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Optical and thermal analysis of different cavity receiver designs for solar dish

Article · June 2019

DOI: 10.1016/j.ecmx.2019.100013


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4 authors, including:

Evangelos Bellos Christos Tzivanidis

National Technical University of Athens National Technical University of Athens


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Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

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Optical and thermal analysis of different cavity receiver designs for solar T
dish concentrators
Evangelos Bellosa, , Erion Bousia, Christos Tzivanidisa, Sasa Pavlovicb

Department of Thermal Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Zografou, Heroon Polytechniou 9, 15780 Athens, Greece
Department of Energetics and Process Technique, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University in Nis, Serbia


Keywords: Cavity receivers are the most usual design in solar dish concentrators in order to achieve high thermal perfor-
Solar dish mance. The objective of this work is the investigation of five different cavity receivers under different operating
Cavity receiver temperature levels and the selection of the most appropriate designs. More specifically, the examined cavities
Conical cavity have the following shapes: cylindrical, rectangular, spherical, conical and cylindrical-conical. All the cavities are
Cylindrical cavity
optimized in order to determine the best design which maximizes the thermal efficiency of the solar collector.
Thermal analysis
Optical analysis
The optimization variables are different for every design and they regard the cavity length, the cone angle and
the distance from the concentrator base. According to the results, the best design is the novel one with cy-
lindrical-conical shape, while the conical and the spherical are the next choices. The worst design is rectangular,
while the cylindrical is the fourth design in the performance sequence. For operation at 300 °C, the cylindrical-
conical design is found to have 67.95% thermal efficiency, 35.73% exergy efficiency while the optical efficiency
is 85.42%. The analysis is conducted with a developed model in SolidWorks Flow Simulation which is validated
with literature experimental data.

1. Introduction which presents high interest by the scientific and commercial point of
1.1. Solar energy and collectors Solar dishes can be used for power production [8], solar cooling [9],
desalination [10], industrial heat [11] and chemical processes [12].
Solar energy is an important renewable energy source for covering a Wang et al. [13] examined the use of a solar dish concentrator for as-
part of the human energy needs with a sustainable way [1]. Solar sisting a gas turbine and practically to reduce fuel consumption. Meas
thermal collectors are the devices which can utilize properly the solar and Bello-Ochende [14] examined different solar-driven gas turbine
irradiation for useful thermal production [2]. Concentrating solar sys- cycles and they found that the intercooling is more effective than re-
tems are the most promising solar technologies because they can pro- heating. Khan et al. [15] studied the use of a nanofluid-based solar dish
duce heat at low, medium or high-temperature levels with sufficient collector for feeding a supercritical CO2 Brayton cycle with re-
efficiency [3]. compression and reheating. They found the maximum system energy
The most usual solar concentrating technologies are the parabolic efficiency to be 33.73% with Al2O3/Oil nanofluid as the working fluid
trough collector (PTC), the linear Fresnel reflector (LFR), the solar in the solar collector. Barreto and Canhoto [16] investigated the use of
towers and the solar dishes [4]. The PTC and the LFR belong to the a solar concentrator coupled to a Stirling engine for power production
linear concentrating technologies which can operate up to 500 °C with and they found a global system efficiency 10.4%. On the other hand,
the conventional designs and they can be applied in a great variety of Sandoval et al. [17] found the global efficiency of a similar system to be
applications [5]. Solar towers and solar dishes are point focus tech- 19%. Mohammadi and Mehrpooya [18] studied a system with a solar
nologies which can operate in extremely high temperatures with gas dish collector coupled to fuel cell for hydrogen and electricity pro-
working fluids (air or CO2) because of the high concentration ratio [6]. duction. They found that the use of solar energy reduces fuel con-
The solar tower is used practically for only power generation applica- sumption by about 74%. Hou and Zhang [19] studied a system with a
tions, while solar dishes can be used for a great range of high-tem- solar dish collector which feeds a thermoelectric generator coupled to
perature applications [7]. This fact makes it a promising technology an absorption chiller. This system produces cooling and electricity,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E. Bellos).
Received 11 May 2019; Received in revised form 11 June 2019; Accepted 12 June 2019
Available online 22 June 2019
2590-1745/ © 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

Nomenclature ΔP pressure drop, Pa

ε emittance, –
Aa aperture area, m2 η efficiency, –
C concentration ratio, - μ dynamic viscosity, Pa s
cp specific heat capacity under constant pressure, J/kg K ρ reflectance, –
drec receiver position, mm Φ cone angle, °
D receive diameter, m ω design angle for the cone (Appendix A),
Ds spherical receive diameter, m
E exergy flow, W Subscripts and superscripts
f focal length, m
fr friction factor, - am ambient
Gb solar direct beam irradiation, W/m2 cav1 side cavity
h heat transfer coefficient, W/m2K cav2 back cavity
hout convection coefficient with the ambient, W/m2K coil absorber coil
k thermal conductivity, W/mK cone conical geometry
L cavity length, m ex exergetic
L1 cylindrical part of the cavity length, m fm mean fluid
m mass flow rate, kg/s in inlet
Nu Nusselt number, - iso insulation
p helical coil pitch, mm max maximum
Pr Prandtl, – opt optical
Q heat rate, W out outlet
Re Reynolds number, – rec receiver
T temperature, °C s solar
t thickness, mm sph sphere
u fluid velocity, m/s th thermal
Wp pumping work, W u useful

