. The only
double torsion bend test developed by Murphy et al. l~~ significant differences in the weight-loss trends for the
pin tests compared with the jaw crusher tests were that
alloys CrMoCu 20.2.1 and NiCr 4 tended not to exhibit
Table I. Chemical Compositions of Test Materials a deterioration in wear performance with increasing aus-
Composition (Wt Pct) tenitizing temperature. The overriding effect was, how-
ever, of similarity in the general trends between results
Alloy C Mn Si Ni Cr Mo Cu derived from the two tests. This is borne out by the strong
(a) Jaw plate castings* correlation coefficient of 0.93 obtained for the line of
Cr27 2.72 0.68 0.65 0.10 25.5 0.16 - - best fit when the jaw crusher gouging abrasion test re-
CrMo 15.3 3.32 0.93 0.88 0.15 16.5 2.47 - - sults were plotted against the high-stress pin test results
CrMoCu 20.2.1 2.62 0.69 1.44 0.20 19.7 2.00 1.04 (Figure 3).
NiCr 4 2.96 0.56 1.64 4.96 8.62 0.04 - - Figure 4 shows only a very weak linear relationship
(b) Fracture toughness test plate castings between hardness and pin test weight loss, with a cor-
Cr27 2.72 0.71 1.32 0.42 28.2 0.19 - - relation coefficient of - 0 . 4 2 . The poor correlation re-
CrMo 15.3 3.28 0.78 0.75 0.26 16.7 2.36 - - flects the inconsistent trends in hardness and high-stress
CrMoCu 20.2.1 2.55 0.54 0.54 0.55 18.8 1.88 0.98 abrasion pin weight loss with austenitizing temperature
NiCr4 2.90 0.56 2.07 4.88 8.68 in each alloy:
* A f t e r S a r e a n d A r n o l d J tl
(1) alloy Cr 2 7 - hardening by austenitizing at 1000 ~


Table II. Heat-Treatment Schedule for Jaw Plate Castings*

Austenitizing/Subcritical Heat-Treatment Conditions (~

Alloy As Cast 800 1000 1075 l 150 800/500 1000/500
Cr 27 ** N.A. ** ** ** N.A. **
CrMo 15.3 ** N.A. ** ** ** N.A. **
CrMoCu 20.2. l ** N.A. ** ** ** N.A. **
NiCr 4 ** ** ** ** N.A. ** N.A.
*After Sare and Arnold. I~
**Treatment done.
N.A. = not applicable. Austenitizing times: (1) all alloys except NiCr 4 - - 1 h at 1000 ~ 1.5 h at 1075 ~ and 1150 ~ and (2) NiCr
4-5 h at 800 ~ 2.5 h at 1000 ~ 1.5 h at 1075 ~ Subcritical heat-treatment time: 5 h.

Table III. Austenitizing Schedule for Fracture Toughness Test Plate Castings

Austenitizing Temperature (~
Alloy As Cast 850 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200
Cr 27 * N.A. * * * * N.A. *
CrMo 15.3 * N.A. * * * * N.A. *
CrMoCu 20.2.1 * N.A. * * * * N.A. *
NiCr 4 -- * * * * N.A. * N.A.
*Treatment done.
N.A. = not applicable. Austenitizing time: 2 h.

Table IV. Tempering Schedule for Fracture Toughness Test Plate Castings

Alloy Tempering Conditions (~

Cr 27 All castings tempered for 2 h at temperatures of 400 ~ 425 ~ 450 ~ 475 ~ 500 ~ 525 ~ 550 ~
CrMo 15.3 575 ~ and 600 ~ following austenitizing treatments: (1) 1000 ~ for alloys Cr 27, CrMo 15.3,
CrMoCu 20.2.1 CrMoCu 20.2.1 and (2) 800 ~ for alloy NiCr 4
NiCr 4
*The same tempering conditions were employed on blocks cut from the jaw plate castingsI~ prior to the extraction of pins for high-stress
abrasion testing.

