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Table of Contents


Stakeholder Needs...........................................................................................................................2

Conceptual Design Process..............................................................................................................4

Conceptual System layout...........................................................................................................5

Requirement identification......................................................................................................6

Decomposition of the system:.................................................................................................6

Defining interfaces...................................................................................................................6

Modeling approach......................................................................................................................6

User interface...............................................................................................................................7

System Architecture Design (Configuration)..............................................................................8

System Requirements......................................................................................................................8

Operate from Class C airports.....................................................................................................8

Provide class-leading comfort to passengers...............................................................................9

Turn the aircraft around in less than 30 minutes.........................................................................9




Acme Air is an aircraft operator company and the higher authorities have recognized the need of

replacing the medium sized aircraft to the aircrafts which is expected to operate on domestic as

well as international routes in an effective manner. Therefore, an aircraft is needed to be build

using the system engineering approach in order to handle the continuous growth in air traffic and

to increase the recognition amongst the public (Mane, Crossley and Nusawardhana, 2007). In

order to meet the standards and minimal operating costs the conceptual design framework is used

to develop the aircraft.

The report below presents a detailed view of the Acme air aircraft system including the needs of

the development of the system by explaining requirements of stakeholders. Then business

requirement document is produced in order to present the complete conceptual design of the

system. The requirements are identified and architecture design of the system is provided under

the different sections of the report.

Stakeholder Needs

In order to determine the needs of the stakeholders it is necessary to determine the stakeholders

first. The primary stakeholders for the development of the Acme Air aircraft are as follows:

 Business owners: the business owners are considered to be the primary stakeholders as

they invest a noticeable amount of money in the development of the aircraft. Not only the

money their fame is also at stake.

 Air crew: the crew members who are responsible for making the flight more convenient

and efficient got affected with the launch of Acme Air aircraft as their role and

responsibilities increase.

 Ground crew: the crew members who control the aircraft form the land during its flight

are also considered to be the primary stakeholders for the development of the aircraft.

 Marketing: the effect of aircraft on the market is necessary to be understood so that the

aircraft system developed must match the strategies related to the marketing in order to

promote the new developed aircraft.

 Maintenance: the maintenance of the newly developed aircraft is must and thus the staff

responsible for the maintenance process is also considered as the primary stakeholders

(Gegg, Budd and Ison, 2015).

The different stakeholders have different needs and their needs becomes the requirements of

the aircraft system. Thus, the primary stakeholder needs for the Acme air aircraft are

described below:

 Th primary need of the business owners is to define the mission, the targets and the main

objectives for the development of the aircraft system. The main target of the owners of Acme

air system is to present world-class comfort to passengers in a medium-sized aircraft. The

additional costs must be avoided.

 The safety and reliability are the factors that must be provided by the aircraft system.

 The crew both air as well as land crew must be provided with the textbook that contains the

detailed view of the system so that it is easier for them to understand the functionalities of the

aircraft system (Agouridas et al., 2006).

 The crew members must be provided with the proper training so that any issues related to the

aircraft can be recognized and eliminated in order to make the aircraft performance better.

 The stakeholders need to ensure that the customer’s needs are monitored properly in order to

make the aircraft successful because the customers are the ultimate users of the aircraft and

they must be provided with the world class facilities.

 All the stakeholders must be communicated regarding any change in the user requirement

and ensure the quality of the requirements is maintained and the main characteristics of the

requirements are analyzed properly.

 The maintenance staff needs to develop a well-defined engineering requirement process and

reduce the last-minute changes in the requirements as well as engineering designs.

 The aircraft must be capable to be operated from a class C airport.

Conceptual Design Process

After the requirements of the stakeholders are analyzed the development of conceptual design is

an essential element. The conceptual design involves the designing of the various configurations

regarding the cargo, wings and engine of the aircraft system (Iemma, Pisi Vitagliano and

Centracchio, 2017). The conceptual phase is the first phase of development process of the

aircraft system. The main goal of the conceptual phase is to present the engineers with the

solutions that are possible and the most feasible solution is selected and implemented (Nagel et

al., 2009). The following diagrams depicts the architectural design followed in the development

of the aircraft system.

The aircraft system is combined set of inter-related systems that are environmental control

system, flight control system and power generation system. Each subsystem is linked with one or

more technologies as shown in figure. The various components of the technologies need to be

developed in a collaborative manner.

Conceptual System layout

The designers can utilize different tools while analyzing and allocating so that the system level

functions can be explored properly. the Conceptual aircraft vehicle engineering (CAVE) tool is

used to develop the conceptual design of the aircraft (Mane, Crossley and Nusawardhana, 2007).

For developing a collaborative tool, the following tasks are undertaken.

Requirement identification

The inputs are constituted on the basis of aircraft level (speed, engine thrust etc.), system level

(topology of the system) and component level (performance and efficiency of each component)

(Morelli and Smith, 2009).