Greek symbols Abbreviations

α absorber absorbance, – PTC parabolic trough collector

while its maximum efficiency is around 27%. Javidmehr et al. [20] examined studies.
studied a polygeneration system with gas turbine, organic Rankine
cycle, solar dish and distillation unit for heating, electricity and fresh
water production which presents maximum efficiency at 70%. 1.2.1. Cylindrical cavity receivers
The solar dish is a compact design which can produce useful heat in The cylindrical cavity receiver is the most usual in the literature and
high temperatures and it is a promising technology. It mainly is man- many studies have used this design. Azzouri et al. [22] examined ex-
ufactured by using a parabolic dish concentrator, a receiver and a perimentally a cylindrical cavity receiver with the absorber tubes to be
supporting mechanism. The total configuration tracks the sun in two inside the insulation layer. They found that the maximum thermal ef-
directions in order to achieve the proper reflection of the sun rays from ficiency of their design is 75%. Avargani et al. [23] studied a cylindrical
the concentrator to the receiver [21]. There are numerous designs of cavity receiver and they found maximum exergy efficiency at 23% with
solar dishes and there is not a well-established design, as in the case of a developed numerical model, while the maximum exergetic efficiency
PTC for example. Different ideas have been tested numerically and was 10% experimentally. Karimi et al. [24] found that thermal per-
experimentally, as well as there are commercial solutions at this time. formance of the cylindrical receiver (without the optical losses) can
In any case, the field is open and the optimum design from the energetic reach up to 90% for a receiver aperture diameter at 0.2 m while the
and financial point of view is still under investigation. concentrator has a diameter of 2.88 m. Mawire and Taole [25] studied
experimentally a homemade parabolic dish concentrator with a cy-
lindrical receiver. They found that the thermal efficiency is up to 40%
1.2. Different cavity receivers
and the exergy efficiency by up to 10%. Zou et al. [26] found that the
optimum length of the cavity is 0.39 m with 5 tube loops and in this
The most usual receiver in the solar dish concentrators are the
case, the thermal efficiency can be 72%. Wang et al. [27] studied a
cavity receivers. These receivers usually have not a cover in the front
cylindrical receiver with a modified back surface. Their work is optical
side and they try to achieve high optical efficiency by capturing the
and they found maximum optical efficiency at 72%. This value is 7.67%
incident solar rays inside the cavity. Practically, the cavity receivers
higher than the optical efficiency of the conventional cylindrical cavity
utilize the secondary reflections inside the cavity and so the effective
receiver with 10% dead space. Loni et al. [28] optimized a cylindrical
absorbance of the receiver is increased. However, the lack of cover
receiver for application in an Organic Rankine Cycle. They found that
increases the thermal losses of the cavities. The insulation layer is used
the optimum depth of the cavity is equal to the cavity diameter. They
in the outside area of the cavity, expect the side to the concentrator. In
stated that the optimum concentration ratio is around 32 and the re-
the literature, there are numerous studies which are associated with the ceiver efficiency reaches 90%. Soltani et al. [29] performed and opti-
investigation of different cavities optically and thermally. However,
mization work about a cylindrical cavity receiver. They found that the
there is not a well-established design and the comparative studies do receiver position has to be at the 90% of the focal distance, while its
not give always the same candidates as the most appropriate. Below a
length has to be 1.5–2 times greater than the aperture diameter. The
brief literature review about the studies of cavity receivers which are maximum thermal efficiency of the system was about 78%.
presented in terms of efficiency are given. Table 1 summarizes the

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

Table 1 are reduced with the inclination angle increase of the receiver, while
Summary of the literature studies about the cavity receivers. the radiation losses do not change. Tan et al. [36] also found that the
Cavity/receiver Study Main findings convection losses have a decreasing rate with the inclination angle in-
(maximum values) crease and they suggested correlations for their determination which
are based on experimental data.
Cylindrical Azzouri et al. [22] ηopt = 75%
Avargani et al. [23] ηex = 23%
Karimi et al. [24] ηrec = 90%
1.2.4. Conical cavity receivers
Mawire and Taole [25] ηth = 40% – ηex = 10% The conical design is an alternative choice which has been also
Zou et al. [26] ηth = 72% examined by many researchers. The conventional conical design, as
Wang et al. [27] ηopt = 72% well as a double-conical or hetero-conical design, is found in the lit-
Loni et al. [28] ηrec = 90%
erature. Dunn et al. [37] studied a solar dish system for operation with
Soltani et al. [29] ηth = 78%
ammonia which has a conical receiver. Their experiments proved the
Rectangular Le Roux et al. [30] ηrec = 85%
low performance of about 35%. Giovannelli and Bashir [38] studied the
Loni et al. [31] ηth = 75.4%
use of a receiver with a conical cavity and phase change materials. Yan
Spherical Loni et al. [33] ηth = 60%
et al. [39] studied a system with a conical receiver with an internal
Zhou et al. [34] ηth = 84.4% –
ηopt = 88.9%
reflecting surface and they managed to achieve 90% optical efficiency.
Pavlovic et al. [40] studied a classical cavity receiver with a conical
Conical Dun et al. [37] ηth = 35%
Yan et al. [39] ηopt = 90%
shape which includes tubular absorber tubes. They found that this de-
Pavlovic et al. [40] ηth = 79.4% – sign is better than a flat one with a spiral shape. They found the thermal
ηopt = 85.4% efficiency of up to 79.4% and the optical efficiency of 85.2%. A similar
Turini et al. [41] ηrec = 80% design has been studied experimentally by Turini et al. [41]. In this
Hetero-conical Pye et al. [44] ηrec = 98.7% design, there is only a small parabolic part of the concentrator and the
Thirunavukkarasu and ηth = 40% cavity has tubular conical absorber which presents receiver efficiency of
Cheralathan [45] around 80%. Recently, Khalil et al. [42] suggested a thermal plate
Spiral Pavlovic et al. [46] ηth = 34% conical receiver for a solar dish concentrator.
Pavlovic et al. [47] ηth = 65% In the other part of the literature studies, the hetero-conical exist.
Flat Senthil and Cheralathan [50] ηth = 67.1% This design has been suggested in an old study by Williams [43] in 1980
Volumetric Zhu et al. [52] ηth = 87% – ηopt = 36% for operation up to 750 °C with ammonia. Pye et al. [44] found nu-
Wang et al. [53] ηth = 64% merically the maximum receiver efficiency at 98.7%. Lastly, Thir-
Tapered tube Xu et al. [55] ηth = 80% unavukkarasu and Cheralathan [45] found maximum thermal perfor-
bundle mance up to 40% with experiments with a hetero-conical design.
Three-part receiver Dahler et al. [12] ηopt = 82%
1.2.5. Flat receivers
There are some studies in the literature which investigates flat
1.2.2. Rectangular cavity receivers cavities which have a small depth and practically the receiver close to
The rectangular cavity shape is not so usual to the literature but it the aperture. The most usual design is the spiral one which has been
has studied by some researchers. It includes the cubical design for the examined extensively by Pavlovic et al. [46,47]. In Refs. [46], the
special case with an aspect ratio equal to 1 (cavity length to cavity system was studied experimentally and the maximum experimental
diameter ratio). The reason for the lower interest on this cavity is the efficiency was found at 34%. In another numerical study [47], it is
greater outer surface compared to the cylindrical cavity which can in- found that the efficiency can reach up to 65% by eliminating the optical
crease the thermal losses. Le Roux et al. [30] found the optimum errors. Yang et al. [48] tested a double-stage dish concentrator with a
aperture of a rectangular cavity to be about 0.35% of the reflector flat receiver. They found that the double-stage receiver is beneficial
diameter, while the receiver efficiency can reach up to 85%. Loni et al. compared to the conventional dish design and it presents 19% higher
[31] found that the optimum design regards high cavity height in order peak optical efficiency. In another interesting work, a solar dish cou-
to maximize the optical efficiency. The maximum thermal efficiency is pled to a still is examined by Bahrami et al. [49]. The solar still is placed
75.40% and it found for aspect ratio equal to 1 with the minimum in the focal region of the concentrator and its aperture is a flat area
examined tube diameter (10 mm). which can be assumed to be a flat receiver. Senthil and Cheralathan
[50] studied a flat receiver with straight and curved paths in its back.
They found thermal efficiency 63.3% with the straight paths and 67.1%
1.2.3. Spherical cavity receivers with the curved paths. Furthermore, Toygar et al. [51] studied the
The spherical receiver design is a usual choice for solar dishes and it manufacturing process of a solar dish collector design with a flat re-
also includes the hemispherical designs. The advantage of this design is ceiver.
the minimized external surface which leads to low thermal losses. The
majority of the studies are focused on the convective thermal losses 1.2.6. Other receivers
calculations and no to the performance of the solar system. So, a brief Except for the previous classifications, there are also alternative
summary of the studies is given below. Kumar and Reddy [32] com- designs which have been studied by researchers. The volumetric re-
pared a cavity receiver, a semi-cavity and a modified cavity with ceivers have been examined in Refs. [52] and [53]. Zhu et al. [52]
spherical shapes. They condoled that the higher convection thermal studied a cylindrical shape volumetric receiver with maximum thermal
losses exist in the case of the cavity design, while the modified cavity efficiency 87% and maximum exergy efficiency 36%. Wang et al. [53]
with a decreased aperture in the down part is the best choice. Loni et al. investigated a windowed volumetric solar receiver with a thermal ef-
[33] found that wind speed increases the thermal losses of a receiver in ficiency of around 64%. Yang et al. [54] suggested the use of an air path
a linear way. During their experimental study, they found the thermal inside the volumetric receiver which can reduce the convective thermal
efficiency to be up to 60%. In another work, Zhou et al. [34] studied a losses by about 58%. Xu et al. [55] suggested a tapered tube bundle
spherical cavity receiver with 88.9% optical efficiency. They found that receiver which has a shape similar to spherical and it can achieve up to
the thermal conversion efficiency of this system is varied from 81.9% 80% thermal efficiency. Dahler et al. [12] examined a double stage
up to 84.4%. Reddy and Kumar [35] found that the convection losses receiver which has three different absorbers for fuel production via