Table V. Test Results for Different Austenitizing Treatments*

Test Results
Austenitizing/Subcritical Heat Treatment Temperature (~

As Cast 800 1000 1075 1150 800/500 1000/500

Weight Pct Weight Pct Weight Pct Weight Pct W e i g h t Pct W e i g h t Pct W e i g h t Pct
Alloy HV30 Loss y HV30 Loss 7 HV30 Loss 3' HV30 Loss 3' HV30 Loss 3' HV30 Loss 3' H V 3 0 Loss y

Cr 27 662 45.2 44 -- -- -- 780 50.4 16 781 33.5 21 802 36.1 24 -- 660 96.6 6
C r M o 15.3 564 21.2 75 -- -- -- 908 9.7 35 805 10.4 56 732 10.8 72 -- 900 13.7 9
20.2.1 574 36.5 66 -- 836 32.8 22 819 25.1 36 829 29.8 35 -- 611 77.2 4
NiCr 4 555 43.2 65 763 42.0 24 635 45.3 43 456 4t.2 72 673 96.4 6

*Hardness (HV30) and retained austenite (pct 7) data f f o m S a r e and Arnold3~]Mean high-stress abrasion pin test data ( w e i g h t l o s s ) i n milligrams.

was associated with a slight i n c r e a s e in w e i g h t loss c o m - h i g h e r a u s t e n i t i z i n g t e m p e r a t u r e s was associated with a

pared with the as-cast c o n d i t i o n , w h e r e a s a u s t e n i t i z i n g n e g l i g i b l e c h a n g e in w e i g h t loss;
at the h i g h e r t e m p e r a t u r e s p r o d u c e d a m a r k e d decrease (3) alloy C r M o C u 2 0 . 2 . 1 - - a u s t e n i t i z i n g at 1000 ~ again
in w e i g h t loss but n e g l i g i b l e c h a n g e s in h a r d n e s s ; p r o d u c e d a s u b s t a n t i a l h a r d n e s s increase c o m p a r e d with
(2) alloy C r M o 15.3 - - the s u b s t a n t i a l h a r d n e s s i n c r e a s e the as-cast state, b u t o n l y a slight decrease in w e i g h t
p r o d u c e d b y a u s t e n i t i z i n g at 1000 ~ was a c c o m p a n i e d loss; h i g h e r a u s t e n i t i z i n g t e m p e r a t u r e s c a u s e d o n l y small
b y a very s i g n i f i c a n t decrease in w e i g h t loss, while the c h a n g e s in b o t h h a r d n e s s a n d w e i g h t loss; a n d
m a r k e d loss in h a r d n e s s a r i s i n g f r o m the t r e a t m e n t s at (4) alloy N i C r 4 - - t h e r e were substantial c h a n g e s in


Table VI. T e s t Results for D i f f e r e n t T e m p e r i n g T r e a t m e n t s *

Test Results
Tempering Temperature (~

400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600

Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight Weight

Alloy HV30 Loss K~c HV30 Loss HV30 Loss HV30 Loss HV30 Loss Ktc HV30 Loss HV30 Loss HV30 Loss HV30 Loss Kic
Cr 27 772 71.9 28.5 729 52.8 819 52.3 742 54.7 752 37.4 27.2 722 62.6 579 97.3 532 99.3 494 107.1 27.6
CrMo 15.3 832 16.0 27.3 809 24.1 835 17.6 830 14.4 845 13.3 22.5 856 13.5 872 18.5 765 31.7 727 51.1 25.6
20.2.1 821 46.0 31.4 767 39.2 849 25.3 805 25.4 812 24.6 26.4 773 34.2 798 30.9 613 68.7 568 85.7 30.7
NiCr 4 735 55.1 27.8 711 58.7 731 59.2 727 64.2 734 66.6 21.2 673 75.3 683 69.1 615 91.8 604 87.8 23.8

*Mean high-stress abrasion pin test data (weight loss) in milligrams. Fracture toughness test data (Kit) in MN rn 3/2.

900 A
O 12
> 800 O
_ _ - 9
9g 10
9 9 IN
0.. 4
500 2
i i t i i i t t t
n I t I I I I I
400 425 450 475 500 525 550 575 600
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Tempering Temperature (~
Pin Weight Loss (mg)
Fig. l--Hardness (HV30) v s tempering temperature (~ Symbols:
O, Cr 27; A, CrMo 15.3; e , CrMoCu 20.2.1; and I , NiCr 4. Fig. 3 - - M e a n gouging abrasion jaw plate weight loss (g) v s mean
high-stress abrasion pin weight loss (mg). Symbols: O, Cr 27; &,
CrMo 15.3; O, CrMoCu 20,2.1; and I , NiCr 4.

