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Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: Grade 6 Learning Area: English Quarter: I Duration: 50 minutes

Learning Area/s Integrated: Araling Panlipunan, Arts, Science and Mathematics
Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)
Multidisciplinary Interdisciplinary √ Transdisciplinary

I. Focused Learning Competencies (LC)

ENG6RC-Ic-6.5,6.6,6.7 determine tone, mood and purpose of the author
II. Focused GAD principle/s to be Integrated promote safe and secure communities for all
regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or religion
III. Intended Learning Outcomes

III. Focused Learning Competency(LC)

ENG6RC-Ic-6.5,6.6,6.7 determine tone, mood and purpose of the author
Knowledge explain the meaning of mood in a reading text
Skills determine the mood of the text given
Attitude manifest sensitivity to the feelings of others
Values show concern for others
V. Learning Content/s Determining the tone, mood, and purpose of the author
Concept Mood is the emotion a selection/text arouses in a reader.
Through words, an author may create moods of despair,
sadness, violence, peace, fear, happiness, and mystery.
References Curriculum Guide, Rainbows in English 6 by Alicia R. Bambico, pp. 155-158, English for Global Communication Grade 6
by Jaquilyn T. Belagan, pp. 94-105, An Integrated Reading
and Language Series English Links Grade 6, pp. 370-374
DRRE demonstrate disaster preparedness and mitigation actions

based on given situations (typhoon signals)
IMs flash cards, pictures & charts
VI. Learning Experiences (5 Es)
Engage Making Faces
(5 minutes)
Note: Teacher shows video clips of the given situations.
SAY: Show your feelings through facial expressions when
you see the following situations.
fallen trees
raging sea
house on fire
worms on a dead cat
rainy day

ASK: What have you noticed to the situations you have just
Possible Answer: I have noticed that the situations show
things that happen during a typhoon.

SAY: Today, we are going to read a story about a family that

experienced typhoon. But before reading the story, let us first
familiarize some words in the text.

Unlocking of Difficulties
Directions: Give the correct meaning of the words on the
table by filling it with the correct picture and definition.

Vocabulary Picture Meaning

1. field an open area with

grass like a park
or farm

2. typhoon a severe weather

event with rain
and violent
whirling wind

3. string a strong thin rope
made by twisting
very thin threads
used for fastening
or tying things

4. amazed a feeling of being


5. Typhoon signal are warning

signals for areas
affected by a

The pictures and definition of the difficult terms are posted on

the board. The pupils are to choose the correct picture and
definition and place it on the table presented above.
Explore Group Activity
(15 minutes)
Teacher distributes activity cards containing the reading text
and questions to be answered.
Directions: Read the story silently. Then answer the questions
given. Choose a reporter to present your answers to the class.
In a small barangay of Cebu, there lived Jose and his
younger sister Pilar with their family. One Saturday afternoon of
November, Pilar and her brother Jose were playing in the field
near their house. Pilar and Jose spent their weekend flying
kites. Pulling the string of the kites as they went up the sky gave
them the thrill. Pilar helped her Kuya in designing the kites with
colorful materials. She was amazed seeing them glide with the
“Pilar! Jose!” shouted Pilar’s mother.
“Come, get inside the house!”
“Wait Mama, Kuya and I still want to fly kites,” answered

A barangay tanod, the Municipal Disaster-Risk Reduction
In-Charge and their Purok Leader went from house to house
announcing about the coming typhoon. Signal Number 2 was
raised in their municipality with maximum sustained wind of
61-120 kph and was expected within 24 hours.
Suddenly, a strong wind blew their kites away, tearing
them to pieces.
Then, drops of rain started to fall until a downpour soaked
the earth. Pilar and Jose rushed toward their house.
“Brrr…! I’m so cold,” trembled Jose.
“Come Pilar and Jose, let us pray for the safety of
everyone in our town,” exclaimed mother.
Answer the following questions:
1. Who are the characters in the story?
Answer: Pilar, Jose and mother
2. What is the setting of the story?
Answer: In a small barangay in Cebu, one Saturday in
3. How did Pilar and her Kuya spend their weekend?
Answer: Pilar and Jose spent their weekend flying kites.
4. Who were the community helpers mentioned in the story?
What was the information being passed around by the
community helpers?
Answer: The community helpers mentioned were barangay
tanod, Municipal Disaster-Risk Reduction In-charge and Purok
The information being passed around was that a
typhoon signal number 2 was raised in their municipality with
maximum sustained wind of 61-120 kph and was expected
within 24 hours.
5. Why is it important to listen to our parents?
Possible Answer: We should listen to our parents because they

know what is best for us.
6. What should we do when a typhoon signal is raised in our
Possible Answer: We should follow safety measures before,
during and after a typhoon.
(Please refer to attached appendix.)
Fill the table below with safety measures to be followed before,
during and after a typhoon. List at least 3 safety measures in
each column.