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

thermochemical redox cycles. This design achieves high concentration

and optical efficiency is about 82%.

1.2.7. Comparative studies about the cavity receivers

In the literature, there are many studies which compare some dif-
ferent designs. However, the comparisons are not always detailed
which means in optical and thermal efficiency terms. Generally, the
conical design has been found to be better than spherical and cylind-
rical by Daabo et al. [56–58]. Moreover, Jilt et al. [59] found the
convective thermal losses of the conical cavity to be lower compared to
other designs. Moreover, Xie et al. [60] found the conical design to be
better than spherical and cylindrical. Seo et al. [61] stated that the
conical design is better than the dome design for operation at 200 °C, Fig. 1. The examined solar dish collector (the case with the cylindrical cavity).
while the dome is better at 100 °C.
The next part of the literature studies highlights the use of spherical
designs to be the optimum. Loni et al. [62] found experimentally the
hemispherical design to have better thermal efficiency than cubical and
cylindrical cavities. Yan et al. [63] found that the spherical design is
better optically compared to conical and cylindrical respectively. In
another work which is based on the heat flux uniformity, Harris and
Lenz [64] performed one of the oldest studies on the field and they
found the spherical design to have the most smoother profile, while the
conical to be the worst case. Similar results have been found by Shuai
et al. [65,66] with the spherical design to be the best case. The conical
design presents a region with high heat flux concentration which cre-
ates temperature peaks (hot spots), something that reduces the thermal
efficiency due to the local high radiation thermal losses.

1.3. The present work

The previous literature review indicates that there is a lot of interest

in the design of different cavity receivers of solar dish concentrators.
The reason for this situation is based on the need for creating highly
efficient designs, especially in medium and high temperatures. In this
direction, this paper comes to examine the most usual cavities which
are the cylindrical, rectangular, spherical and conical, as well as a
promising design with the cylindrical-conical shape. All the designs are
optimized using the thermal efficiency maximization as the objective
function. To our knowledge, there is not any other so detailed com-
parative work which compares and optimizes the cavities optically,
thermally and exergetically under various operating conditions.
Usually, many literature studies optimize the cavity receivers only op-
tically, something that does not lead always to the maximization of the
thermal efficiency and consequently of the useful heat production. The
present analysis is conducted with a developed model in SolidWorks
Flow Simulation [67] and this model is validated with experimental
results from Ref. [22]. The importance of this work is based on a clear
comparison of the most usual designs, as well as the suggestion of a new
one. Moreover, the comparative study is able to make clear the per-
formance deviations between the different designs in optical and
thermal terms. It is important to state that in the present work, the
working fluid is thermal oil which can operate up to 400 °C and thus the
maximum selected inlet temperature is 350 °C.

2. Material and methods

2.1. The examined cavity receivers

In this work, five different cavity receivers are investigated. Every

design is optimized using the thermal efficiency maximization criterion
and then the optimum cases are compared. The examined designs have
the following shapes: cylindrical, rectangular, spherical, conical and
cylinder-conical. All the designs have generally studied by many re- Fig. 2. The examined cavities of the present study.
searchers but the last one has only studied optically in Refs. [27,59].
Moreover, the analysis is optical, thermal and exergetic for various
operating temperatures and so it can be characterized as a detailed one.