90 %
80 90
70 80
r E
0 60 70
60 ~ 'J
.7= O
40 9 i" - 9 j . =i .7= 50
30 40
~ A-
II,,. 20 r-

10 A - - A 9 9 fl. 20
0 _ _ t _ l _ _ . t t t _ _ _ _
t t t t t t t t t
800 900 1000 1100 1200 0
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 100
Austenitizing Temperature (~
Hardness (HV30)
Fig. 2 - - M e a n high-stress abrasion pin weight loss (mg) v s austen-
itizing temperature (~ Data are also shown for each alloy in the as- Fig. 4 - - M e a n high-stress abrasion pin weight loss (rag) v s hardness
cast condition and after subcritical heat treatment at 500 ~ following (HV30) for alloys austenitized at different temperatures. Regions are
hardening at the lowest austenitizing temperature (termed double heat shown delineating alloys with predominantly austenitic and predom-
treatment). Symbols: O, Cr 27; &, CrMo 15.3; e , CrMoCu 20.2.1; inantly martensitic matrices. Symbols: O, Cr 27; &, CrMo 15.3; O,
and I , NiCr 4. CrMoCu 20.2.1 ; and I , NiCr 4.


hardness brought about by varying the austenitizing tem- weight loss was exhibited at intermediate levels of retained
perature, but very little change in weight loss. austenite content.
Regions delineating predominantly austenitic and mar- High-stress abrasion pin test results for each alloy as
tensitic matrices are also indicated in Figure 4. The three a function of tempering temperature in the range 400 to
data points in the predominantly martensitic region of 600 ~ are shown in Table VI and Figure 6. The results
the figure exhibiting very high weight losses are from show the following.
alloys Cr 27, CrMoCu 20.2.1, and NiCr 4 subcritically (1) Alloy Cr 27 exhibits a sharp minimum in weight loss
heat-treated at 500 ~ at 500 ~
Utilizing retained austenite data for the matrix deter- (2) Alloy CrMo 15.3 shows a shallow minimum at
mined in the earlier work r~l and summarized in Table V, 500 ~ to 525 ~ and a steadily increasing weight loss
Figure 5(a) shows the influence of retained austenite at higher temperatures.
content on the high-stress abrasion pin wear test results. (3) Alloy CrMoCu 20.2.1 has a minimum in weight loss
The mean weight-loss data were fitted by the quadratic in the temperature range 450 ~ to 500 ~ and sharply
relationship increasing values above 550 ~
(4) Alloy NiCr 4 tends to have a monotonically increas-
w = 82.08 - 2.293/+ 0.0223 ,2 (r = 0.67) ing weight loss over the entire temperature range.
where w = weight loss (mg) and 7 = percent retained The same high-stress abrasion pin test data plotted against
austenite. Substantially better fits were obtained for qua- hardness are shown in Figure 7. Unlike the poor relation-
dratic relationships fitted to the data for each alloy in- ship between hardness and weight loss for the alloys in
dividually, with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.75 the as-cast and austenitized conditions (Figure 4), there
to 0.99. The fitted curves for each of these relationships is a very good correlation (r -- - 0 . 9 3 ) between these
are shown in Figure 5(b). In all instances, the lowest

90 A 100
E 80 E
70 r
60 --I
.~ 60
9 9
9 40
30 e-
= 20 0. 20
i i i I J i ~ i
0 i i i i i
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 400 450 500 550 600

Retained Austenite Content, (%) Tempering Temperature (~

(a) Fig. 6--Mean high-stress abrasion pin weight loss (mg) v s tempering
temperature (~ Symbols: O, Cr 27; A, CrMo 15.3; 0, CrMoCu
20.2.1; and m, NiCr 4.
E 120
~ 60 100
.~ 50 E
.-~ 40 r
N 30 60
a. 20
10 40
J k t t t t t i
o t-
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 20