Decomposition of the system:

The main system is decomposed into various different systems which can be independent (take

input from the users) or dependent (depends on the output from the other system) (Mane,

Crossley and Nusawardhana, 2007).

Defining interfaces

It is essential to utilize a usual interface within the systems for instance power consumed by each

system act as the interface between systems (SUAREZ and SINGH, 1992). Thus, the features of

the system define the interfaces between various components.

Modeling approach

Once the design of the system is finalized the modelling of the system is the next important step.

The efficient modelling strategies that motivates different teams to work collectively are

described below:

 The most prominent modelling entity is interface that is important for interaction of

various subsystems. For instance, the flight control systems and environmental

control system are executed on the flight profiles and the units of the power
consumption become input for the power generation system so that the aircraft work

efficiently and effectively.

 Under the inverse models the input and output functions are interchanged with each

other. For example, for the model representation of the physical system the variables

and constants are needed to represent the system. The variables are the values that

keep on changing and constants are the values which remain fix. The inverse models

provide the liberty to choose the various interfaces depending on the objectives

(Roudbari and Saghafi, 2016).

 The inheritance features can be utilized to develop the models for the conceptual

phase so that the models can expand the complexity of the system to the higher level

and on the detailed design stages the models can be reused.

User interface

For the development of the Acme air aircraft system the developers use a collaborative tool

which is effective to increase the efficiency of all the engineers and bring all engineers in order

to work together. The tool used is capable of handling all the issues and complexities that occurs

due to collaborations. The developers opt for the Microsoft Excel collaborative tool for Acme

Air. The reasons of the choice are described below:

 Excel helps to present the concurrent correction of the documents as they are stored on

the common network.

 It is the most common tool and almost all the engineers are familiar with this tool.
 The communication feature obtained through Component Object Model (COM) of the

excel helps the engineer to work on different engineering tools simultaneously (Safavi et

al., 2013).

 The Design Structure Matrix tool of the Microsoft Excel helps the engineers to specify

the requirement easily.

System Architecture Design (Configuration)

This section of the report provides collaborative design of the aircraft system. The number of

configurations may be variant for the different aircrafts. The complete architecture of the aircraft

system basically contains the following attributes:

 A cross breed system that is important for cooling the vapor cycle system. The system

must contain the elements that helps to provide the cooling for heat generation systems.

 In order to provide the power, the power generation system is needed that contains one

variable speed constant frequency (Guenov et al., 2016).

 the number of Flight Control Actuation Systems should be seven which are implemented

using different technologies like EHA (Electro Hydro Actuation) and EMA (Electro

Mechanical Actuation).

System Requirements

The main requirements of the Acme Air system that need to be fulfilled in order to meet the

needs of the stakeholders as well as the users are described in this section of the report. The
engineers must focus on the requirements in order to make the aircraft system a successful

project. The main requirements are described below:

Operate from Class C airports

There are basically five classes of airports that are A, B, C, D and E but the proposed aircraft

system is expected to operate form Class C airports (Dimitriou, 2018). The Class C airports

extends up to 4000 feet surface and these airports are busy and they support the air traffic control

towers. The services are being provided by radar approach control. For the Acme Air aircraft

system, the dimensions should be 4 miles for the inner layer and 9 miles for an outer layer for the

runway. Thus, approximately 1100 feet to 4000 feet surface area must be covered by the airport

in order to simulate the acme air aircraft.

 Provide class-leading comfort to passengers

The system is said to be successful if the passengers provides the positive feedbacks for the

aircraft. Thus, in order to achieve the positive feedback, the care of the passengers is necessary.

the comfortable seats, the availability of the resources, the relevant and accurate services must be

provided to the passengers (Wijaya, Jönsson and Johansson, 2003). The engineers must take full

care of the material used for developing the aircraft.

Turn the aircraft around in less than 30 minutes

The aircraft developed must be capable of turning around in 30 minutes. The complete procedure

of unloading passengers as well as luggage including refueling and maintaining aircraft and

again the arrival of aircraft from terminal to runway must not take more than half an hour of

time. The rest turn around functions should also be covered in that thirty minutes of time period.

The system must perform according to the predefined standards and specifications. The

performance is measured on the basis of variant values. The response in the checklists must be

positive in order to increase the performance of the system (SCHULTZ and ZAGALSKY, 1972).


Thus, it is crystal clear from the above report the replacing the medium size aircraft will be

beneficial and the engineers must take care of the needs of the stakeholders and the requirements

of the system. The conceptual design presented in the report describes the collaboration tools

need to be used by the engineers to develop an aircraft system and the interface for enhancing

performance of the system.


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6. Morelli, E. and Smith, M., 2009. Real-Time Dynamic Modeling: Data Information

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