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

Fig. 1 shows the examined solar collector with the concentrator and
the cavity receiver. Fig. 2 illustrates the five examined cavities. The 2.2. Mathematical formulation
dimensions of the concentrator have been taken from the Ref. [22]
which includes experimental results for a cylindrical cavity receiver. In this section, the basic equations about the evaluation of the solar
The optimization of all the examine cavities is conducted firstly with collector are given. The available solar irradiation on the collector
the cavity placed at the focal distance. In this case, the parameter (drec) aperture (Qs) is calculated as the product of the dish aperture (Aa) and
is equal to 526.5 mm. The length of the cavity (L) is the main optimi- the of the direct solar beam irradiation (Gb).
zation parameter for the designs (a) to (d). For the design (e) is the ratio Qs = Aa · Gb (3)
of the cylindrical part to the total part is the optimization parameter.
The cone angle (Φ) is extra optimization parameters for the designs (d) The useful heat production (Qu) of the solar dish collector is cal-
and (e). The next step in the optimization is the investigation of the culated as below:
optimum location of the cavity by investigating the different values of Qu = m · cp·(Tout Tin) (4)
the parameters (drec). The optimized designs for (drec = or
drec = f) are the optimum geometries which are studied for different The thermal efficiency of the collector (ηth) is the ratio of the useful
(drec). Finally, the five optimized cases are compared for different op- heat production to the available solar irradiation:
erating temperatures with thermal oil. Therminol VP-1 is the used Qu
thermal oil which can operate up to 400 °C [68]. Table 2 includes the =
Qs (5)
main parameters of this work about the designed geometry and the
simulation parameters. The optical efficiency (ηopt) is calculated as the ratio of the absorbed
During the optimization procedure, the length of the cylindrical and solar irradiation from the absorber coils (Qabs) to the incident solar ir-
conical receivers has to be ranged from 0.5∙D up to 2.5∙D, while in the radiation (Qs):
rectangular case it is ranged from 0.5∙a up to 2.5∙a. For the spherical Qabs
case, the length changes by using the sphere diameter (Ds) as the opt
Qs (6)
equivalent parameter. More specifically, the parameter (Ds) takes the
values D, 1.1∙D, 1.2∙D and 1.3∙Ds. The equation which correlates the The heat transfer coefficient (h) of the flow can be calculated ac-
length (L) with the parameters (Ds) and (D) is the following: cording to the next formula:
Ds + Ds 2 D2 h=
Lsph = A coil ·(Trec Tfm ) (7)
2 (1)
The mean fluid temperature (Tfm) is calculated as:
In the case of the cylinder-conical design, the length (L) is selected
to be the same as the aperture diameter (D), while the ratio of the cy- Tfm =
Tin + Tout
lindrical part (L1) to the total (L) is ranged from L1/L = 0.3 up to L1/ 2 (8)
L = 0.7. The cone angle (Φ) for the designs with conical and cylindrical- The Nusselt number (Nu) of the fluid flow is calculated as below:
conical shapes takes values 50%, 75% and 100% of the (Φmax). The
receiver position (drec) is selected to be ranged from 496.5 mm up to h· Dcoil, in
Nu =
556.5 mm, with the initial position is at the focal point k (9)
(drec = 526.5 mm). Practically, the displacements have been examined The theoretical value of the Nusselt, which is used only for valida-
with a step of 10 mm. tion reasons, is estimated using the model of Dittus-Boelter [71]:
It has to be said that the aperture of the cavity is the same in all the
Nu = 0.023·Re 0.8·Pr 0.4 (10)
cases and it is at 121 mm, a value in accordance with the Ref. [22]
about the present concentrator. The length of the cavity is the variable The Reynolds number (Re) for the tubular coil is calculated as:
parameter. The way that the conical shapes are created is given in 4· m
Appendix A, as well as the values of the maximum cone angles are given Re =
·Dcoi, in · µ (11)
in this Appendix. The system is examined for ambient temperature
equal to 21 °C and solar irradiation at 1000 W/m2 which are reasonable
Table 2
choices for the evaluation of the different cases. The main goal of this
Basic data of the present work (geometry and simulation parameters).
work is the investigation of the optimum cavity geometry and so the
emphasis is not given in the different operating condition. Only the Parameter Symbol Value
inlet temperature is ranged from 50 °C to 350 °C, while the flow rate is
Aperture of the collector Aa 1.676 m2
kept at 0.03 kg/s, a value which leads to turbulent flow in order to Concentrator diameter Dcon 1461 mm
achieve high heat transfer rates. More specifically, the Reynolds Focal distance f 526.5 mm
number is greater than 5000 in all the cases, so the flow can be easily Concentrator rim angle Φrim 69.5o
adopted as turbulent. The convection thermal loss coefficient between Concentrator reflectance ρ 0.93
Concentration ratio C 146
the cavity and the ambient air is selected at 10 W/m2K which is a ty-
Receiver diameter D 121 mm
pical value according to the literature for air velocity close to 1 m/s Metallic cavity thickness (side) tcav1 1.5 mm
[69]. This value is not depended on the working fluid kind indie the Metallic cavity thickness (back) tcav2 3 mm
tube and it can be used for simulations with thermal oil, molten salt or Insulation thickness tiso 28 mm
Tube inner diameter Dcoil,in 7 mm
gas working fluid.
Tube outer diameter Dcoil,out 9 mm
The absorber tube is selected to be made of copper, the cavity to be Helical coil pitch p 10 mm
made of steel and the insulation is glasswool with thermal conductivity Receiver absorbance αrec 0.9
of 0.04 W/mK. All the used parameters in the developed model are Insulation absorbance αiso 0.8
summarized in table 2. About the emittance of the receiver for the Insulation emittance εiso 0.8
Ambient temperature Tamb 21 °C
absorber tubes and metallic cavity (εrec), the following formula has
Solar direct beam irradiation Gb 1000 W/m2
been used. The temperature of the receiver (Trec) is in (°C) [70]: Mass flow rate m 0.03 kg/s
Heat transfer coefficient for convection hout 10 W/m2K
= 2.249·10 7·Trec + 1.039·10 4 Trec + 5.599·10 2

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

The friction factor of the flow (fr) can be calculated using the sun in two directions.
pressure drop along with the coil (ΔP), as below: – The mass flow rate (m) is selected at 0.03 kg/s.
– The inlet temperature (Tin) is ranged from 50 °C up to 350 °C.
P· Dcoil, in
fr = 1
· – The heat convection coefficient of the cavity (hout) is selected at
· · u2 Lcoil (12)
2 10 W/m2K [69].
– The pressure at the outlet is selected at 15 bar in order to keep the
The theoretical value of the friction factor, which is used only for
fluid at the liquid state in all the cases [68].
validation reasons, is estimated using the formula [72]:
– The concentrator reflectance (ρ) is selected at 93%.
0.3164 Dcoil, in 0.5
µcoil – The absorbance of the cavity is selected at 90%, while its emittance
fr = + 0.03
Re 0.25 D µ (13) is calculated by Eq. (2).
– The insulation material has absorbance 80%, emittance 80% and
The velocity (u) inside the coil is calculated as: thermal conductivity 0.04 W/mK.
u= 2
·Dcoil , in Moreover, the proper materials of the system have been selected as
· 4 (14) below:

The pumping work demand is calculated as:

– The working fluid is thermal oil (Therminol VP-1) [67].
m – The material of the insulation is glasswool.
Wp = · P
(15) – The absorber tubes are made of copper.
The useful exergy production of the solar collector (Eu) is calculated – The absorber cavity is made of steel.
as below [69]: – The reflector is a proper mirror material.

Eu = Qu m · cp·Tam·ln
Tout m ·Tam· P About the calculation procedure, it has to be said that the
Tin fm · Tfm (16) SolidWorks Flow Simulation [67] solves the governing equations for
turbulent flow conditions. The turbulent model in this work is the k-ε
The exergy flow of the solar irradiation (Es) is estimated using the
which has been used in many similar studies [75,76]. Lastly, it has to be
Petela model [73]:
said that the fluid is assumed to be fully developed in the coil inlet.
4 Tam 1 T
4 During the optical analysis, the proper number of solar rays has to
Es = Qs· 1 · + · am be selected in order to have correct results. Table 3 gives the results of
3 Tsun 3 Tsun (17)
this simple sensitivity process for the cylindrical design. According to
The sun temperature is selected at 5770 K, while it has to be said the results, the use of 2∙106 solar rays is selected as the minimum value
that the temperature levels in Eqs. (16) and (17) have to be in Kelvin which leads to converged results.
units. The exergetic efficiency of the solar collector (ηex) is the ratio of The last step in the model development is the selection of a proper
the useful exergy production to the solar exergy input, as below [69]: mesh. An independence procedure is followed and the results are given
Eu in Table 4. The final mesh has about 2.28 million cells. It is important to
= state that proper treatment for the fluid cells has been done in order to
Es (18)
have denser mesh in the fluid and the partial cells. The use of a local
The exergy efficiency is an index that shows the maximum work mesh was the main way of achieving independent results. This proce-
production that can be produced by solar irradiation. This index eval- dure is performed for the cylindrical cavity and for inlet temperature
uates the useful heat production, the operating temperature, as well as equal to 21 °C.
the pumping work demand through the pressure drop. Therefore, it is
an ideal index for the overall evaluation of solar collector performance.
2.4. Model validation
2.3. The developed model
The developed model is SolidWorks Flow Simulation is validated
using literature experimental results for the cylindrical design. The
In this work, the analysis is conducted with SolidWorks Flow
experimental results of the Ref. [22] are used and the comparison is
Simulation [67] which is a computational fluid dynamics program. The
given in Fig. 3. The validation regards the temperature different
advantage of this software is the simultaneous optical, thermal and flow
(Tout − Tin) and this quantity is used because this was given in Ref.
analysis, as well as the possibility for investigation of different geo-
[22]. It is useful to state that the validation has been performed for
metric designs. This software has been used for a great number of solar
water as the working fluid and for inlet temperature equal to 21 °C.
thermal studies and so it can be assumed as reliable. More specifically,
Practically this temperature difference is equivalent to the thermal ef-
the present software has been used for the simulation of solar dish
ficiency validation. The mean deviation is found to be 4.7% which is an
collectors in Refs. [47,74].
acceptable value.
All the examined designs have been created in SolidWorks en-
The next part of the validation procedure regards the comparison of
vironment and they automatically imported in the Flow Simulation
studio for further analysis. The proper boundary conditions have been
Table 3
selected in order to study the problem properly. Below, the boundary
Selection of the solar rays for the case with the cylindrical receiver.
conditions of the present work are presented. For more details, the
previously referenced papers can be used. It is important to state that Number of solar rays Absorbed energy by the coils (W)
the absorbed solar irradiation by the coils is calculated by the program 5∙10 3
and it is given as an output of the simulation. 5∙104 950.1
5∙105 947.0
– The ambient temperature is equal to be 21 °C in all the simulations. 106 948.9
2∙106 948.5
– The solar direct beam irradiation (Gb) is equal to 1000 W/m2 in all
3∙106 948.5
the cases. 4∙106 948.5
– The solar incident angle is zero because the solar dish follows the