Retained Austenite Content, (%)
400 500 600 700 800 900
Hardness (HV30)
Fig. 5--Mean high-stress abrasion pin weight loss (mg) v s retained
austenite content in the matrix (pct). (a) Quadratic relationship for Fig. 7--Mean high-stress abrasion pin weight loss (mg) v s hardness
total data set and (b) quadratic relationships for each alloy. Symbols: (HV30) for alloys tempered at different temperatures. Symbols: O,
O, Cr 27; A, CrMo 15.3; 0, CrMoCu 20.2.1; and m, NiCr 4. Cr 27; A, CrMo 15.3; 0, CrMoCu 20.2.1; and m, NiCr 4.


two properties with tempering temperature variations in and hardened at a single austenitizing temperature all
the range 400 ~ to 600 ~ showed better abrasion resistance against garnet than their
as-cast counterparts. The trend was reversed when an
C. Fracture-Toughness Results abrasive harder than the eutectic carbides (for example,
alumina and silicon carbide) was used, a phenomenon
The fracture-toughness test data are plotted in Figure 8 they attributed to the ability of higher hardness abrasives
as a function of austenitizing temperature. For each alloy to produce a high degree of strain hardening and/or strain-
(except NiCr 4, for which no result was obtained be- induced transformation of predominantly austenitic ma-
cause of a testing error), austenitizing at the lower tem- trices. In the present work, the composition and stability
peratures produced lower Klc values than those determined of the austenite in each alloy would have varied with
for the as-cast state, but with increasing austenitizing austenitizing temperature as a result of differing amounts
temperature, the Klc values increased substantially. There of carbon and chromium being retained in solution, tu
was little change in fracture toughness with tempering thereby allowing for the varying heat-treatment-
temperature, and the values for each alloy were similar, temperature response in each alloy.
as shown in Table VI. (2) In similar pin tests with garnet abrasive on a series
of alloy white irons approximating the compositions of
IV. DISCUSSION alloys CrMo 15.3 and CrMoCu 20.2.1 used in the pres-
ent work, Zum Gahr and Eldis 18] reported instances where
A. The Influence of Austenitizing Temperature the as-cast, predominantly austenitic alloy performed
slightly better than the hardened, predominantly mar-
1. High-stress abrasion resistance
tensitic alloy, instances where the reverse situation was
The changes in high-stress abrasion resistance with
true, and instances where there was negligible change.
austenitizing temperature exhibited similarities to the re-
They also showed, for alloy CrMoCu 20.2.1, that high-
sults of the gouging abrasion tests reported previously, lu
stress abrasion resistance deteriorated with increasing
as would be expected from the strong correlation ob-
austenitizing temperature, in contrast with the results of
tained between the data from the two tests (Figure 3).
the present study. However, in their case, the retained
Alloy Cr 27 deteriorated after a standard hardening treat-