Safety Measures Safety Measures Safety Measures

Before a Typhoon During a Typhoon After a Typhoon

Explain Publishing of Group Outputs

(15 minutes) Pupils present their group answers on the questions given
during the exploration phase.

1. What emotion or mood is shown in the following
statements? (Let the pupils show the mood of the statements
through their facial expressions.)

a. “Pilar! Jose!” shouted Pilar’s mother.

Answer: worry/anxiety
b. Pulling the string of the kites as they went up the
sky gave them the thrill.
Answer: happiness/ excitement/thrill
c. She was amazed seeing them glide with the
Answer: amazement/happiness/thrill
d. A strong wind blew their kites away, tearing

them to pieces.
Answer: sadness
2. What then is a mood? How can we identify the mood of
a text read?
Possible Answer:
A mood is the emotion a selection/text arouses in a
reader. Through words, an author may create moods of despair,
sadness, violence, peace, fear, happiness and mystery.

Teacher helps pupils deepen understanding through a
lecturette on determining the mood of a given text and
typhoon signals and safety measures to observe before, during
and after a typhoon.

1. What is mood? How can we identify the mood of a

2. What are the 5 typhoon signals? What safety
measures should we observe if signal no.1 is raised in
our area? signal no. 2? signal no. 3? signal no. 4? signal
no. 5?
3. How can we promote safe and secure communities
before, during and after a typhoon?
Elaborate Paint Me a Picture
(10 minutes)
Pupils are grouped into 5. They are to act out the mood of
the given situations while one member writes the mood on the
meta card. The group with the most convincing and appropriate
mood earns a point. First group to score 3 points wins the

1. Strong wind shook the shanties and small nipa huts in the
barangay. Lightning and thunder seemed to run after each
other. The people prayed for the typhoon to pass.
The mood of the text is ________.
2. After the typhoon, Pilar’s family lost their house and most of
their belongings.
The mood of the text is________.
3. The people in the barangay helped each other rebuild their
houses after a strong typhoon destroyed them.

The mood of the text is________.
Possible Answers:
1. fear 2. sadness 3. hopefulness

Evaluate A. Identify the mood of the given selection. Choose the

(5 minutes) appropriate mood from the box below. Then answer the
question after each given text.
excitement sorrow fear

surprise anger happiness

1. It was the first day of school. Alex and Jenny packed

their bags with the new school supplies that their
mother bought. They liked the color and design of
their new bags. They couldn’t wait to see who their
classmates would be.
Tone: __________
How can Alex and Jenny show their gratitude to their
parents? __________

2. It was Jose’s first time in kindergarten class. Going up

the stairs, Jose’s heart beat faster while his knees
trembled. He could not let go of his mother’s hand.
Tone: __________
How can we overcome our fears? __________

3. Amy wanted to listen to their teacher during class

discussion but could not focus because Anna kept
pulling her hair.
Tone: ___________
What should Amy do to stop Anna from pulling her
hair? __________

4. Susan’s mother passed away last night. Susan couldn’t

help her tears from falling.
Tone: ___________
What should we do when we lose a loved one?
5. Sarah wanted to join the cooking contest in school.
She practiced with the help of her mother. During
contest day, Sarah could not wait for the contest to
Tone: __________
What can you say about Sarah? __________

Possible Answers:
1. excitement
Alex and Jenny can show their gratitude to their parents
by studying well. (Answer may vary.)
2. fear
We can overcome our fears by praying and facing our
Fears. (Answer may vary.)
3. anger
Amy should tell Anna to stop pulling her hair
Politely. (Answer may vary.)
4. sorrow/sadness
We should try to be strong and reflect on the things
our lost loved one wanted for us. (Answer may vary.)
5. excitement
Sarah is someone we should follow because of her
Good character. (Answer may vary.)

VII. Learning Enablement Make a poster showing safety measures before, during and
(2minutes) after a typhoon.
Group 1- before a typhoon
Group 2- during a typhoon
Group 3- after a typhoon


Category 5 pts. 4 pts. 3 pts.

Content Showed at least 5 safety Showed at least 3 safety Showed at least 1-2 safety
measures before, during measures before, during measures before, during
or after a typhoon. or after a typhoon. or after a typhoon.
Aesthetics/Creativity The poster is exceptionally The poster is attractively The poster is fairly
designed. designed. designed.

Teacher’s Reflection (Refer to DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016)

Prepared by:

Master Teacher I
Cordova Central School, Cordova District

Master Teacher I
Maya National High School, Daanbantayan District II

Master Teacher I
San Remigio National High School, San Remigio I

Reviewed by: Verified:


Education Program Supervisor-English Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Recommending Approval:


Assistant Schools Division Superintendent



Schools Division Superintendent

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