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

Table 4 88.11% but in this case, the thermal efficiency is only 34.44%. The
Mesh independence procedure for cylindrical cavity and Tin = 21 °C. reason for the thermal efficiency reduction with the cavity length in-
Number of 71,746 229,314 543,689 1,050,645 1,802,921 2,281,728 crease is based on the higher outer surface of the cavity. Moreover, it
cells has to be said that higher cavity length increases the absorption of the
incoming solar rays into the cavity and thus the optical efficiency in-
Tout (°C) 27.3 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5 27.5
creases with the cavity length increases. Practically, higher cavity
Tcoil (°C) 27.7 26.3 26.1 26.1 26.2 26.3
ηth 50.5% 52.2% 52.2% 52.3% 52.6% 52.5%
length captures more secondary reflections inside the cavity and so it is
fr 0.71 0.14 0.08 0.05 0.04 0.04 beneficial for the cavity by the optical point of view.
Fig. 7 shows the optimization procedure of the cavity location with
L = D. It is obvious that the optimum location is for (drec = 536.5 mm)
and in this case, the thermal efficiency is 60.00% and the optical effi-
ciency 81.34%. Practically, the optimum location is very close to the
focal point position (initial analysis of Fig. 6) and it is about 10 mm
higher than this location. This is a reasonable result because the solar
rays are concentrated close to the focal point region.
The next step in this analysis regards the temperature distribution
and the heat flux distribution over the examined designs at the focal
point which is exhibited in Figs. 8 and 9 respectively. Fig. 8 shows that
the maximum outlet temperature is found for the case L = D and this
fact is in accordance with the thermal efficiency optimization. Higher
cavity lengths reduce the outlet temperature and it is obvious that the
coil turns close to the outlet (upper part) are cooled, something non-
beneficial. Fig. 9 gives an image of the heat flux distribution of the
various designs. It can be said that the optimum case (L = D) has high
heat flux in all the internal surface, while the other designs with greater
Fig. 3. Validation of the developed model for the cylindrical case using ex-
length have not high heat flux at the upper coils. So, the upper coils cool
perimental results of Ref. [22] about the temperature difference of the fluid.
the thermal oils and the performance is reduced. This fact makes the
outlet temperature to be reduced in the cases with lower heat flux in the
the Nusselt number and the friction factor with theoretical values. More upper coils. Lastly, it has to be said that the main reason for the lower
specifically, for the cases of Fig. 3, the Nusselt number is calculated efficiency at L = 0.5D is the reduced optical efficiency of this scenario.
with SolidWorks and it is compared with the results from Eq. (10).
Fig. 4 illustrates the comparison for two different inlet temperatures
(21 °C and 81 °C) and the mean deviation is found close to 7%. Fig. 5 3.1.2. Optimization of the rectangular cavity receiver
shows the comparison of the friction factor of the SolidWorks with the The optimization of the rectangular cavity receiver is depicted in
theoretical results of Eq. (13). The mean deviation of the friction factor Figs. 10 and 11. Fig. 10 illustrates the thermal efficiency and the optical
is found to be 6.4%. These results indicate that the developed model efficiency for different lengths of the rectangular cavity. The optimum
leads to reasonable and acceptable results. So, the thermal analysis has cavity is found for L = a and in this case, the thermal efficiency is
been validated by the results of Fig. 3 and the flow by the results of 53.77%, while the optical is 79.01%. The maximum optical efficiency is
Figs. 4 and 5. found for L = 2.5∙a and it is 88.00% but in this case, the thermal effi-
ciency is only 23.76%. As in the analysis of the cylindrical cavity, the
3. Results and discussion thermal efficiency maximization exists for a length equal to the opening
aperture and for greater lengths the thermal efficiency is reduced while
3.1. Optimization of cavity receivers the optical is enhanced. Fig. 11 indicates that the optimization proce-
dure of the cavity location with L = a leads to an optimum location for
The first part of this work regards the optimization of the five dif- (drec = 536.5 mm). In this case, the thermal efficiency is 54.58% and
ferent cavity receivers. For every receiver, the distance from the con- the optical efficiency of 80.11%. Practically, the optimum location is
centrator (drec) and the cavity length (L) are the optimization para- about 10 mm higher than the focal point.
meters Moreover, for the designs with conical parts, the cone angle (Φ) Figs. 12 and 13 show the fluid temperature distribution and the heat
is an extra optimization parameter. In every case, the optimization is flux distribution for the examined cases. The results are similar to the
conducted by examined different designs and evaluating them ac-
cording to the thermal efficiency for inlet temperature at 300 °C. This is
a high-temperature level which is close to the real applications of solar
dishes and thus it is selected to be used as the reference once for the
optimization of the different scenarios. It has also to be said that firstly
the cavity length and the cone angle are optimized with the cavity lo-
cated at the focal point. The next step is the optimization of the cavity
position. This methodology has been found to lead to the global op-
timum solution, after conducting a more detailed procedure for the
cylindrical cavity, and so it is selected to be followed in this work.

3.1.1. Optimization of the cylindrical cavity receiver

The optimization of the cylindrical cavity receiver is given in Figs. 6
and 7. Fig. 6 shows the thermal efficiency and the optical efficiency for
different lengths of the cavity. The optimum cavity is found for L = D
and in this case, the thermal efficiency is 59.59%, while the optical is
80.67%. The maximum optical efficiency is found for L = 2.5∙D and it is Fig. 4. Nusselt number validation with the theoretical results of Eq. (10).