austenite content increased much more substantially with
ment at 1000 ~ and then improved after heat treatment
austenitizing temperature, with a concomitant very sig-
at higher temperatures, while alloy CrMo 15.3 showed
nificant fall in hardness.
a major improvement after standard hardening with ef-
(3) In a more detailed evaluation of the mechanism of
fectively no change following higher temperature treat-
abrasion in alloy white irons similar to those used in the
ments. Some significant differences were also evident,
present study, Watson et al. 1~21found that, when tested
however. Alloy CrMoCu 20.2.1 exhibited a very modest
against garnet abrasive, alloys Cr 27 and NiCr 4 exhib-
improvement with standard hardening, a trend which
ited a deterioration in performance when hardened,
continued with higher temperature treatments, while alloy
whereas alloy CrMo 15.3 showed a significant improve-
NiCr 4 showed very little change in pin weight loss fol-
ment. The difference in behavior was explained on the
lowing any of the high-temperature austenitizing treat-
basis of the relative hardnesses of the eutectic carbide
ments. These apparently inconsistent trends fit with
and matrix phases in each alloy compared with the hard-
previously reported experience of results produced by the
ness of the abrasive, garnet.
high-stress abrasion pin test.
(4) In their pin tests on high-chromium white irons using
(1) Gundlach and Parks l~u found that white irons of garnet abrasive, Blickensderfer et al.[6] found that for an
compositions similar to those used in the present work alloy with 17.7 pct Cr and 1.1 pct Mo, hardening at
1010 ~ gave a very slight improvement in wear resis-
tance, while hardening at 1065 ~ gave a substantial de-
6O terioration. In a 28 pct Cr alloy, hardening at 1010 ~
yielded a substantial improvement in abrasion resistance
v 50 over that in the as-cast condition, but austenitizing at
higher temperatures gave a gradual deterioration.
| 40 "-
As cast 9
2. Fracture Toughness
The fracture toughness (Ktc) data for the as-cast and
~ 30
0 standard hardened conditions are substantially higher than
those reported previously.l~3 ~8] This discrepancy reflects
~ 20
-"1 the uncertainties that have been expressed recently about
.~ 10
the double torsion bend test for determining Kzc .l~9] De-
U- spite these uncertainties, however, the data presented in
Figure 8 do provide worthwhile information on the rel-
ative variation of toughness with heat treatment, even if
800 900 1000 1100 1200
the absolute values of Ktc are questionable. The in-
creases in toughness with increasing austenitizing tem-
Austenitizing Temperature (~ perature mirror the reports in some earlier work, t7'~3]
Fig. 8 - - F r a c t u r e toughness ( K l o MN m 3/2) vs austenitizing tem- although they extend the data to even higher tempera-
perature (~ Symbols: O, Cr 27; &, CrMo 15.3; 0 , CrMoCu 20.2.1; tures and to a greater range of alloy white iron compo-
and II, NiCr 4. sitions. The improvement in toughness with increasing


