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Name(s)_____________________________________ Class: ___________________________

3-D Cell Analogy Project

GOAL: Model how a cell works by creating a miniature model that represents all the cell parts
and how they function and how the parts interact. LS 1-2

My Cell structure will be of a: ____________________________

MATERIALS: (these are just suggestions – you can use almost anything – BE CREATIVE!)
Getting started:
1. Research all of the parts of the cell and how they function by completing the organelle
definition matching page
2. Choose 1 thing that you think functions like a cell and has parts that are similar to cell parts.
This will be your cell simile.
3. Match all the parts of the cell to parts of your simile. For example, if you were doing a cell as
a city, you would say, “the nucleus is like the city hall because the city hall controls everything
in the city and gives the city instructions, just like the nucleus has the instructions and directs a
cell what to do.”
4. Create a rough draft of your 3D model on paper and create a list of materials you need to
get from home (or what your teacher can provide).
5. Start building your simile using all of your materials.
 The similes you create for each part must focus on the function of each cell part...not what
the parts look like
 For full credit, the parts of your simile must interact with each other just how the parts of
cells interact with each other.
 The location of some parts of the cell must be similar to certain parts of your simile structure
in order to truly make sense. Not all parts need a specific location.
 Don’t procrastinate… you know who you are. Yeah you!

CELL SIMILES Overall analogy I will use: Cells are like a ______________________
Example Simile: The Principal is like the nucleus because the principal controls and directs all actions of a
school just like a nucleus controls and directs all actions for the cell.
1. The _______________ is like the nucleus because it ____________________________________________
_______________________ just like the nucleus__________________________________________________.

2. The _______________ is like the cell membrane because it_______________________________________

______________________ just like the cell membrane ____________________________________________.

3. The ______________ is like the endoplasmic reticulum because it __________________________________

_______________________ just like the endoplasmic reticulum ____________________________________.

4. The ______________ is like the ribosomes because _____________________________________________

_____________________ just like the ribosomes _________________________________________________.

5. The _______________ is like the nuclear membrane because _____________________________________

_______________________ just like the nuclear membrane ________________________________________.

6. The _______________ is like the nucleolus because _____________________________________________

______________________ just like the nucleolus _________________________________________________.

7. The _______________ is like the cytoplasm because ____________________________________________

____________________ just like the cytoplasm __________________________________________________.

8. The ________________ is like the mitochondria because ________________________________________

______________________ just like the mitochondria _____________________________________________.

9. The _______________ is like the Golgi bodies because __________________________________________

_____________________ just like the Golgi bodies _______________________________________________.

10. The chloroplast does ______________________________________________ ______________________


11. The _______________ is like the lysosomes because __________________________________________

______________________ just like the lysosomes ________________________________________________.

12. The _________________ is like a vacuole because ____________________________________________

_____________________ just like a vacuole _____________________________________________________.
Rough Draft:
Materials Needed: Design (draw on scratch paper if necessary)

CRITERIA Not Poor Average Excellent
present (incomplete or (item is present (clear
done incorrectly but does not show understanding of
at parts) clear the concept is
0 pts
1-8 pts understanding of present. Student’s
concept) ideas reflect a
9-17 pts deeper
understanding of
the cell functions)
18 – 25 pts

Similes worksheet is filled out

accurately and thoroughly discusses
the similarities between your
analogies and cell parts. Rough

3D Model is organized logically,

neatly, and creatively. Parts are all
distinguishable between each other.
All organelles and cell parts are
present in the cell model and
labeled correctly (organelle and

3D model demonstrates
understanding of how some cell
parts work together.

TOTAL: ________ / 100pts

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