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

Fig. 5. Friction factor validation with the theoretical results of Eq. (13).
Fig. 7. Thermal and optical efficiency for different locations of the cylindrical
cavity (L = 1∙D).
previous about the cylindrical cavity. The case with L = a leads to a
heat flux distribution in all the geometry, while the greater lengths the optical efficiency of 78.78%. Practically, the optimum location is
present regions with low heat flux. This fact makes the working fluid in about 10 mm higher than the focal point.
the high length cases to be cooled in the last coil turns close to the Fig. 16 shows that the maximum outlet temperature is found for
outlet. In the end, it has to be said that the optimum design is the cu- Ds = 1.1∙D, while only the case Ds = 1.3∙D gives an important decrease
bical one because this is the most compact rectangular shape. In other in the outlet temperature. These results indicate that the spherical de-
words, the compact design leads to lower outer area and so the thermal sign has to be with a reasonable sphere diameter and close to the
losses are reduced. hemispherical one (Ds = 1.1∙D). The optimum design has a sphere
diameter 10% greater than the aperture and this rule is a useful one for
3.1.3. Optimization of the spherical cavity receiver the design of spherical cavities. In Fig. 17, it is obvious that for the
The optimization of the spherical cavity receiver is displayed in design of Ds = 1.1∙D the entire upper region is red, while for the
Figs. 14 and 15. Fig. 14 shows the thermal efficiency and the optical Ds = 1.3∙D there is a yellow part. This is the reason for the decrease in
efficiency for different lengths of the spherical cavity. The optimum the thermal efficiency for Ds over 1.1∙D. Practically, the lower heat flux
cavity is found for sphere diameter Ds = 1.1∙D which means that the in the upper coils leads to reduced outlet temperature due to the local
length is L = 0.729∙D, according to equation (1). In this case, the cooling of the working fluid.
thermal efficiency is 62.68%, while the optical is 74.13%. The max-
imum optical efficiency is found for Ds = 1.3∙D and it is 82.75% but in 3.1.4. Optimization of the conical cavity receiver
this case, the thermal efficiency is only 40.49%. As in the previous The optimization of the conical cavity receiver is given in
subsections (3.1.1 and 3.1.2), the thermal efficiency maximization is Figs. 18–20. Figs. 18 and 19 show the optical and the thermal efficiency
not achieved for the same geometry as the optical efficiency max- respectively for the different combinations of the cavity length (L) and
imization. Fig. 15 shows that the optimization procedure of the cavity the cone angle (Φ). Fig. 18 indicates that the optical efficiency is higher
location with Ds = 1.1∙D leads to an optimum location for for the cavities with greater length and lower cone angle. On the other
(drec = 536.5 mm). In this case, the thermal efficiency is 63.98% and hand, Fig. 19 shows that the thermal efficiency is maximized for length

Fig. 6. Thermal and optical efficiency for different cylindrical cavity lengths (cavity at the focal point – drec = 526.5 mm).

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

Fig. 8. Fluid temperature distribution for the cylindrical cavity cases.

Fig. 10. Thermal and optical efficiency for different rectangular cavity lengths
(cavity at the focal point – drec = 526.5 mm).

Fig. 9. Heat flux distribution of the cylindrical cavity cases.

(L = D) for all the examined cone angles. Moreover, the cone angle
which gives the maximum thermal efficiency is equal to the 75% of the
maximum possible and more specifically it is 18.53° (see also the Ap- Fig. 11. Thermal and optical efficiency for different locations of the rectangular
pendix A for more details about the maximum angle calculation). In the cavity (L = 1∙a).
optimum case (L = D and Φ = 0.75Φmax), the thermal efficiency is
66.56% and the optical efficiency of 80.69%. Fig. 20 shows that the amounts of solar irradiation and so they cool the working fluid. Prac-
optimum location of the previous design is at drec = 516.5 mm and in tically, the last coil turns in these cases are useless and thus the case of
this case, the thermal efficiency is 66.85% and the optical efficiency L = D is the optimum one. About the case L = 0.5D, the existing coils
80.96%. More specifically, the optimum location is about 10 mm lower are not enough to capture the solar irradiation and this fact leads to a
than the focal point. decreased optical performance.
Fig. 21 makes clear that the maximum fluid temperature is found for
the case L = D, while Fig. 22 shows that this optimum case has the most 3.1.5. Optimization of the cylindrical-conical cavity receiver
uniform heat flux distribution. These figures depict results for The optimization of the cylindrical-conical cavity receiver is given
(Φ = 0.75Φmax) which is the optimal cone angle. Moreover, it has to be in Figs. 23–25. Figs. 23 and 24 show the optical and the thermal effi-
said that for the cases for L > D, the upper coils do not receive so high ciency respectively for the different combinations of the cavity length

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

Fig. 12. Fluid temperature distribution for the rectangular cavity cases.

Fig. 14. Thermal and optical efficiency for different sphere diameters (cavity at
the focal point – drec = 526.5 mm and constant opening at 112 mm).

Fig. 13. Heat flux distribution for the rectangular cavity cases.

ratio (L1/L) and the cone angle (Φ). For this cavity, the optimum length
has been selected to be L = D, as in the conical and the cylindrical
design. However, the cylindrical part is the optimization parameter
through the ratio (L1/L). Fig. 23 indicate that the optical efficiency is
Fig. 15. Thermal and optical efficiency for different locations of the spherical
maximized for ratio values around 50%-60% and the optical efficiency
cavity (Ds = 1.1∙D).
is higher for lower cone angles. Fig. 24 proves that the thermal effi-
ciency is maximized for length ratio at 40% (L1/L = 40%) for all the
examined cone angles. Furthermore, the cone angle which gives the 85.42%. More specifically, the optimum location is about 10 mm higher
maximum thermal efficiency is equal to the 75% of the maximum than the focal point.
possible and more specifically it is 26.03° (see also the appendix A for Figs. 26 and 27 shows the temperature distribution and the heat flux
more details about the maximum angle calculation). In the optimum distribution for the different length ratios and for (Φ = 0.75Φmax). It
case (L1/L = 40%) and Φ = 0.75Φmax), the thermal efficiency is can be said that the found results have not great variations because the
66.96% and the optical efficiency of 84.22%. Fig. 25 shows that the ratio of the cylindrical part does not affect the results in a high way.
optimum location of the previous design is at drec = 536.5 mm and in Generally, values in the range of 40%–60% give similar results and
this case, the thermal efficiency is 67.95% and the optical efficiency close to the optimum design of 40%. So, it can be concluded that the
ratio (L1/L) has a small impact on the results and a soft optimization of

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

Fig. 16. Fluid temperature distribution for the spherical cavity cases.

Fig. 19. Thermal efficiency for different conical cavity lengths and cone angles
(cavity at the focal point – drec = 526.5 mm).

Fig. 17. Heat flux distribution for the spherical cavity cases.

Fig. 20. Thermal and optical efficiency for different locations of the conical
cavity (L = 1∙D and Φ = 0.75∙Φmax).