austenitizing temperature is almost certainly a conse- that the changes in properties after tempering at tem-
quence of the higher retained austenite contents ob- peratures in the vicinity of 500 ~ depend critically upon
tained, austenite having been shown previously to be of the precise composition, treatment temperature and time,
major benefit in improving fracture toughness in these and possibly section thickness.
types of materials. I7,13'141 Maratray and Poulalion t2~ have shown that the amount
Durman tl6J found that the beneficial influence of aus- of dissolved carbon in the austenite (as reflected in the
tenite on fracture toughness seemed only to be exerted retained austenite content) before subcritical heat treat-
at low carbon contents (less than approximately 1.5 pct), ment, and hence the Ms temperature of the initial struc-
where the eutectic carbide network was discontinuous ture, can be a major determinant of the tempering response
and where the formation of strain-induced martensite was and therefore the extent to which secondary hardening
observed to take place. In his work, the formation of takes place. They found that the likelihood of secondary
strain-induced martensite was only evident, however, in hardening, and the temperature of its peak, was greater
as-cast material; in austenite retained after high- at higher retained austenite contents. The same effect as-
temperature heat treatment, strain-induced martensite sists in explaining the tempering response within the
formation was restricted, because of the greater stability present work: alloy CrMo 15.3, which exhibited pro-
of the austenite as a result of its greater dissolved chro- nounced secondary hardening and maintained high hard-
mium and carbon contents. At higher carbon contents, ness after subcritical heat treatment at 500 ~ was the
Durman t~61found that both austenitic and martensitic ma- material with the greatest retained austenite content (and
trix types gave comparable fracture toughness values be- therefore the lowest Ms temperature) after standard hard-
cause of the over-riding effect of the continuity of the ening. The secondary hardening phenomenon in alloy
carbide network in providing an easy fracture path. white cast irons is thought to be the result of two types
Biner t171 subsequently developed a model for fracture of microstructural change: the transformation of austen-
toughness which showed that for 15 pct Cr irons with ite at temperature to a harder ferrite-carbide aggregate,
an austenitic matrix and levels of molybdenum varying and the further transformation of remaining austenite to
from 0 to 4 pct, failure was controlled by the attainment martensite upon subsequent cooling. I2~jThe loss in hard-
of a critical stress state ahead of the crack tip that was ness with overtempering is due to the growth or ripening
strongly influenced by cleavage fracture of the eutectic of the precipitates in the ferrite-carbide aggregate. In alloy
carbides. This was despite his observation that the aus- CrMo 15.3, the development of secondary hardening is
tenitic matrix exhibited a dimpled fracture surface also likely to be partly a consequence of Mo2C precip-
suggestive of ductile failure. However, although voids itation, as observed in molybdenum-bearing steels, t221
formed around the precipitated secondary carbides within Certainly the presence of molybdenum has been clearly
the matrix, there was no apparent necking or extensive shown to facilitate the retention of high hardness in high-
void growth. In the same alloys heat-treated to give es- chromium white irons, t211 That a clear secondary hard-
sentially martensitic matrices, Biner I~81 found lower ening peak was not seen in alloy CrMoCu 20.2.1 may
fracture toughness values. In this case, he observed that be considered a little surprising, given that it also con-
fracture toughness was independent of the eutectic car- tains a significant proportion of molybdenum (Table I),
bide morphology and that it was controlled by the dis- but much of the molybdenum in these alloys tends to be
tribution of the secondary carbide precipitates that form tied up as a molybdenum-rich carbide that forms when
during the austenitizing treatment. the alloy first solidifies, R31 and therefore it would not be
available to precipitate from solution during tempering
B. The Influence of Subcritical Heat Treatment treatments. The fact that the secondary hardening peak
in alloy CrMo 15.3 was quite weak is indicative of the
The very significant increase in high-stress abrasion relatively small quantity of molybdenum that must have
pin test weight loss for three of the four alloys following been in solution prior to tempering.
subcritical heat treatment at 500 ~ (Table V) mirrors
the results obtained in the earlier gouging abrasion test
study tq and suggests that this temperature may have been C. Relationship between Properties
too high for all but alloy CrMo 15.3. This latter alloy The results displayed in Figure 4 show that hardness
exhibited a distinct, but relatively weak, secondary hard- is a very poor indicator of high-stress abrasion resistance
ening peak at approximately 550 ~ (Figure 1), but the when the alloys have quite differing matrices, although
other three alloys started to show a drop in hardness be- when the matrix structure is similar, as with the tem-
yond 500 ~ with no clear indication of secondary hard- pering treatments following hardening, hardness can be
ening. (The slight apparent increases in hardness in alloys considered quite a reliable indicator of wear performance
CrMoCu 20.2.1 and NiCr 4 evident at 550 ~ are prob- (Figure 7). The grouping of microstructures with pri-
ably due to general random hardness variations more than marily austenitic or martensitic matrices into distinct re-
to any real effect, given the variations exhibited by these gions of Figure 4 aligns with the trends reported by Zum
alloys at lower tempering temperatures.) The poor weight- Gahr t241 for high-stress abrasion pin test results con-
loss performance of alloys Cr 27, CrMoCu 20.2.1, and ducted with 180-mesh SiC abrasive. He showed quite
NiCr 4 recorded in Table V is somewhat puzzling, how- separate fields for austenitic and martensitic matrix white
ever, since the subsequent tempering temperature inves- cast irons with carbide volume fractions of 0.07 to 0.45,
tigation, summarized in Figure 6, indicated that although in his case the austenitic matrix alloys had been
temperatures higher than 500 ~ were needed to cause a simply cast and tempered for 2 hours at 200 ~ while
marked deterioration in wear resistance. It would seem the martensitic matrix materials had been austenitized at