Fig. 18. Optical efficiency for different conical cavity lengths and cone angles
(cavity at the focal point – drec = 526.5 mm).

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

Fig. 21. Fluid temperature distribution for the conical cavity cases.

this parameter is required.

3.2. Comparison of the different designs

Section 2 is devoted to comparing the optimum designs which have

been found in Section 3.1. Table 5 summarizes the optimum geometries
for the five different cavity receivers. The real values of the parameter
and not the relative values are given in this table.
Fig. 28 illustrates the thermal efficiency of the five different col-
lectors for different inlet temperatures from 50 °C up to 350 °C. The
cylindrical-conical design is found to be the most efficient choice for all
the examined temperature levels. Conical and spherical designs follow
with the spherical to be better up to 100 °C and conical to be more
efficient than the spherical for inlet temperature over 100 °C. The fourth Fig. 23. Optical efficiency for different cylinder-conical length ratios and cone
design is the cylindrical one and the less efficient choice is the rec- (cavity at the focal point – drec = 526.5 mm).
tangular one. The rectangular one presents greater outer surface due to
the edges. On the other hand, all the other designs have smoother outer

Fig. 22. Heat flux distribution for the conical cavity cases.

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

losses of this design which does not make suitable the high thermal
efficiency in great temperatures. Also, the exergy efficiency takes into
consideration the pressure drop of every cavity which is depicted in
Fig. 30. The spherical design has the lowest pressure drop, while the
rectangular the highest. Generally, there are not huge differences in the
pressure drop among the examined designs, and also the pressure drop
is similar for all the temperature levels. The pumping work demand,
which is given in Fig. 31, shows that there is no great need for fluid
circulation in the cavities. More specifically, the pumping work demand
is up to 0.6 W which is a very low value, compared to the useful heat
production which is about 1000 W. Also, the high values of the exergy
efficiency (up to 37%) prove that the pumping work demand is not
something which reduces the overall system performance.
The next presented parameter is the heat transfer coefficient inside
Fig. 24. Thermal efficiency for different cylinder-conical length ratios and cone the coil absorber. Fig. 32 depicts this parameter and it can be said that
(cavity at the focal point – drec = 526.5 mm). this coefficient takes high values up to 2100 W/m2K. This coefficient is
higher at greater temperature levels because the flow becomes more
turbulent in these cases. More specifically, higher temperature leads to
lower dynamic viscosity and consequently to higher Reynolds number,
the fact that increases the Nusselt number and the heat transfer coef-
ficient. The greater values of the heat transfer coefficient are found for
the conical cavity, while spherical, cylindrical-conical, cylindrical and
rectangular cavities follow respectively. It can be said that the rectan-
gular cavity is the worst design by all the points of view because it has
the lowest thermal efficiency, the greatest pumping work demand and
the lowest heat transfer coefficient.
A summary of all the results is given in Table 6, while Fig. 33 shows
a detailed comparison of the optimum designs. Fig. 33 shows the results
for inlet temperature equal to 300 °C. The thermal, optical and exergy
efficiencies are given in this figure. It is remarkable to state that the
spherical design is the one with the lowest optical efficiency with
78.78%, while it is the third in the thermal efficiency sequence. Prac-
tically the spherical geometry increases the optical losses and reduces
Fig. 25. Thermal and optical efficiency for different locations of the cylindrical-
conical cavity (L1/L = 40% and Φ = 0.75∙Φmax). the thermal losses. The highest optical efficiency is found for the cy-
lindrical-conical design with 85.42%, while this design has also the
maximum thermal efficiency which is 67.95%. The conical comes to the
surfaces and they are more efficient. The spherical design is the one second place according to the thermal efficiency criterion, while in the
which has the smallest outer surface but it is not suitable for capturing third place according to the optical efficiency criterion. The cylindrical
the solar rays inside it. On the other hand, the conical design is able to design is the fourth in the thermal efficiency sequence and the third in
capture properly the solar rays, but the conical design presents a region the optical efficiency sequence. The less efficient thermally design is
with high heat flux which creates hot spots. So, the design with the rectangular but it has higher optical efficiency than the spherical one.
cylinder and conical parts has been suggested in order to capture Lastly, it has to be said that the exergy efficiency trends follow the
properly the solar rays and not to have hot spots. In this way, the thermal efficiency trends in this work. Finally, it has to be said that the
maximum thermal efficiency can be achieved, as Fig. 28 proves. main reason for the highest thermal efficiency of the cylindrical-conical
Fig. 29 shows the exergy efficiency of the examined cases. The design is its higher optical efficiency compared to the other examined
performance sequence is the same energetically and exergetically, with designs. Moreover, it is important to state that this design is the op-
the cylindrical-conical design to have the highest exergetic efficiency. It timum in all the examined temperature levels which is an important
is remarkable to state that the exergy efficiency is higher when the inlet result.
temperature increases and this fact proves that solar dish collectors can
be used in medium and high temperatures. The rectangular design,
which is the less efficient thermally, shows to have the minimum exergy 3.3. Discussion of the results and future work
efficiency and its curve tends towards to horizontal for high inlet
temperatures. The reason for this result is based on the high thermal The present work compared five different optimized designs in

Fig. 26. Fluid temperature distribution for the cylinder-conical cavity cases.

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

Fig. 27. Heat flux distribution for the Cylinder-conical cavity cases.

Table 5
Summary of the optimum designs.
Shape Optimum design Distance from the
parameters concentrator

Cylindrical L = 121 mm drec = 536.5 mm

Rectangular L = 121 mm drec = 536.5 mm
Sphere L = 94.3 mm drec = 536.5 mm
Conical L = 121 mm drec = 516.5 mm
Φ = 18.53o
Cylindrical – Conical L = 121 mm drec = 536.5 mm
L1 = 48.4 mm
Φ = 26.03o

Fig. 29. Exergy efficiency of the examined designs for different inlet tem-

relatively novel one with cylindrical-conical geometry.

It is important to state that the present work compares the design
thermally, while an optical comparison is also conducted. However,
many previous comparative literature studies [56–58,63–66] have only
evaluated the cavity designs optically which introduces important
questions about the final results. The thermal comparison is the best
way for the evaluation because it is directly connected with the final
useful output. The thermal efficiency includes both optical and thermal
losses and thus it is the most suitable criterion for the cavity evaluation.
Fig. 28. Thermal efficiency of the examined designs for different inlet tem- It is important to state that in this work, the optimum length of the
cavity has been found to be the same as the aperture for the cylindrical,
rectangular and conical designs. This result is in accordance with the
various operating temperature levels with thermal oil. This work is a existing literature about the cylindrical design [28] and the rectangular
detailed comparative study which comes to add something new in the design [31]. Moreover, the Refs. [27] and [29] give similar data about
literature and to give clear results about the optimum design of the the aspect ratio of the cylindrical cavity receiver. So, it can be said that
cavity receivers for solar dishes. Practically, all the usual cavities are the found results are reasonable in accordance with the existing studies.
examined (cylindrical, rectangular, spherical and conical), as well as a Moreover, the present results can be extended and to state that the

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

upper limit of this work. However, the operation in higher temperature

levels has to be conducted with different working fluids. Up to 650 °C,
the use of molten salts is suggested as an alternative and effective
choice. For temperature levels up to 800 °C or 1000 °C, the use of gas
working fluids such as air or supercritical CO2 are recommended.
The next step in this discussion section regards the suggestions for
future studies on the field. Firstly, an experimental comparison of the
different cavities is something useful. At this time, only the Ref. [62]
has results about the comparison of different cavity receivers in low
temperatures levels. In this work, the spherical design has been found
more efficient than the rectangular and the cylindrical designs, a result
which is in accordance with the present work. Except for the experi-
mental works with more cavities, there is a need for both experimental
and numerical studies in higher temperature levels with other working
fluids such as air and supercritical carbon dioxide.
Moreover, the cavity receivers can be optimized and design using
alternative methods such as free-form optimization procedures. An in-
Fig. 30. Pressure drop of the examined designs for different inlet temperatures.
teresting idea about the use of Bezier polynomials for optimization the
secondary reflector of a linear Fresnel reflector [77] can be extended in
the solar dished for the cavity optimization. Lastly, the cavity receivers
can be used instead of the evacuated tubes in the linear parabolic
trough concentrators, something that has highlighted also in the recent
review paper of Ref. [5]. Another important future project regards the
investigation of the dish capacity for different dish and cavity dimen-

4. Conclusions

The objective of this work is the investigation and the optimization

of five different cavity receivers for the solar dish concentrators. More
specifically, the examined cavity designs are cylindrical, rectangular,
spherical, conical and cylindrical-conical. Every design is optimized in
order to achieve maximum thermal efficiency for operating at 300 °C
with thermal oil. The most important conclusions of this work are
Fig. 31. Pumping work demand of the examined designs for different inlet summarized below:
– The best design optically is found to be the cylindrical-conical with
an optical efficiency of 85.42%. The next design is cylindrical with
81.34%, while the conical, rectangular and spherical follow with
80.96%, 80.11% and 78.78% respectively.
– According to the thermal efficiency criterion at 300 °C, the perfor-
mance sequence is the following: cylindrical-conical, conical, sphe-
rical, cylindrical and rectangular with 67.95%, 66.85%, 63.98%,
60.00% and 54.59% respectively.
– According to the exergy efficiency criterion at 300 °C, the perfor-
mance sequence is the following: cylindrical-conical, conical, sphe-
rical, cylindrical and rectangular with 35.73%, 35.14%, 33.61%,
31.49% and 28.62% respectively.
– It is important to state that the thermal efficiency sequence is gen-
erally the same for all the examined temperatures except than the
spherical design which is better than the conical one for tempera-
tures up to 100 °C.
– It is found that the optimum length is equal to the aperture for the
majority of the examined designs and more specifically for the cy-
Fig. 32. Mean heat transfer coefficient in the flow of the examined designs for lindrical, the rectangular and the conical. Furthermore, in the de-
different inlet temperatures. signs with great cavity lengths, it is found that there is not adequate
heat flux in the absorber coils close to the upper part and so the fluid
optimum shape has to be compact in order to have a small external is cooled when it flows through these coils. This is the fact that
surface for the minimization of the thermal losses and an adequate explains the existence of an optimum length for the examined cavity
length for achieving high optical efficiency. receivers.
Furthermore, it has to be said that the solar dishes can operate in – The highest-pressure drop has been found for the rectangular de-
higher temperature levels that the 350 °C which is approximately the sign, while the lowest for the spherical design.

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

Table 6
Summary of the results about the examined inlet temperatures.
Parameters Shapes Inlet temperature – Tin (°C)

50 100 150 200 250 300 350

ηth (%) Cylindrical-Conical 79.77 79.26 76.87 74.11 71.16 67.95 64.45
Conical 77.25 76.85 74.77 72.32 69.68 66.85 63.73
Spherical 78.29 77.20 74.50 71.20 67.70 63.98 60.01
Cylindrical 75.44 74.12 71.04 67.61 63.94 60.00 55.74
Rectangular 73.97 71.67 67.93 63.77 59.34 54.59 49.45

ηex (%) Cylindrical-Conical 10.68 20.21 26.64 31.02 33.95 35.73 36.67
Conical 10.25 19.54 25.88 30.25 33.22 35.14 36.25
Spherical 10.43 19.63 25.78 29.77 32.26 33.61 34.11
Cylindrical 9.95 18.77 24.52 28.23 30.43 31.49 31.66
Rectangular 9.69 18.09 23.39 26.58 28.20 28.62 28.05

h (W/m2K) Cylindrical-Conical 277 731 997 1147 1263 1348 1400

Conical 338 925 1375 1633 1840 1999 2101
Spherical 388 849 1307 1531 1709 1841 1923
Cylindrical 300 721 940 1059 1146 1203 1233
Rectangular 321 703 933 1043 1120 1164 1178

ΔΡ (Pa) Cylindrical-Conical 5706 5982 5717 5641 5687 5823 6043

Conical 5855 5973 5771 5760 5855 6035 6305
Spherical 5376 5064 4756 4684 4716 4822 4998
Cylindrical 7088 7293 6935 6839 6889 7049 7312
Rectangular 10,157 9913 9177 9060 9136 9356 9712

Fig. 33. Final comparison of the optimum cases (Tin = 300 °C).

Declaration of Competing Interest Acknowledgment

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial Dr. Evangelos Bellos would like to thank “Bodossaki Foundation”
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ- for its financial support.
ence the work reported in this paper.

Appendix A. Design of the conical geometry

In this appendix shows the way that the conical geometry has been created. Fig. A1 shows the design procedure in the SolidWorks.
The angle (ω) can be calculated as below, from the triangle (AOC):

1 Hcoil
= tan Dcone
2 (A1)
where (Hcoil) and (Dcone) are the height and the aperture of the cone respectively. It has to be said that the (Dcone) is smaller than the aperture
diameter (D) due to the tube thickness.
The length (BD) can be calculated as:

E. Bellos, et al. Energy Conversion and Management: X 2 (2019) 100013

Fig. A1. Design of the conical absorber tube.

Table A1
Values of the (Φmax) for the conical design.
Cases L = 0.5∙D L = 1∙D L = 1.5∙D L = 2∙D L = 2.5∙D

Φmax (°) 43.8 24.5 16.6 12.4 9.9

Table A2
Values of the (Φmax) for the Cylindrical-conical design.
Cases L1 = 0.3∙L L1 = 0.4∙L L1 = 0.5∙L L1 = 0.6∙L L1 = 0.7∙L

Φmax (°) 30.9 34.7 39.5 45.4 52.7

(BD) = (AD)
2 (A2)
The length (AD) can be calculated as below, using the triangle (ADE):
Dcoil, in
AD =
2· sin ( ) (A3)
Finally, the maximum angle of the cone (Φmax) can be calculated from the triangle (BDC) as below:

1 (BD )
max = tan
H coil (A4)
So, the values of the angle (Φmax) can be calculated for the different cases of the conical design (Table A1) and of the cylindrical-conical design
(Table A2).

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