900 ~ air-cooled, refrigerated twice at - 7 8 ~ and chromium contents, [251 which in turn result in very dif-
tempered for 2 hours at 200 ~ He accounted for the ferent Ms temperatures in both the as-cast state and after
differing fields on the basis that the austenitic matrices austenitizing treatments, t~l In addition, there are three
could strongly work harden or be transformed to strain- different types of secondary carbide precipitate that form
induced martensite by the wear process, while the abra- during heat treatment, depending upon the alloy type. ['1
sion resistance of the martensitic matrix irons was said It is therefore not surprising that the changes brought
to depend on the material's fracture toughness. about by heat treatment will be quite different in each
In developing the concept of fracture toughness de- alloy composition. The only consistent trend that does
pendence of abrasion resistance, Zum Gahr 124J showed emerge is the improvement in fracture toughness brought
results for high-stress abrasion pin tests with both garnet about by increasing austenitizing temperature, since, in
and SiC abrasives in which, for the former case, wear all alloys, the higher treatment temperatures stabilized
resistance declined monotonically with increasing frac- the austenite, which is known to promote higher fracture
ture toughness, while, in the latter case, there was a toughness values. 17,13,141
maximum in wear resistance with increasing fracture The overall conclusion to be drawn from the present
toughness. This dependency was related to the micro- investigation, and the earlier study, t~l on the effects of
cracking tendency of the primary and/or eutectic car- heat treatment on the properties of alloy white cast irons
bides at relatively low values of toughness, and the general is that the heat treatment needs to be tailored for each
decline in abrasion resistance at high levels of fracture alloy type in order to give the desired combination of
toughness because of the fall in hardness of the alloys. properties. Best fracture toughness will be derived from
However, Zum Gahr also argued that microcracking was austenitizing at as high a temperature as possible which,
more effectively suppressed in martensitic structures as depending upon the particular grade of alloy white iron
a result of their offering better support for the brittle car- chosen, may not adversely affect the material's abrasion
bides. This argument does not appear to be applicable resistance. If abrasion resistance p e r s e is the most im-
in accounting for the results of the present study, since portant property required for a given application, the
no correlation was established between weight loss in the austenitizing temperature needs to be chosen carefully
high-stress abrasion pin test and the fracture toughness for the particular alloy used. Tempering treatments after
of the alloys. For the results derived from the effects of austenitizing do not appear to serve any use in terms of
austenitizing temperature variations, fracture toughness enhancing abrasion performance, and they may substan-
tended to increase continuously with increasing temper- tially degrade it if chosen incorrectly. If subcritical heat
ature (Figure 8), while the weight-loss data exhibited treatment is considered necessary in order to reduce the
differing directions in change with each alloy. On the retained austenite content for repetitive loading appli-
other hand, fracture toughness was approximately con- cations, the treatment temperature and time must be se-
stant with increasing tempering temperature, although lected very carefully in order to ensure that abrasion
weight loss showed distinct variations with each alloy resistance does not suffer unnecessarily.
(Table VI).
The overall outcome in terms of wear performance was
that the best results were given by austenitizing treat-
ments that retained greater than about 30 pct austenite Further information has been derived on the effects of
in the matrix, although the minimum in the weight-loss heat treatment on the properties of alloy white cast irons.
v s retained austenite curves (Figure 5) fell at quite dif- The results have shown that each of the four commercial
ferent positions for each alloy. These results are in grades of material studied must be treated as separate
agreement with, but extend, those reported by entities, and that there are no generic trends that apply
Blickensderfer e t al.,I6J in which best high-stress abra- to all alloys when subjected to the same heat-treatment
sion resistance in pin tests with garnet abrasive occurred conditions. The major conclusions arising from the study
at retained austenite contents of 20 pct or more. In com- are as follows.
mon with those earlier reported data, t61 the present study 1. The results of high-stress abrasion pin tests carried
also showed that tempering after hardening did not pro- out on four commercial grades of alloy white cast
duce any beneficial effect on abrasion resistance, and iron exhibited similar trends to the results of earlier
indeed that if tempering were considered desirable in order gouging abrasion tests conducted on the same ma-
to reduce the retained austenite content for repeated im- terials. Specifically, the following results were noted.
pact resistance, the temperature would need to be chosen a. Cr 27. Austenitizing at 1000 ~ led to a slight in-
very carefully if abrasion resistance were not to suffer a crease in weight loss compared with the as-cast
major degradation. condition, austenitizing at higher temperatures
There do not appear to be consistent trends in either substantially improved abrasion performance, and
hardness or wear properties with heat treatment for the subcritical heat treatment at 500 ~ following the
different grades of alloy white cast iron, and attempts to 1000 ~ treatment caused a very marked deteri-
draw generic conclusions about their response to heat oration in wear properties.
treatment can be misleading. This reflects the fact that b. CrMo 15.3. Austenitizing at 1000 ~ produced a
despite their compositional and metallurgical similari- very marked decrease in weight loss compared with
ties, there are some distinct differences between the var- that measured for the as-cast state, austenitizing
ious alloys. In particular, the austenite dendrites in the at higher temperatures caused a negligible change
as-cast condition can have quite different carbon and over the 1000 ~ treatment, and subcritical heat


treatment at 500 ~ following the 1000 ~ hard- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ening treatment produced only a minor deterio-
ration in weight loss. The authors wish to express their thanks to R.E. Aspin
c. CrMoCu 20.2.1. Austenitizing at 1000 ~ led to for his assistance in making the castings used in this study.
a slight decrease in weight loss compared with the
as-cast condition, austenitizing treatments at higher REFERENCES
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